Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for another sober day.

Grateful for being educated about scammers. Got a call and my bank’s number came up on my caller ID. The guy claimed to be from the fraud department and said there were 2 zelle transactions totaling $3500. I immediately pulled up my app but didn’t see them (red flag). Then he tells me in order to reverse them, I have to create 2 identical transactions (red flag). My response was…If your my bank, you have the ability to cancel them. He claims this is the process to cancel. Now I’m fuming so I pretend to play along. He gives me the email addresses and tells me to send. I said I did but they’re pending approval and could take 24 hrs. He says ok I’ll call you back tomorrow. I then call my bank to report it and give them all the information. The next day, this scumbag calls me back and asks about the transactions. I lost my shit. Used a lot of fowl language and name calling. He hung up on me. I then reported it to the FTC. Nothing will be done but it felt good to lay in to that douche bag. Grateful for a clear mind to detect bullshit.

Grateful for hubby bringing me my vape and lunch to work Friday. I left so early, hadn’t had coffee yet and forgot both. The cafe at work is closed for remodeling and my boss is on a 10 screaming about everything. There was no way I could get thru a long day with no food or nicotine.

Grateful for early morning walks with doggo. There’s not a soul in sight at 4:30. I’m grateful for the peace and quiet being one with nature.

Grateful hubby is making taco salad for dinner.

Grateful for all of you helping to keep me sober today.


Wow. My bank scam was 2 Zelle transactions too a year or so ago :scream: and was was more vulnerable than you were and they almost got me. It was the first time I used Zelle and thought it was me. Until I said I need to talk to my financial advisor my wife has him on the other phone. No lie. Thats how far he got us. Then click. I felt so violated.

I’m grateful you gave that douche a few good choice words.


Wow! Those scumbags! At least you didn’t follow through. Definitely a feeling of being violated.

My company is constantly educating us on all types of scams and I think that’s why I caught on so quick. We get random email tests for phishing attempts and if you don’t report it or you click on it, you’re mandated to take a scam class. A few of my coworkers failed. But I’ve always gotten the “congratulations! You passed the test” message.


Hey everyone.
What am I grateful for today?
A really old friend reaching out to me this morning. It had been years since we last spoke and it was really great to hear from them.
Books! I can’t describe how grateful I am for books!
The feeling of a fresh hair cut and beard trim!
YouTube videos that make me feel better about myself.
Did I mention books?
Linkin Park’s music!
And books!



Happy Birthday @SoberWalker :sunflower: By the way: great age, I just turned 50 and always had in mind that the 50s are marvellous decade :blush::face_with_hand_over_mouth::wink:

I’m grateful I took time on catching up on 34 posts :pray: What a bunch of grateful people here sharing and also having a good time! This thread rocks. Basta!

@Cjp My fantasy is running wild, thank you for taking us with you on your vaccation :blush::pray: I’m so happy for you & hubby

@SFS I would be happy to see your gardening on the gardening thread! Gardening In Recovery - #1746 by erntedank

I’m grateful @Dazercat can see the stars. I’m grateful I can see the stars in their brightness at my farm :pray: Dear friend, I’m happy for you & wifey looking forward to the visit :heartpulse: I’m so proud of you that you take your time and revisite your original moving plans. From my personal experience, this is a turning point where you get sorting out your needs and desires honestly. A process that takes time. Sometimes induced by patience, waiting and NOT forcing anything. For me, several times in my life my plans where not met and the then outcome was exactlx what I was searching for - without even knowing until the perfect setting unfold in front of me. Twice I heartfeltly gave up and later on …

@lisa i’m sad that I’m so far away. I would love to give you a hand with your boxes & storage. I’m differnt pro than @dazercat and I want to send you good vibes :woman_fairy:

Today I’m grateful for chosen family. I’m the last one of my kind and it’s fine. I have lifelong chosen family where I’m the 5th child. I have 7 nieces. I’m grateful that the the second daughter of my 1 year younger sister chose me to mentor & help her with a mandatory school paper they have to provide. I’m grateful we had the first session last summer and it was productive, met their criteria and gave my nice a mutually developed structure on how to proceed.
I’m grateful I was able to pick up this smart, wonderful young woman age 17 on friday at school when I went home from my chosen paren’ts ruby annyversary.
I’m grateful that I was able to accompany, help, discuss a highly interesting paper with her. I’m grateful she reached out for formal fumbling and I’m grateful she was happy to watch me doing. 35 years of experience in fumbling word, citation, and heck - I’m out of training and really lazy to my previous standards - but it was sufficient to fix that bullshit stuff of writing a paper in MSWord.
I’m grateful I enabled my nice to focus on content and let the writing and fumbling to me. I’m grateful that I’m capable to dictation of a 17 year old. I’m just typing hell faster than she can think. What a wonderful experience of working together! I’m deeply grateful that I was able to be of service :pray:

I’m grateful of the joy we shared this weekend. I’m grateful for the special bond with this child of my sister. I’m grateful my sister is grateful forthis bond too (4 daughters, she’s widowed, her husband died 2022).

I don’t have words for the last 4 days. I’m so blessed to be the 5th child of a huge family and we love us dearly. My second parents had their 40th anniversary thursday. It was such a lovely get together. I’m deeply heartfelt grateful for beong part of this family. It’s the only family that’s left. I’m grateful that I’ll always have family. That’s a blessing I can’t express.

I’m grateful I’m blessed. I’m grateful for all my blessings. I’m grateful that I cherish the wonderful loved people in my life, friends near & afar, chosen family, special people with a weird relationship. I’m grateful I know and live that’s that counts.

I’m grateful I spent 1 thought on my ex after the celebration on thursday. I’m grateful that I’m alone. I would not have been able to provide what my niece needed from me if he was still around. I’m deeply grateful that I’ve come a long way towards my genuine ME :pray:

Dear @JazzyS Thank you so much dear friend :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hoping you are good, health issues are in range and you enjoy coffe with mom & family time. I thought about a PM but to be honest I want to put it here: You are one of my heroes conquering life ODAAT. Just want to say thank you for being here and being there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heartpulse:


This is beautiful to read! Special bonds with that younger generation are hard to come by these days. You are so kind and thoughtful to give her your full attention this weekend. I’m sure she appreciates your mentorship.


@michelle Congrats on your 4 months girl! OMG!!! I’m so jealous and in love – what an absolute best day for you. I love these ladies – one of my favorite shows! Sorry to see the series end.
@soberwalker Happy Belated Birthday Claudia – so glad that you enjoyed your special day. Love that you are grateful that you look how you look – wow – that is a profound statement. You are beautiful inside and out and I am grateful that you feel it too download
@mrfantastik welcome to the gratitude thread Marty! Absolutely the best thread on TS. Looking forward to your grateful shares
@cjp Love that you are making the absolute best and most out of your well deserved vacation. AA meetings might be hard to come by in some areas –know that we are here if you should need support. Keep keeping on CJ! :muscle:
@soberbilly So lovely to see you active on the gratitude thread my sober buddy. So excited for you mom’s birthday and all the family getting together :hugs:
@sfs Welcome to the community SFS – so grateful to see you with us on the gratitude thread. Yummyness from your garden – so much healthy foods to enjoy :heart:

SUPER exciting and we need loads of pics of Norma and the meow meows – my heart is fluttering just imagining all the fun! :heart:
@lisa07 OMG what a scumbag! I so loathe scammers. Grateful that you saw through his bs and had the satisfaction to lay into him. Assmunch thought he could do a follow up call – WTF – the balls on him. Rest easy knowing he did not pull one over on you.
@erntedank You brought tears to my eyes love – thank you for your kind words and I am just as grateful for your friendship! So grateful that you have a loving chosen family and that you will always have family around – this truly is a blessing :heart: :people_hugging: I had a wonderful day with my mom today! :pray:


She did, she was overly grateful and had a hard time to accept that CONTENT is her achievement and and I really, honestly, only was a discussion partner, did some quick research ( 30 years professionell with accounts to all university databases gets results quick) and fumbled Word (35 years professionell is still hell lot quicker than an untrained 17 year old can be with a magic wand TBH it’s hard to keep up with me although I’ve been out of shape and business for 15+ years) and that I can type as quick as I think. She was talking, we were discussing, I typed simultanously and she read it, claimed changes and will rewrite passages that I just summarized during discussion.
I feel so blessed and I’m grateful over the moon that we can work together in mutual respect, in mutual learning and that my skills are valuable to develop her personell approach and develop her skills.
To be honest: At 17 you doesn’t have to deal with formal non accompanied bullshit from school paired with: how to tame MSWord with no instructions (no training available) and formal full-load. That’s ridiculous and causes friction, trauma and destroys self-confidence in a vulnerable agegroup.

I’m deeply grateful she teached herself the basics (showed her last summer and encouraged her to use tutorials, some of them I provided to start with). I’m grateful she learns by watching a lot.
I’m grateful she just soaks up what I’m doing when I fumble. I’m grateful I always ask if she wants to understand and do it by herself or if I just fumble & she watches. This smartass young woman knows hell good what’s nececessary for her and what to skip to be fumbled by me.
I’m so grateful for this smart, lovely girl and I feel humble that we have a very special relationship. It’s a gift from life :pray:


Sunday night gratefulness with all you beautiful souls!

WHOLY MOLY Batman - this thread is on fire! So grateful to have come here and noticed that i had 45 unread posts! So grateful to see so many people practicing the beautiful art of gratitude.

I am so grateful for a wonderful Sunday which went nothing as planned. I had originally planned to spend the day relaxing - knitting and working on a puzzle - possibly taking a nap. NAH. Grateful that i started the day with my coffee and mom time. Grateful that i was able to run some quick errands and then return for a lovely brunch (my mom made me a lovely meal that i have been dreaming about for over 11 months - grateful that i could enjoy gluten).
I am so grateful that i sat with my dad this morning and got all his documents for taxes sorted out. Grateful that i did this without getting angry or impatient.
I am so grateful that i went on a slow 1 hour walk with my mom. Grateful that it was a gorgeous sunny day and I did not need a jacket.
I am so grateful that my mom asked if i could go into work with her so that we did not disturb my dad. Grateful that i had nothing planned so off we went - grateful to have gotten things ready and in order at the restaurant for next week and ran a few more errands on the way home. Grateful it was a wonderful day with mom!
I am so grateful that i have my consultation with the surgeon tomorrow. Grateful that with a help of a friend, i know some questions that i need to ask. Grateful that i am feeling less worried about the possibility of having a full hysterectomy. Just hoping that it does not delay my surgery date by too much.
I am so grateful that i have my head MRI scheduled for Tuesday morning. Grateful that i may get answers to the non stop headaches. Grateful that i feel confident that 2024 is the year for answers.
I am so grateful that my parents are going to Canada on Tuesday. Grateful that i’ve asked them to pick up ketchup – grateful that Heinz in Canada does not use sugar or sugar replacements in their ketchup
I am so grateful for my HP and how i feel so connected to Him. Grateful for my meditation and prayer practices. Grateful for my calmness and serenity. Grateful that i feel at ease.
I am so grateful that i was able to complete month end accounting last night. Grateful that i found a huge mistake and will be able to take care of it at the bank tomorrow. Grateful that this bankers mistake did not cause any major problems and was caught in time.
I am so grateful that i am home safe and warm! Hoping to have a restful evening. Had issues with my mouth guard last night as it was pinching my upper lip and kept me from sleeping. Hoping that i have fixed the issue :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful for TS-- this community has become my family and i love you all so very much. Can’t believe that it will be year tomorrow since i joined forces with you beautiful souls. How time flies.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Happy birthday @SoberWalker :birthday::kissing_heart:
@Cjp I’m so glad you are enjoying your holiday, you havd been looking forward to it for a while, it sounds like such an adventure😘
I’m grateful for my hubby, who has helped bring some order to the house this weekend. The mess and piles of laundry is getting embarrassing, but I can’t do anything at the moment.
I’m grateful hubby accompanied me for a short dog walk. My first time out with the dog in over 2 weeks. I even managed to get a photo for the cloud thread. I’m grateful for the constantly changing artwork that is the sky :milky_way: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for my sobriety and for all the gratitudes on here to read.


They are absolutely amazing ladies. Vert talanted & articulate.


OOOH i love em all and the signatures too :heart: :hugs:
some bad ass woman right there!

I have no doubt – grateful that you got to meet them! Love the signature “thanks for liking me (a little bit)” OMG – right a little bit – i frickin love ya! :rofl:


Omg she was so cool…cuz i hated Kelly Lou & told her that at first
i didnt even like her (kate box) we laughed so hard but she stole my heart. She is funny AF thats why so wrote thanks for liking me a little bit. I told her next i would bring a picture of her smiling. Her laughter is infectious. You cant NoT love her!!
Uploading: IMG_20240204_002541.jpg…


I am sooooo grateful for you sharing this experience with me. So grateful that i am about to start the show again. I do love these woman and yeah - the love / hate relationship with some characters was strong.


I always forget something to be grateful for.
I’m grateful to read about every kind of relationship that I’m reading here.
To be honest: I’m envious and happy at the same time.
I’m grateful to read about people going along with their partners, in shape & setting.
I’m envious because my exhusband up to date never sensed a problem, not in our relationship, not in his alcoholism.
I’m grateful that I can borrow gratitude from you all when I’m lost in this particular personal setting.
I’m grateful for all the partnership happiness, gratitude and difficulties that are shared. Maybe this post belongs to the loved ones thread too.Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? - #1479 by erntedank

Thank you all for sharing, there are days where it means the world to me to read that relationships are steady :pray:


Im watching again too. I have loved the show forever but they have never came anywhere near me. So they came to Nashville…Im like 3 hours away. I HAD TO GO! When would i ever get to meet 3 Aussies & Danielle from New Zealand. They were so so down to earth. I dont think American actors ever do stuff like this…are you in the states?


WHOA you are in Nashville?? Are you kidding me - for some reason i just assumed this was taking place in Australia! Damn - i am sorry for de-railing this thread… i am in Michigan and am in awe.

in an effort to not re-rail the thread
I am so very grateful that i finally got all the work i had planned for tomorrow done tonight so a little more productivity in the books :wink:


Well, i was just thinking how grateful i am to have experienced that event sober. I would not have had the opportunity is i was drinking! Can you PM i have been trying to learn how to do that to avoid derailing a topic.


I’m grateful I got caught up on this and the old thread! So much going on in all of our lives. I’m grateful we have this place, this thread. Grateful for the vroom vroom it puts in my soul tank.

I’m grateful I started unpacking some boxes of memorabilia. Mostly my folks’ stuff that I can’t keep forever and need to pare down, but I wanted to get a good chunk of sober time under me before tackling. Grateful for smiles and laughs-out-loud as went through things, a few tears too. Grateful for knowing when enough is enough for the day. Grateful to lurk on the declutter thread for inspiration.

I’m grateful for the Affected By A Loved One thread too. I’d be a frequent poster, methinks, if my ex-beloved and I were still a thing. Or maybe he’d be the sober one and posting like hell? Who knows. (No shortage of wine-glass-M photos in the boxes above :point_up_2: sigh) I’m grateful I can work on my codependent tendencies on my own, lol.

I’m grateful wine-glass-M is a thing of the past.
I’m grateful for a meeting tonight, a cup of tea. Word games. Bath salts that smell like the forest in spring. Books. Art. Music. Feelings.
Can’t have good music and art and books without a few shitty feelings to inspire them.
Grateful to feel those feelings.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: