Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Hey buddy! I’m sorry you’re feeling weird. I’m not sure what type of meaningful virtual gesture would be helpful so you can choose: double finger guns and encouragement; sort of sideways rubbing your back between your shoulderblades and something comforting; or an offer to punch the face off of whatever or whoever is bothering you. People don’t think I could punch the face off of things but I watch a LOT of fighting anime so I’ve got the theory down for sure.


Hello friends! I’m grateful for my morning coffee. I have been struggling a bit to get back into the swing of things after vacation and the fall season (read descent into near perpetual darkness) is always a bit tough as well. I’m grateful for my woodshop class tonight, and I’m grateful that my work lets me work from home when I need to so I can take care of my furry little buddies. I’m grateful for my wonderful friends, which includes you all, my loving family, and my sweet man and the home we’ve made. I’m grateful I’m almost done with this granny square blanket! I’m on my last square you guys, the end is in sight!


Thanks @Frazzetta love it


Beautifully said! Congratulations :two_hearts:


All right my dude! Double guns coming atcha! You are always kind and encouraging to people here, and every time I’m on you’re sharing your wonderful self with others to brighten their day and I’m totes here for it. You also stay very focused on your goals and work hard at them, which is inspiring to me because I have goals but also love sleeping and eating cake. Sometimes days and feelings be weird, but you are not weird and the days and feelings will pass!


I’m grateful to be home and doing my recovery readings and of course getting exactly what I need. I’m grateful when I took Benson out this morning I stopped to see all the small faint clouds in the dark sky and could still see the stars dotting the darkness. I’m grateful I heard the owl in the distance. I’m grateful for all the sleep I got last night.

I’m grateful ALL my readings really did set me straight this morning. I’m grateful for todays Courage To Change. I’m grateful I’m a Birch Tree. I love The Birch.

I’m grateful to learn it’s ok for me to feel stressed. I don’t have to be strong and defensive, especially when someone mentions I’m stressed. And them someone else mentions it. I’m grateful next time, instead of being so tough and strong and defensive I could always say……”Fuck Ya I’m Stressed!” :disappointed_relieved: see what happens. I WAS pretty fucking stressed.

I’m grateful for obsessive thinking and still being able to sleep and working out answers to my issues. Only because of my grateful recoveries and meditation and breathing tools am I gratefully able to do this.

I’m grateful I will protect my sober date at all cost and that thought doesn’t bother me. I’m grateful I never wanted to “test the waters,” and today I don’t want to either. And probably won’t be testing them tomorrow. It’s not my thing. I’m grateful I’m too happy with my sobriety and my recoveries. I’m grateful for skull crushing hangovers :face_with_head_bandage: I’m grateful if I continue my recovery I never have to have one again.

I’m grateful to be back to my recovery routine at home. Grateful I got therapy today. And my home group meeting. And I’m most grateful for my home group thread of the of the most grateful badass recovery friends ever :mending_heart:
We got this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
Lao Tzu


Me too! My childhood nightmare came to life. :scream:

Thank you for this! You’re such a kind soul, Billy. :people_hugging:

Already sent via PayPal :rofl:

Grateful for you, Billy!


It’s time for he 'Tude … Gratitude that it :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Today I am Grateful for new Vacuum Cleaner :metal:
    I Love This Thing!!!
  2. I am Grateful for my body and brain that are finally on the same.oath together to get me through this alcohol dependency situation.
  3. I am Grateful for the support and kindness of other, known and unknown. Every bit of connection helps :purple_heart:
  4. I am Grateful to have grown such abundance in the garden this year so I can share it with others ( another trip to the Food Bank today :+1:)
  5. I am Grateful for the pudgy, sassy squirrel that entertains me.bybswinging in the bird feeder … every day! :rofl:
    Sometimes it’s just little things that deserve Gratitude too.
    Keep strong my People.:purple_heart:

I’m grateful you’re grateful for your vacuum. Second time you’ve mentioned it. Must be a really good one. I too love a good vacuum that sucks!
Is it a Miele?
Oh gosh we are old if we are talking about vacuums being the hit of our day.
I’m grateful we’re not talking or chatting about colonoscopies :scream: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Glad you’re here.


Ha Ha … No shit hey :rofl::rofl::rofl:
It is a Shark Cordless Pet Vacuum and it totally SUCKS!!
In the best way of course.
I killed the last one ( Johnny Q Vac didn’t suck) so he got tossed!
I’m glad you are here as well :grin:


truly grateful that we are past the colonoscopies :rofl:
A cordless shark is amazing! I love it so very much. just got my parents a shark that does not tangle. best purchase ever! @Chuckie22 grateful you are enjoying your shark vaccuum.


Tuesday night gratitude’s with my sober friends…
I am so grateful that i had time to go back to sleep this morning as i was not ready to face the day at 6 am. Grateful that i hit the ground running at 8 am when i did finally wake up.
I am so grateful that coffee hit the spot (it rarely ever fails me).
I am so grateful that i was able to do a slew of baking today for the restaurant. Got it all done, cooled, individually packaged and labeled. Grateful that i cleaned as i worked so was I was not left with a mess.
I am so grateful that I was able to visit with my mom and see my aunt / uncle as they are heading back to Iran this week. I was meant to go back this afternoon but my fatigue was high and i had to recharge for 3 hours. I am so grateful that my mom understood and told me to rest.
I am so grateful that i was able to work through everything my body is going through.
I am so grateful that i am needed to work the full shift at the hospital tomorrow. It will suck being on my feet for so long - I am grateful that I’m ok with pre-emptively taking some pain meds.
I am so grateful that I made a lovely spicy cajun beans and rice. I am so grateful that my stomach handled it fine - slowly repairing my stomach lining so that is progress!
I am so grateful that i am in bed now catching up on TS. Grateful that my legs are resting as they are on fire. I am so grateful for my house shoes (these Sketcher memory foam slip ons are amazing)… feel like i’m waking on air.
I am so grateful for this community - grateful for the support here.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all much love :heart: :heart:


Good evening friends,
I’m grateful for a pretty dang good day. I managed to be fairly productive without feeling like I was in a race. I faced some things that have been causing me some anxiety- just lifey things that I kept putting off because they were slightly stressful, and that created a situation of waking up at 3 am or so feeling a little panicky. Felt to close to the old hangxiety of the before time (hope you don’t mind if I borrow that @M-be-free49 ), so I faced it. I’d rather that than ever go back to feeling like I used to.
I’m grateful for an overcast, cool, breezy day. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness, and for a community where I belong❤️


Atta girl @JazzyS !! Sounds like you had a very productive day and are taking care of yourself. Seriously try that Aloe Vera Juice if you are working on your gut health, doing wonders for me.
Hope your shift at the hospital goes well and those legs get a good rest afterwards.
And Yes, that little Shark works fabulously :ok_hand:


Ah thanks love - appreciate you. I do take Aloe Vera Gel daily and juice regularly. I’m sure it has helped some :hugs:


I’m grateful my husband might be able to help with late night cat feeding duty. If it works out, I will finally get to sleep 8 hours without having to get up half way through to feed her highness, though it will require strict diligence on bed and wake times, and a shift in her feeding times.

This is so great. I have always needed about a solid 8-10 hours a night, and several years of two 3-4 hour blocks has completely wrecked me.


Morning sober fam,

Im so greatful for you gratidudes for your love and support and encouragement when im not 100%

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
17.8 mo free from weed and alcohol
@Soberbilly did i see you have 18 mo?! Congrats papabilly
Worked out this am
Its humpday…i think
Hubbys love even when im grumpy and off
Work stress easing up
Letting go
Knowledge i can reduce my suffering if i stop trying to impose my will and fix, manage, and control people and situations

Much love


Good gloomy morning my gratidudes! It’s been gloomy and rainy for days. Not even the puppy wants to get out of bed. I’m grateful for all the morning puppy snuggles, and grateful I found the charger thingy he decided was good for biting before he did too much damage to himself or to it. I’m grateful I finally switched us to the Superchewer bark box. I’m grateful that despite the gloom I still (eventually) woke up and got to listing the accomplishments I want to achieve today–it’s good to have goals, and this weather and time of year often make me just want to sleep and eat bread 24/7. I’m grateful the proofs came back from the Etsy seller I’m ordering our chili cook off prizes for came back and they look amazing! I’m grateful it makes me want to try to win instead of just participating :joy:


I’m grateful I woke up and then got a Daisy cat butt greeting under my chin with her tail wrapped around my right ear. I’m grateful she waits until I’m awake and before I get out of bed. I wonder if she’s just staring at me waiting while I’m sleeping. I’m grateful I had 5 beautiful creatures lined up in the bathroom waiting for me this morning. I’m grateful it had nothing to do with breakfast. I’m grateful they wanted to be with me. I’m grateful for the loud blood curdling meow noise cat scream little ol Alice put out last night just before we got to sleep. I think it kept us awake another 20 minutes thinking what the fuck was that all about. I’m surprised you guys didn’t hear it. :smile_cat:

I’m grateful for 5 am whizzies with Benson on a clear dark starry morning.

I’m grateful for my pixie and my Chemex coffee maker and my Indonesian roast and now my Tulsi turmeric Tea.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my traveling adventures.
I’m grateful for my sight and hearing.
I’m grateful I cooked a smashing Polish sausage dinner last night.
I’m grateful I got some chores done around the house that I’ve been putting off forever. You know. Those really easy ones that are inconvenient, because you got to haul the 10 foot ladder around the house. And then when you finally easily finish them you’re like. Boy that was easy.
I’m grateful I finally set up the big tv in the spare bedroom down the hall and all the streaming services work on it.

I’m grateful for my recoveries and I’m grateful for your recoveries and we share some of the same shit and I don’t feel so alone.
I’m grateful you guys matter. Y’all matter to me.
I’m grateful for one beautiful lousy F grateful day at a time. OBLFGDAAT :crazy_face: too long hey?
:pray:t2: :crazy_face: :pray:t2:

It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.”
Mandy Hale


Totally feel this…bread is such a comfort food.