Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

A little bit ago I made peak fall comfort food: soup in bread bowls. It was my first time making home made bread bowls and I was so proud (and warm and full and sleepy).


Girl that looks deliciousā€¦ enjoy and well doneā€¦you smashed your first time making it


Today I am grateful for my husband. His patience and forgiveness for me is a gift and am more motivated to stay sober to save our marriage today than I have been in a long time.


Welcome to the Gratitude thread Betsy.
Great post. Im grateful you are reminding me to give my wife the same patience and forgiveness for her now, as she has recently begun her sober journey.
Thank you.


Iā€™m Grateful for your posts! This one in particular is a doozy :+1:
And ā€¦ I want what yer drinkinā€™ ā€¦ made me :drooling_face:


To me soup is so much more awesome in a bread bowl.


Thank you @Cjp This made me lough out loud as I feel these days like tattooing exactly this on my forehead would be necessary :pray:

@Frazzetta Iā€™m in to the soup, bread and sleep club around this time of the year :blush:

Today Iā€™m grateful the week is over for me. Tomorrow is a holiday and I have no appointments on friday. So itā€™s home time. Home sweet home. Iā€™m grateful I start catching up with chores, the last 3 weeks were so busy I had little energy to keep up with everything. Iā€™m grateful I rested and got enough sleep.

Iā€™m grateful I was not satisfied with the therapy appointments this week. I believe this is a good hint to look closer into what makes me feel like this. Iā€™m still very close to @Soberbilly 's words that what happens might feel bad but is necessary. Probably Iā€™m going through some episode of uncomfortable feelings, situations and truths to learn to cope (better). Iā€™m grateful I appreciate the chance to learn AND Iā€™m fucking tired of this never ending blablabla mimimi emotional bullshit inside.

Iā€™m grateful I overshopped today. No clue how I managed to pack the car full. Iā€™m happy to have veggies in abundance at home again and the freezer is stocked with all basics I need for various soups. It feels like I have enough until Christmas. Iā€™m grateful I have enough.
Iā€™m grateful that after years of thinking about it I bought an artificial christmas tree. Not to substitue the real one, to extend the season. We donā€™t do Halloween, All saintā€™s Day is a quiet memorial day here when we attend service and visit the graves. I love the quiet and the hundreds of candles lightening the dark graveyard. I plan to add the first christmas decoration to it, some glitter to ease the sadness a bit.

Iā€™m grateful I can sleep in tomorrow if I want and the cats let me. Good night dear sober folks, ODAAT :pray:


Iā€™m pretty sure I want to eat everything in a bread bowl. I want to make a curry in a bread bowl. Red beans and rice in a bread bowl. Casserole in a bread bowl. Just kidding (kind of)


It maintained structural integrity! That was my biggest worry. And the BF said it was BETTER THAN THE ONES AT PANERA! Iā€™ve never had them but it seemed like a big deal.


This is the realest

This is in a late night back alley knife fight with the quote from @Dazercat for which is realest


Super coll- that is a big deal and you shouldbeproud! ā€¦youve learned to make such delicious bread bowls just in time for winterā€¦ooh the yummy soups you will be enjoying this season


Letā€™s do it! Gratitude Listing :metal:

  1. I am Grateful for this Gratitude list. Keeps me positive and mindful of the good things in my life and keeps me humble :smiling_face:
  2. I am Grateful for Healthcare and my Husbandā€™s work Benefits. My Optometrist Appointment was covered.
  3. I am Grateful I learned how to cook a few years back. My food is waaaay better than restaurant food :drooling_face:
  4. I am Grateful for the better sleeps I am having now, huge difference! :sleeping:
  5. I am Grateful for my sobriety and being responsible to show up to my appointments now. I used to blow them off of Iā€™d rather drink or when I was hungover and pissy about it. :muscle:
    Iā€™m getting getting my shit together finally!
  6. I am grateful for the support and encouragement from all yaā€™ll on here :purple_heart:

Hell to the yeah for this @Dazercat and thank you and @JazzyS @Soberbilly @Pattycake @Cjp for the 90 day congrats :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope you are feeling better after feeling off @Cjp :heart:
Today Iā€™m grateful for gardening of the indoor and outdoor variety. My indoor plants have done well this summer, I think I have found the right spot for each of them now.
Iā€™m grateful for strong coffee and being able to take things at my own pace.
Iā€™m grateful I have nearly finished reading Moby Dick. I seem to have been reading it forever and have so many good books lined up for when Iā€™ve finished.
Iā€™m grateful for autumn colours and the smell of damp earth.
Iā€™m grateful for meditation, I donā€™t think mine is textbook but it does my brain some good.
Iā€™m grateful for all of you here and this amazing community.


I know Iā€™ve said this before, but Iā€™m so grateful my family is 500 miles away. I love them allā€¦ over there.


Hump day gratitudeā€™s
I am so grateful that i was able to help out with the hospital shift today. Grateful for good customers and grateful to be able to talk with difficult ones without having my day ruined.
I am so grateful for my cozy bed that i was able to crash into this afternoon. Grateful for the deep sleep that made me forget the pain and all the other symptoms. grateful that i still feel real groggy and hopefully will be able to fall back to sleep soon.
I am so grateful for the reminder that we are all adults on our own paths. A reminder that we all have different approaches to sobriety. All i can do is be available with support and accept if someone disappears. Sending positive energy into the abyss and hoping to see them back soon.
I am so grateful that a good PB and J sandwich on GF bread hit the spot tonight - grateful that i did not have to cook.
I am so grateful mushy Hallmark movies - i do miss my Hallmark mystery channel (may need to subscribe to that soon).
I am so grateful for my family and their support. Grateful that i have a wonderful mom who just knew i was in a really bad place today and ran out the house to yell ā€œYou will become betterā€. Some days its harder to see this as true but it was lovely to hear.
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful that my faith keeps me grounded. Grateful that i know deep down that even this will pass and my HP has my back.
I am so grateful that i did get an offer for the rental that i had to decline as it seemed super shady. Grateful that i know iā€™ll be okay and someone right will come alone - i do not have to settle for anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. Grateful that everyone had the same reaction so I feel justified in my decision.
I am so grateful that i received my set of Halloween earrings i ordered. I had to take out all my earrings when all this started so iā€™m hoping that all my ear holes havenā€™t closed up - will check tomorrow. I have accepted the fact that i will not decorate for Halloween this year (my family does not want me to put my energy into it and this is my brothers house so i canā€™t argue too much) and may not even have it in me to dress up but hey a girl can accessorize :wink: :jack_o_lantern: :ghost:
Grateful that i no longer pop pain killers like candy and somehow am able to function - Thankful for this! :pray:
I am so so grateful that tomorrow is a fairly relaxed day. Grateful that itā€™s about to be 11 pm and i am going to try and call it a night.
I am so grateful for you all and appreciate your support - your kindness and your friendships :people_hugging:
Hoping everyone has a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful to trusted your gut and declined. Great move.
Sleep well :sleeping:
:pray:t2: :zzz: :heart:


All we have is the now

Today i am greatful for

My sobriety
Hubbys love and support
Boscoe cuddles
I have a job
I have my health
I can shower whenever i want
Sobriety brothers and sisters
A new day
A ladies aa meeting to look forward to


Good morning, good morning good buddies! Iā€™m grateful to wake up alwithout a hangover and that I mostly had patience with my chaos monster, and Iā€™m grateful I remind myself that heā€™s been cooped up lately since itā€™s been raining and raining. Iā€™m grateful I had time to hose him off this morning when he came in covered and dripping with mud, Iā€™m grateful he didnā€™t have a chance to ruin my slippers he stole and hid in his kennel, and Iā€™m grateful we had some time to play a little. Iā€™m grateful the BF will be home from his trip soon. Iā€™m grateful for friends and bowling league, even though Iā€™m so so sleepy. Iā€™m grateful for caffeine and Iā€™m grateful work is flexible and allows me to work from home half days so I can care for the pups while the BF is away.


Iā€™m so grateful for TS and all the special people here and all the beautiful, unexpected, thought provoking, posts to start my day.
Iā€™m grateful for mountains of mash potatoes and heels in my socks :kissing_heart:
@TrustyBird I wouldnā€™t want to start my day any other way. Unless itā€™s a beachside coffee with friends :kissing_heart: Iā€™m grateful today I got both.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m learning thereā€™s so much more to learn about enabling and boundaries. Iā€™m grateful if I play my cards right. Or rather, donā€™t play any cards at all. There might be a new cappuccino machine in the house. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll supply the beans.

Iā€™m grateful I called my sponsor yesterday to leave a message. The fucker pick up :scream::scream::scream: Iā€™m grateful we had a nice chat. Guess I wasnā€™t bothering him.

Iā€™m grateful for cool desert mornings.
Iā€™m grateful for sober wifey. Today. Hopefully this too wonā€™t fucking pass :crazy_face: Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to live like that.

Iā€™m grateful I got so much to be grateful for but Iā€™m drawing a blank. Iā€™m grateful we are enjoying The Shrink Next Door. I never thought I could hate Paul Rudd in a role. I despise him! Iā€™m grateful for great acting.

Iā€™m grateful the Bills are on tonight. Iā€™m grateful I might watch some of it might not. Probably a little.

Iā€™m grateful I havenā€™t found any houses worth going to Cali to look at yet and I can enjoy my time and supports here in Scottsdale.

Grateful I got another little easy annoying chore done yesterday that could stay fixed for awhile or not. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not handy but I try.

Iā€™m grateful my days isnā€™t planned around my wifeā€™s drinking today. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to live that way.

Iā€™m grateful for all the support people get and give here and I always love to wonder about the ones we donā€™t even know weā€™re helping. The lurkers. Iā€™m grateful for the lurkers. I know youā€™re out there. Iā€™m grateful for you.
:pray:t2: :socks: mash :potato: :heart:

Iā€™m not crazy about these kind of quotes. :point_down: I get the theory. But my hackles come up whenever I come across one. Maybe some day Iā€™ll get there.
ā€œLove yourself first and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.ā€
Lucille Ball


Iā€™m grateful for TS always and forever,
Iā€™m grateful for the sourdough bakery and all the fab bread I bought yesterday. Iā€™m so grateful the next generation is picking up the baton and theyā€™re running it forward. Organic food! Heritage grains! Sustainable agriculture! Socially responsible, cooperative businesses! So wonderful to see,it truly warms my heart and gives me hope for the future.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m still sober, and every day is a gift, even if Iā€™m not always a perky petunia.
Iā€™m grateful for the rain we have been getting, our aquifer sorely needed it. The sump pump in the basement hasnā€™t gone off once, the ground is just sucking it all up.
Grateful to you all on this wet soggy day.