Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

OMG, I know! That was a great series!


Today I am grateful that I stole my husbands socks from that trip when he realized they were uncomfortable. Today will be day 2 of mashed potato mountain legs and then they will be relegated to the bottom of the basket until they are needed again for kitsch.

Slightly annoyed Water kitty added for fun.

Iā€™m grateful these socks bring up a good memory. We were driving and car camping in the Badlands and dipped into Wyoming for one night to see Devilā€™s Tower. The Badlands hiking gave me two horrible blisters so I was wrapping my feet in bandages and wearing socks with Chacos (Sock-os :face_with_hand_over_mouth: patent pending :wink:) so my mind was on all things feet.

We checked in for our campsite at the gift shop and these very same colorful socks caught my eye. I think is was too car dazed to act on any impulse to buy them. When we got to our campsite an affable older man was there sweeping hair off of a tarp. We greeted each other and he explained he was just sweeping up all this hair. I nervously countered with ā€œhuman?ā€ and without skipping a beat he came back with ā€œnope, schnauzer!ā€ which took him on a long explanation about a gifted lawyer who took to RV life and discovered he had a knack for grooming and barbering and had just trimmed a pair of schnauzers on this very spot.

Hours later my husband went to the gift shop to pick up provisions and came back with a bag behind his back. He said, donā€™t laugh but I wanted these, I know they are silly, and pulled out two pairs of the colorful socks I had been eyeing.

Good memories and great reminders that the world is full of kooks and opportunities for silliness. Iā€™m grateful for you kooks who help me navigate my brain and my sober path.


Today Iā€™m grateful for a wonderful day at home. No sleeping in, the old boy wanted his cuddles at half past five. Iā€™m grateful for the overshopping yesterday. I enjoyed 2 hours of cooking chicken soup with 7 veggis and 2 different mushrooms. It tasted heavenly.
Iā€™m grateful I moved my ass and made a flat gravel bed to put the trash cans on. I was fed up with the unfinished, rocky ground in the carport that made it nearly impossible to move the full cans on trash pick up day. Literally small wins pave the way to bigger wins.
Iā€™m grateful for a long chat with a neighbour who came over seeing me being outside. And one of their cats coming along too.
Iā€™m grateful I did chores, cleaned the kitchen mess, vacuumed and realized that I have to fire the burner today when I want hot water tomorrow morning. Iā€™m grateful rain is forecast and it doesnā€™t bother me. Iā€™m grateful I started christmas decorations and it makes me happy and peaceful. ODAAT


That was the intention Billy. Water sends you a belly for scritching and then a paw swipe when heā€™s done which is much sooner than you would anticipate. :imp:
I couldnā€™t do it guys. The socks were just too uncomfortable. I pivoted to my book censorship socks.

No more sidetracking out of me. Iā€™m grateful for @Soberbillyā€™s smiling beard. And salad, Iā€™m grateful for salad.


Iā€™m grateful for the unusually warm summer like weather weā€™re getting over the next few days.

Iā€™m grateful for doggy kisses and the stinky breath that comes with them. Iā€™m grateful my pupper is feeling better. He had some nasty stomach issues for 2 days.

Iā€™m grateful for the uneventful 5 hour monthly drive to help my niece who suffers from lupus. Iā€™m grateful I had the energy to concur that trip after a 10 hour workday. Iā€™m grateful I had cell service the entire ride to listen in on a womenā€™s recovery meeting. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t need gas before crossing the boarder back into my home state. I previously mentioned, we donā€™t pump our own gas here so I have a fear of having to do it myself.

Iā€™m grateful my daughter has a day program TODAY. I received a letter that it could be closing. Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t panic and will do whatever I can to find a new one if needed. Iā€™m grateful my sobriety has giving me the gift of patience when she expresses her anxiety over the possibility of having to start over and make new friends. She doesnā€™t do well with change, and weā€™ve experienced a lot of it over the past year. Iā€™m grateful I can teach her the one day at a time approach and not future trip.

Iā€™m grateful one of my clients was very pleased with my virtual presentation to their 300+ employees. Iā€™m grateful I held my composure when the chat was blowing up with questions while I was speaking. I clearly told everyone at the start to please hold questions until the end as many of them will be answered during the presentation. Iā€™m grateful I remembered to hit record at the start.

Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s a light at the end of this 4th quarter tunnel at work. Itā€™s extremely stressful, with too much to do in a short amount of time. Every client thinks theyā€™re a priority and they should be but itā€™s not humanly possible to give all of them the attention they need and deserve.

Iā€™m grateful for this forum and each and everyone of you for helping me stay sober today.


I am grateful for my cozy home and the colourful leaves in front of my window. Returning from Spain where it was essentially still summer I appreciate the cold, foggy and wet weather even more. It feels appropriate for the season. I am grateful my new colleague and I have the same kind of humour. I am grateful for laughter amidst all this misery in the world. I am grateful for the guardian angel who watched over my best friend, when his motorcycle crashed. He got extremely lucky and got away with a few broken bones and dislocated joints.I am grateful for the people who were there to help immediately. I am grateful for the doctors who fixed him up well and found the right words with the terrified family members. I am grateful I know that my anger is just an expression of fear and helplessness. I am trying not to feel too guilty about feeling this way. I am keeping it bottled up for now, but at some point I want to have this talk about risky behaviour. I am grateful for my friends and family with all their flaws and annoying habits. I sometimes forget that it is a blessing to be annoyed by the little things in people. It means they are close and around. It means they are part of my life. Today I am just really really grateful for the gift of life. Love you guys :orange_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so greatful today, im still fighting the good fight for a quality life

544 days no weed or alcohol
87 days no vaping
Woke up just in time to get an at home workout in. My phone had died but i put it on the charger in the middle of the night so i had tunes when i ran!
Hubbys love
Boscoe love
AA Sober sisters
My herbs are sprouting
Its friday!!
Learning to go against my nature and let go
Healthy food


Good morning CJ :hugs:
Iā€™m grateful for an early orderly morning :wink:
Iā€™m grateful I got up too early with Benson and got to watch the golden moon set while Benson did his business. At first I was like whatā€™s that light over there. Before coffee. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t recall ever seeing the moon set like that.

Iā€™m grateful I go to bed too early and itā€™s no problem getting up too early.

Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t make any we plans yesterday and it was a good day. Iā€™m grateful physically I didnā€™t get too much done but calmly navigated the AZ DVM. Itā€™s not DMV here :grimacing:. I guess weā€™re special. And after a couple of hours of trial and error managed to get an account set up on line, facial recognition, that locked me out twice for 30 minutes :grimacing: and a lot of other bullshit. Iā€™m grateful I was able to do it from the comfort of my home and grateful I didnā€™t hit the sauce after. I seriously think that should be in the milestone category of not having a drink after dealing with the DMV :grimacing:

Iā€™m grateful I started the process of changing addresses and registration of vehicles and inspections are next.

Iā€™m grateful I got my new AA Speaker meeting tonight. Iā€™m grateful wifey said she will go and weā€™ll go out to dinner after. Iā€™m grateful I got hope without expectations as I am going to this meeting for me now. If she actually does come too. Great! Iā€™m grateful itā€™s her recovery :mending_heart: and Iā€™m grateful for my recovery. And the wisdom to know the difference :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m enjoying the hell out of a sober house and home and wife. Just for today.

Iā€™m grateful for soft kitty smooches :kissing_cat:
Iā€™m grateful for all my pets present and past.
Iā€™m grateful for my parents and first family and sisters and grandparents. Iā€™m grateful the way they raised me. Iā€™m grateful I know they certainly did the best they could.

Iā€™m grateful for my grown up children and their new family and that they are doing the best they can. Iā€™m grateful wifey and I are doing the best we can. Individually and separately.

Iā€™m grateful for my desert Mountain View.
Iā€™m grateful for all you G-Dudes and everyone one else lending a hand on TS.

We ALL need reminders to appreciate the small, often overlooked goodness in the day.
Healthy Happy Impactful


Iā€™m grateful for your posts, Eric. Iā€™m grateful that as I read about your wifeā€™s journey how early it is in my own to have such high expectations of my husband, Iā€™m grateful for this realization. He needs more time. So do I. Iā€™m grateful for whatever time we have left. Iā€™m grateful for all the support and help that is available to me, especially what is available right here at TS. :pray::pray::pray:


I totally feel this. I get what sheā€™s saying but I donā€™t think itā€™s particularly helpful. I feel like itā€™s more important to know yourself first, like everything will only fall into line once you can make an honest assessment of where you are and how you want to be how you want to get there. But maybe thatā€™s just my penchant for planning talking, because I suppose you have to love yourself enough to make the effort in the first place though. :thinking:


Good morning friends! I am so so so grateful itā€™s Friday. Iā€™m grateful the BF will be home tomorrow, and that Iā€™m going to go make an appearance at his friendā€™s Halloween party and Iā€™m grateful people want me around. Iā€™m grateful I got to spend time with my friends yesterday. Iā€™m grateful the office wants me to carve the entry in our building pumpkin carving contest again this year, even though it is a bit stressful for me. I mean, Iā€™m glad they have faith in me and they all think my pumpkins are cool. Iā€™m grateful for you guys. Iā€™m grateful for puppies. Iā€™m grateful for sleeping.


Iā€™m grateful to have lived in a time without the internet. No one should have the stupidity of their youth documented in such a way that it can be brought back up after 20 years of personal growth.


I could be wrong but I think youā€™re supposed to set it up with your face, not Bensonā€™s. :rofl:
Wouldnā€™t it be funny on the DMV side to get a dogā€™s facial expression? Probably some kind of blocker set up anyway.
Grateful for silly thoughts on a Friday after a grueling week. :joy:


Friday gratitudeā€™s with my wonderful sober friends
I am so grateful that i was able to enjoy my coffee time with mom this morning
I am so grateful that i am able to keep moving and working through all this shit - i will not let this slow me down. I am grateful that i have 3 appointments next month. I have to make an appointment the mystery ailment yet but that may have to wait as now my tooth is acting up and a dental visit is more pressing.
I am so grateful that my coffee is amazing and brings me so much comfort.
I am so grateful that i had moved all my files and pictures to an external drive and thought I had lost it ā€“ FOUND and it is in tact. It was with all my media stuff (really annoying living out of boxes. Much of my stuff is in storage at my parents house and i was really not well when i moved so i fear that i may have packed in haste - grateful to know that even then i had a method to my madness.
I am so grateful that my hair color arrived yesterdayā€¦ i may try to dye my hair today as it always helps put me in a good mood.
I am so grateful that laughter has been my saving grace. Grateful that i can laugh heartedly at the silliest things and i truly believe that most of my healing is because of laughing. My mental, physical and spiritual minds are all grateful.
I am so grateful that i have done many marathons of horror movies and am just not scared of shit anymore. this let me move onto comedy and mindless Hallmark movies without guilt of watching anything but horror in October :laughing:
I am so grateful that we will have some friends over for Halloween to help give out ā€œcandyā€. My brothers house only gets 2 -5 kids (so damn sad). so now we give out sleeves of pre-packed Oreos. at least this way we can eat the rest. Love that Sams has a box with 6 Oreos in one sleeve which are much cheaper than the 2 Oreo mini packages.
I am so grateful for deep breathing and mild stretching. my body feels stiff and congested with blah energy. I am going to work on releasing this today.
I am so grateful for a lovely sunny day! Grateful that it is not too hot. Grateful for fall like weather.
I am so grateful for my family :people_hugging:
I am so grateful for being able to treat myself to some Japanese take out yesterday - had a craving on my errands run and it was so delicious. Unfortunately, still canā€™t eat spinach which i forgot when i ordered my Gomaae. It did not sit well with me and i had wicked heartburn all day.
I am so grateful that I have this community for support. Grateful to be on this journey with you and grateful to see so many others that are like me. We are not alone :hugs:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending much love :heart: :heart:

@Dazercat your meme reminded me of my costume a few years ago ā€“ thought iā€™d share :wink:


Iā€™m grateful you share. Thatā€™s a freaking awesome costume.
Is that really you?
Not sure who you are? But I think you look delighted :grinning:


It is meā€¦was the mad hatter that year :rofl:. Super delightedā€¦the contacts were a bitch to get used to but I think they made the costume :wink:


Never even thought about the contacts. Grateful you mentioned your eyes there. I wonder what else Iā€™m not seeing. Great job.


Iā€™m grateful to have woken up sober today and soon I will be laying a sober head down on my pillow.
Iā€™m grateful for a few things especially the last two days.
Iā€™m grateful that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and made arrangements to meet up with an old work friend on Thursday and another group of old friends today. It genuinely was lovely to catch up and swap news #goteamintroverts :brick::tulip:
Iā€™m grateful I spent some time setting up my old gym equipment today. Iā€™m not going to be able to exercise like I used to, but Iā€™m going to try easing back into doing some sessions.
Iā€™m grateful for an evening of daughter and doggo snuggles on the sofa.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m present and realise how precious these times are.
Iā€™m grateful for a wide open weekend, full of potential and possibilities.
Iā€™m grateful for gratitudes like this:

You made a fellow ā€˜not always perky petuniaā€™ laugh and also relate x :100: @Pattycake


This costume is amazing @JazzyS
I especially admire the eyebrows :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


thanks Kiki - it was one of my favorite costumes.

Glad you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and are doing well.
Love a weekend full of possibilities :heart: