Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Day 10.
7th day of 90 meetings in 90 days.

Happy New Years Day Everyone!

Grateful for this community.
Grateful for meetings.
Grateful for honesty and transparency.
Grateful for seeing my partner and 3 fur babies yesterday and again today.
Grateful for health and welllness.
Grateful to have arrived safe and sound at my Daughter’s just now.
Grateful to go inside for a Christmas Do over, the first Christmas I will have experienced sober in 34 years.
Grateful for presence, the very best present.
Grateful for the upcoming Charcuterie feast…yay for someone deciding to take lunchables to the next yummy level.



Love your gratitudes :heart:
Congratulations on your double digits :muscle::partying_face::tada:


Grateful for this! Thank you for the message, Eric :heart: What a lovely way to close one year and start another one!

Grateful for another new year’s eve celebration happily popping the champagne and not drinking it. And now having the least interest in tasting it, really!

Grateful for time with my family - parents, siblings and their families - at my favorite beach.

Grateful for early (and not so early) morning runs along the water…one of the beach ends feels like the “Moana” island goddess to me…when I run up to it, I feel an immense sense of calm and nature’s energy.

grateful I’ve maintained a peaceful attitude when my hubby was very, very stressed (all this holiday). Grateful I can manage feelings and situations in a much more balanced way than I did about 2 years ago.

I’m so grateful for small things. For seeing my children laugh and play with their cousins. For seeing surfers do amazing manouvers in the water. For sunsets. For the smell of my tea. For the sand and breeze and the coconut trees. For music all around me - even when it keeps me up at night because it’s new years’ and it’s ok for the neighbors to party until late. For patience when my siblings pick on me for one reason or another. For chocolate cake and for ice cream. For each moment with a good conversation with my parents, siblings, nephews, nieces. For a run with my youngest. For seeing my oldest’s smile when he tells me of this big wave he surfed. For my parent’s good health.

I’m grateful for so much. I’m grateful I arrived at the end of 2023 tired, but stronger. And able to smile more easily.

I’m grateful I start 2024 surrounded by the people I love the most. At one of the places I love the most. Barefoot, with little luggage and a hopeful attitude.

Sending much, much love to you all and wishes of an amazing 2024 :star2::heart:


I hope you feel better soon, Lisa :pray::heart:


I am grateful for tears of joy, chests bursting full of love and stillness.
I am grateful I got to ring the new year in with a whole bunch of young adults in recovery living their best lives.
I am grateful to be a witness to the expressions of happiness, laughter and silliness that stemmed from their authentic selves.
I am grateful that was enough for me, to sit there, bathing in their excitement and amazing energy.
I am grateful for my direct contact with source and how when I let go I can feel how strong it is.
I am grateful for curiosity and questions, especially how these have replaced judgment and intolerance in my life.
I am grateful for grace, and I am grateful when I can offer it to others, sometimes its not easy.
Im still learning, I always will be, and I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for my creative mind and my expressive heart.
I am grateful to be stepping into a brand new year, that I get to live one day at a time.


I’m grateful for all the well wishes. I’m feeling much better. Energy is very low and my ribs hurt from coughing but I’m grateful the fever, headache and body aches are gone. I’m grateful for all the scientists that worked hard to develop the medication that sped up my recovery. It’s amazing how much better I feel after only 3 days (2 days of meds).

I’m grateful my daughter and husband haven’t tested positive (yet). They’re both sick but it seems to only be a bad cold at this point. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get any worse. I’m grateful for masks and lysol.

I’m grateful I woke up just in time to see the ball drop last night with my baby girl. We did a cheers with juice and I gave her a smooch and hug wearing a mask :mask:

I’m grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober another day.

Happy New Year! :heart:


I’m grateful for my little home, that it’s comfy and has everything I need.

I’m grateful for my job, (even though I feel like I could handle just a day or two more away from it!). I’m grateful I can work almost entirely from home. It suits me.

I’m grateful to feel rested and (mostly) ready to go back to work. I’m grateful for a fellow dude’s wise words :point_down: (thanks friend!)

I’m grateful to feel, after last year, like I “fit” my life more, or that it fits me more. Sumthin’ like that, anyway. :wink:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for a roof over my head.
I’m grateful for this community.
I’m grateful for staying sober even in hard times.
I’m grateful to be able to live life day by day sober.
I’m grateful to feel well rested.
I’m grateful 2024 is going strong!


Thank you @JazzyS and all you wonderful folks for smiles, good wishes and inspiration :pray::hugs:

Lunchtime gratitude. I had a quite sleepless night. I’m grateful I had some hours of sleep in the morning and dragged myself out of bed. I’m grateful I continued with basic chores! It starts to feel like my energy is coming back in babysteps. I’m grateful I was able to do more than yesterday and it’s only lunchtime :pray:
I’m grateful I’m kind to myself, rest when I need it and put effort in making the house neat & tidy again without overdoing it. I’m grateful I listen to my limitations and inner boundaries. I’m grateful I smiled a lot since I got up :blush:


Grateful for being a month sober, time flies when you’re having fun!
I am grateful for the returned silence, no more fireworks :pray:
Last night I stayed at a hotel suite with my own sauna and jacuzzi. It was a bit decadent, but so nice! I’m grateful for the opportunity to have had some quality time with me, myself and I. No wine in the hotel room of course, just tea :tea:
I am grateful I can take my work with me where I go.
I am grateful for my simple, yet reliable car.
I am grateful for a nice new years diner yesterday, being all fresh and hangover free :slight_smile: I really enjoyed the food, in stead of primarily focussing on the wine like I used to…
I am grateful I am only tired, in stead of hungover.
I am grateful for being healthy. It’s easy to slip into a negative way of thinking, but it’s such a good excersize to focus on the good things in life, there is so much to be grateful for!


Grateful for spending the last couple days on the couch with dog and partner and being perfectly content. Saved money, calories, and stress!

Grateful for friends who I can laugh at myself with.

Grateful I am a better dog mom than my human mom is. She just randomly decided to re-home her dog and it breaks my heart. Dogs are family!!

Grateful for free library audiobooks and ebooks! I surpassed my 2023 reading goal of 30 books.

Grateful for free yoga on YouTube, starting 30 Days of Yoga is always a great January experience!


I am grateful today,for seeing a new year sober,I am grateful for the fact that I am working on my credit score,I am grateful for having my family back,I am grateful for the things that I thought I destroyed in my addiction are starting to reappear in my life,I know for me there is no turning back


Happy soberversary Eric! 4 years is amazing work. You are incredible. Passionate and focused on your sobriety. Always available to help others when they are struggling and cheering people on as they celebrate milestones / achievements.
Today we celebrate you and your 4 year journey :confetti_ball::tada:
Thank you for being an inspiration and showing us the way.



I’m grateful I did laundry yesterday so I don’t have to do it today. In fact, I’m always grateful for “past me” making good decisions because it makes life just a little bit easier for “present me”.

@JazzyS Great choice to put your mobile on silent so you wouldn’t hear dings all night!
@erntedank Good for you in not overdoing it and letting yourself heal.
@Sunshineontheinside Congrats on your 10 days!
@Naomi Congrats on your one month!
@Dazercat Congrats on your four years! Look at you go!


Good morning sober fam,

Congrats @Dazercat for 4 fricken years!! Keep leading the way

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 20 months sober yesterday…totally forgot
Hubbys love
Slept in
Hot coffee
Hot shower
Boscoe cuddles
King size bed
No meetings scheduled at work today
A job that pays the bills
A reliable car
Comfy pillows and blankets
I can go to the gym after work if im feeling up to it
I lost weight over christmas and new years
A quiet morning
Time to wake up
This community

Much love my sober peeps


Good grateful sober morning my favorite peeps. I’m grateful today is the day my counter says 4Y 00M 00D

4 Fucken Years Sober AFAF!

Ya I am!

I’m grateful for this gratitude practice that I started 4 years ago. I’ve mentioned it before, but ; I knew a guy with 20 plus years. He said said he still does a gratitude list every day and always practices gratitude. He always seemed so calm and serene, and you know, I wanted what he has.

I feel like I been missing out here the last few days. But I have been checking in an and reading and trying to get caught up. And I’m grateful The Gratitude has not left my soul for even a minute.

I’m so so very grateful to have this thread every day at my disposal to come on here with some of my best friends. You all mean so much to me and have had a HUGE part getting me through my 4 years AFAF. I seriously don’t think I would have made it this far without you all on this beautiful journey.

I’m grateful some days you all let me spill my guts out to you all in my gratitude.

I just cannot believe I got 4 years. Thanks to all you Gratidudes, this TS forum, meditation, my knowledge of addiction and very importantly there is no fucken way I can have just one. I’ve never in my life have had “just one.” If I don’t have that first drink, the most important one, I’m still sober.

I’m grateful and so blessed to live in the desert.
I’m grateful for every desert sunrise and every desert sunset.
I’m grateful for every time a cat comes up to me and purrs and lets it pet me or cuddles with me. I’m grateful for my little Burner. Ya I am. I’m grateful Benson is my little Sancho. I love seeing him all the time. (Tiny back story. I never wanted Benson. I was in Boston when wifey brought him home :grimacing: I was so pissed off for a long long time. Years.) sorry. Anyway….

I’m so grateful for my wife and soul mate. Many of you know our struggles. I’m grateful for y’all listening about that. She’s still drinking off and on but is only having a max of 2 glasses of wine now on some nights when we go out. I’m grateful I can support her through that. It’s hard sometimes. And what she is doing is not working. I’m grateful it’s better than it was. I’m grateful for my constant living reminder that abstinence is the only way to go. I’m grateful we no longer have booze in the house. I’m grateful for Al-Anon.

I’m grateful for my Ember coffee cup and my coffee is still hot 45 minutes later. I’m grateful I brew myself one glorious cup of coffee to start my day.

I’m grateful I’m not drinking today. And you know I’m probably not drinking tomorrow. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! :kissing_heart:

Where focus goes energy flows
Kenneth Soares

You will simply not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion and ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given to you.
Sarah Ban Breathnach


I am so grateful for you. :face_holding_back_tears:

Thanks for keeping the lights on in this place for 4 whole years!

Huge and well-deserved congrats to you, dear Gratidude. :pray: :orange_heart:




Thanks M for being by my side since the very beginning, as far as I recall, and coining the word “Gratidudes”.
Always grateful for your words and that beautiful dog girl.


Congratulations on four years of growth, smiles, laughs, tears and service Eric. Keep moving forward. Use that sponsor. I’m grateful to not feel guilt that I am late to express my gratitude for your presence here. I’m grateful for our connection over these years. I’m grateful for Kelly, your kids and grand children, Norma and Gus and the pets being there for you. I can feel your love for them all through your shares, text, voice and photos. I’m grateful that one of my friends is having eye surgery today and it made me think of you and one of your favorite songs and quotes, through new eyes?

God bless you and yours. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Hope you enjoyed your day and pray that this new year finds you at peace. You deserve it. Ya you!!

Edit. @Dazercat
P.ps. I thought I was a day or two late to your celebration :face_with_hand_over_mouth: now that I slow down I see i’m really not :crazy_face:

I’m grateful there is always more work to do on me. I’m grateful that I get to attend a difficult group tonight on codependency and complex trauma. I’m grateful I have developed a strong enough foundation that I can do the work on the stuff from yesteryears without fear of bringing that old hurt and trauma back with me, as I learn to let it go and let God.