Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I am grateful sobriety gives my so much clearity. If I look back things would have been so different if I had drank. I’d probably would have layed in bed half of the month recovering from a hangover.
I am grateful to have started this road to recovery years ago. Although I was only ‘sober curious’ in the beginning and had quite a number of relapses, I eventually shifted towards longing for a sober life. I am so grateful to have found this forum, it’s the one place I come back to.

I am grateful that I can remember the last month. I am grateful that my memory and focus will get better over time. I am grateful for the energy I’m regaining. I am so grateful to be sober!
I am grateful for yesterday. I am grateful for today. Although the weather is shit and I have to work, I am grateful to be here.

I am grateful for getting back to a healthy routine. Going to bed early and waking up early is my default mode. I always thought I was a night owl, but it was just because of the booze I drank at night.

I am grateful I didn’t go to Dublin with my friends for NYE, as they got drunk everyday and are still recovering from it.
I am also grateful not to be in Thailand this winter (never thought I would ever say that).
My last stay there was fueled with alcohol. I’m still in contact with some people there and nothing changed… it’s not a healthy environment for someone in recovery.

So yeah, pretty damn grateful today.
Have a good one! :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:


Thanks for the birthday wishes, @Alisa and @Pandita !
Early morning gratitudes for TS and all the fine people here.
Im grateful for dear friends IRL who made my day special yesterday. Phone calls, cards, flowers. Much appreciated.
I’m grateful hubby made me a nice seafood chowder for supper.
I’m grateful for my faithful kitty, Lucy, who always joins me when I sleep in the guest bedroom. I’m never alone.
I’m grateful for the wisdom and teachings that are so helpful in this journey. I don’t have to look far to find them, they are so abundant and all around me.


Good morning sober fam,

I love seeing this thread getting active, i will have to catchup when im not in a rush

Todayi am greatful for…

My sobriety, ive officially saved $14,000 in 20m of not drinking. Thats crazy!
Time with hubby last night
Hubby and i found a new show to us “class of '09” on fx
Boscoe cuddles
Pretax fsa to help pay for my eye exam
Countdown to final weighin is on, my dedication to meeting my goal, a year in the making
A sober sister asked me to be her accountability partner for quitting smoking
My ladies AA mtg tonight
Its almost the weekend
A short work week
Moments of peace
All of you and this wonderful community


I am grateful I have a vet who is focused on making sure my elderly cat queen is comfortable in the very last part of her life rather than wanting to do a barrage of tests several times a year so I can keep getting her medication. We are both in agreement that the tests are a huge source of stress for her; and, at her age and health problems she already has, there isn’t much we can do for her if something major is found. She is at the stage where I watch her closely and have to weigh her quality of life with when it’s time to let go. I’m grateful for her companionship for all these years, and that I’ve had her for much longer than I ever would have guessed I would, so I want to be sure that she is getting the right care but also that I don’t keep her longer than her body is ready to continue on for.

@choosingme welcome to the community.
@Pattycake I remember some choice VHS workout tapes! :laughing: Happy birthday.
@JazzyS and @Naomi This might sound cynical, but the side effects from alcohol abuse can be “treated” with pharmaceuticals, and some “doctors” get kickbacks from pushing certain meds. And for some reason SSRIs are pushed for everything under the sun. Not saying this is not every doctor, but I think maybe it happens enough to be noticeable. Most doctors don’t know much about how to appropriately reduce the different medications they prescribe, they only take maybe one or two classes on nutrition in all their years of study, so it’s no surprise that there wouldn’t be much in the way about alcohol except “quit”.
@acromouse I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you can find some comfort in this difficult time.
@Jwfletcher4792 congrats on your one year!
@Passerina_cyanea I love that! A clean house is so nice to return to after a vacation! I like to think of “past me” and “future me” as good friends, and we “do things” for each other. I get to enjoy the fruits of “past me”'s labour, and in order to give back, I do something that “future me” will enjoy or be proud of.
@Dan.h84 Good job on your one day!
@cjp $14,000!!! Wow! Fantastic!


Thanks for the birthday wishes. And I totally agree with your comments about doctors. They DO prescribe SSRIs rather freely. My doc put me on Prozac several years ago when she thought I was self medicating for depression with alcohol. I started having a fib episodes on and off. Docs said I wasn’t on a high enough dose to cause it, so why is it listed as a side effect right on the info sheet??? Saw a psychiatrist who said, stop taking Prozac, you dont need it. What you need to do is quit drinking. I immediately quit the Prozac and I eventually quit drinking, And while I feel blue sometimes, I’m no where NEAR as depressed as I was when drinking.
Whew! There’s my rather lengthy 2 cents worth!


Sorry, I forgot to mention that I will keep your kitty in my thoughts. I have two cats as well. They are precious beings indeed,:black_cat::black_cat::pray:


WOOT WOOT Jake – 1 year sober birthday! You are doing great!




I’m grateful that my first thoughts waking up today and yesterday were “Wow am I really doing it this time!?” Scared but excited, overwhelmed but ready to accept that alcohol is not good for me, it’s a relationship I want to end. I’ve left behind many other people, places, and things that no longer served me. I can do the same with alcohol.

That the sun is shining
To play music with my bandmate this afternoon
That my chest cold is subsiding
To feel my energy returning

…speaking of, time to do today’s plank challenge!

have a great day, y’all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thankful for all the love here! Thankful for one year sober today! I look back and remember this day very clearly in my mind, at least the parts of it I can remember :joy:. I walked into work in the morning, it was a slow day and I told my old drinking buddy I was ready to drink today…that was at about 7:00 AM. We did a few hours of work and by lunchtime proceeded to sit at the bar for 7 hours until I had lost count of drinks. Somehow got back to my truck at the office around the corner and drove home paranoid my wife was going to kill me. As I had done a few times before I ran in the house and straight to the shower as if the hot water was going to burn the alcohol out of me :joy:. I crawled into bed exhausted and fell asleep…all without ever saying a word to my wife. Woke up the next day hungover as shit and I caught her eye as we were getting dressed and hugged her and cried and said “never again.”

Everyday since last January 4th I’ve kept that image in my mind. It took time but with each day sober I repaired the nearly destroyed relationship with my wife and now she looks so lovingly and supportive and proud of me everyday. I guess I just want to encourage people starting their journey that YOU CAN DO IT! Statistics show if you can make it a year your likelihood of relapse is significantly less. It truly is a one day at a time journey. I’m thankful for this place, it truly helped me get through some hard days. With firm footing I look towards year 2 and feel confident and strong :muscle:t2: love you all!


Big warm cuddles to your queen :heart: :hugs: So grateful that you are in her corner taking care of her needs at this time. I can imagine it being stressing for you. We are here for you love. I do hope that she is not in any pain or discomfort.

I too am cynical (learning through experience and discussions with the medical teams that our cynicism is justified) – i know there are good doctors and some are bound by bureaucratic bs. I used to go in blindly thinking that the doctors knew best and would do the absolute best for me in return. I now do not have that same attitude.


Thank YOU :heart:


Fuck Yeah you did and Fuck Yeah you are!

Great quotes, especially the second which I have not seen before. Thank you for that!


Today I’m grateful I slept in again. I’m grateful I did some basic chores and spent the afternoon on the couch with the cats. I’m very tired today. I’m grateful the sore throat feels a bit better today. I’m grateful I texted a friend that I don’t feel like talking on the phone.
I’m grateful for leftovers. For trivial series on TV to entertain me. For my cozy, comfy home. For being able to stay here and heal without stress and obligations. I’m grateful I didn’t need my anxiety meds for the last days. I’m grateful there’s still time to heal before I have to consider a diagnostic workup for long covid. I’m grateful that reliable medical information is easily approachable in my country.
I’m grateful that I think about moving back to the farm in about 2 weeks if I’m recovered and symptom free then. I want to avoid going in complete hybernation mode and losing the structures and routines I built. I liked it and life was manageable with it and I know I tend to lose this grip when I’m away for too long. It has been over a month now. I’m grateful I’m aware of this problem and I don’t stress about it. ODAAT :pray:


Grateful a place to come chk in, release and be inspired in what’s hard,
grateful it was the batteries in the bp cuff and just a false alarm,
grateful a new buddy to share daily meal pic chkins for my no sugar, intermittent fasting anti inflammatory lifestyle change,
grateful realizing when over committing and setting boundaries (stay closer on my path),
grateful for a sunny walk,
most grateful another day, d46 in my af stretch.:eight_spoked_asterisk:


I’m grateful for yoga like every day. I just need to move, focus and breath every day. This keeps me from going crazy.

I’m grateful for a long walk in the woods. The storms and rainfall have caused such mayhem. But today was safe enough to take a walk there. I slipped on a muddy slope and landed on my butt. I’m grateful I could wash my clothes immediately when I came home. I’m grateful I didn’t hurt myself seriously.

I’m grateful for making progress on my work. Debugging code is a funny thing. You solve one problem just to find out you created a new one.

I’m grateful I had the clear head to say no to a family function. I have enough on my plate as it is. I don’t want to overthrow all my plans just because some cousin comes visiting for a few days.

I’m grateful for this place where I don’t have to explain why I set boundaries.


Congratulations Jake! :boom:
What a great story! I’m so grateful you decided to join us. I can totally relate to your new years experience and finally saying never again. Guard that sober date with all you got. So happy to see your selfie today. One year looks great on ya! :blush:
Yippee Ki Yay!! My sober friend.
That’s a Home Run!



Thanks Eric! Love that you used a baseball gif since I’m a Coach lol I love all things baseball! I was worried I would wake up and find myself in an extra stressful day at work but honestly it’s been a really nice day so far, definitely better than the last January 4th :joy:


Right back at ya. Thank you for the compliments yesterday on my milestone. I was trying to use a Bull Durham gif. One of my favorite movies. But the file was too large. And I don’t know how to scale them down. Have you seen that movie?
:musical_score: Put me coach, we ready to go :notes:


I LOVE BULL DURHAM lol Kevin Costner is also my favorite actor. When I played I was a catcher and my demeanor was very similar to Crash Davis lol I held nothing back and told my pitchers what I really thought and umpires too :joy:


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Great movie!
I’ve actually used this gif before when I’m thinking about my wife’s drinking. One of my mantras is “don’t think Meat” About her drinking.

Good luck with your season. Hope to see you around the gratitude field.