Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful for another day sober
I’m grateful for some snow today
I’m grateful for my nieces and nephews who I am going to spend time with later


Happiest of birthdays to you Stella!
Just a supreme passage you posted there, thx a bunch!!
My turn for a bday too, only sober party will do, thx to sponsor and this forum :partying_face::tada::bike:


Good morning sober fam,

Big congrats to @Its_me_Stella on 4 years of sobriety and unlocking the 50th year of your journey. You are a beautiful example of what sobriety can bring into your life

Congrats @Mischa84 on 6 months!! Thats a major milestone plus getting thru the holiday and family stress.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Coffee with a sober sister. She asked me to be her quit smoking accountability partner. Now i really cant quit quitting
Up early without a hangover or alarm
A productive day yesterday
More chill vacation days ahead…wow how time flies
Paid off coasta rica…now to get my spending $$
6 months til i pay off our wonderful king size bed
Im questioning and pausing my spending as its a bit addicting
Fresh water
A fridge full of food
Of course Boscoe and Hubby
My planning nature
All you gratidudes


Congratulations on 6 months @Mischa84! I’m grateful you survived the family visit without having to pick up a drink.

I’m grateful @Twizzlers did not follow through with the alcohol purchase. I’m grateful you came here to confess. Remember… it’s easier to stay sober than it is to get sober.

I’m grateful my daughter’s birthday celebration went off without a hitch. I’m grateful she chose a dinner place that was simple and fairly close to home. I’m grateful our waitress was a friend’s daughter, and she gave us top notch service (totally unplanned, didn’t even know she worked there). I’m grateful she made my baby girl a special mocktail to celebrate. I’m grateful one family member that drinks heavily did not indulge even though I gave her the go ahead. I’m grateful for my patience when my daughter had a breakdown after cake, just before leaving the restaurant. I’m grateful I handled the situation with grace and dignity and didn’t care what other people thought. That’s huge progress…normally I would be mortified walking out with my head down.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of my dad’s death. I’m grateful my sobriety will allow me to just feel the sadness as it comes and goes throughout the day.

I’m grateful for the holiday weekend and an extra day off from work to spend quality time with the family.

I’m grateful this year is coming to an end. The first half and last month have been very challenging, but without sobriety I’m sure it would have been much worse.

I’m grateful for each one of you helping to keep me sober today. Thank you!


I’m peeking out from my donut hole. I’ve been in there for a while.
I’m grateful for:
TS and the wonderfully supportive community here.
A certain thread where I can vent and get even more support.
Another sober day.
The Hawaiian teas my niece sent me for Christmas.
My cats.
Long hot showers.
Morning coffee , decaf, but still a ritual I look forward to every day.


Congrats on your amazing milestones @Its_me_Stella and @Mischa84!
Its amazing and strong that you didn’t go through with buying alcohol @Twizzlers! Beautiful to read about the love you have for your son.
My son is 22 and also my favorite person in the universe. He is my biggest supporter in my sobriety, I am so blessed to have him in my life.

I am grateful for @SoberWalker, got a great insight talking to her today.
I am grateful for not being forgotten and being invited for a drink (tea ofc) on new years eve.
I am grateful for yesterday evening. I was feeling quite lonely and restless, but then my son en his gf came home with apple beignets and we had a nice chat together.

I feel a bit weird these days, a little off, but am grateful I don’t have any cravings. I am grateful I can manage these feelings sober.


Isn’t it wonderful when people you love choose to join the sober community? It builds such a positive connection.


Grateful that I have a cheap gym membership where I can go for free endorphins!
Grateful that my partner’s friends came into town, I really like them and I love seeing the way they interact and hearing back in the day stories.
Grateful for coffee. The only thing worth getting out of bed for :laughing:


Awww I am estranged from my partner and 3 fur babies right now, one named Boscoe. Very motivating and inspiring post. :hugs:


I’m grateful that I made it through yesterday and that I just need to survive a few more days. I’m grateful that January 2nd is soon.

Happy birthday @Its_me_Stella and congrats on your 4 years!
@Forgive_Yourself Welcome!
Welcome back @Sara.eve
Congrats on your six months @Mischa84
Happy birthday @Nowenbrace !
@Lisa07 Good for you in working with your daughter in a better way than you might have in the past and only worried about your own business. It is genuinely a huge step to not care what people might or might not think about us. I hope you will be able to find some peace as you go through your father’s death day.


I’m grateful for being able to keep fighting. I’m grateful for my health. Grateful for my fellows and grateful for not giving up.


Proud of you. :heart_eyes:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for all of the achievements here on the homethread- happy birthday and sober anniversary @Its_me_Stella , thank you for sharing your wisdoms with us. @Mischa84 congratulations on 6 months AND making it through the holiday! Congratulations to everyone for that! I’m grateful that life has thrown some lifey drama and stress at me, but I’m sober and I can use my toolbox to get me through it. I’m grateful for my home and the people in it. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.:heart:


@JazzyS thank you! So excited too! Big plans for 2024 to continue building on this year! There’s a new position opening at work that would be promotion I think I have a good shot at, my baseball team has a good shot at a title, and I’m steady work on a book I’ve been wanting to write. I don’t have time for alcohol to slow me down :muscle:t2:


@mischa84 WAY TO GO with your 6 months of sobriety. YEAH to your visitors are leaving.
@Twizzlers So very proud of you for realizing the harm in purchasing that bottle and that act of having it removed drives your addiction further into the ground. 800 + days is amazing – I know lately it has been hard but you are doing great. Lovely to see you checking in more often and staying connected. A huge hug to your son for having your back and it is huge that he gave his trust back to you on day 1 – such a huge deal! :pray: Keep it going strong – we got your back here love :hugs:
@nowenbrace so good to see you checking in Owen! Happy birthday to you – love a sober party – have yourself a blast :partying_face: :tada:
@lisa07 sending you hugs and comfort as you celebrate your fathers life tomorrow. Here for you if the emotions become overwhelming. :people_hugging:
@pattycake lovely to see you Patricia :heart:

This line wins the day! So lovely to see you thriving in sobriety – excited for your 1 year milestone coming up and love how 2024 will be filled with even more wonderful opportunites. :hugs:


Gratefulness on a beautiful Saturday morning.

I am so grateful to be up and alive today. I am so grateful that i am functioning (not well :laughing: ) without that coffee.
I am so grateful for my mom time this morning. Grateful that i was able to let my sis know that i will need to nap before i can see them today.
I am so grateful that i had enough energy to clean up the house this morning.
I am so grateful that i forced myself to do some accounting work last night… a huge amount of anxiety lifted – still a lot to do but feel more comfortable today.
I am so grateful that i woke up to meditate with my Sangha this morning but was not able to focus and had a throbbing headache so did sleep for another hour to feel less like a zombie.
I am so grateful that i that my 2nd cousin got my letter a few days ago and was super excited. Is now sending me a letter LOL. I feel crappy as i have not written the letters to my other cousins - hope to get them done. Did post them letters from my brother so at least they won’t feel left out.
I am so grateful that i finally used my new laptop last night - was a nice touch and lightweight and realized that so much of my search history and log in info was already pre loaded – how the fuck is that a thing?
I am so grateful for New Year’s eve coming up and not having the anxiety of needing to bring in the new year blitzed out of my mind. How was that a way to celebrate? Grateful that sober living and sober celebrations are so much better.
I am so grateful for a warm cozy home. Grateful for my brothers big heart and letting me move in with him when i got sick. Grateful for him being here with me helping in to heal and always making me laugh.
I am so grateful for my TS peeps - grateful that we are all such badasses living our best sober life. It is a struggle sometimes but we are navigating through it like rockstars.

Wishing you a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Love the donut gif! Made me laugh!!!:laughing::kissing_heart:


I have to be grateful to life, God, and all people that have supported me during my alcoholic life.

I want to share with you an episode of this week: I requested the list of all the purchases I have done in Itunes. Obviously I have bought music, games, books, etc.

What I want to share with you is the fact that I begin to work self help books to give up alcohol in 2015.

I was able to quit (I hope definitely) in 2022. 2023 will be a complete year sober.

I get impressed of how much time passed since I realised I have a problem, and how, knowing I have a problem, i continue drinking.

Thank you for reading. Kind regards and best wishes for 2024. Happy sobriety!


I’m so very grateful for all the wonderful people here whose words give me perspective on my own problems and hope for a good life.
I’m grateful for sunshine.
I’m grateful I was able to run today. It was not much, but it felt great. Should have never stopped running. What was I thinking :confounded:
I’m grateful for a really good and strong yoga session.
I’m grateful for the wonderful people at the lyrics reading I went this evening.


Was able to work properly today and concentrate for a few hours. Maybe I can do this!