Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for my new position (even if there is no extra pay or title) in the office as an assistant manager role. I am almost always in front of my computer, so I can keep up on posts…


@JazzyS Glad to hear your MRI came back negative. That‘s a relieve for sure. I hope you get your health issues sorted out soon!
@Dazercat Your story about the 89yo newcomer made me smile. I like courageous people.
@Cjp Thanks for sharing this wonderful picture.

Time for bed time gratitude :blush:

A few weeks ago I started listening to a podcast about eating and emotions in menopause. The toolset presented there has been extremely helpful for me in dealing with my eating issues. I am very grateful I found this podcast, for the lady there making it and putting the information out there, for having learned the new tools and for being able to apply them on the good and the bad days.

I am grateful to have learned here on TS that recovery is not a black-and-white business but a journey of discovering life anew. Every day I read here wonderful and sad stories of people going through addiction and recovery and I stopped feeling alone on my journey. I am grateful for every single post here, for every single person sharing their stories.

Today I felt energetic enough again to try a new strong yoga session and really loved it. I am very grateful I had the energy, time and means to practice. This makes my life so much better.

I am grateful for peace, for breathing through emotions, for the fascinating albeit sometimes scary journey I am on.

Wishing you all a peaceful night and good sleep.


ah hell girl - i am so sorry! Not sure what he is up to at this point in changing attorneys. I do wish a speedy case for you so you can finally put this all to bed. Do hope it doesn’t drag on too much longer. :pray:


Wow, a 1000 dollars for a first visit! :face_with_peeking_eye:
Glad healthcare is different here, but it’s sliding down as well and getting more expensive. I’m affraid they find nothing (like in your situation) because headaches are not easy to adress and can have so many causes. That’s why I haven’t visit a doctor yet. I’m sorry you have go trough the same shit :sweat:


I’m grateful for another session today with my coach. Working on myself is out of my comfort zone (and maybe this causes the headache as well?) but necessary to have a better life.
Grateful to have a head filled with creative ideas to choose from tonight at te goldsmith class.
Grateful to work today with a co worker who always makes me smile because she is so funny and a bit clumsy as well.
Grateful to have a weekend off from work so I can have free time together with my hubby.
Grateful to have had a good night of sleep, even my Garmin watch says so it must be truth :laughing:

Grsteful for my coffee, phone and you all this morning! :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Let’s start the day! :facepunch:


This morning I’m grateful for Tescos click and collect, lazy I know but both my boys are unwell so grateful it didn’t take me long to get our food shop. Grateful they are starting to feel better today, Samuel is 16 next week so :crossed_fingers: he’s recovered by then. Grateful for Suki sleeping better last night, grateful the vets increased her meds. Attempting to make a balloon arch this morning :woman_facepalming:t2: grateful my daughter is coming to help :balloon: grateful for another day sober, my life and all of you for being in it :rose::v:


Congratulations Brian!!! I’m so very grateful that you came back to the homethread, grateful to see and learn from all the work you put into your recovery, grateful to share this journey with you!


Good morning sober familia,

I am so greatful for…

My sobriety, 649 days free
Not being tempted to drink. When being on vacation in the past was an immediate ticket to spend a fortune on fancy drinks
Greatful i can spend the cash, not wasted on drinks, on costa rican art and souvenirs
I get a salary even when im away…what a blessing
I can chill in the hotel bathroom with the mini coffeemaker and my phone as to not wake the hubby lol
Boscoe is doing well…im missing him more and more each day
Today we have a chocolate and coffee tour then on to another beach
Motion sickness medicine! The windy roads and crazy drivers are a bit much
My new tan
Good food
Good company
Pura vida


Another grateful morning with my cat plugged in and my coffee.
Grateful for a good laugh when I saw my little pixie (morning espresso shot) yesterday late morning. I forgot to drink it :joy: I’m grateful I did drink my pixie first thing this morning. Grateful for my Stumptown Hairbender this week.

I’m grateful it looks like a clear cool day which means sunshine. Grateful I’m not at the huge Waste Management Golf Tournament in the rain all week. It’s a HUGE event down here.

I’m grateful for my 2 meetings yesterday and a lazy, too lazy, rainy afternoon. I’m grateful for the cat warmth on my lap and both arms and hands are free this morning and I have my ember coffee cup keeping my coffee warm so I’m in for the duration of my coffee.

I’m grateful for iTunes and lately when I come across a new old song that I haven’t listened too for a while I can “creat station,” and let Apple pick tunes from that I might like. I’m grateful for all my playlist that I listen to over and over again.

I’m grateful when I saw a really cute chihuahua video I reached out and sent it to my niece Sara. She loves chihuahuas, probably too much with so many. I “hear” she’s been feeling left out of the family. She never reaches out. I’m grateful I didn’t “stifle a generous impulse.”
I’m grateful she loved it and I could feel her cuteness coming through her text. I’m grateful we had a nice exchange.

I’m grateful for all the step 2 and 3 work I been hearing at meetings. I thought I was done with that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful for the uncomfortable feelings of not knowing who my god is but I know he (and I just us he to keep it simple,) is out there and has worked many miracles in my life. And I’m grateful for my higher powers like the “Rooms” (I just got a huge chuckle as predictive text came up “Room service,” :joy: :joy: :joy: whelp, anything can be your hp right? :joy:)
I’m grateful for my higher powers humor, music, nature, TS and yes definitely the Rooms. I’m grateful I don’t know exactly who I’m praying to and I just got to let that go too.

I’m grateful to fake it til I make it.
I’m grateful to just Be Nice.

I’m grateful god led me to a new parking space last night so I never have to see that fucking offensive bumper sticker and wonder what fucking asshole is getting in and out of that car. :thinking: what happened to being grateful for just being nice :blush: :man_shrugging: I’m grateful there can always be another path to serenity. It might take awhile to figure out what’s robbing you of your serenity but when you do? It’s gorgeous :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: I’m grateful I feel nice again.

Some say they’re going to a place called glory
And I ain’t saying it ain’t a fact
But I’ve heard that I’m on the road to purgatory
And I don’t like the sound of that
I believe in love and I live my life accordingly
But I choose to let the mystery be

Let The Mystery Be
Song by Iris DeMent


Got to double dip on the gratitude for a fun story.
I’m grateful a couple of months ago I busted a lady who pasted a Gay Pride bumper sticker over this guys offensive bumper sticker. I’m grateful she didn’t think anyone saw her. And I said You Go Girl!! I’m grateful she smiled at me and we gave each other a thumbs up.


I am grateful somebody in the check-in app posted a video about PAWS, it was very educational. I’m also grateful my favorite YouTuber posted another video. It’s about self-discipline:

I am grateful I could get some proper work and chores done today. I am grateful my son will be back home Sunday. Tomorrow starts dog training, looking forward to that.


I’m grateful that I can adjust my schedule today in such a way that I can avoid driving out in today’s surprise snow. We don’t have so much snow that I feel uncomfortable driving in it, but I do feel uncomfortable with the other drivers who don’t know how to properly travel in this weather–something that has become a larger issue in the past couple years because we have had such a large influx of people moving to the area from places that don’t get snow.


Grateful for a bit of a sleep in before work today 5a.m wake up vs 4a.m​:joy::joy: partner is home all day today so no need to walk/run the dogs before work
Grateful for summer days even if they are spent at work.
Grateful for clean water to stay hydrated.
Grateful for another morning hangover free and sober


Let‘s have some gratitude for today‘s miracles.

I am about to go clubbing with friends - wich I have neglected basically since the COVID lockdowns - and I am grateful this is happening. I am grateful my friends have time, that we have found this nice welcoming club, that I am healthy, and that my family is taken care of.

I am grateful I took care of myself today. I had a lot of errands planned, which was stressing me out. So I decided to concentrate on the most important ones: groceries for physical sustenance, and clubbing for love. I am grateful I was able to make this decision.

I am grateful I have found new ways to deal with my intense feelings and hormonal upheavals. I still feel very much like a novice with this new stuff, but I‘m on this way, and it is scary, and exciting.

Off to clubbing. Have a nice, peaceful and loving night my friends :night_with_stars: :peace_symbol: :heart:


I am grateful today felt just right.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for love, even if it’s not said out loud.
I am grateful my partner and I had the time to watch a movie together in the evening.
I am grateful for this day, even though the weather was rainy with grey skies… I am grateful for grey skies!
I am grateful for the sober community. Not just my TS family here, but each and every person sober, from all programs who collectively support each other and all people struggling with addiction just by being sober. I am grateful for all those people with their experience and knowledge, who share their stories to help others, to help me!

Tonight I feel humbled by the realisation that I am truly not alone on this journey


Hey sober family :people_hugging: ready to list out some Friday gratitude’s

I am so very grateful that i got my splint fixed yesterday and was able to use it during my nights sleep. Grateful that my jaw is feeling a little more relaxed today.
I am so grateful that i did get some coffee time with my mom today. Grateful that i was able to come home and try to rest as i was having some trouble staying awake.
I am so grateful that i was able to talk with a lovely friend this morning while enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee.
I am so grateful that i mustered up energy to get some errands run so i did not have to put off till Monday. Grateful that i am staying on top of my tasks rather than pushing them off.
I am so grateful that i am now relaxing at home and catching up on TS. Grateful that i enjoy coming here to read everyone’s gratitude’s.
I am so grateful for my family and friends and their unconditional support.
I am so grateful for my sister. Grateful she is coming to visit tomorrow evening. Grateful that we will get some time together.
I am so grateful that i was able to unravel a shawl that i had started a few years ago as i was unable to find the pattern. I am so grateful for working on my new pattern. Learning a few new stiches (thank you YouTube).
I am so grateful that i was able to make myself some vegan mac n cheese today with biscuits. Really had a craving and will enjoy with some lovely veggies on the side.
I am so grateful that i am drinking sparkling water drinks again. Grateful that i bought some yummy cherry Bubbly today.
I am so grateful that i will take time to practice some self care today.
I am so grateful that i woke up with the sensation to weep uncontrollably and poof that sensation has gone away. I am feeling exhausted and i know that my body is just working through something. Grateful that it will all be good.
I am so grateful that it is the weekend. Grateful that i mistakenly thought it was Thursday this morning – so happy to be wrong. TGIF
Happy Friday you beautiful souls! Wishing you all so much love and happiness - have a yourselves a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


Today starts dog training at a nearby forest. I am grateful I get to be in nature this morning and I am grateful for my car which takes me safely from a to b.
I am grateful for dog walks. Even if I don’t feel like it, it forces me to get out of the house.
I am grateful for not having big challenges in life. My son is doing well and I have no financial struggles.

I am grateful a friend asked me to meet up tomorrow. I don’t really feel like being social these days but with him I feel okay. Two other (more emotionally demanding) friends I put on hold, I’ll see them when I feel better. I am grateful to set boundaries for myself.

I am grateful I keep myself accountable to write everyday. I’m a bit in a rut atm and writing gratitudes helps to be more mindful of the things in my life that are going well.


I’m grateful for not having a headache right now

For having the day off
For hear the bird singing spring is coming
For rediscovering a supplement for my mood that helped me before so I start taking it
It’s also one who can help with migain and headaches so that’s another win
I’m grateful for making a good start with my labrarorite ring :heavy_heart_exclamation: Made the bezel surrounding and the stone fits perfect!


Saturday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for spring-ish days. They remind me to increase my vitamin D intake, I was sneezing horribly yesterday, fuck hayfever.
I’m grateful I helped a friend decluttering her appartment yesterday.
I’m grateful I rested afterwards, I needed it.
I’m grateful I found the energy to call back one of the friends I put on hold this week. An intense and needed chat.
I’m grateful for essential oils.
I’m grateful for eating healthy.
I’m grateful for modern home appliances. I’m grateful here we are able to drop broken ones free of cost at the recycling center. I’m grateful for recycling and re-use.

I’m grateful I’m a happy little weirdo watching my seedlings grow and getting exited when I find newly grown little ones in the morning. I’m grateful the cats are civil with the plants.

I’m grateful for quick catfood delivery! No extra errand to get some for the weekend.
I’m grateful I can stay home all weekend if I want. I’m grateful I can do whatever I want on the weekend. I’m grateful I’m still in my pj watching the sleeping cats, drinking tea and feeling at peace. I’m grateful that nightmares are not real.

I’m grateful I started to prepare for Lent. For me it’s a special time like Advent and I enjoy to practice mindfullness. I care for my spiritual life and deliberately cut back on things that are actually very present. I’m grateful this journey looks different every year.

I’m grateful that I’m healthy and safe. I’m grateful for boundaries and joy. I’m grateful for silence and laughter. I’m grateful for clean, delicious water from the tap.
I’m grateful for being alive.
I’m grateful.

Edit to add some lunchtime gratitude.
I’m grateful I break down overwhelming tasks in smaller tasks until I can handle one after another. I’m grateful for thinking out-of-the-box. I’m grateful I too can run the dishwasher twice Mental health memes and discussion (Part 3) - #650 by Alisa I’m grateful for the memory function of bookmarks on this app :pray:


Super happy to read this hun :pray::raised_hands: