Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful for the sky on busy days, just taking time out to breath and look up for a while helps me to calm myself down.
I’m grateful for good food and enjoying cooking today.
I’m grateful for herbal teas, I’ve just got a new pukka tea called ‘joy’ and it’s…joyful :blush:
I’m grateful for my big dog, he is the perfect radiator on cooler mornings.
I’m grateful for safety and shelter.
I’m grateful for the safety and shelter I feel here, in this community, too.


oh you must feel relieved! Grateful it went well and is finally behind you! Hopefully - keeping my fingers crossed


I’m grateful for the wonderful people I have been able to get to know before they reached the clearing at the end of the path. As I watch the sun drop low in the sky for yet another, I’m grateful there is stil a little time left before their light ceases to shine, and our own little worlds are just a little darker for the loss.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful…

Its friday, payday!
My sobriety, 80 days free from all bad addictions
Found a few old vapes cleaning and didnt use em. Said fuck you satan and trashed em. Even though i wanted to hit em.
Hubby helping with chores
Taking my health seriously
Halloclean speaker and dance saturday
Therapy tomorrow
Hubbys love
Boscoes love
Did i mention its friday?
Inner strength
Inner peace…those fleeting moments
This amazing community

Adjust your capes sobriety superhumans


Good morning good buddies! I’m grateful for a beautiful new day and a warm new cardigan with cats on it! I’m secretly grateful my brother pushed back our dnd session so I can have a day to try to get my s*** together and unpack after vacation. I’m regular grateful he and his fiancee stay at our house with their puppy and take such wonderful care of our doggies while we’re gone. I’m grateful it’s Friday and I can take a couple days to rest and get myself back to normal, my diet and sleep are all messed up but it was fun and I’m really really grateful to have a partner who is caring and considerate and supportive of my sobriety. I’m grateful for a good and comfortable life, and for apparently a whole bunch of people who care about me and think I’m pretty cool! Let’s hope they never wise up. :joy::joy:


Today I’m grateful for my 100th sober day. Without you dear people at TS I don’t think I’d have gotten here, I’m so grateful for you all. There is strength in community for sure.
Im grateful the deer are having a field day out in my garden eating the veggies we aren’t eating, and all the fallen apples as well.
I’m grateful for the renewed connection with my sister and my niece. We had a lovely visit last weekend and I look forward to seeing them more often.
I’m grateful for long walks in pretty places on these cool fall days.
I’m grateful for flannel sheets.
I’m grateful for hot coffee in the morning. It’s decaf, but still lovely.


Congratulations on your 100 days!


Thank you :pray:


Congratulations woman! This is fantastic. Enjoy your day :grin:


Thank you very much!


I’m grateful for Lobby Coffee.
I’m grateful we made it to Big D.
I’m grateful for room service.
I’m grateful for my croissant buddy. I’m bringing her a croissant :croissant: she had her first croissant with grandpa over the summer. I’m grateful that’s going to be a thing.
I’m grateful wifey got 7 days.
I’m grateful she told me some day she plans on having a glass of Chardonnay, but not this weekend here in Dallas. I’m grateful my heart sunk. I’m grateful it just reenforced my commitment to my recoveries. Just because the alcoholic in my life isn’t drinking doesn’t me I don’t have to go to Al-Anon. I’m grateful I can keep my army strong and in shape. I’m grateful maybe she won’t have that glass she was talking about. I’m grateful to fuck what ifs!
I’m grateful she knows about HALT
I’m grateful it’s a cool 63 degrees in Big D.
I’m grateful for our view even if they are building a high rise right out there.
I’m grateful for air travel.
I’m grateful my wife opened up to me about how sad she is. I’m grateful I could just listen.
I’m grateful I’m going to best the best listener ever!! The addict inside me can have that gold medal. Take over pal. Listen more and harder and better than anyone else.
I’m grateful I got to sleep in and not worry about exercising or anything but getting to my baby girls house. I’m grateful we are going to the same pumpkin patch as last year when she couldn’t walk. I’m grateful she’s toddling now. I can’t wait to see her.
I’m grateful to share happiness and sadness and all the emotions in between. Neither good nor bad just feelings that come and go when we let them.
I’m grateful that sounds :thinking: pretty good. I’m grateful I’ll just make that my quote today.
:purple_heart: :pray:t2: :croissant: :heart: :jack_o_lantern: :black_heart:


I’m grateful for CBD because it’s lessening my withdrawal symptoms from marijuana.

I’m thankful for my health, I have had my health on high priority for the last 10 years. even in the midst of addictions I was otherwise taking good care of my body.

I’m thankful for my body the way it is. I’m really petite 5’10” (mostly legs) and 125lbs. I was so insecure about it as a teenager. I wanted to be bigger and stronger to impress women and to feel more confident around men. My ideas about what women want were seriously mixed up by pornography. I’ve come to a much more positive body image now. I’ve realized that different women have different preferences and some like me the way I am.

I’m thankful that I made finding God a high priority in my early 20s, I was on a really bad trajectory without Christ.

I’m thankful for fellow recoverers. I have a friend who is doing well against a severe porn addiction and he pointed me towards Jack Trimbley’s work (Addictive Voice Recognition Technique). Both of us are Orthodox Christians and have tried AA/12 step and found that it isn’t congruent with our religious beliefs.


Congratulations on your 100 days of freedom Patty :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:
I never would have gotten where I am either without this magical place TS. I’m so happy you found us. :pray:t2::heart:


Thank you, Eric! I’m so glad I found this place, and you are such an inspiration and a help. Thank you soooooo much!:heart::heart:


Good morning. :sparkles:

I am grateful that my mom was born today 74 years ago. I am grateful that she has had a beautiful life thus far. The first summer I got clean and I was working on my steps I asked her if she had ever felt shame, she replied “No…” Everyone calls my mom an angel on earth, I am grateful to have her as my mother. I can see clearly today and I watch her grow a lot. I am grateful for this opportunity to be a witness to the spiritual awakenings of my own mom.

My dad is feeling too weak to do family dinners anymore, I am grateful to be clean so that I can do this for my family. I feel blessed to have enough to feed a party of 5 a beautiful meal. I am grateful that I followed my gut when I thought I was overbuying racks of ribs when they were on sale. The universe knew I would need them. (Thank you :pray: :sparkles:)
I am grateful that I can overcome my ED when I cook for other people.

I am grateful for the quick glimpse of pink streaked sky I saw at sunrise and for the notification I recieved that a loan I had given was paid back. I am practicing the principles of faith, trust and discernment daily and I am so grateful for them.


Hell yeah ya chucked them. Satan can fuck off. Halloclean speaker and dance??? This sounds amazing! Have a blast

@Pattycake kicking ass and I just have to say again how awesome it is having you with us and seeing your triple digits is making my heart dance. Way to go!

@Dazercat croissant buddy🥰 I love it! Hope you both enjoyed! Grateful for wifey having 1week sober!!! For today this is amazing - who knows what the future holds.

@Cpwalsh94 grateful for your sobriety - your healthy mindset for eating habits and body image. Grateful that you have found a path that works for you. Grateful to have you here with us.

@Its_me_Stella happy birthday to your mom Stella. Grateful that you are close enough to celebrate this day. Wishing all goes well with your meal celebration :confetti_ball:.


Today I saw some of you returning here after they fell off the wagon, like I did over a year ago.
This reminded me of how I felt back then, and how indestructible and secure I felt before I relapsed.

I still watch the beast, every day. It’s still there.
I’m grateful that I’m still there too, standing strong and proud :heart:


Thanks Jasmine, you’re so kind, one of my guardian angels!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Friday afternoon gratitude’s
I am so grateful for a lovely start to my day with my mom. Our coffee time is absolutely amazing. I am blessed to have such loving and caring people in my life. The unconditional love they offer is a gift
I am so grateful I was able to get my errands done and still have time to run back home to grab my furnace and humidifier filters. I have the furnace being cleaned today at my rental - waiting around for the tech now. Hopefully he will show up soon… don’t want to wait till 5. I am grateful that I did plan ahead and brought my lunch with me.
I am so grateful that I was able to eat something and keep it down. My run in last night with bad kombucha really did a number in my tummy. My mouth and teeth feel funny too. How was throwing up after a drunken night so damn acceptable?
I am so grateful for water. It really is hitting the right spot today
I am so grateful that I did catch up on a lot of accounting work last night. Should be able to wrap it up today.
I am so grateful that I am going to try and go into work tomorrow. Hopefully not too overwhelming for me. Family thinks I need to engage with real life humans more …they may be right :joy: shall see. I can work through the pain and other symptoms but it’s super difficult when the fatigue hits.
I am so grateful for the lovely color changes. At my brother’s house the trees are still 90% green…here I see all sorts of color and I’m in heaven
I am so grateful that I am strong enough to shoo away the urges. Grateful they are not as difficult to deal with as they were in the beginning. Grateful the brain fog has lifted (at least I think it has :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
I am so grateful for my meditation/ prayer. Grateful that I am able to center myself and find the positive in a situation.
I am so grateful for this community! Grateful for our connections… grateful that we can lean on each other and not feel judged. Grateful for this site being so damn active day and night. So many beautiful souls finding comfort here.
Sending all you beautiful souls so much love :kissing_heart::heart::heart:


Grrrrrrrrratitude! :+1:

  1. I am Grateful for my Psychology app this morning, my new Therapist is Amazing! It is a good fit for me. :ok_hand:
  2. I am so Grateful I got to have tea and a visit with an great friend. :purple_heart:
  3. I am Grateful my hubby came home earlier today and we are having a lovely roasted chicken for dinner. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  4. I am Grateful for my energy and happiness I am experiencing. :grin:
  5. I am Grateful for the sun shining and the Universe working with me for a change. :sunrise_over_mountains: