Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Congratulations @Mischa84 on 6 months, way to go :tada::partying_face::tada:
I’m grateful for a simple home cooked meal tonight with lots of veggies.
I’m grateful I have found the bottom of my laundry pile (seriously, how does so much stack up after only taking a few days off laundry duty over Christmas!)
I’m grateful I feel more at peace today.


I am grateful for the beautiful moments I spent with my kids today.
I am grateful for my health and my body


Broken record over here - I’m super grateful for this stretch of time I’ve had, and that I didn’t clutter it up with activity galore or submerge it in wine.

I’m grateful to feel excited about the year ahead, and reflective too about the year past. Grateful for a new day planner (moleskine = indulgence).

I got thinking today about New Years Eve (driving past the traffic jam in the liquor store parking lot). I dunno about you guys, but I have some really shitty memories of past New Years Eves. Blech. I’m grateful for self-compassion and forgiveness.
I’m also grateful for those memories, reminders of how I don’t ever want to live life again.

I’m grateful we don’t ever have to go back there.

I’m grateful for all of you.
@Mischa84, 6 months! Amazing! :boom: :dizzy: :tada:
Hang in there, and you too @Sunflower1 and @Chiron - Holidays be over soon! :smile:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Some morning gratitude before I fall asleep again.
I’m grateful I feel a bit better every day. Only the fatigue is still overwhelming. I even dreamed of falling asleep last night.
I’m grateful I can sleep as much as I need.
I’m grateful for my purring fluffballs. I sometimes feel lonely and they are great company.
I’m grateful I’ll vacuum and clean a bit today. 9 days of not doing anything with 3 cats results in heavy coughing. I’m grateful the coughing is not from covid.
I’m grateful I can sleep on in my cozy bed now.


Today my gratitude is for my sobriety.
For attending my first in person meeting.
For the people at that meeting who shared, time, space and heart.
For smiles of people who said “You came!, I saw you online at ________ meeting!”
For watching women celebrate their 2, 4 and 7th Birthdays.
For listening to a Daughter talk about how her Moms dedication, hard work and conviction not only inspires and motivates her daily yet also mended and made their family and bond even stronger.
For being gifted the 7 year Birthday coin.
For being introduced to a sponsee.
For and planning and prepping ahead for tomorrow.
For my littlest Sister.
For faith that everything is happening as it is right now for a reason and that I have arrived right here, right now because I am ready.
For this community and you all who humble and inspire me daily. I wish I knew where you all lived and that we could meet in person.


Today I’m grateful for another day sober
I’m grateful for a warm, comfortable bed
I’m grateful for quietness


I’m grateful for my new year’s eve plans of being in bed well before midnight. Might as well ring in the new year doing one of the most important things we can do–sleep.

@M-be-free49 Moleskine definitely = indulgence


Good morning sober fam and happy new years eve!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety.
5 months vape free tonight!
609 days no weed or alcohol
2nd new years eve
Hubbys sobriety
Got my workout in
Hubby being genuinely proud of me staying committed to getting healthier
365.5 days of a healthier lifestyle
My determination
Get to treat myself to red light therapy today
Mom and dad
May clean the coat/junk closet today
Sober sisters
This community
Local alcathon tonight
Vacation days

Much love my peeps


I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for ending 2023 off on a good note
I’m grateful for this community
I’m grateful for all the love and advice
I’m grateful for my sobriety
I’m grateful for my lovely girlfriend
I’m grateful for music
I’m grateful for nice food
I’m grateful for positivity
I’m grateful for being alive
I’m grateful for the happiness
I’m grateful for LIFE!


I love this! Hopefully that helped put you into a deeper trance. Glad you are starting to feel better.

I love this plan. Most years I would have been struggling to stay up till midnight – but lately with not being able to sleep I am hoping that today sets a tone for me being knocked out before midnight … so funny how our goals change.

Sunday Gratefulness as we celebrate New Years Eve together…
I am so grateful that i am able to drink 1 cup of coffee now. one the second half of my treatment. Can’t believe i made it 5 weeks. Grateful that my sis was in town and wanted to go out for coffee with me. Grateful that we had a lovely time even if the coffee did not measure up. Grateful that tomorrow is a new day and i can make my own blend at home – i am sure it will hit the spot.
I am so grateful that my sis and bil came over yesterday but spent their time at my parents place. Grateful that they understood that i needed some time alone and don’t have energy to spare. I was able to go and spend an hour with them which was lovely but also tiring.
I am so grateful that i have caught up with my accounting work about 90%. I am ready for year end and getting my shit to the accountant by 1/7. We are unable to file for personal returns until the business one is done so that is my first priority.
I am so grateful that my sister acknowledged how much i have put into my health recovery. Not just with my addictions but my strict diet and daily practices. WOW - that came out of the blue and made me cry. She has had to change up her diet and cut back on drinking this month as she found out she is teetering on becoming diabetic and realized how hard it is to stay steady on the coarse. She acknowledged that the first few weeks were hard but then she needed cheat days.
I am so grateful that our friends may not show up tonight so that will be great to not have to entertain for NYE. Grateful that i can run over to my parents to escape if i do need to.
I am so grateful that i got me some lovely veggies to stir fry – i am able to expand my greens that i am allowed. Still not Swiss Chard or spinach but hey baby steps! Grateful to see some light - hopefully i will be able to keep moving forward. Looking forward to being able to eat my night shades again lol.
I am so grateful that even with my limited diet i never felt deprived.
I am so grateful for my awesome family!
I am so grateful that no one has been setting off fireworks yet.
I am so grateful that i am safe and secure in my heated home.
I am so grateful for the abundance of joy in my heart.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices that help me stay connected and grounded.
I am so grateful that i know i could not do this journey alone… grateful to my HP, my family and this community for having my back!

Wishing everyone a safe and addiction free New Years Eve - may 2024 be filled with love, peace, good health and blessings :pray: Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


This is great! I’m happy to hear this. Some people just cannot understand the effort and will that certain thjngs take unless/until they experience it themselves.


I am Grateful this year will be done in 10 hours! :+1:
I am Grateful to start this New year sober and stronger than I have EVER been! YASSSS :partying_face:
I am Grateful for all that I have :metal:
I am Grateful to be owned by 5 healthy, happy funny pet’s :purple_heart:
I am Grateful for our yearly Sea Food feast that I am gonna Destroy!!!:drooling_face::grin::rofl::ok_hand:
HNY ya’ll :smiling_face:


Last gratitude for 2023. Man, am I grateful this year is over :pray:
I’m grateful this year was like it was. Not the horror of 2022, not good again, a year of work, transition, change, illness, rest, let go, sadness, hurting but also fun, pride, achievements, love for and from friends, calmness, serenity, laughter, deep insights and hopefully forgiveness.
I’m grateful I’m done with 2023.
I’m grateful the cats are not bothered by fireworks. I’m grateful I slept half of the day, still this corona fatigue. I’m grateful I was able to do basic chores today: Kitchen, cats, taking trash out. What a relief.
I’m grateful for nice texts from people near and afar :orange_heart:
I’m grateful for my cozy, comfy townhouse with its central heating and easy to handle structure. I’m grateful I will stay here until I’m all healthy again. I’m grateful the cats are ok here and cuddle a lot. I’m grateful HALT helped me through an emotional crisis today.
I’m already tired and will go to bed soon, far before midnight. Like every year :blush:. Have a good and sober start into the new year dear folks! :four_leaf_clover::dizzy:


Thanks friend :hugs:

so true – grateful that she acknowledged it and was able to see my efforts.


I’m grateful 2023 is coming to an end. Another tough year but then again I haven’t had a good year since starting this journey. I’m grateful I know life would be much worse if I hadn’t made the decision to get sober when I did.

I’m grateful I was seen by a doctor after a 3 hour wait at urgent care confirming I have covid. I’m grateful the dr prescribed paxlovid because of my history with asthma. I’m grateful my addiction dr called me to discuss possible interactions with current medication. Grateful she says nothing to worry about and continue taking both. I’m grateful she always responds when I text her. I’m grateful hubby is being kind and caring while I’m down and out.

I’m grateful for the soft warm xlarge throw blanket hubby gave me for xmas. I’m grateful for dog snuggles. Here I am thinking doggo wants extra cuddles but nope, he loves my blankie.

I’m grateful for soup and all the meds helping me to fight this crap. I’m grateful for enough energy to shower myself and my baby girl. I’m gonna try wearing a mask. We’ll see how this works.


I’m grateful my baby is back home, and for the stories she already told us with all her juvenile excitement about her trip.
I’m grateful for my wonderful husband and our marriage.
I’m grateful for friends.
I’m grateful for finding compassion for myself and others in midst a flow of over critical thoughts.
I’m grateful I am able to cycle through my city. I know a lot of people don’t have this luxury. I love to ride a bike.
I’m grateful to feel good in my body, to enjoy moving, and resting, and cuddling, and comfort.


Aww I’m so sorry Lisa.
Happy fucking new year right?
Quite possibly, if you hang on for a few more hours, 2023 can’t get any worse :scream:

But we’re sober and I’m grateful we got that going for us.
Get well soon my friend. Enjoy the doggie and blanket snuggles.


Thanks Eric. Of course my year is ending with covid. Agreed… It certainly can’t get any worse. But it is keeping me optimistic that 2024 will be better. I’m grateful I didn’t come down with this next week, then my optimism would have gone out the window.

Grateful for our sobriety! Grateful we’ll be celebrating another fantastic milestone with you in just a couple more days.


I’m grateful today for TS and as always, for another day sober.
I’m grateful my donut hole is shrinking a little.


I’m grateful this year is nearly done and this is also the year I finally got fully committed to being sober. I’m grateful to TS and all of you brilliant people who have given me such support and guidance and laughter, you are the best!
I’m grateful I have a warm and comfortable house on this cold winter day.
I’m grateful I baked cocoa rye cookies, much healthier than other versions, therefore I can eat them without quite as much guilt :face_with_hand_over_mouth: