Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Iove how sober tracking sometimes slips our minds as sobriety is just our normal now. Still - want to acknowledge and celebrate each milestone :tada::tada: way to go on your 20+ months CJ.


I’m grateful to God please help guide me and give me strength to abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends and this home thread. I’m grateful to have made a decision to try a new year’s resolution of actually getting all the way down onto my knees to pray out loud from a position of humilty and surrender to a power greater than me rather than only in my thoughts. I’m grateful to have a pet to take care of me. I’m grateful for music and the nature sounds and sceneries I play on my t.v. to start the day and sometimes throughout.

May our higher powers teach us its ok to feel our feelings.

p.s. I think you are amazing. Ya you!!


I am Grateful to start my walks again with my 2 :dog::dog:’s and 1 :heart_eyes_cat:
I am Grateful the husband is now painting the upstairs bedrooms and stairs.
I am Grateful to start a new year sober
I am Grateful the leftovers are gone, my fridge is clean and ready to fill again.
I am Grateful for to be a part of this community and the sound advice of those who have been there and done that :grin:
Seize the Day friends.


Today was my first day of work after all that holiday madness. I did not get much done. My child is sick and needed care. I myself also needed a long time to get going this morning. Nonetheless I am grateful I got back to work, got to think, solve problems, code, and watch my work grow. I am so grateful this work makes me so very happy.
I’m grateful my child is not seriously I’ll, and grateful for silly TV for kids.
I’m grateful for the good food I get to have every day. I remember eating mostly junk and how it didn’t taste like food, but I always felt like I needed more of it. I’m grateful I don’t want that any more.
I’m grateful for my new Yoga programme, and how it teaches me so much every time I step on the mat. I breathe, and I work the poses, and I see my resentment and my judgement, and I move and breathe through it. This is recovery, this is healing.
My husband was in a small accident today. I’m very grateful nobody got hurt. His bike will need some repairs.


Congratulations on 4 years! I’m so grateful that you are one of the first people I met on here, and you pointed me in the direction of the Gratidudes! Thank you for all of your shares, and for showing us how to show up for ourselves- even when we don’t want to!


Hi friends,
I’m grateful it’s sunny out and I can open the windows for a bit. I’m grateful I have sick time so I can stay home and get better without worrying about the bills. I’m grateful for the new houseplants I got for Christmas. I’m grateful for new goals in 2024. I’m grateful for my family and our home. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.:heart:
P.S. congrats on 20 months CJP! Like @JazzyS said, it’s cool when the time kinda slips our minds- must mean we are living!
I like the new picture quote @I.cant.We.can !


Grateful that no one got hurt! Hoping your child gets better soon :hugs:


Congratulations @Dazercat! :clap:
I can’t believe we’ve been on this journey for 4 years already. I’m eternally grateful for your kindness and friendship. You have been there for me through thick and thin, always lending an ear to vent and some kind words of encouragement. You always seem to know when I need a cute pic to brighten my day. Thank you! I look forward to celebrating many more milestones as we trudge this road of happy destiny. Much love my friend! :orange_heart:



I’m grateful for another day sober

I’m grateful to be back to work after the holidays, doing a job I love

I’m grateful for an early night and hopefully a good sleep, to do it all again tomorrow


I’m grateful for my sobriety. I’m grateful I’m feeling well enough to take care of my family. My daughter and husband tested covid positive. I guess it was inevitable. I’m grateful I got her in to see the doctor this morning. Her cough is severe and I didn’t sleep well hearing her suffer all night. It broke my heart knowing the over the counter stuff wasn’t working and there wasn’t anything more I could do but comfort her. I’m grateful the dr prescribed the strong stuff with codeine so she can rest. My SIL is still with us from the holiday, was supposed to head home today but now she’s positive too. I’m grateful I can take care of her and her doggo too. We’re at urgent care now getting her medicine.

I’m grateful work has been kind and understanding while I recover and take care of the fam. Maybe I’ll go in tomorrow for a few hours (masked) while the fam is home resting. I’m grateful my teammates offered to take on my responsibilities if I don’t make in. Grateful to have the option.

I’m grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober another day. Thank you!


Congratulations @Cjp on 20 months :tada::tada::tada: very impressive numbers there!!!

Congratulations @Dazercat on 4 years :tada::tada::tada: you were one of the first people to welcome me here and to give me encouragement during my first days and early milestones. It kept me coming back and I’m so grateful now to be celebrating with you on the gratitude thread :heart:

I’m grateful for another day of recharging my social battery before I start back at work tomorrow.
I’m grateful I didn’t have to spend lots of my holiday time prepping and planning for the classroom.
I’m grateful I’ve found a sit down job that doesn’t zap the little energy I have.
I’m grateful for hot chocolate with squirty cream and marshmallows, such an indulgent treat :yum:
I’m grateful my hunger cues seem to be returning, and that my eating disorder, too, seems to be loosening it’s grip after 24 years.
AFAF (and maybe EDFAF?) ODAAT


I’m grateful for my children and there love.
I’m grateful to watch my toddler change daily into a young boy and how his personality evolves.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my growing confidence in myself and my abilities.
I’m grateful for the rain.
I’m grateful to have started life again.


Thanks Kiki,
I’m grateful to have you here in my corner. I appreciate your support.

Thank you @Sunflower1 you always brighten my day when I see you on here.

And Brian, what can I say my friend? @I.cant.We.can You been a solid presence in my support my friend. You help me keep this thread going in the early days. I’m so glad you’re here. Your support means a lot to me. And besides the Bills, we both got squirrely white cats now. I’m grateful you cleared up that late business. I was thinking what’s he talking about :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks @Tragicfarinelli @Mischa84 @Pandita
and @Naomi look at you with 30 days!! Keep coming back.


Congratulations @Dazercat!!! WOOT WOOT :metal::partying_face:
You give me hope and are a Shooting Star :star: to us all.
Be proud of yourself :grin:


I’m grateful you’re here Charlie.
I do have a little extra strut in my step today. When no one’s lookin :laughing: Especially when the music hits just right.
Thank you.


Good morning!
I am grateful for getting a bit of sleep tonight. Not feeling my best yet, but luckily didn’t get sick :crossed_fingers:
I am grateful the Christmas tree is back in it’s box. I like to put it up in December but also like to tear it down in January.
I am grateful I found this deal for bedding. I had my eye on it for a year, but found it too expensive. Now I got it on sale for 75% off, woop woop!
I am grateful I am able to help my parents.
I am grateful I have a month of no hangovers and no alcohol induced anxiety and depression. Nothing beats waking up clear minded! :brain:
About the depression and anxiety: my gp wanted to put me on SSRIs last winter (winters are harder on my mental health, like for so many people). But the need for meds disappeared when I stopped drinking and got a dog I need to walk at least three times a day. I feel so much better now! Crazy how doctors (or at least mine) don’t take alcohol abuse serious…

Have a sweet day! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Was so happy and grateful looking in the mirror this morning. My skin looks so much nicer now, biggest difference around the eyes – the dark rings are disappearing. I always used to apply some concealer under my eyes, but that’s not necessary anymore. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m also pleased and grateful that my legs FINALLY stop itching. They’ve been itching so badly it almost drove me crazy.

And I get REM and deep sleep again. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: It’s amazing. No more falling asleep at work – that used to be a huge problem for me! :grimacing:

@Naomi Wow, nice to hear about your depression symptoms! I’ve been on SSRIs on and off for YEARS, and I mean, it helped a bit, but never truly. Now that I’ve quit alcohol (AND got a dog! :laughing:) I feel so stable and balanced like never before.


Lunchtime gratitude.

Happy soberversary @Dazercat dear friend :hugs::woman_fairy::dancer::dizzy::notes::musical_note:

When I read here that leaving alcohol behind and geting a dog is way better than SSRI I smile :pray::blush: I’m grateful that life changes can have such a great impact! And I’m happy for all folks and their pets, all pets of course. Some day there will be dogs in my home too. Not yet. I’m grateful I’m a responsible person and know I have to clear out my complicated life first before adding anything new to it.
I’m grateful I slept in. It feels odd to wake up so late as I’m normally a morning person. I’m grateful I’ve been feeling a bit better every day this week besides being dizzy after waking up from sleeping in.

I’m deeply grateful I can catch up with chores every day a bit more. AND have energy to cook. That’s a big relief, I was feeling very unhappy seeing the house deteriorating and work piling up whilst I was too sick to move a finger. It sounds worse than it is but I realised I sense it like this and there is a new, unknown perception in me how I feel about this kind of situation and how I cope with it. I’m grateful for noticing this change and for being kind, loving and grateful for what I can do. And for DOING it. I’m grateful I still work on just doing things instead of overthinking and geting stuck and paralyzed.
I’m grateful I ask myself what do you need to feel/cope better and then do it. Just for today. ODAAT :pray:


grateful for finding my way easier when I feel not understood,
grateful waking up and beginning it on my mat first thing,
grateful for a new bag of coffee and its aromatic smell,
grateful for farm fresh eggs to boil for my new no sugar journey,
most grateful another day af 45.:eight_spoked_asterisk::raised_hands:


Good morning my friends! I’m grateful for a new day, and I’m grateful I got up and out even though it seems like the sun has declined its duties for the day. We’ll just have to make our own sunshine with our bright and beautiful attitudes! I’m grateful for a relatively uneventful walk with the dogs and I’m grateful not to be too sore after my first gym class in a month. Usually I go on lunch but I was crocheting up a storm making gifts on my lunch hours instead, and managed to make 5 hats, two scarves, two pairs of mittens, a shawl and a very cozy poncho. I’m grateful to have accomplished all that and in time to give them as gifts for the holidays. But at what cost?! Gym is hard now! I’m grateful to be back at it though, and to remember how much fun I have in group class and how much we actually laugh and joke.

Last but not least I’m grateful for @Dazercat and @Cjp and I’m grateful for their milestones. You guys are so amazing and I’m so glad you’re here. :heart: