Gardening In Recovery

@Cjp That looks great! What a harvest. Nothing better than fresh herbs :yum:

@SassyRocks I normally use pots but for this sow probe the tiny containers were just right. They would have been thrown away after 3 weeks of no sprouting. They donā€™t get damped much. Just to stay a bit moist.
Iā€™ll test some old seed if itā€™s still ok the next weeks, so more of this ā€œcatproofā€ arrangements will follow.
Iā€™m looking forward to your pictures :smiley:
Thanks for the tip on lavender and deers. Once I hopefully own the farm alone Iā€™ll give this a try to protect my veggie fields better. Brain runs wild on the idea of planting 200 lavender plants, another reason to make this dream come true. Iā€™ve been entertaining this idea for about 6 years but noooo way with the ex. MAYBE this year :innocent::sun_with_face::revolving_hearts::heartpulse::green_heart:


I donā€™t have a garden as such, but we do have a wee balcony for growing fresh cat nip and a planter for herbs.

And I like my indoor few plantsā€¦

And my terrariums


A lavender farm is a wonderful thing. I have about 30 plants right nowā€¦more to come! Especially as the deer donā€™t care. Same for rosemary, sage, thyme, etc. And the herbs grow beautifully here and winter over.


Lovely terrariums!!


Dreary day lavender photosā€¦a few of the all new gardens/works in progress, currently winteringā€¦

Aboveā€¦atrociously overgrown holly recently removed, starting new lavender border.
Belowā€¦just a tiny sample of the HUGE lavender harvestā€¦


@Tragicfarinelli I love your balcony and indoor plants :star_struck:
@SassyRocks Georgeous. Me wanna too :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Maybe I give a fuck and order 200 plants. Orders where I want them from have to be placed by february, delivery from april on chosen date. dang, I can smell your harvest! :blush:

As planned, I pricked out the seedlings today. Also sowed some very old seed (tomatoes, eggplants, various herbs) to test if itā€™s still germinable. Declutter your seed storage :smile:

Pretty little Jalapenos :hot_pepper:

See the roots in the glas! :star_struck:


Any one fancy seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower this year ?
Iā€™m going to give it a go :grinning:


Iā€™m in! Do we choose one specific variety or is everybody free to choose? I remember my tallest one 17 years ago was about 3+ meters :blush:


Ooooh I donā€™t know ? I just know I brought a few different seeds of the large variety and going to see what happens.
Give us something to keep busy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
3 metres !! Wow.


We have so many beautiful seeds here available, I plan on sowing them from white, yellow, orange to dark red and coloured in a row. Have been dreaming of it for years and always postponed it.
The tall one grew in a freshly filled raised bed :smiley:

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The seedlings are growing (upper picture a week ago) and some of the lazy seeds start to sprout.


They are coming along nice. I havenā€™t started yet itā€™s too wet and cold where Iā€™m on the UK ATM.
So I brought a few tomatoe varieties and sunflowers seeds. Just to keep me busy and see how they grow outdoors.
I usually start them indoors but exhausted from moving so going to just see how they do straight outside in a few weeks.
Definitely give your dream a go, it will look beautiful :heart_eyes:


OOH iā€™m in ā€“ tried many times in the past and failed- will try in this new location. :crossed_fingers:


I canā€™t put giant sunflowers on a fourth-floor window box; Iā€™d have authorities knocking at the door in a minute. I might ask my mum for a corner of her garden, though.

But Iā€™m itching to plant my cherry tomatoes. At the moment Iā€™m drying some seeds out of actual cherries, and Iā€™ll start them indoors this weekend.


Motherā€™s Day here (mid May) in my growing zone in America is known as the time to be planting. I donā€™t have a space to start seeds indoors but there are things I can sow in the ground with enough time to grow still here. I usually buy starter plants from local growers at our farmerā€™s market and have great luck with that. So, still a long ways out for me! I will have lots of prep work to do, though. Building some raised beds and digging up turf for beds in the ground will be a lot of work.


my now seedlings are result of seeds so old I just wanted to see if they are still growable. I would never have expected this outcome! and the notorious lazy ones, even 8 years old, are sprouting a bit. iā€™ll have a difficult time fostering them till may - here we are also careful because weather can be summerish in march and frosty in april till may :see_no_evil: thank you climate change. at their actual growing rate Iā€™ll have to replant them twice. Challenge accepted, Iā€™ve done a similar chance growing years ago and harvested end of june. They are too healthy to abandon them (I would when they show signs of detoriation due to old seed).
my today check is an old maze variety, harvest 2016. As two colleagues from ARCHE NOAH asked for seed, I check if and how theyā€™ll sprout. Iā€™m a weirdo and and Iā€™m grateful that after years I get back to things Iā€™m good at. Still loving it :grin:


It will be interesting for sure, seeing the difference in growth over the world :earth_americas:.



if you have space and a sunny window, you can grow 1 sunflower in a pot :blush: one of an old seed seed bag I tried a few years ago survived and was a beautiful indoor plant (was a little one, 60 cm). just sharing, it was a nice new experience then for me.


Thatā€™s a great idea :slightly_smiling_face:


I canā€™t help smiling like a little weirdo that some of these old seeds made it to these beautiful seedlings. Itā€™s beautiful to watch how much power some still have allthough their normal period of being germinable is long over. The wonders of nature in a pot :blush: