Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Good morning, grati-friends. I am grateful it’s weekend. I am grateful for the mouthwatering smell of cinnamon from the kitchen (making apple crumble). I am grateful I have been free of cravings for a long time now. Doesn’t mean my brain doesn’t throw the occasional “you are healed now” in. I am grateful I know better and chose not to listen to it. I am grateful for a walk in the park with my cousin and getting an update on our lives. Grateful for tears and laughter, the good and the bad. Grateful for my therapist who helped me feel better, when I was adressing feeling guilty for being angry with my friend. She said it’s a good thing to finally feel it, after years and years of repressing it. I am grateful my mental health has been improving the same way my physical health has. Step by step. Grateful for my now 3rd cup of coffee :yum:


That’s a great costume!! I could immediately tell you were the mad hatter. Any costume plans for this year??


Saturday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I’m lurking a lot and regularly fall asleep before starting to write in the evening.

I’m grateful for a marvellous sunrise today, the colours are so beautiful and the air is not too chill so I can spend a couple of minutes outside to enjoy it :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
This is what I’m talking about

I’m grateful for the decision to move here 2 months ago and to actually move two weeks later. I’m grateful I enjoy fall to the maximum here, so grateful for so many weeks of beautiful autumn weather and now the colours are finally changeing. The beauty of letting go :pray:

I’m grateful this week was less busy. I’m grateful I accomplished several tasks and tackle necessary ones. One by one, step by step. I’m grateful I rested yesterday afternoon after an exhausting roundtrip to garden centers. Not funny when they don’t have what you need and it’s nothing special. It was heavily crowded everywhere, I pray I stay healthy, I forgot a mask at home.

I’m grateful thinking about how to manage 2 days away in november brought up some reasonable possibilities of catsitting. Living rural with your friends not next to you causes new challenges. I’m grateful that the universe will provide the best solution when I work on finding it :pray:

I’m grateful the old boy is so much lying on me these days. He seems so comfy on his mami :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: He is on me when I wake up, when I settle on the couch, when I read in bed. I love him to pieces. I’m grateful the youngsters make me laugh every day, they are so funny, lovely, playful and love to cuddle (and steal my breakfast).
I’m grateful waking up sober never gets old. ODAAT :pray:

PS: love your costume @JazzyS


I’m grateful it was Mavy’s turn to get up on me when I awoke this morning. I wonder how they decide who’s getting up on me right when I wake up.

I’m grateful I stayed up when I woke at 5:30 because the moon was so bright coming through my windows. I’m grateful I grabbed a pixie shot and me and the Ol Burner had a lovely few minutes outside looking at the full moon over the desert mountains and stars in the darkness.

I’m grateful we made it to the meeting last night. It had moved :grimacing: not far away though. I’m grateful the person who opened it was late and we had the speaker in a circle in the parking lot. I’m grateful the full moon came up over the mountain with the saguaros during his talk. I’m grateful the second half of the meeting was inside and we got to sit down. I’m grateful wifey didn’t bail. I’m grateful we found our new local Greek restaurant after the meeting. I’m grateful the food was good.

I’m grateful wifey told me tonight’s the night. I’m grateful she said she’s only having 2 glasses of Chardonnay. I’m grateful I told her that’s good because I’m catching the Gus Bus on glass 3. I’m grateful she understood. I’m grateful she said not to worry :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I’m grateful I’m not worried. I’m grateful it sounds like a fun adventure by myself. I’m grateful there’s lots on nonstop flights from here to Cali during the day. I’m grateful I can protect my serenity this way if I have to. I’m grateful I can put this out here and I can kinda be held accountable. Or else you’ll all know I’m a WUSS. I’m grateful this is not put to my wife as a threat. I’m grateful this is for my serenity. I’m grateful I’ve seen what more than 2 glasses can do to her. I’m grateful everything happens for a reason.

I’m grateful the nightmare in Maine is over. Well, I mean the pain and healing has begun but the nightmare of the threat to more lives is over. I’m grateful my nephew was safe in his lockdown at his college. I’m grateful I just happened to call my sister yesterday. I forgot my nephew was at Colby, and we had so much catching up to do. I’m grateful for no more secrets and came clean to her about my struggles. I’m grateful she seemed genuinely concerned as I was for her being a mother with a son in lockdown in Maine. I’m grateful our hatred for each other has healed from 5 or 6 years ago. We are all we got from our immediate family and we live so far away.

Gosh. I’m grateful I never thought I’d be writing how grateful I am for my sister when I started this post. I’m grateful gratitude takes me places I never expected. I’m grateful for this very important practice in my life.

Grateful for you. Ya you :wink:
:pray:t2: :heart:

First comes the acknowledgment of goodness in one’s life. In a state of gratitude, we say yes to life. We affirm that, all in all, life is good and has elements that make it worth living. The acknowledgment that we have received something gratifies us, both by its presence and by the effort the giver put into choosing it.

Second, gratitude is recognizing that sources of this goodness lie outside the self. One can be grateful to our creator, other people, animals, and the world, but not to oneself. At this stage, we recognize the goodness in our lives and who to thank for it.


Morning gratidudes. Sorry @Dazercat fucked with the natural gratitude order today :slight_smile:

Im greatful for…

Woke my ass up early on a saturday for a good workout
My sobriety
Time with hubby and Boscoe today as a family
A job im passionate about
Able to pay my bills and pay for an epic vacation
A warm,safe home
A date with some sober sisters to try another meeting
Time to chill and unwind from a stressful week


@desert_rose I love it and yes we are all a little mad :wink: Ooh I love a good pumpkin carving – share some pics once you finish :pray:
@Sasxoxo been a while - hope you are doing well.
@pandita thanks love – I don’t have the energy to do anything elaborate and its not the same dressing up for just 2-5 trick or treaters but I do hope I come up with something simple – still working on the kinks – will post when I dress up. OMG – the smell of cinnamon is great :yum: hope you enjoyed that crumble
@erntedank Thank you! That is a heavenly view! WOW – just breathtaking all the peace I feel from this picture.

LOVE this Eric – love how the practice of gratitude just flows within us and we are able to find gratitude in literally everything :heart: I am so grateful that you have a on hand option to just do a solo adventure if the 2 become 3 tonight. Grateful that you are protecting your serenity. Grateful your nephew is safe and that you were able to connect with your sister :people_hugging:

Saturday gratitude’s with my grateful sober family
I am so grateful for a sunny lovely Saturday morning. Grateful for morning coffee with mom. Loved that I was up for it this morning in time. Felt super tired after coffee and was grateful to come home to lie down. Grateful that my mom is understanding and well just so damn amazing.
I am so grateful for my sugar free gf / vegan coconut cookies and banana nut muffins
I am so grateful for my comfy bed – may be a do work from bed kind of a day.
I am so grateful for my space heater. I feel a chill all over.
I am so grateful that I did get my hair dyed yesterday. Made me feel refreshed and new.
I am so grateful that I did get some baking done yesterday and also caught up a good chunk on my accounting. Hopefully will finish up my reports today.
I am so grateful that I went through pictures yesterday looking for my Mad Hatter costume. Many lovely memories of past Halloweens and all the fun. Shared some decorations from my last year (this had The Nun as my theme for my theme room. Grateful that this decoration alone scared the beegeesus out of me. Every time we took a picture of the room in the dark without the flash -the pic would have a white glow around it. Tried with multiple cameras LOL.
Halloween decorations
I am so grateful for my comfy plaid pants I got from 5 Below. So awesome that my mom now wants a pair.
I am so grateful for comedy, music and great movies – love awesome entertainment.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices. I am grateful for connections and inner peace and stability.
I am so grateful for TS community and my friendships made here. Grateful for memes, jokes, riddles (ooh – we need to bring that thread back), morning coffee time, support and unconditional love for fellow addicts.
Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you much love :heart: :heart:


It always warms my heart when I read your gratitude about your grandkids. Same when I read Eric’s. There’s nothing better than being sober and present enjoying those precious moments.They grow up so quick. :people_hugging: :heart:


Surprise! Here I am! Today I am grateful to be sober for two YEARS! Wooohooooo!

I’m grateful for my good health, much improved in the last two years.

I’m grateful for strong mental health, much improved in the last two years.

I’m grateful for my connections to people in my family, my workplace, and in my community.

I’m grateful for the mental space to attend to others, much improved in the last two years.

I’m grateful for an amazing marriage that just keeps getting better as we both work on ourselves and pay attention to each other. Yesterday my hubby celebrated 18 months sober. We each entered this project independently and for ourselves. Our marriage has gained energy and peace, passion and comfort.

I’m grateful to be able to authentically help my brother as he travels the hard road of divorce and out of addiction.

I’m grateful to all the people who have shared their journey and their learning. I’m grateful to authors and speakers and regular folks right here in this forum.

I’m grateful for the modern technology that has allowed me to access all that information and support from the safety and privacy of my home.

I’m grateful for every single day that I wake up well rested, with a clear mind and an open heart.

I’m grateful that my wishes have come true. I will continue to guard this sobriety and recovery and attend to it. I am grateful to have transitioned to becoming a person who does not drink alcohol. I’m too busy having lots of fun and living an amazing life.

I wish you all the best!


Congrats @LAB on 2 fricken years! No small feat. So happy that you are experiencing the benefits of sobriety. Keep fighting the good fight


It’s the best part! Sober morning is my favorite time of day.


Woooheyyy! Congratulations to so much improvement in your life. Keep doing it! :confetti_ball:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, rolling into 90 days no unhealthy addictions tonight
The option to go to the gym
Boscoe cuddles
Yummy coffee and creamer
Our home
Our family
A restful weekend
Sobriety milestones
Sober sisters
Saturday night in person aa meetings
A warm winter coat that still fits
Amazon delivery
All of you. This community is awesome.

Have a blessed day


Good morning friends,
Congrats on 2 years @LAB and 90 days @Cjp , you both inspire me and I’m grateful I get to share this journey with both of you ( and so many others). I’m grateful for beautiful sunrises and cooler weather. I’m grateful I can do nice things for myself like get my nails done and buy a fancy milk frother to gussy up my morning coffee. I’m grateful being sober has allowed not only the funds for things like this, but enough self love to WANT to be nice to myself. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful for prayers and meditation. I’m grateful for the homethread and all of you wonderful people❤️


I’m grateful we had a very nice dinner out last night in a fancy restaurant and we were both able to stick to our boundaries. I’m grateful it was easy for me since she stuck to hers. But I did tell my sponsor and my closest Al-Anon friend my plan and y’all and as hard as it could have been I would have stuck to my word. I’m grateful I now know the last flight out of here is at 8:30 :grimacing: I would have missed it anyway. And I’m grateful I know the first flight is around 8:30 am. I’m grateful I have a plan if ever needed. Oh, by the way, I’m grateful she told my son what she was doing. I’m grateful maybe she got to go out on her own terms. I’m grateful maybe she’ll do it again someday. I’m grateful Friday the 13th in October was not my sober date to protect. I’m grateful today is a great morning to be alive. I’m grateful I woke up in my own bed, sober, hangover free after a long hard nights sleep. I’m grateful that never gets old. I’m grateful for all y’all’s support. I’m also very grateful for the calm way I handled and anticipated this weekend. I’m grateful for Al-Anon.

I’m grateful it was Mavy’s turn this morning and then Daisy tagged in to gently get me out of bed this morning. Good thing too because Benson had to go because of the late sleep in. I’m grateful he made it outside. Boy was he in a hurry :laughing: I’m grateful we saw the full moon setting together outside and a little pinkish cloud free pre-sunrise.

I’m grateful to be working on my Tulsi Turmeric hot tea. I’m grateful there’s a big box with a with the word Breville on it on my coffee bar and maybe some day someone will open it and I’ll get me that cappuccino without me enabling the outcome. I’m grateful for the coffee routine I have.

I’m grateful to learn the difference between enabling and being nice and doing things for people. I’m grateful my feelings matter and I have control of whether or not I put myself in resentful enabling situations. Whether any alcoholic or nonalcoholic is drinking or not.

I’m grateful the weather is finally cooled off over here. And I can wear my yellow beanie and bazillion hoodies.

“Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift.”
John Ortberg (Zito, 2022).


What? It’s not opened yet? I don’t think I could resist having that bad boy sitting there. I’d be tearing that box open in a heartbeat. You’ve got some good restraint going on.


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 2 years @LAB!!
And congrats to your hubby on 18 months!
Fantastic post on all fronts.
:tada: :partying_face:


@Lab Congrats to you and your hubby for your sober times! So happy for your journey and all the positivity you have gained from it.
@cjp WOOT WOOT – 90 days and kicking ass in your healthy lifestyle! :tada:
@dazercat so grateful that you have the option and a plan to stick to your boundary but did not need it last night. Tulsi teas are my favorite (I can’t stand licorice but do love the Tulsi licorice tea – ever tried it?) The cinnamon rose is also so yummy. We did sell the entire line at the restaurant which gave me a chance to sample :yum: A unopened box of Breville??? How is this even possible?

Sunday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful to be awake and able to move around (not well but i do get from point a to point b). I am grateful that i went to see my mom for coffee and then again for lunch :yum: Grateful that i will be taking her to run a few errands (she stopped driving a while back and has yet to renew her license).
I am so grateful that i am filled with positivity and peace today. I will not allow my body to dictate any other mood. I am grateful to know that this too shall pass and grateful that i am doing just fine in the midst of it all.
I am so grateful to be enjoying another cup of coffee (a late cup for me as it’s about to be 1 but i so was craving a bit more)
I am so grateful that i am not a mother - grateful that i do not have to worry about my kids getting home safely and not sleeping until i hear from them. My brother went out last night and i had to calm my mom’s nerves so she could sleep and not worry. He wasn’t out that late but 11:30 is too late for my mom especially with it being Halloween weekend and all the extra drunks around on the streets.
I am so grateful that i received a call from my BIL this morning as he and my sis are heading to play at Top Golf with my brother and his GF. My BIL for some reason says i’m his favorite human cause he can talk to me about anything (grateful that the cats are in front of me) and wanted to let me know i would be missed today - was lovely to hear. Grateful that they will have a good time - been planning this all summer.
I am so grateful that my neighbors son and daughter raked and mowed my lawn this weekend. They did a great job. Grateful that i am not anxious about the house. Feel like my realtor is really dragging her feet and trying to get it rented out. Grateful that i am financially secure.
I am so grateful that i enjoyed some delicious sugar free banana nut muffins this morning - grateful that my mom loved them too.
I am so grateful that i will be getting my blood work for celiac’s done tomorrow. :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful for my HP and his help in keeping me positive and moving forward through all of my health challenges.
I am so grateful for my friends here on TS. Grateful to be able to be me here and feel comfortable among my peers.
Sending out so much love and positive vibes - Happy Sunday my sober friends :heart: :heart:


Hi Friends!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been here and I know I needed to come back. I lost count of days a long time ago, and honestly I drank a few times a long the way. :cry:

Luckily I didn’t let it take hold of me but I know when I need help. So, I’m Back!! :partying_face:

I’m grateful for all of you, regulars, newbies, anyone who is here looking for help.
I’m grateful I found you early in 2022, not sure if I’d still be here if I didn’t.
I’m grateful for my dog Buddy and cat Riley, the unconditional love I receive is priceless.:dog2::smiley_cat:
I’m grateful for my home, I was able to buy a (almost) new car and finally trade in my 2004.

Stay sober my friends and never give up on yourself! :heart: :hugs:


Today I’m grateful for the lovely birthday party for my godson, he turns 25. He is a smart, handsome, kind young man. I’m grateful he happily spent the afternoon with us oldtimers and invited his friends over. They headed off to a club later in the evening and we had a nice chitchat until we fell in bed full & tired. I’m grateful I can stay at my friend’s over night and don’t have to drive home.
Her fig tree still produces and I took about 5 kg of figs home in the morning. I’m grateful she shares so generously, I love figs and they are terrible expensive here.

I’m grateful for a lazy sunday with lotsa naps and cats on me. I need rest. More than I thought.

I’m grateful next week is not packed. I can start it calm and easy :pray: I’m grateful I go to bed now, time change is taking it’s toll, I’m messed up like always. ODAAT :pray:

PS: Happy soberversary @LAB :birthday::sunflower:


Congratulations @LAB on 2 years. It’s amazing to hear you share how much better life is now :partying_face: and congratulations @Cjp on 90 days free from all your addictions :partying_face: I’m grateful to have people like you inspiring me on my journey.
I’m grateful for a relaxing weekend.
I’m grateful for pumpkin carving.
I’m grateful for the gift of time, daylight savings gave us an extra hour in the day today (I’ll be honest, I used it for a lazy cuppa and reading a book in bed, but still time well spent I think!)
I’m grateful for freshly showered dog cuddles.
I’m grateful my husband is back from a long driving job safely.
I’m grateful to be sober in such good company with all you guys.