Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Inspiring :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: congratulations!!


I’m grateful that we can offer a home for my partner’s daughter, she has just split up from her partner and has no where to go. She needs security, stability and love - I’m grateful that we can give her these.
I’m grateful that I’m prepared for the change in dynamics in the house.
I’m grateful that the timings of knowing she is coming and her actually getting here was very tight, it made us clear out the spare room and paint it, buy a new bed and furniture and make it nice and cosy for her, in less than 2 days. I’m just waiting for them to arrive, my partner has driven 7 hours to pick her up… And 7 hours back.
Grateful to be sober today :sparkling_heart:


Congratulations :blush: I’m grateful you shared your milestone with us, and for your presence here!


You should be proud! I’m proud of you too!
I’m grateful you came here to share your awesome milestone with us.
Congratulations on 9 months!! :tada:


I am grateful for your journey Brian! You should be proud of yourself and your all that you’ve achieved. 9 months is amazing! Keep shining bright :muscle:


I’m sorry to unform you that laughter has been canceled on account of humor being banned. You’re just gonna have to find something else to live for. :laughing: :wink:

I’m grateful that no one can reach through the internet and smack me. :laughing:

Also grateful that Queen Fur has decided to finally start drinking out of the electronic water fountain I got her a couple months ago. She still uses her water bowls that I refresh often during the day, but I like knowing she has access to fresh water at night.

Also grateful that I understand 100% that I am not responsible for my mother, or mothering her, when her own bad behavior has caused problems and she tries to manipulate others into reassuring ber, even though she was the problem to begin with. We do not engage with petty narcissistic behavior anymore and she does not like this.

I do remember those clocks! :laughing:


Congratulations Brian @I.cant.We.can on 9 months, that’s a lot of days stacking up there :tada::partying_face::tada:
Short but sweet today, poorly kittie has meant very broken sleep.
I’m grateful for vets.
I’m grateful for meditation.
I’m grateful for a safe warm home.
Im grateful to be sober and able to care for others.
I’m grateful to be here on these threads.

You are all amazing :heartpulse:


I’m torn how I feel right now, but I always have room for gratitude.

I’m grateful the furnace guy came out and I will have heat again.
I’m grateful for my work day and my boss’ respect.
I’m worried about my ‘baby girl’ Riley :smiley_cat: even tho she was at the vets not long ago, she’s showing her age.
I’m grateful for Buddy :dog:

Riley just brought a big smile to my face by sneaking up and jumping in my lap. I know she loves me, and I also know, she knows, I love and adore her :heart_eyes::sparkling_heart: :pray:


I’m grateful I’m #1111 post on this thread :smile:


Atta boy Brian.
Congratulations on your 9 months clean and sober.
Well you’re a cat person now :heart_eyes_cat::kissing_cat:
I’m glad to see you pop in for a well deserved celebration.


Here I am! :sweat_smile:

David Tennant Reaction GIF by Around The World In 80 Days


Woo hooooooooo! I hope you celebrated with Timmy’s coffee for you, treats galore for Peace, lots of humour and music, and the knowledge of how celebrated and appreciated you are - here and IRL!

You and Daze (and that nice fellow from New Zealand who started this thread) will always be the original G-dudes to me. :wink:

Onward, friend :pray: :orange_heart:


Brian, I am so grateful to stumble over this post. I am super proud of you as well and so happy, you still share your laughs and loves with us.


Great work with those nine months!


Happy belated Birthday @Mno :birthday::sun_with_face::sunflower::dancer:
Happy 9 months sober @I.cant.We.can :heart_eyes_cat::+1::birthday:

I’m grateful for another beautiful autmn day, the sun is shining into my bedroom, I see blue sky and hear miowing cats around the house :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My heart is a bit heavy today, so much going on, so much change in my life. Today’s the last meeting of the group therapy I’ve been attending for half a year. It really helped me and it makes me a bit insecure to face the fact that I really got accustomed to this bi-weekly meetings. I liked the structure and input it brought to my life. I’m grateful it had a positive impact on my life and I’m grateful we also had some fun. I’m grateful I work on letting go with gratitude as I have faith that something good will fill the gap within time. Until then I’m grateful to practice living with and accepting the little void this change causes. I’m still axious about changes due to last years experiences. I’m grateful there are lots of tools to help me and I’m competent and willing to use them and practice :pray:

I’m grateful the piece of land I decided to sale is online. Time to inform the neighbours in a personal note. I’m grateful I already have the text prepared, just have to print it and put it in their letterboxes. I’m doing this because I’m grateful for good neighbours and want to inform them personally including a thank you for decades of nice neighbourhood with my family.

I’m grateful the valuation of the farm came yesterday. It’s fair, my lawyer would win the bet how much it’s worth :grin: I’m grateful I now can think about paying the ex out. And on details what he said he will finish on the farm. And on options if not, how all of it can be structured and set up formally etc. I’m not leaning on his word, I prefer pen to paper agreements set up by lawyers, I learned to trust myself more than him. We will see what comes up and how it goes. ODAAT.
I’m deeply grateful for ODAAT :pray:


I am grateful for kind and empathetic people around me, people that see the same things I do, when entering a room. I am grateful for my line of work and the things I get to contribute to. I am grateful I even get payed for it :smile:. I am grateful for people who have made it their life’s goal to share their experiences and memories with others, be it younger generations or people who lost sight of their guiding star. I am grateful for the stories of hope and forgiveness I got to listen to the past few days. It makes me think of all the wonderful stories I got to read on TS. We are all testimonials to each others paths of recovery. I am very grateful for the wisdom of some early members of this forum. Their shares greatly helped me during the first few months of my sobriety and I am saddened to learn they chose to be deleted and all their stories with them. I hope they are in a good place. I am grateful for a new day and new stories to be added here. Take care, grati-friends :orange_heart:


I’m behind on everything. Who chose to be deleted? That’s really sad when the stories and shares are gone.


I know, but I am sure there were good reasons. I was talking about mephistopheles/rain666. Read it on the ‘you are missed’ thread.


thank you :pray:. will check it out.


Good morning my friends! Today it’s the bfs bday and I am grateful he made it around the sun once again! I’m grateful for him for taking good care of us and all the things he helps me with, I’m grateful for his support in my sobriety, I’m grateful he’s dealing with my vehicle and taking it to the shop and doing insurance things, I’m grateful for the twelve years we have together and how much we’ve grown individually but that we haven’t grown apart, I’m grateful when I fall down (sometimes literally) he encouraged me to get up and try again even when it’s hard and scary, and I’m grateful for him because I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.