Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Congratulations @Pattycake on 6 months :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: fantastic work my friend!!!

I’m grateful I had a good first day back tutoring.
I’m grateful for head torches and night time dog walks.
I’m grateful I’m present for my family.
I’m grateful for homemade soup.


grateful for self awareness when i’m in such a pissy mood as i have been the past couple days. i know this irritability will pass.

grateful for artistic collaborations
my friends
my family
my home



Let’s keep rockin it!!


I’m grateful it was a decent Monday.

I’m grateful my energy for work seems to be returning, that I got so much good rest and a true break while I was off. I was a little worried last week I’d lost my work mojo for good, lol, but I’m glad it’s returning.

Can someone remind me - did I say I was grateful for winter? I’m grateful for snow. It’s bloody cold though! I’m grateful I have a home, a car that heats up fast, a frig full of food, warm clothing for comfortable walks with the dog girl. (Grateful she seems to have increased the capacity of her bladder and prefers not to venture out in the cold dark mornings. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

Sure, it’s all about one day at a time, but I’m grateful that yesterday was 18 months of 'em for me. I’ve never had me a year and half before.
Even better than that, if yesterday was 11 months for @I.cant.We.can, that means we have milestone days on the same day each month, no? The 7th?
I don’t care who has more time. I’m just damn grateful neither you nor I ever need to mess with our sober dates again! Sound like a plan? Congrats, fellow G’dude. I raise my Timmie’s to you. :wink:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

EDIT: Always so grateful to see you, @EarnIt! I shoulda checked the check in thread to see your earlier post. Enjoy that acreage!


Us toooooooo! Go youuuuuu! :laughing: :orange_heart:


Congratulations on your six months of sobriety Patty.
You’re Crushing It!



Congratulations M
I am so happy for you.
Fucken Aye :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


you got that right! :smile:

You know, we’d probably be able to make some cash, start a slush fund and serve better coffee on this thread, if we started a swear jar…

I’m grateful we don’t have a fucken swear jar. :laughing: :orange_heart: :pray:


Grateful I’m bored and staying on topic :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nicely done! 18 months is amazing work – way to out do yourself and keep on truckin’

SO grateful that we don’t have one – i’d for sure fuckin be broke :rofl:

I am grateful you have warm clothing, home and car — stay toasty in this brutal winter cold :hugs:


Congratulations on 6 months!


18 months!! Congratulations! I’m grateful you are here!


While I miss my forever arm candy while he’s away, I’m grateful that I got to make the bed before I left the bedroom for the morning. :laughing: I wake up four hours earlier than him, so it’s midway through my morning before I get the bed made.

I’m also grateful for such a thoughtful husband. He gave me this little baggie of origami stars before he left, each with a little note written inside so that I could open them through the week.

Picture under tab

I am also grateful that I slept pretty well last night all things considered. I reduced my OTC sleep aid dose in half again last night and this will be the last before ending its use completely. I also don’t feel completely worn out like I haven’t slept at all, which is a huge win and I’m very grateful for that.

@Pattycake Congrats on your six months! Great work on stating your need and getting a positive response too.

You did and I’m still judging you. :rofl: :wink: Snow is very beautiful though! Congrats on your eighteen months!


A grateful Good morning friends.
Y’all heard of Thirsty Thursday and Taco Tuesdays. Wait for it…………
I’m grateful I survived Moist Monday :scream:
I’m grateful I knew my brain was in survival mode most of the day. I’m grateful my survival brain mode of judgment and fear got me happily to a meeting. I’m grateful I got to share at the meeting. I’m grateful someone mentioned my share from last Thursday and loved it. I’m grateful I barely had time to say anything last Thursday since I was one of the last to share before we ran out of time. I’m grateful I hung out with the new comers yesterday even though I imagined wifey at home chomping at the bit waiting for me to take her to dinner. She wasn’t! I’m grateful I stepped 3’d my ass home late from the meeting. I’m grateful to realize the last 3 years of her getting trashed just might take me awhile to get over now that I am having glimpses of sober togetherness with her. I’m grateful we are having tons of sober togetherness and I’m grateful for that.

I’m grateful I complimented one of the nice ladies on her blazing cute pink hiking boots, at the meeting, and I got to enjoyed her smile. And I just think it’s so cool the waiter last night complimented me on my green beanie and that made me smile. He would have got a good tip anyway :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful maybe what goes around comes around.

I’m grateful for Alice’s purring life force on my lap during my morning affirmation meditation this morning. I’m grateful I realized maybe she stays on my lap longer when I sit here petting her. Usually she doesn’t stay long.

I’m grateful I got to wake up to Daisy on my chest. I’m grateful I was already awake and felt her sneaking up on me for a purrs and biscuits.

I’m grateful I get to talk to my therapist today.
I’m grateful I get to go to another meeting tonight. I’m grateful I got a plan to get BBQ with John again. I’m grateful for my sponsor. I’m grateful he suggests coffee during the week and then he leaves it up to me.

I’m grateful I get to be working on my fears in step 4. I’m grateful my sponsor doesn’t hassle me about step 4. I’m grateful I get to do step 4 at my own pace.

I’m grateful I can bundle up and get a good cold freezing sunny walk in with my Sancho Panza. I’m grateful it will be at a good pace.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
– Proverb

Gratitude practice has been scientificallyproven to create lasting positive effects on your brain.

Psychologically, the feeling of gratitudeproduces feelings of well-being by producing happy hormones, and physically byreducing blood pressure and promoting better sleep. Other studies on gratitudehave found that simply writing a few sentences about what you are grateful fordaily can result in fewer visits to the doctor.


:scream: :scream_cat: :scream:

I’m grateful for this for you too!! :heart:


I’m grateful for hot coffee, my cozy bed, the wind in the trees, and my daily meditation reset :yellow_heart:


I am grateful to see people coming back here after a relapse (like me), to see them not giving up on sobriety :heart:
I am grateful for all the thoughful posts here, on sobriety or other parts of life.

I am grateful for central heating. Also grateful my colleague came to work at my house, so I didn’t need to travel to the office to have our meeting :smirk:
I am grateful I finished a big part of my work to do’s.

I am grateful for the long conversation with my mom this afternoon, listening to her worries and sadness about her progressing dementia. My heart breaks for her but I am glad I can be there for her. We talked about her illness, but also her younger years, lost family and life in general. I talked to her about my sobriety and how well I’m doing. I am grateful she had a good day, she was clear minded. Our talk started a bit sad, but I’m grateful it ended with a smile.


Meditation is medicine for the mind body and spirit. It’s been a life and game changer for me.


Happy late morning friends! Grateful for you all!
@M-be-free49 , HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on 18 Fokking MONTHs!! I’d absolutely be broke if I had a swear jar around, inherited my potty mouth from my mom who could swear like a sailor. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Thanks for recognizing my little milestone too!
Thanks also to @Chiron , @Dazercat and @Sunflower1 for cheering me on.
I’m so damn grateful for this community. Love you to pieces.:heart:
Slept in late after restless mind kept me up last night. Grateful I got some sleep eventually.
Grateful for the snowy day and hope it sticks around so I can finally get out for a ski or snowshoe.
Grateful I don’t know how to use the snowblower, but I can shovel and will happily do my part.


I’m so happy that you got that time for a heart to heart with your mom. Difficult conversations filled with uncomfortability are usually the most rewarding or healing.

All the best in your journey through this.