Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful it’s Sunday :laughing:

@SoberWalker Birthdays are definitely milestones. :rofl: Congratulations on making it another year in this wild and crazy world. :wink:
@Cjp I’m glad to hear you are enjoying your vacation!


@SoberWalker HAPPY BIRTHDAY :birthday: :partying_face: :tada: it is a milestone!!


Happy birthday :birthday:

I am grateful I can be a part of your life and your recovery, in wishing you a blessed day :heart:


Good morning! Today, I’m grateful for:

  1. My son, who is finishing his senior year of high school and knows my struggles and still accepts me with love, as I am. We have a very honest relationship and have had many good talks, especially recently. He knows how hard I work as a single mom and how hard I am trying to treat my body with the respect it deserves! I’m so grateful to have such a loving and wise teenager in my life. He is truly the greatest blessing of my life.

  2. That I live in a community where although alcohol and marijuana are everywhere, there are also lots of healthy lifestyle choices available. We have a beautiful lake to walk or bike along, we have healthy food stores within walking distance, we have a great YMCA and so many local opportunities for yoga and fitness, and increasing more and more non-alcoholic beverage options everywhere for those who abstain. It might be ridiculously easy to get marijuana here but it’s also a place that is blessed with options for truly health living.

  3. My boyfriend, who brought me food and ran errands for me as I took time to detox from inhaling marijuana these past few days, who got me an inhaler from the pharmacy and who knows my troubles inside and out and still loves me and wants to build a life with me. He is never scary, always gentle and kind. I’m so grateful for him! :face_holding_back_tears:

  4. I’m grateful for the sunshine today! We haven’t had sunshine here in weeks!

  5. I’m grateful for the Springtime and the chance to grow my garden again… it’s time to start breaking out those seeds to start under my grown lights, and I’m starting to get excited about seed catalogues and drawing garden maps. This year is going to be my best garden yet!

What are you grateful for today? :hugs:


Happy belated Birthday Claudia! :partying_face: :birthday:
Waiting until Wednesday is all the more reason to keep this celebration going.

Congratulations on 4 months @Michelle! :clap:
Sounds like a fun sober time.


Welcome to the forum @SFS!
I hope you don’t mind, I moved your post here to this very active gratitude thread. Hope to see you posting regularly. There’s also a gardening thread, I’m sure fellow gardeners would love to see your pics


I’m grateful to be up before dawn and watching the day break from my comfy chair in my comfy home with my cats and dog. And of course coffee. Grateful to be sipping on my hot tea now.

I’m grateful for timers. I’m grateful my waterfall turns off and on in the morning and just before dark in the evening.

I’m grateful it turned out to be a pretty good day yesterday. I’m grateful for the Fry’s Signature grocery store we found. It has EVERYTHING. I’m grateful we stuck to the list yesterday as I could spend hours there. I’m grateful I can glance at their HUGE wine and beer and spirits section and just walk on by and think of all the money I’m saving not buying 12 bottles because when you buy 12 bottles at a time you get a discount. I’m grateful I don’t have to struggle trying to open that cardboard 6 pack wine holder :grimacing: I’m grateful when I check out the checker doesn’t ask me if I’m having a big party. And I’d uncomfortably squirm and lie and think fuck off! This is just for us. And what the fuck is it to you?

I’m grateful for the clear sky and starry night last night out with Benson before bed. I’m grateful we have a light ordinance here so it stays pretty dark out so we can see the stars. I’m grateful some of our city ordinances and HOA can be a huge pain in the ass but it’s worth it most of the time and it protects the desert and keeps the hood looking nice.

I’m grateful Normy and the Dallas contingent are planning on coming for a visit to Scottsdale the end of the month. We haven’t had family visit us in over 2 years. I’m grateful wifey is so cute as she is excited to buy pack n play sleep cribs, diapers, car seats, and just all things baby to make their packing list smaller. I’m grateful Norma will me able to see Meow Meows :heart_eyes_cat: I’m grateful it’s a direct short flight for them.

I’m grateful I got a meow meow stretched out on my lap purring away and I’m still able to hunt and peck my gratitude on my iPad.

I’m grateful for my recoveries and your recoveries and we can all share our experience strength hope and most importantly our gratitudes.

“Humility and Gratitude are the twin characteristics of happiness.”
Richard C. Edgley


The babies are coming to you?! How exciting! I can’t wait to hear about all the interactions with your fur babies. Probably a stupid question but has wifey considered renting rather than buying? That’s more to move when you make the leap to Cali. But then again, you’ll have everything you need when more babies come along and you live close enough to keep them overnight or days on end. :joy:


Grateful that Billy has put this in my head all bloody day; there’s worse ways to spend a Sunday morning than singing Nirvana…:v::v:

Grateful I ran a big fluffy bath for my OH and played with the boys to keep them entertained and not jumping in it.
Grateful that Blue is really attached to me and comes to cry at me when he’s feeling baby :sob: apart from this he’s a really graceful, sensible old soul, so it cracks my heart into tiny pieces when he does this.
Grateful for my little tank Bear who is the silliest little bear in the world…
Grateful I made us a lovely meal of chicken tacos, refritos, slaw. So delicious.
Grateful that West Ham beat Arsenal, I was jumping and cheering around like crazy here!! :partying_face:
Grateful that it’s a cosy style day.


Just one baby coming for a visit.
The Cali contingent isn’t ready for travel. May never be.
I’m grateful we have actually thought of renting. But that would mean yet another move. I’m grateful you think I’m an expert at moving but I’m sooooo tired. I really want just one more move in. And one more move out. And then just put me in assisted living in 10-15 years and finish me off :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
And renting with my heard of pets :smile_cat::pouting_cat::smirk_cat::kissing_cat::dog: :man_shrugging:

I’m grateful I just reread your post. I think you mean renting baby furniture and stuff :man_facepalming:
Oh that’s easy. NO!


Grateful to see you post on the gratitude thread Claudia.
Enjoy it when you do.


You crack me up! :rofl: Yep, I meant baby furniture. One baby is still very exciting.

You are a pro mover! I’m gonna ask for tips before my next move because this last one was a shit show. I’m still looking for stuff in unpacked boxes. :woman_facepalming:Today was the waffle maker. Our kitchen is extremely small so those items not used daily don’t have a place.

To keep from derailing…Today, I’m grateful hubby made me a Belgian waffle :waffle: for breakfast. So yummy! Haven’t had one in about 2 years.


Gratitude is THE attitude for today!

I am very grateful for my partners vulnerabitlity today. For showing it to me in all the small ways. I am grateful for the little things he does to show he cares.

I am very grateful for doing my monthly review today. For the self care tarot spread. For the things that came to a peak last month, and for all I am looking forward to this month.

I am grateful for having a lazy day, for a quiet nap, great anime, some wonderful stretches, a bit of yoga, relaxing meditation, a new book.

I am grateful for feeling good again in my body.

I am grateful for my crazy kid. And we are off to watching a movie.


I’m grateful today for my job which, as much as I enjoy it, has hours and days off that allow me to spend more time with my kids than most dads.

I’m grateful for my partner who before she left for work got the kids all ready for school so i didn’t have to when I got home from work.

I’m grateful today that I have a few hours to myself to finish a movie I started watching

Im grateful for @Naomi replying to my first message with the suggestion to post here in the morning. Now I can bookend my days with gratitude in the a.m and checking-in in the p.m

Im grateful today to be AFAF


Hello my grateful friends! Today I am grateful for family. My Dad flew into town and we spent the day with extended family, and while they did all drink, they all were beyond respectful of my sobriety and loving towardme even knowing the recent trauma event that fueled this sober journey. I am grateful for hot coffee on rainy days. I am grateful that whatever house I go to, if they have a dog the doggie gravitates toward me. I am grateful for you all, as always :heart:


Happy birthday :partying_face: :birthday:


I am grateful that I opened up to my other half today, confessed, be vulnerable and brutally honest.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for healing.
I am grateful for the hardships that led me to recovery.
I am grateful for the opportunity to shape my tomorrow.
I am grateful I am able to share with you.


Today I am grateful for all I have! Sobriety, health, and family! I spent an hour on the elliptical this morning, which always makes me feel better.
I am grateful for this community! :star2:


Grateful for another sober day.
Grateful to get out for a walk with my daughter today, it was nice, it’s a disused railway track so is just a long straight path, very busy today but we had a really nice chat.
Grateful I wrote to my other daughter, been meaning to for a while, she says she always likes getting letters from home.
Grateful I made a veggie lasagne for dinner, was tasty and there’s lots left for tomorrow.
Think I’m going to go back to morning gratitude, I think it sets me up for the day in a positive mood, bedtime gratitude is good but a bit wasted as I go to sleep straight after.
See you in the morning :sparkling_heart:


Grateful for another sober day.

Grateful for being educated about scammers. Got a call and my bank’s number came up on my caller ID. The guy claimed to be from the fraud department and said there were 2 zelle transactions totaling $3500. I immediately pulled up my app but didn’t see them (red flag). Then he tells me in order to reverse them, I have to create 2 identical transactions (red flag). My response was…If your my bank, you have the ability to cancel them. He claims this is the process to cancel. Now I’m fuming so I pretend to play along. He gives me the email addresses and tells me to send. I said I did but they’re pending approval and could take 24 hrs. He says ok I’ll call you back tomorrow. I then call my bank to report it and give them all the information. The next day, this scumbag calls me back and asks about the transactions. I lost my shit. Used a lot of fowl language and name calling. He hung up on me. I then reported it to the FTC. Nothing will be done but it felt good to lay in to that douche bag. Grateful for a clear mind to detect bullshit.

Grateful for hubby bringing me my vape and lunch to work Friday. I left so early, hadn’t had coffee yet and forgot both. The cafe at work is closed for remodeling and my boss is on a 10 screaming about everything. There was no way I could get thru a long day with no food or nicotine.

Grateful for early morning walks with doggo. There’s not a soul in sight at 4:30. I’m grateful for the peace and quiet being one with nature.

Grateful hubby is making taco salad for dinner.

Grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober today.