Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Grateful for peace despite enhanced weather watches,
understanding and facing my fears better,
sticking to my cleaner eating and enjoying the challenge,
realizing more and more what my sobriety can give me,
for hitting a new milestone, 50 days, once again but it’s clearer and different this time. :eight_spoked_asterisk:


I am grateful for getting things done today (work and personal) that I was postponing for way too long. Grateful for the peace of mind that comes with it.
I am still grateful for gorgonzola.
I am grateful my friends operation went well.
I am grateful to have the house to myself for three days.
I am grateful for lazy evenings drinking tea, cuddling the dog and watching TV.
I am grateful for having a laugh about the whole moist January thing.
I am grateful for @anon68572606 's post about forgiveness, having peace, life and what’s most important to us.

PS @I.cant.We.can Way to go with 11 months, that is truly inspiring! :rotating_light: :one::one::rotating_light:


Good morning my friends! I’m grateful for another good sober weekend! I’m grateful my dog nephew got to come over and play with his cousins for his birthday yesterday! I’m grateful I had a relatively balanced weekend-- I got chores done and all the xmas stuff down and also played a lot of Zelda. I’m glad I tried a new sourdough recipe and I think I like this one about better than the one I’d been using. I split the dough into two small loaves to do a side by side baking technique comparison, but I then gave one of the loaves to my brother so I’m not actually sure how it turned out on the inside, lol. It looked good on the outside though! I’m grateful on this morning bus ride to be struck again by how amazing it is to think of all these people with their own whole lives, wants, feelings, good things and bad things, probably trying to do their best, just like me but different. A whole world full of people. What a weird place.


Today I am grateful for another sober day

I am grateful for a nice, chilled day off work

I am grateful for the lesson I had this morning (I’m learning a new language)


Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Spiritual growth
My 2024 vision quest and intention setting
My health even though this cold is sticking around
Boscoe cuddles
Work from home, snow day
Snow days always feel so cozy in my home
Sober sisters
Progress not perfection


Today I am grateful that I still have a job to go to, and a car that will get me there. Day 11


Congratulations on day 11 Davina.
Welcome to the gratitude thread.
I’m grateful you found us.


Congrats on your 50 day milestone Pinke :tada: :clap:



Good morning! I’m grateful to have found this community. I’m grateful to no longer be experiencing any food insecurity and that I know that I’ll be able to eat 3 meals today. I’m grateful for a job with flexible hours that allows me to make time for my healing and for school. I’m glad to be able to return to school at 27. And of course, I’m grateful for another day sober.


Way to Go Pinke!
Congrats on the 50 days.
This is HUGE!


Gratitude’s to start off my Monday morning

I am so grateful for some sleep - not the amount i would have liked but enough to keep me going forward
I am so grateful that I did treat myself to some gf pancakes last night - i know i used a mix with almond flour and tapioca starch (haven’t had processed foods in a while) but really had a bad craving. Grateful that i was able to enjoy them with some pomegranate juice and no syrup. Way better than the dandelion and bok choy stir fry i was planning
I am so grateful that the little bit of snow that fell yesterday is already melted. I know this lovely sensation will not last. We will finally be seeing winter weather this week - sending warm comfort to all of you — stay warm and safe during these cold stormy months.
I am so grateful that i started my day with a cup of coffee today - i needed a pick me up before i head over to my mom’s to start my cleanse.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful for their support and love.
I am so grateful for all the activity on the home thread :heart: Love reading all the gratitude’s - so much to be thankful for!
I am so grateful for my practices of prayer / meditation. Grateful for finding calmness within. Grateful for full body scans and deep breathing when my anxiety gets going.
I am so grateful for THIS community - grateful for all you beautiful souls. Grateful that we are all here helping each other to have a better addiction free day :hugs:
I am so grateful that i live so close to a variety of grocery stores. Grateful for the simple conveniences in life. Grateful that at my brother’s and parents condo’s the community is responsible for snow removal.
I am so grateful that we have had a very mild start to the winter. Grateful that spring is not too far away. Grateful that the days are getting longer (More sunlight is always a blessing).
I am so grateful for cozy hoodies. Love having so many options to choose from.
I am so grateful that i finally did book my mammogram on Friday - will be going this afternoon (surprised that they got me in so quickly).
I am so grateful that i am full of gratitude and love!
I am so grateful to have @Mauvaisminou here on the gratitude thread with us - returning to school is awesome friend - never too late and learning is an ongoing life process. Wishing you all the luck in your new adventure.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you!!! I love what you said about small conveniences and the fact the spring is near. I’m excited for that too


Hey Hey Hey – someone is celebrating 6 months today!! @Pattycake Where are you at this morning Patricia? A huge congrats to you on your milestone girl! Keep crushing it :muscle:



I’m grateful that the storm has passed and that the sky is clear and sunny today.

@I.cant.We.can Great job on your 11 months!
@anon68572606 I’m sorry about your loss. I hope you are able to find some comfort in this difficult time.
@Spidey Which language are you learning?
@Mauvaisminou Welcome to the community and to the gratitude thread.
@Pinkeuphoria Congrats on your fifty days!


I’m grateful I get to have minor headaches that aren’t from drinking or too much sugar and chocolate but they can FRO!

I’m grateful I got to wake up without a headache. I’m grateful I get to let Benson out and go out with him every morning even when it’s freezing or too hot outside.

I’m grateful I got to have Alice on my lap for a bit. I’m grateful after she got off I got to have Mavy fill in nicely for her.
I’m grateful I get to listen to music whenever I want. I’m grateful I get to be in silence sometimes and I get to be with myself.

I’m grateful I get to listen to my serenity prayer meditation every morning. I’m grateful I get to learn that my survival brain is taking over this morning as it’s going to be a moist evening :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m grateful I’m learning my survival brain acts on fear and judgment trying to protect me. I’m grateful I get to learn I am so much more judgmental of people than I ever thought I was. I’m grateful I get to learn that criticizing others behavior and wanting them to change is fucking judgmental. I’m grateful I get to learn trying to change someone is pointless. It can’t be done.

I’m grateful I got to welcome 2 new people at my Al-Anon meeting last night and I’m sorry about the circumstances that brought them here. I’m grateful I get to enjoy welcoming them and giving them a serenity pen and a meeting list of meetings I like to go to. I’m grateful I get to share my experience strength and hope. I’m grateful I get to embrace both my recoveries.

I’m grateful I get to share here with y’all.

Gratitude Abundance Serenity
GAS :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The combination of living in gratitude and believing in abundance puts the mind, soul, and body in a serene state of existence. Serenity is the natural state of humanity.

Whatever…. Sounded good to me.


I’m extremely grateful my moods stabilised and I found serenity again. The moment I realise depression and anxiety lift is so precious.
With that my energy levels rose and I am grateful I was able to do my Yoga practice. I feel strong and so focused. Man I’m so happy :grin:

I’m grateful for my time with the kids at school today. They are a great bunch and always come up with great ideas.

I’m grateful my child is better, and can hopefully go back to school in a few days.

I’m grateful my food cravings have lessened and I feel peace.


I’m here! Grateful I’m at 6 months! Lots of great milestones here. People are crushing it left and right! So grateful to be a participant in this collective journey!
I’m grateful I asked my husband to go upstairs to watch TV so I could practice my piano . I actually stated a need and it was respected! Wow!! I’m grateful I’m learning to take time to do what I love instead of putting me second and doing more chores. Balance…
I’m grateful for chocolate chips. I can savor one at a time to moderate my intake, rather than wolfing down Hershey minis like there’s no tomorrow😜
I’m grateful the MOIST fun went to a vote and even better ideas showed up.
I’m grateful for the fun we have together, and the way we can support each other.
This place just ROCKS… or should I say R. O. C. K. S. ? Oh no,…


Today I’m grateful I got out for a walk by myself and also 2 x dog walks.
I’m grateful I made thai green curry for dinner.
I’m grateful that a friend messaged me with a possible house sit opportunity. It was nice of her to think of me.
I’m grateful to be sober, grateful that I’m not sending angry texts left right and centre tonight.
I’m grateful that my daughter who is travelling in Aus messaged me today to say hi.
I’m grateful my partner and I had a big hug earlier, I almost cried I needed it so much.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful that I am alive.

Even though my job has let me go, due to inability to be up on my feet and think endlessly, it’s snowing today at my new acreage! I didn’t have to go anywhere and the wild turkeys were having a nice little outdoor party. I am grateful to watch them and the deer.

Nothing is wrong with 10 acres, even as a rental!

Gratitude all day, my people!


Your spot sounds dreamy!