Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Imma need you to dial this back a bit. Its too early! Jkjk its all about our attitudes for sure

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Getting through Tough convos with hubby
Boscoe my companion
Hubbys love
Got my sick butt to the gym
Getting back into the work routine
Sober supports

Love and peace to ya soberonies


I’m grateful I have the ability to change up my schedule in a way that works for me, and that I am able to respect my own time by not allowing others to infringe on the time I have set aside for specific things.

@Cjp Congrats on your twenty months!
@acromouse I’m glad to hear your husband is okay.
@Lisa07 I hope your daughter’s cough will soothe soon.
@Forgive_Yourself I’m glad to hear you are having such positive results! Sleep is so important.
@SimonSick great to hear you came into the new year 100% sober. Keep it up!
@Pinkeuphoria Farm fresh eggs are literally the best.


today i am grateful to join this community here!

and tonight i am going to an AA meeting in my neighborhood for the first time with one of my best friends.


Grateful I am trying again after not making it through December sober. Grateful I can see my son again after work tonight. Grateful I went to an AA meeting last night when I really didn’t want to go and entertained thoughts about drinking.
Going through so many emotions lately due to end of marriage and selling house, trying so hard to be strong.


I’m grateful for my coffee making skills. Especially at 5:30 when I thought it was 6:30 :grimacing: I’m grateful the cats and dog didn’t mind eating early.

I’m most grateful for all the love here and affirmations on my big day yesterday. Y’all sure know how to appreciate me. I’m grateful it felt so good. I’m grateful the hits keep coming.

I’m grateful for all the new people coming on this year. There’s a lot of long time soberistas on this gratitude thread. Could be maybe this gratitude business works.

I’m grateful Daisy stuck her butt right in my face last night and settled in on me in bed. I’m grateful for her purrs and soft fluffiness. I’m grateful for her gorgeous morning cat chirps. I’m grateful Maverick always meets me at my sink in the morning for a good morning scritch. I’m grateful Alice takes her turn on my lap after her breakfast before going to her heated bed. I’m grateful for B. She does her own thing mostly with wifey and when she gives me a moment it’s an honor. I’m grateful for Benson my little Sancho always by my side.

I’m grateful we got a little one hour hike in yesterday on a new easy trail.

I’m grateful I finally got back to my Al-Anon meeting Tuesday night. I’m grateful for the new people that showed up in tears and that I could be some comfort and help to them. I’m sorry for their circumstances and told them to keep coming back. I’m grateful for the Holiday and vacation and sick break I’ve had from going to my meetings and grateful I know I need to get back to them.

I’m grateful I’m going to an AA meeting Friday night to take a 4 year chip. It will be my first time and I’m frightened about what I’m going to say. I keep thinking about it. More like obsessing about it. I’ve got plenty of great advice but I’m still scared. What if I say the wrong thing? I’m grateful I know deep down whatever I plan to say will probably never happen so why even think about it. Because it’s a big deal to me. I’m grateful I know I can speak from my heart and all I got to do is my best and try to be humble. I’m grateful I have no trouble speaking at Al-Anon meetings. I’m grateful I have no trouble spilling my guts out here. I just feel like I’m doing it ass backwards. I got 4 years and now I go to an AA meeting :confused: I’m grateful I got this. I really do. And if I don’t? What’s the worst that can happen. I walk up there and get a 4 year chip. Everyone claps sincerely. And I make a fool of myself speaking. I’m grateful I make a fool out of myself all the time and I usually don’t give a shit after and just laugh about it.

When we recover loudly! We keep others from dying quietly.


Hugs and love to the TS family! I am grateful, so grateful I found you. Without you I would not have known 175 sober days in a row.
I’m so grateful the wolfie voice is barely a whisper most days.
I’m grateful I am 69 years old today :partying_face: and STILL working on myself. The difference now is that I’m not as hard on myself as I used to be. I am human! So grateful to learn that.
I’m grateful I am getting back to sensible eating. One day at a time.
I’m grateful I am getting back into a sensible exercise routine as well. One day at a time.
I’m grateful for yoga, my lifelong friend, and Pilates who joined me a couple decades ago, and stretching bands, my new addition.
I’m grateful for all the free exercise routines available online. Sure beats the old dvds , and even before that, the VHS tapes!!!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Good morning Liv. Happy you found us. Good luck at the meeting tonight. Glad you got a friend to go with.


Enjoy your day


Thanks, friend!!


Gratitude is something that’s new to me especially after the years I have spent using. I am 78 days in today and I notice the noise is lifted,the confusion the desire has subsided,I am grateful for all the things that are slowly being put back in my life,to wake up and feel the sun on my face,and the ability to make this one day the best day of my life


Happy Birthday Patricia! Hope you enjoy your day!
I can’t compete with Eric’s gifs so I’m dropping a few emojis instead.:laughing:
:partying_face: :birthday: :gift:


Thank you Lisa!!


Happiest of Birthdays to you :birthday::grin:


@lisa07 Oh man I’m sorry that you are all dealing with Covid – sending some healing vibes to your home :pray:
@naomi Grateful to see you doing so well in your sobriety and getting healthier by the day. I too am perplexed at how lightly alcohol abuse is perceived by doctors. My GP would never bat an eye on my consumption and so I figured I was within the norm. Grateful we know our bodies and know we don’t need that poison in us.
@forgive_yourself Grateful that being sober and gaining a pet has made your life better … :hugs:
@simonsick SO grateful to be with you on starting this year sober – lovely feeling to start a new :tada:
@Frazzetta Man I admire that you got up and had such a positive attitude this morning… my sun was also on vacation this morning which caused me to turn over and sleep LOL… I am hoping to find that positivity and create my own sunshine :sunshine:
@choosingme Way to go Liv on seeking out irl support. We really can’t do this battle alone. SO grateful to have you here in our community with us and here on the best thread :heart: I find that the gratitude practice really helps me in my recovery.
@hopeful32 Grateful to have you here with us – so sorry for the stresses in your life. We are here to support you through the rough patches. Grateful you did get to an AA meeting to avoid giving in to the temptations. Keep going strong :muscle:
@pattycake HAPPY BIRTHDAY Patricia :birthday: :partying face: raw


Hump day gratitude’s with my sober companions :hugs:

I am so grateful that i was able to get back to sleep this morning. Grateful that i did not have anything majorly pressing so that i was able to wake up without anxiet.
I am so grateful that i did get a lot of computer work done over the weekend so that i am not running against the clock trying to get it done now. I have confidence that i will meet my own made deadline of the 7th.
I am so grateful that i realized that my new laptop i bought during black Friday sale did not have a cd player which i do need to watch movies and then decided i really did not NEED a new laptop. Mine is a little broken but still works and gets the job done. Grateful that i was able to reset the factory settings and return it.
I am so grateful that i am enjoying my daily 1 cup of coffee. God i sure did miss it. Grateful that i started the day with it today as i needed some warm comfort.
I am so grateful that i gathered up the energy to run some errands today.
I am so grateful that today is a much easier day for me emotionally. Been having some issues with my brother for past few days and it has had me in an emotional anxiety spiral.
I am so grateful for stand up comedy. Grateful that i laughed my ass off last night and it made it easier to sleep last night (maybe too well :laughing: as i couldn’t wake up this morning).
I am so grateful for my in real life support. Grateful that i got to spend some time with my mom yesterday. Grateful that i was able to take her to her treatment appointment. Grateful that i was able to lend her some loose pants to wear so she would be able to roll them up rather than have to remove during her appointment (she was thankful).
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful that i had trouble finding gratitude to write but dd my daily mindful gratitude’s internally - grateful for a roof over my head, grateful for a safe environment to live in, grateful for healthy foods, grateful for clean water, grateful for clean air, grateful for family that i love being so close.
I am so grateful that i picked up my knitting again (i do hope that i am able to finish my projects that i started in 2023) Grateful that Jenny was able to get so many beautiful pieces completed in time for gift giving. Grateful that it is a lovely time spent that helped me get over some urges.
I am so grateful for this community. So great to receive support here directly and indirectly when i need it most. Love all the great advice on here (so many threads to sift through). Grateful that i am among people that understand the struggle and this community does not judge but rather helps lift and support other members.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


A friend of mine passed away yesterday, and I am grateful for all the time we had together. For the memories I can hold of him as a young and healthy man full of ideas and hopes.
I’m grateful today was a slow day and I had the time to grieve.
I’m grateful for my daily routines. They helped me through the day.
I’m grateful for a short period where the storm and the rain had lessened and I was able to go for a run. My first continuous 30min since I decided to pick up running again.
I’m grateful my child has only a cold and can distract themselves with tv and stories.
I’m grateful for a strong yoga practice. For my body being able to work through it, and the peace and mental clarity it always gives me.
I’m grateful I was not tempted today to try to eat through my grief.
I’m grateful for this place, where I can share my gratitude and feel safe.


I’m so sorry for your loss Acromouse
Way to stay strong!!


Evening gratitude.
Sending you condolences @acromouse Take your time to grieve :people_hugging:

I’m grateful I cut my nails monday. I enjoyed wearing them longer and now I feel comfortable with shorter nails.
I’m grateful I took it easy in the afternoon.
I’m grateful a friend called in the evening. I’m grateful I ended the call friendly when I got tired of speaking and listening allthough I was really happy to chat a bit.
I’m grateful I refrained from making an appointment for a hairdo, tomorrow morning I will know better if I feel healthy enough to go to the hairdresser. I was a bit nervous in the afternoon and I’m grateful I recognized this mood before I made appointments. I’m grateful I will take care of it all tomorrow morning.
I’m grateful the kitchen has been clean in the evening for all of 2024 :wink:

I’m grateful for my lovely, funny cats. For my comfy, cozy house. For central heating. For recycling and trash pick-up. For yummi leftovers. For rest and sleep.
Today I’m grateful for living alone in peace and quiet. I’m grateful for living together with my ex for many years, the loving, nice years and the difficult, deteriorating years. I’m grateful just for today I did not miss it because I could not remember anymore how everyday life was like back then. Only blurred memories.
I’m grateful I enjoy the Darts Final on TV and when I get tired, I’ll go to sleep. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself. ODAAT


Thankful for 364 days sober today! My old watering hole gave me a cake at lunch today to celebrate my milestone tomorrow :blush:


Wow that’s amazing! One year tomorrow, congrats! :tada::tada:
I have to ask though: your old watering hole??

Edit: I see it’s a bar… :laughing::laughing: