Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I am grateful to start 2024 sober.
I am grateful I was able to leave the new years party early. I am grateful I wasn’t tempted by the non-AF beer I got shoved in my hand.

I put on my super high heeled boots I didn’t wore for years, because I knew I’d stay sober and therefore wouldn’t break my ankles. I still am gratefully saying goodbye to them because I’m too old for uncomfortable torturous shoes.
I am grateful being home early and not intoxicated, to comfort my terrified dog (it’s a freaking war zone here).

I am grateful for the chatter from my son and his friends in the living room. I am grateful he doesn’t like getting drunk.
I am grateful I don’t have major fomo anymore around NYE.
I am grateful for the hangover free morning ahead, being able to go for a early walk with the dog without wanting to die.

Happy new year my fellow gratitude people of TS!


I’m grateful to be laying a sober head on my pillow at the start of a new year.
I’m grateful I found this community.
I’m grateful for all the wonderful people I have met (and am yet to meet) here on TS.
I’m grateful I have finally learnt to ask for help and that I know I can’t do this alone.
Wishing peace, power and prosperity to all of you here on my favourite thread and in the TS community…we’ve got this. Together. :people_hugging:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to read @Mischa84 celebrated half a year, Wow, Congratulations, Keep moving forward. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation, the twelve steps, my sponsor and sponsees. I’m grateful I have the next two days off. I’m grateful I will spend time with my sister and parents tomorrow for New Year’s Day. I’m grateful my Mom’s side of the family has a tradition of not new years parties but new years day family gatherings and I have lots of memories of winter activities, tobogganing, skiing, snow angels and building snow people and forts, skating, hot chocolate and good food, faith, etc. I’m grateful for music and that Mom will likely play the piano tomorrow while we sing. I’m grateful for humor and laughter, not trying to brag but I have enough money to live comfortable for the rest of the year. I’m grateful for my cat the Angel of Peace. I’m grateful it’s snowing.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!

p.p.s. Happy New Year!!


I’m grateful to be enjoying a night at home. That I’ll be tucking in soon, sober and sweet-dreaming. I think I’m gonna pretend I’m in Brian’s time zone :point_up: and say the new year has arrived! :yawning_face: :sleeping:

I’m grateful I’m home to cuddle the dog girl through the fireworks. She has a pretty foul mouth, the dog girl, and would appreciate it if those assholes would fucking stop already. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m grateful for the call tonight from a dear long-time pal, just to say how grateful she is for our friendship. I’m grateful she’s my strongest recovery support outside my recovery buddies/therapist, and still thinks of our friendship as perfectly mutual.

I’m grateful for the time I’ve had off, for the return to routine too, and for the new year ahead. I do love this time for the opportunity to reflect and be intentional about the time ahead.

I’m grateful for hope, that I haven’t abandoned hope for things that are out of my control. I hope the year ahead brings more peace to this world. :pray:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

But… @Lisa07! Covid? No! I’m sorry. (I think we all know it was @erntedank who spread it around the thread… KIDDING, friend! :sweat_smile:) I hope you both feel top shelf in no time.


Grateful to wave 2023 off without much fanfare. Grateful I can crawl into bed sober and know that tomorrow morning me will be grateful that nighttime me left a NYE gathering early so I can go to bed on time.

Nighttime me is a real hero.

Goodnight TS, and “good year”.


Good morning sober fam
How nice is to wake up in New Year without hangover. Always grateful for that.
I’m grateful that this fireworks madness is over. I’m grateful I was awake at midnight and seen beautiful ones and I remember it all. Last year in the new year morning I didn’t even know if I was sleeping already or blacked out or what. Never again.
Wish you all the best in 2024 :orange_heart:


I am grateful to start the new year early, sober and with some morning sunshine. I am grateful the fireworks are over - I like to watch, but in the city it resembles a war zone. I am grateful for a new year ahead and it will be up to me to make it a good one. I am grateful for plans to make it another year of growth. I am grateful for kindness, compassion and wisdom of people around the world. I am anticipating all the new people coming here to give sobriety a try. I hope all of them stick around long enough to discover the merit of being sober.
Sending healing vibes @erntedank @Lisa07 - with such a start it can only get better, right? Looking forward to 2024 with all of you, grati-friends. :orange_heart:


Good morning sober fam and happy new year,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 610 days
Falling asleep sick on the couch at 8pm only to wake up at midnight to celebrations put on my new years hat and hug hubby and say we did it lol
Giving myself compassion and space to rest
If im up to it later i can workout
Boscoe, my shadow
Hubbys home safe from work
Started the 30day insight timer challenge
Time with hubby today
Data and my ability to interpret
My mind
My senses
A new day


Good morning friends and Happy New Year!
I’m grateful we had some family over last night for a simple dinner and visit. I’m grateful no alcohol was “needed” to have a good time. I’m grateful that I have some goals for this year, some personal, some financial, some fun. I’m grateful that my family is safe and we have everything we need. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness, and the homethread❤️


I’m grateful for another day sober
I’m grateful for the madness of Christmas and New Year to be over
I’m grateful for some alone time today


I’m grateful I got decent sleep even though I was woken up by fireworks from a variety of sources that went on for about an hour. If it had been just city fireworks, I doubt I’d have woken, but there are a few people somewhere nearby who really like to set off the loudest and most obnoxious fireworks for an overly long period of time.

This concludes my “grinch form” for the season. :rofl:

@Lisa07 I hope you feel better soon!


@chuckie22 you did cook the hell out of that sea food feast – such an amazing job!
@lisa07 Sending you healing vibes my friend – hope the symptoms are not intense. :pray: you too @erntedank and @cjp– do hope that you all recover quickly :heart:
@naomi Oh man – I totally get tossing out the high healed shoes LOL – can’t believe how I used to wear them all the time and now an hour in and im screaming. Comfy all the way

Love this Kiki – Much love to you - we are stronger together and support systems make our journey easier to navigate. :heart:
@i.cant.we.can Love that tradition – hope you and your family have a fantastic time today!
@cjp Congrats on your 5 months of being smoke free! What a great start to 2024 – completely addiction free :hugs:


Happy New Year my sober warriors
Love this beautiful day as we bring in 2024!

I am so grateful that i had a peaceful night at home last night - i was able to chillout and just get some work done. I am so grateful that we did not have any fireworks in the area (really weird but i sure as hell am not complaining).
I am so grateful that i had a lovely chat with my sister when i woke up today.
I am so grateful that i slept in (the 4 hours each night was starting to wear me out – was nice to know that my mom slept in too LOL - got to enjoy some lovely time with both my parents this morning.
I am so grateful that i was able to come home and make myself the perfect cup of coffee… DAMN - i was in heaven. I did use my BIG mug to make sure i had just the one cup :wink: - told my mom about that and she suggested just drinking out of the pot next time so i could get more – silly woman.
I am so grateful that a dear friend suggested that we talk this morning - was a lovely chat and was my morning coffee with a friend :hugs:
I am so grateful that i got out all my Happy New Year texts and am done with all that jazz. Grateful that i did turn my phone on Do Not Disturb last night so that i wouldn’t be hearing dings all night.
I am so grateful that i made it through my 2nd New Year’s Eve sober. Last year i was only 10 days sober and surrounded by alcohol - had to keep myself distracted and made sure i had something that i could drink in hand - this year solo and had access to loads of alcohol and 0 desire. What a massive difference.
I am so grateful that i am on this treatment plan - have so much faith that this is the year that i will heal and get back my energy and my health.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that the house is quiet today as my brother is spending the day with my dad watching football. Grateful that i do love my alone time.
I am so grateful for my daily practices of meditation and prayer. Will try to focus more on these this year as they help me stay connected with my inner self and my HP. Grateful for Gratitude!! Incredible how the practice of gratitude changes my perspective and keeps me living life on a positive note.
I am so grateful for my sober friends and all the support that you have given me on my journey. Grateful for this site (blessed to have found it when i needed it most). Grateful that i was alert to acknowledge that i needed support (can’t do this solo) and accepting of the support - never could i have imagined that an online community could save me so immensely. You guys are frickin amazing!!! Thank you to each and everyone of you :pray:

Lets collectively kick ass this year my sober warriors! Together we can conquer it all. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and addiction free day - year ahead! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Today we were at a birthday and the table in front of me was filled with my DOC: everything imaginable of the sugary variation. I clung to my coffee pot for dear life. My craving was so bad. I’m so very grateful I did not pickup the first bite…
I’m so grateful I was spared the hellish consequences of listening to my addiction.
I’m so grateful I got through this trial, and I am grateful I had an excuse to leave earlier.

I’m grateful for the peace of meditation.
I’m grateful for cycling through my city. The weather is really depressing. But everything looks so much better from my bike :bike:

I’m grateful for relaxing anime series, and good video games.

I’m grateful for my wonderful partner, and my child with their running nose.


YOU Go on with your badself! So grateful that you were able to get through the temptations. Real strength friend :muscle:


Happy new year everybody!

Today I’m grateful for my 197th morning sober. First NYE sober in a very long time.

I hope everyone has a great day and year.


I’m grateful for a safe transition from '23 to '24!


Today I’m grateful my old boy slept all day, I was a bit worried but he only needs sleep and seems ok when up. Always a bit worried about my beloved senior. I’m grateful for cuddle times with the youngsters and funny shenenigans.
I’m grateful for simple food I enjoyed.
I’m grateful I slept in. Still suffering some covid symptoms but I did not nap today, first day since I got sick.
I’m grateful I did some basic chores today. I’m grateful I finished all my new year textings, I’m happy about a lot of nice answers :pray:

I’m grateful I was kind to myself, I felt needy and lonely today. I’m grateful I digged myself out of it.

I’m grateful I allow myself to feel weak and still sick. Yes, there’s a lot of work waiting for me to be done. Nope, it doesn’t make sense to try and bite through it when I’m still sick and feel exhausted & tired. I’m grateful I started with basic chores yesterday. I have faith that it will get better when I am careful and don’t overdo it. I’m grateful I work on being more patient and less nervous. It’s ok. ODAAT :pray:


Good day, my good dudes! I’m grateful for the past sober year and grateful to have another sober year to look forward to! I’m grateful I did so much tidying up I actually could have a dance party in my craft room. My dog nephew came over and wore out my dogs last night, and now I can have a quiet mostly guilt free day of lazing about with my buddy Link trying to save Hyrule and eating donuts. Which I know I should be like ope it’s Jan 1 time to do all the resolutions and only be productive and healthy and fitnessed all day every day, but maybe my resolution is to try to be more balanced. (It isn’t, but it should be) I’m grateful for the chance to remember to keep an eye on piling up the things I should do and forgetting to give myself a chance to consider which things I want to do so I don’t get all stressed out and burned out. I’m grateful for you guys, for my loved ones, for my home and comfort and security. I’m grateful not to have spent another year with my stomach feeling like it’s roiling with toxic sludge and feeling like a really terrible person, and feeling helpless and depressed and anxious. I’m grateful to look forward to a year where I’m not spending so much of my time navigating my life around drinking and managing the inevitable awful hangovers. I’m grateful to look forward to just doing things I want to do, you know? Also I’ll try to do all that stuff i said earlier about being healthy and productive and whatever I guess


Grateful you were able to dig yourself out of it – remember WE are all here for you love!

Grateful that you are taking it easy. Your health is most important - conserve that energy for your healing :hugs: