Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Morning gratitude :sunrise_over_mountains:

Iā€™m grateful gratitude, for me, isnā€™t something I just write down. The part of writing down comes after a feeling of pure gratitude. I wasnā€™t always this grateful. But grateful I am now. Itā€™s life changing.

I woke up just now with a flood of feelings of gratitude, it feels so good and I just wanted to share that with you all.
Iā€™m grateful I feel the gratitude then can write it down if I feel too but I live with so much gratitude and it feels ā€¦ Wellā€¦ It feels amazing! Itā€™s more than words for me.


Yes Iā€™m ok, just dealing with a headache for multiple weeks now and bad sleep. That has a toll on my mood as well.
Try to tick some boxes to find out why my head hurts. Got my eyesight checked, but they are fine.


Huge congratulations :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler: on your year :clap::clap:
So lovely to see this!


@M-be-free49 Congratulations to you too on your huge milestone :clap::balloon:

I took this golden nugget out of your post as it really stuck out to me. Thank you :hugs: through trying times this shall be the lens I try to look through.


And Iā€™m grateful to see you here lady! Happy to read you have found a temporary place to live for you and your dogs :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Congratulations for your 1 year milestone Brian and @M-be-free49 Emm for the 19 months!! :confetti_ball:


Ok, Iā€™m grateful to have seen all of my 3 kids yesterday. They look happy and joyful and that lifted my mood.
Still having one kid at home but he is active in looking for his own place. Heā€™s considering in doing an offer on a appartment he saw yesterday. Grateful he is still around though, but also grateful he is strong enough for flying out of the nest :blush:


I am grateful I cancelled my office meeting so I can work from home.

I am grateful for the sleeping doggo next to me. I can feel the warmth of his body and his calm breathing against my side. I love looking at him, being completely relaxed and without a care in the world.

I am grateful for getting back to relatively healthy cooking and eating. I am grateful I have a supermarket right across my appartment building, so no need to order junk or expensive food.

There are still two bottles of my sonā€™s Moet in the kitchen from new years eve, but I am grateful I donā€™t care about them (never cared much for champagne tbh). Grateful I have no cravings at all. Grateful Iā€™m sober.

I am grateful I started writing here, as I didnā€™t feel like it this morning (no energy, nervous, grumpy). Itā€™s like going to the gym or for a walk, I donā€™t always feel like going but Iā€™m always happy when I did.

I am grateful for @I.cant.We.can and @M-be-free49 sharing their numbers, itā€™s so inspirational to see people hitting milestones! It strengthens me in the thought I can get there too if I stay focussed and put in the work. Thanks and congratulations to you both! :tada::100::muscle:


Oh that sucks. Nothing worse then an on going headache!! You poor thing! Was going to suggest eye sight test but youā€™ve done that! Are you drinking enough during the day? Would it be worth seeing your Doctor?:thinking:


Drinking enough, resting enough and hate seeying a doctor :hugs:
I have lotā€™s of headaches all of my life and used to have migraines as well. But the migraines stopped since menopause.
I do not take any painkillers so itā€™s not a side effect of using them too much :thinking:
Stopped all the supplements I am normally taking and focus on healthy food no sugar.
If that wonā€™t help I will dragg myself to the doctor, I promiss :blush:


Early morning to ya folksā€¦

My oh my how gratitude has grown on this thread. So greatful to see.

Im greatful to be awake at 5am to capture this photo

Greatful for an unplanned afternoon yesterday and an early bedtime
Greatful to be in a well lit area and able to walk outside when i couldnt sleep earlier
Greatful i can take the coffee pot and my costa rican coffee to el bano so as not to wake hubby this early
Greatful hubby is a better intl traveler here than canada
Greatful for this once and a lifetime experience
Greatful for my sobriety and potentially meeting up with a fellow alcoholic in this intl mtn town
Greatful my mom and dad love Boscoe so much they said theyre keeping him
Greatful to experience multiple different towns and climates in costa rica
Greatful my spanish comprehension is getting better
Greatful we arrived safe to monteverde
Greatful for the boatride yesterday across lake arenal
Greatful for the opportunity to travel


Beautiful picture! Great that youā€™re exploring the country instead of sticking to a beach bed drinking cocktails all day :blush: :mountain::hibiscus::sunny:


Grateful for the snow today.
Grateful I donā€™t have to leave the house.
Grateful I can make the most of this day with my daughter at home.
Grateful college shut because of the snow.
Grateful for my fireplace.
Grateful for movie afternoons with hot chocolate.
Grateful I can embrace these unplanned days in my sobriety. I used to get really stressed when the weather or other unforseen events got all my plans in a mess.

I am grateful for the learning curve to accept life as it is presented to me


Iā€™m grateful I can peck away at my gratitude with Mavy stretched out on my lap and my right hand is free. My arm not so much. Grateful I have my iPad. Iā€™m grateful heā€™s so warm. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll take him over the last half of my coffee. Iā€™m sure itā€™s cold anyway. Iā€™m grateful how heā€™s stretched out with his front paws reaching up to my face but not quite reaching. Iā€™m grateful for the peaceful look on his face. And his smile. Grateful for his warmth on my lap. Iā€™m grateful it must be 7 as the waterfall has come on. Iā€™m grateful the fire is going in the fireplace. Iā€™m grateful it turns on with a wall switch. Iā€™m grateful Benson and Alice are in their wrong beds under the fireplace. Iā€™m grateful Daisy is on the floor by my feel. Iā€™m grateful Beatrix and wifey are still in bed. Grateful for my living room view. Iā€™m grateful to be so blessed with so much. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t care why as much anymore or that I donā€™t deserve it. Why not and maybe I do. Who the fuck knows (Ka-Ching :dollar: :jar: )

Iā€™m grateful I drove into Phoenix to go to the Wednesday Al-Anon meeting yesterday because I wanted to. I only been twice because I ā€œneeded,ā€ to. Iā€™m grateful I met. Kinda met, like you do at meetings, an 89 year old new kid to Al-Anon. Fuck me again! I guess you are never too old for recovery. You go girl!!

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m free!! :smiley_cat: to move around the cabin to reheat my coffee but Iā€™ll finish up here first.

Iā€™m grateful for a lovely night out with my SIL and my 2 nieces from Austin. Theyā€™re so cool. We never see family and no one ever visits us. Fact. Not poor me or anything.

Iā€™m grateful this big fella is appreciated :kissing_heart: so much on here. Iā€™m grateful most days I canā€™t wait to get on here and I donā€™t know if itā€™s you people or the gratitude. Iā€™m grateful I feel so comforted sharing with yā€™all and reading what you all got to say. Iā€™m grateful I got that feeling back where I canā€™t wait to put thisā€¦. Or thatā€¦. Or thisā€¦.on my gratitude list here and while Iā€™m actively writing my list I cannot remember at all what those things were.

Previous research has shown that grateful feelings enable people to savor positive experiences, cope with stress, and strengthen social relationships. A disposition toward gratitude is also associated with higher levels of subjective well-being, demonstrating that counting oneā€™s blessings can increase positive emotions and health.
Frank Flynn: Gratitude, the Gift that Keeps on Giving.


Bless you, I hope they subside soon for you hun šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Grateful to wake up next to my son
Grateful I see my mum and sister tomorrow
Grateful for my morning coffee
Grateful a co worker helped me out yesterday
Grateful for another 24


Iā€™m grateful for a nice day today :sun_with_face:

My daily morning smile is, my dog Buddy has to take a running start to poop. Could you imagine if humans did that? :joy:


@tn2ky So grateful that you and your animals are safe. Grateful you did find temporary housing. So sorry for your crazy scary experience. :pray: :hugs:
@m-be-free49 WOW I loved your post today and so true ā€œwhat you focus on expandsā€ dang ā€“ I need to rethink my thinking and reroute my focus. I tend to overthink somethings that can have negative undertones and they do not need to take up any more space in my head. Great work on 19 months! This is incredible work!
@soberwalker I am sorry Claudia ā€“ dealing with similar stuff with headaches and my migraines have subsided a lot but still show up every once in a while. My head scan and eye tests came back good so now I am supposed to see neurology but at $1000 for first visit I am going to hold off. Going to keep eating healthy and hope it works itself out. Sending you hugs in empathy.
@dazercat you are very much appreciated and loved my friend. grateful to have you here sharing your journey with us :people_hugging:

Thursday morning gratefulness
I am so grateful to be alive. Grateful that i am filled with emotion (not all happy) but at least it means i am feeling. I am grateful to realize that sad emotions are not bad just means that my body is working through something.
I am so grateful that my head MRI results arrived this morning. Grateful that everything is normal. A bittersweet result as i still donā€™t know what is causing my headaches and dizziness but at least the brain is ok.
I am so grateful that i got to spend time with my mom this morning. She again is trying to take care of everyone (including me) and i had to put a stop to it. I have been shopping and cooking for myself and making sure i am getting all the nutrition i need. She has her own surgery to worry about and i donā€™t need her focusing on me. I am grateful that we both want to help each other out and one way to do it is to just concentrate on ourselves.
I am so grateful for a beautiful sunny day - its going to hit 56 degrees today :astonished: I havenā€™t worn a jacket in a week and it feels so great. Just have to be careful as it will drop 30 degrees in two days. Gotta love winter.
I am so grateful that i have my dental appointment today. Hopefully they can figure out what happened with my new mouth splint. It really has been tough not being able to use it for the past few nights.
I am so grateful for my ability to move without assistance. Grateful for slow healing - at least i am healing.
I am so grateful for my Coffee!
I am so grateful for my indoor shoes. Grateful for the padding and cushion. Appreciate all the comfort they provide.
I am so grateful to have gotten a lot of baking and cleaning accomplished yesterday. Grateful to hopefully finish up with the baking today - will go at my pace.
I am so grateful that my sister is coming to visit Saturday night.
Grateful for all of you here - grateful for all the amazing milestones. Grateful for another day of sobriety!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful for how the Internet has made music from around the world. Music is one of the most important things in my life and has gotten me through a lot in my lifeā€“not only from listening but also creating. The human voice is one of my favorite instruments, and it is really something special to get to hear it played through so many unique and beautiful languages.


Grateful for my job. Genuinely enjoy coming to work and spending time with my crew. Especially now that Iā€™m not hungover everyday
Grateful to have family close by that can help look after the kids when both my partner and I are on shift.
Grateful for another day hangover free and sober


Again too much to catch up.
Today Iā€™m grateful the day is over. Doctor appointment went well. Iā€™m grateful I treated myself to sandwiches and orange juice downtown. Iā€™m grateful for the nice little walk I took.
Iā€™m grateful I listened to my needs and rested in the afternoon. Iā€™m sorry I had to text two pals that Iā€™ll call back another day. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t force myself anymore.
In the evening my heart sunk as I got notice from my lawyer that the ex has changed lawyers.Iā€™m grateful I looked them up and know what to await: even more bullshit. It will never end. Iā€™m grateful I go to bed sober and catfood is on the way. We are pretty low on stock. Iā€™m grateful I will help a friend tomorrow allthough I really only want to stay at home and hide from the world. It will help both of us :pray: ODAAT