Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Today when getting ready for bed, I noticed how nice it was to only smell the minty freshness of the toothpaste and the flowery scent of soap on my hands.


Thank you so very much


It will be one week in about 5 hours yes. Thank you for noticing @JazzyS :heart:


@Lisa07 thank you so very much, I will check out that app! Hopefully my phone has enough room for it as it sounds very useful and I have felt a bit lost when trying to follow along with readings, steps and daily affirmations while in online meetings. I only have access to my phone right now (not my laptop) and I have not figured out quite yet if there is a way to split screen to have zoom and another app open or even zoom and the pdfā€™s I saved open on a phone at the same time. I am feeling better today after 7 days of the flu so if that keeps up I plan for attending an in person meeting tomorrow where I can get some paper based literature for following along (I live in a rural community that does not have meetings and I am still feeling unsure and nervous about attending any of the 2 weekly meetings in the next town over as it also is a small community yet can be very gossipy and judgy and I work in a customer facing public job).


Welcome ForgiveYourself,
So glad youā€™re here.


Thank you! :heart: I hope itā€™s okay to post short replies like this on here, still not entirely sure about details of the ā€œlocal etiquetteā€. :smiling_face:


Happy Friday evening to all my sober people here on TS! Iā€™m practicing my gratitude this evening on my last night of vacation here on Tybee Island.

Iā€™m grateful to be sober and active in my recovery.
Iā€™m grateful we had a nice week of quiet relaxation, good food, some great fishing, and some quality beach time.

Iā€™m grateful we had a nice visit to our vacation by my brother. He came in on a plane on Christmas Day which we also celebrated his 7 months of sobriety and hard work in recovery. Iā€™m grateful for the time we got to spend together and how he interacted with my hubby and the dogs.

Iā€™m grateful that I joined my brother in attending two AA meetings. I have not gone to AA before this week. It was very special to go with him and participate with the kind people there.

Iā€™m grateful to have enjoyed our fun rental house and had good food and good sleep.

Iā€™m grateful for good health. Iā€™m grateful to be getting ready to head home, starting at 4 am. Whew! So Iā€™m off to bed soon so I can get up and head home.

I wish you all peace and a happy sober new year celebration.


Day 359 today! Super thankful my one year mark is just around the corner. I bought myself an early gift to celebrate. I served in the military for 8 years, 5 of them in a unit called RED HORSE. I have been looking for a horseshoe ring to wear for years and finally found this one today so I scooped it up and felt great because itā€™s easy to get this far along and think ā€œIā€™ve done well I deserve a drinkā€¦ā€ I donā€™t deserve a drink but I do deserve a cool ring to remember a great time in my life doing incredible work and something Iā€™ll forever be part of.


Thank you @Dazercat


Weā€™re grateful sober and chill around here.
Itā€™s all good.


Iā€™m grateful @Jwfletcher4792 found an awesome ring to celebrate his 1 year soberversary.
Iā€™m grateful to see new faces on here @Forgive_Yourself @Sunshineontheinside @Spidey
Congratulations @Its_me_Stella on 4 amazing years. It is motivating and inspirational to read about people blazing a trail we can all follow, one day at a time!

Iā€™m grateful for a tasty meal out.
Iā€™m grateful my fruit sunrise mocktail came with lots of fancy garnish in a lovely glass, I felt fancy.
Iā€™m grateful I recognise that I think the reason I wanted to drink so badly yesterday was that my friend who stayed is pretty much my only confidante, and I usually spill my guts to her when we drink. I have a lot to unload and I need to find a way to do that. I am waiting on psychotherapy, it canā€™t come soon enough.
Iā€™m grateful for sobriety and starting to understand myself more instead of burying everything.


Today i am grateful for the memories we have created during the holidays, grateful for the relationship i have with both my kidsā€¦grateful for my jobā€¦grateful for my sobrierty.

I am back on this appā€¦i have been away for a whileā€¦and i am grateful to be back

:heart: lots of love to all of you


@Forgive_Yourself Welcome to the community. I did love getting my taste buds back. Enjoy the many benefits of recovery.
@LAB Grateful that you had a wonderful vacation. Grateful your brother celebrated 7 months of sobriety! :tada: Safe travels home.
@Jwfletcher4792 So excited for your 1 year coming up Jake! You do deserve a cool ring ā€“ love the one you picked out :heart:
@Dilettante I do love the fancy drinks and i love that we can still have some lovely non alcoholic fancy drinks :yum: Hoping that you and your friend are able to have a open heart to heart conversation. I know it seemed easier to let the words flow when we were drinking but i feel like they have more of an impact when we are sober and clear minded. Here for you if you need to talk :hugs:


I am grateful to be 50 years old and 4 years clean. Its a miracle.
I am grateful for this quote from a book I read because it is everything that I have experienced in this last year.

I am grateful for the love and support on this forum.
I am grateful that we are one.



Just had to ā€œlikeā€ this before I even read the excerpt. Will read it in bed.
Huge congrats and happy birthdays to you.
May your 50s be filled with freedom, a wide range to run with the wolves, and an ever-greater wingspan to soar to new heights. :orange_heart:


Happy 50th!!! Thank you for being here.
You are a mighty force. :gift::bouquet::sparkles:


Wow! Thank you for sharing that excerpt, I got goosebumps reading it! :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I woke up to this:

Iā€™m grateful our visitors are going back home today. Iā€™m grateful Dennis finally fall asleep yesterday after long ā€œfightā€. Grandma let him took a nap at 5pm while we were at the supermarket. Not the best idea. Iā€™m so grateful visit is over. It was hell of a ride, it always is when sheā€™s here. This all family is just fucked up.
Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to be part of it. Well, at least not forever.
Iā€™m grateful Im not hangovered and I have nothing to do with all this empty bottles in my house.
Iā€™m grateful exactly half year ago I installed this app thinking I will just track my sobriety. Iā€™m grateful I found this forum and started reading, and reading, and readingā€¦ Iā€™m grateful for all the changes I made last 6 months.
Iā€™m grateful for all of you :orange_heart:


I am so grateful that yesterday in the supermarket after I scanned the alcohol bottle through on the self service check out, that I then called the assistant to take it off.
Iā€™m grateful I woke up sober today.
Iā€™m grateful for realising this :

Because my son (21), his my rock :rock: and I know Iā€™m his too.
When I told everyone I was stopping drinking 800+ days ago that same day he gave me all his trust back and really believed me, and believed IN meā€¦il never forget that day. He literally put all his trust back in me without having a doubt I couldnā€™t do it or would let him down.
I canā€™t ever let that go.
The innocence inside him and the person he knows I am that the same day he gave me all his trust back. Thatā€™s huge.

Wow Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a strong reminder why I shouldnā€™t drink.
And a strong reminder of on my Day 1 the first thing I noticed was that trust given back without hesitation or disbelief.
And the reality is it takes months to years to get that kind of trust back from family. And day 1 he gave me every reason to be the woman/mum I am again and gave me his trust. I will not break that loyalty. I will treasure it for what it is.


Youā€™ve got this Twizz. Keep talking it out. šŸ©·