Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful for a busy sober day.
I’m grateful for a day of supply teaching. Also grateful that it has confirmed to me that I can’t teach full time now and have made the right choice to mostly tutor online.
I’m grateful I am enjoying my new job and that I have another part time job starting next week.
I’m grateful this means our money situation will improve again. It was a bit of a risky leap into the unknown but I think I can see that it will work.
I’m grateful for baked potatoes, the ultimate comfort food.
I’m grateful for a less heavy heart today.
I’m grateful for choosing life and growth and acceptance through this journey.


@i.cant.we.can How was work for you? Hope your back is feeling better.

@pattycake so grateful that you and your sister were able to re-unite and celebrate your brother. :people_hugging: I too am grateful for all things fall (apples, pumpkins, Halloween, fall colors – enjoy this lovely season).

Grateful to read this and see you doing better :hugs: Yeah to a new man bag and another more practical one for everyday use :wink: Norma time is just around the corner.

Oh Kiki – I am so grateful for this! SO happy that she is doing well at this new school. Grateful for your supply teaching job and doing what you can do and love doing. Congrats on the other part time job as well.

@cjp beautiful pics CJ and I do hope you start getting more help at work and at home. :people_hugging: Love blue lace agate :heart:

Lol – not sure why it took so long. Just grateful to have you with us here :hugs:

YEAH! This is awesome. I too am in love with my juicer and love being able to drink my meals and still get the nutrition I need. Much love on this beautiful chilly autumn evening.


Tuesday evening gratitude’s! I feel like its been a minute since i’ve posted my gratitude’s here. I have tried to post at least the list of 5 on the other thread but really not sure what’s been keeping me from listing them on paper. I am so damn grateful :hugs:

I am so grateful for having enough energy to have tackled on the fixing up of the house and got it all done! Grateful to have it officially on the market for rent today. I am grateful that being at the house and working on chores / yard work really brought on urges (like my mind instantly made connections of this is where we drank and this is where we take a break to smoke etc). The urges were easy enough to shrug off - thankfully.
I am so grateful for my family and all their support! Grateful that i got to spend some quality one on one time with my brother on Sunday. Grateful for my mom and our morning coffee time.
I am so grateful that I was able to take a 1/2 hour nap today. I found myself feeling super tired and I am grateful that i didn’t need to check out for the rest of the day.
I am so grateful for hoodies, coffee, dark chocolate!
I am so grateful that i still have hope for horror movies (that i have not been totally ruined and am numb to the genre). so far nothing seems to be phasing me.
I am so grateful for mediation and prayer. Grateful for mindful breathing techniques.
I am so grateful that i am able to work from home for next few days - working on accounting. My back and legs are eternally grateful for this.
I am so grateful for nut butters! Grateful for Kind bars and grateful for Alkaline water.
I am so grateful for this community and all of you beautiful souls! Grateful to have been here reading your gratitude’s.
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for my morning coffee (3 cups :grimacing:). I’m feeling exhaused lately.

I’m grateful for a solid night’s sleep, even though my mind has been racing lately. I need to get back to meditation.

I’m grateful my weekend getaway with friends did not derail my sobriety. When I was passed the drinks menu, I said no, thank you, I’m having something else. Had a nice mocktail, tart and colorful. I’m grateful I still could feel the high and laughter of simply being with friends I like, without any additional fuel. I’m grateful I woke up fresh and happy the next day, ready to enjoy a fun packed day with not that much sleep.

I’m grateful for my children and for being more present and patient with them than I’ve probably ever been.

I’m grateful for my hubby, my rock, and for missing him when he is not near. I’m grateful he will be home tomorrow evening.

I’m grateful for all of you!

Have a wonderful day - much love to you all! :heart:


Thank you, this is point of view is helpful!

This morning I realized that the therapy session settled a bit. I’m grateful I don’t have to check and process all at once, some inputs need time to unfold their impact.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My growing sobriety
Relaxing with hubby after work yesterday
Allowing myself to skip the gym
Its hump day
A day without back to back meetings
Inner peace, when it does come around
When i stop trying to fix, manage, and control everything
All of you and this wonderful community

Much love on your journies


Good morning CJ.
Grateful to possibly follow you this morning. It depends on how long winded I am. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful it feels like there’s order in my life when I post after you.
I’m grateful for a lovely day yesterday.
I’m grateful I found my voice again.
I’m grateful I have clean windows.
I’m grateful what I want matters.
I’m grateful I don’t want to be silent anymore to feel safe.
I’m grateful I’m not alone.


I’m grateful for the impulse to invite Charlie over to our home thread of gratitude @Chuckie22 pull up a chair, if you’re willing, with the most grateful bunch of addicts I know.

I’m grateful my back doesn’t hurt much.
I’m grateful my wife didn’t drink yesterday and hopefully probably not drinking today.
I’m grateful for Hope :heart:
I’m grateful my recoveries matters.
I’m grateful for my pets.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful her recovery is her recovery.
I’m grateful I got therapy today.

I’m grateful for my sponsor. Fuck me! Did I jus write that :upside_down_face: I’m grateful I talked to him about a big decision I had to make. I’m grateful I was able to tell him I checked my motives. I’m grateful it will give me serenity to have the hotel get all the liquor, beer, and wine out of our minibar. I’m grateful I’m doing it for me and I don’t have to ask or tell wifey. I’m grateful that won’t prevent or control the alcoholic from drinking. I’m grateful not having booze in the room will give me serenity and I fucking deserve it :heart:

I’m grateful to share with you all. Glad you’re here.

“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”
Lionel Hampton*


WoW! Most excellent post @Dazercat, Eric! I always find your posts so dang uplifting :grin:
I would be absolutely thrilled to join your home thread, thank-you so much for the invite :purple_heart:
How do I do that now??? Me and technology are not friends so it’s taking me a bit to navigate things here :crazy_face:
Enjoy the day and make the very most of this sober day :grinning:


I’m grateful for:
TS and everyone here, as always!
Another sober day.
A functioning lawnmower, and two functional enough hands I can actually get back out and do yard work. Finally. Two months of grappling with one hand injury and then another, is over!!
Ticking off one thing after another on the to do list while trying not to overdo.
Peace and quiet in the countryside.


Just look for the gratitude thread when you come on.

And join in.
I try and do mine each morning. That works best for me. Some do evening before bed. Sometimes when I’m struggling I just get on here to list what I’m grateful for, for an attitude adjustment. I’m grateful gratitude is such a power tool. Or you could book mark it. Hit the three dots down the bottom right of this post. Or any post. Then there’s a book mark thingy to the right of the flag thingy. Click it! And you got a book mark thingy. Then you got to find it :grimacing:. You can see I’m very tech savvy too. Just keep coming back and you’ll get it down. I’m grateful we were all new once and we’re happy to help.


Done! YaY. Thank-you for the thingy explanation, that’s how I roll :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my sponsor too @Dazercat . I’m grateful for my job and that they are willing to work with me. I’m grateful my body will let me know what it can do. I’m grateful for meditation and guided body scans to point out the obvious, your back is sore, take it easy. I’m grateful that if I do the right thing’s, stay humble, read my devotionals, work with my sponsee’s and sponsor, pray, show up to work God will provide. I’m grateful that starting next week I get to be in the sports department. I’m grateful that suits me very well. I’m grateful that my higher power timed it out so that when I got home after a meeting on Monday feeling sorry for myself and lonely I was brought to grateful tears to see that the department they are putting me in was the one I wanted but didn’t ask for, I simply said whatever you need me to do I will try my best, just for today. I’m grateful my sister lives nearby and has driven me to work and offered to continue doing so as its pretty much on her way to work at the same time every weekday morning. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions and the spiritual principles they instill. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful that its not my fault when a fellow addict goes back out, (sponsee or not) nor is it my responsibility to bring them back. I’m grateful for music and that it connects us all over the world. I’m grateful that my kitten Peace is pawing at the phone wanting all the attention. I’m grateful I could afford to give my friend in recovery, (who also lives down the hall) a gift for his 59th birthday. I’m grateful its ok that he is really a dry drunk somedays, maybe its the Texas cowboy in him. I’m grateful he always has my back since we met on November 12th 2019 while I was in detox. I’m grateful he is going to attend the NA step working group that I am starting this Sunday for me and my community. I’m grateful that I didn’t react instinctively to the lovely lady hitting on me at the meeting last night, I had a friendly chat and then walked away. I’m grateful that my sponsor took my suggestion and we will be starting a group watching and discussing a video series on you tube by Tim Fletcher called Codependency and Complex trauma. I’m grateful it will be hard but with the guidance of my higher power and the serenity prayer I have Acceptance, Courage and some Wisdom. I’m grateful that @JazzyS is here, staying connected and helping others. I’m grateful @Its_me_Stella is working step 7. I’m grateful @Soberbilly offers us opportunities to join his zoom meetings. I’m grateful @M-be-free49 is sober for the dog girl, you both deserve that. I’m grateful just the name @Sunflower1 makes me smile. I’m grateful @Chiron has been joining us on this wonderful home thread. I’m grateful for the clouds in the sky and the birds enjoying the seeds someone left on the patio. I’m grateful for the slogans, this too shall pass and progress not perfection.

May our higher powers relieve us from the bondage of addiction and self.

p.s. You’re crushing it. Ya you!!


Good afternoon.

I am grateful for the lessons I am learning and for the gentle teaching and sometimes not so gentle teaching of the universe. I am grateful to be learning lessons beside someone that I love and trust. I am grateful we can see what we are being taught and are enjoying the ride.

The friend that text me a few days ago about ODing text me last night asking for a ride to a meeting. She was using but that was ok, at least I knew we had an hour or so of her in safety. I am grateful for step 12, and I am grateful that I was with my partner when she asked. Never do a 12th step alone… never. I am grateful for the reminder of how much it sucks out there, how hard it is to get back, and how much I value my freedom of choice.
I am hopeful she will come with me tomorrow to my homegroup, G and I offered her a ride. :pray:



Oof - busy days! I’m grateful I have so far stayed calm and kept my work-life balance in check this cuckoo work week. Grateful that I am learning how to be surrounded by busy-ness, sometimes chaos, lotsa drama, and not lose myself to it or give over to it. Deep beautiful breaths.

I’m grateful for the full day yesterday without any work zoom meetings! Just work! Felt almost like a day at the spa. :crazy_face:

I’m grateful for my Sangha, for Recovery Dharma. Grateful for those zoom meetings. Grateful I am co-facilitating them!

I’m grateful for the long gab with a dear pal. Friend turned fam.

I’m grateful for the dark and quiet in the early mornings. For the tunes that accompanied me throughout the day. For the running chat with a few colleagues that keeps us giggling all day. For my apres-work walk with the dog girl. For the yummy scrambler I made for dinner.

I’m grateful for all of you! Great to see you here, @Chuckie22! And @desert_rose! And all of us.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a good sleep, and a little extra time this morning for coffee and gratitude. I’m grateful I feel the same way when I see you check in @I.cant.We.can ! I’m grateful I have friends who understand addiction. I’m grateful I’m not alone anymore.
I’m grateful for plenty of food in the house, my family’s safety, for having what we need. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Getting my ass to the gym this am
Boscoe cuddles
Ladies aa homegroup tonight
All of you!

Peace and love


A beautiful autumn morning to all my sober friends :hugs:

I am so grateful for all the love in my heart and a pep in my step today. I have an urge to cry but i feel like its a good cry needing to come out. Haven’t been able to release yet but i know i’ve mentally allowed myself to let go.
I am so grateful that my mom called and asked if we had our coffee date this morning - Hell Yeah we do! SO grateful that she has reached out to a friend to reconnect with her spiritual mates in an effort to grow her Sangha.
I am so grateful for my coffee. It is providing me with a comfort today - like a thick warm blanket hugging me and keeping me protected
I am so grateful for comedy, memes, jokes, comics – just laughter in general.
I am so grateful for my indoor cushioned shoes. Make such a difference and really help reduce my pain level when i have to walk.
I am so grateful for good wholesome food. Food filled with amazing healing properties. The knowledge to know which foods to eat for which ailments and which to avoid and which to have with others for full benefit.
I am so grateful for a overcast day which is not too chilly.
I am so grateful for my gluten free bread - think i will try the cinnamon raison this morning
I am so grateful that i mentioned that I had not been as active in my gratitude’s and my mom insisted that i get back to it as it has made a huge difference in my emotional outlook on life.
I am so grateful that I rely on my practices of meditation and prayer to get me through the days and keep me grounded / connected with myself and my surroundings.
I am so grateful for all of you :hugs: Grateful that this community comes together for each and every one here and helps unconditionally. Grateful for all the history in these threads. Thank you all for the non-judgmental loving openness.

Have a wonderful day you beautiful souls - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:

Not my pic but just a cozy picture to share :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hello my wonderful friends! I’m grateful for you guys for checking in on me and caring about me!! It’s funny I got tagged just before we left for Vegas and just when we were returning! I did think about you all a lot on this trip–Vegas can be a challenging place for an alcoholic lol. But! I wasn’t thinking of you guys because I wanted to drink, I was thinking of you guys because navigating situations like this can be difficult and you guys always set the best examples of how to be kind, mindful, and conscious of my responses and reactions and boundaries. Sometimes I felt a little like that cartoon dog meme where his office is in fire and he has his coffee and says “this is fine”, you know? Sometimes I felt crabby when it seemed like everyone was stupid drunk, and I had to remember I certainly couldn’t begrudge people a little tomfoolery after all the shenanigans I’ve pulled, and to hoe my own sober row and not mind other people’s business. This sounds like complaining maybe, but I did have fun and spent plenty of time in the warm sun by the pool, I read a book, I made a scarf, I ate probably my entire bodyweight in cake–so much I almost thought I could never eat cake again (I can though but I need a vegetable so much). I’ve missed checking in with you all and regret not keeping up better but the summer got away with me a bit. Also I’m grateful that today, my first day back, we had my annual review at work and everything was so good! I mean all my work is good but people had the best things to say about me as a human person, and how grateful they are that at the front desk I’m the focal point of our office experience for guests and pretty much everyone and that felt awesome.


G-R-A-T-I-T-U-D-E :grin:

  1. I am grateful for this wonderful weather, which changes tomorrow
  2. I am grateful for my Myers Cocktail IV I got yesterday, I feel phenomenal!
  3. I am grateful I was able to send my friend flowers a province away when her kitty passed away.
  4. I am grateful for the support I am receiving with whole hearted intention from my husband, friends and everyone in this community
  5. I am grateful for my new found sobriety :purple_heart:
    We can achieve everything we set our minds to :muscle:

I’m grateful I caught up here on my home thread while the old boy was sleeping on me and I petted him. He needed his human, I was away for 2 nights this week.

I’m grateful I just fell into my bed in my city home yesterday after group therapy. I wouldn’t even have made it to the highway with open eyes. I’m grateful this is the third week in a row that I say: If I survive this week I’ll survive everything. Life is incredibly busy atm and very exhausting. I’m grateful I’m mostly exhausted in a good way.

Today I’m grateful the appointment with the expert doing the valuation of the farm went well. I’m grateful I was only a bit grumpy, I really can’t stand this old-white-man attitude not listening to a women on technical stuff. grrrrr … The ex was civil. Always astonishing how much he can chat with complete strangers and I have to draw every tiny bit of information from his nose. Let go and let God. I’m grateful I’m away on a workshop the next two days so I won’t see him when I’m home. I definitely had enough ex in the last 8 days :see_no_evil:

I’m grateful the court appointment in the afternoon went very well. I always like to watch people dig their own grave, especially fullblown assholes and liars. I also like it when my excellent lawyer plucks such people like a chicken. I’m grateful my testimony was really good. It pays off to stick to the truth - and keep notes. This case is closed. Hopefully.

I’m grateful Tiglat and Missi sleep on and beside me. I’ve been snuggling my old boy for about 1,5 hours, now I move from couch to bed.

I’m grateful I don’t have to drive anywhere on sunday, I’m really looking forward to a day at home.
I’m grateful for takeaway food.
I’m grateful life seems to move on at last. I’m grateful I’m too tired to feel anxious about it, one step after another does the trick. ODAAT :pray: