Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful to finally have a sunny day after so many days of rain. I’m grateful for a productive morning and a relaxing afternoon with my friend reading books outside, chatting and having a good meal together. I’m grateful for chocolate and hazelnuts. I’m grateful for all my pets and animals. I’m grateful for a my new plant and for komuz. I’m grateful to be sober and safe.


I’m grateful that I told my coworkers last night that I’m not drinking anymore. Our boss was in town and took us out for dinner and cocktails and I ordered a mocktail. Grateful for mocktails. Grateful that I thought about this community and my help group, and heard my meditations, and had the strength to tell them I’m sober now. They were shocked. Grateful that my boss then spoke with me about the health benefits of not drinking and it was a great convo. Grateful for my son’s senior pictures, got them this week and they capture his JOY!!


Thank you for this day :prayer_beads:
I am grateful for the thunder and rain today. My daughter and I were out for a walk and the dark clouds kept advancing and the thunder rolling. We got caught in the first rain drops and were safe home when the big storm hit. I am grateful I could enjoy the weather from inside my home and grateful the rain washed down all the pollen and filled our water barrels.
I am grateful I could take a nap when that weather change hit and grateful I could drink extra strong coffee, both to prevent a migraine. Grateful we have meds that helped with my daughter’s headaches.
I am grateful I got some work done today, although I have to admit that my mind was not too sharp and I really don‘t think I was honestly productive. But I am grateful I can work and grateful I can let a day like today be.
I am grateful for yoga and being able to get through the session even when intense emotions beset me.
I am grateful I don‘t mind resetting my overeating counters, grateful I care more about discovering my own patterns and my relationship with food than numbers on a counter. I also am very grateful I feel safe to share these patterns, feelings and thoughts here. This is the foundation of recovery.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Bedtime Gratitude

I am grateful for going outside in the evening, in public and making myself face all the fears I had.
I’m grateful that my journey outside had a destination, Recovery Dharma. I’m grateful for the people I met this evening.
I’m grateful I went.
I’m grateful for the feeling I have right now. I’m grateful for the first meditation this evening its been over a year.
I’m grateful for group meditation.
I’m grateful I get to spend this summer getting back in to peace and be just with life.
Im grateful to feel so grateful I can’t put what I’m trying to say into words. It just feels so good and eye opening and a sense of achievement.
Grateful to be more involved and be looking after myself better.



I am grateful for 65 days sober today.

Grateful for my few but loyal friends who have reached out to me during my recovery from hip surgery. So grateful I have a home relaxing and spacious to recover in. God is showing his blessings every day


Happy 2 years sober birthday @Cjp :boom::boom:
I hope you’re enjoying/enjoyed your days.
It’s too awesome to be on this sober journey with you my friend.
Grateful for your little dog too


@Cjp huge congratulations of 2 years. Totally amazing :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: I’m happy to be on this journey with you!
@tailee17 congratulations on 65 days :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: awesome work, keep it up!

I’m grateful for a warm spring day.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for silliness.
I’m grateful to be heading to London soon to visit family and friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful for this day.
Yesterday blew chunks.
I’m grateful I finished my step 4 work with my sponsor yesterday. At least I think I did. I’m grateful I shared all my secret baggage I dug up from my childhood and other things in the past. I’m grateful in that respect it was a good day. Then the day blew.
I’m grateful today is a much better day.
I’m grateful to focus on my trip to Dallas. Focus on my baby granddaughter. Focus on all her smiles. Focus on all the fun cloths baby girls wear. Focus on all the clothes we bought her. Focus on my son and my DIL.
I’m grateful for my recoveries and I know I still got a long way to go.
I’m grateful I recognized my Al-Anon relapse yesterday, as I lost my shit mentally, after my wife started day drinking, after I completed my. 4th step. I’m grateful I realized I took it so personally, like a slap in the face. I’m grateful I can continue to learn it isn’t personal it’s a disease. But yesterday. Of all the fucking days to start day drinking JFC :scream:
I’m grateful I surrendered today. This morning to her alcoholism. And just might have to do that more.
Fuck this disease.
I’m grateful I’m surrendering right now.

I’m grateful I can start trying to focus on all the gratitude I have for all the other wonderful Things in my life. It’s funny. My gratitude practice works so well with my sobriety but not so much with my codependent behaviors. I grateful for all this awareness and maybe that can be a good first step.

I’m grateful Aga
@acromouse feels safe posting her joy and especially share and spread out her sadness and tears when needed. I’m grateful for this safe place to do that too. Big hug :people_hugging: to you Aga as you go through this new phase of your life.

I can definitely see tons of happiness in your handsome sons face at graduation @Davina_Davis what a striking young lad. You must be so proud of him.

I’m grateful jazzy got in some exercise and walks and the eye thing is doing better @JazzyS

I’m grateful for @Laner posting here and on the food thread. It’s so cool to read and look up stuff you post from another country that I’ve never even heard of. Fascinating.

I’m grateful to be picturing @erntedank mowing the grass in a dress or something other that work clothes. Let’s see that on video. I’m grateful for you raw sense of humor.

I hope the achilles isn’t too painful Elliot. That is usually an awful injury. Be careful out there. @50ber hopefully you can still have fun sitting around a sober campfire or something.

I’m grateful for y’all.
Grateful for Google and far away places.
I’m grateful for internet at 23000 ft.
I’m grateful for the gorgeous lunch and mango tea I had.

I’m grateful I’m sober and in recovery :mending_heart:

“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.” Gerald Good


Thanks Eric for your kind words not just to me but across TS. Legend! :pray::heart:


Grateful for you, grateful you have your granddaughter to look forward to. You’re doing a lot of ODAATs right now :pray::people_hugging:


@Davina_Davis oh my goodness…he did capture the joy. Handsome boy Davina.

I love this Aga. Love seeing your growth in your recovery. Grateful you feel safe sharing with us :pray:t4:

@twizzlers grateful you got out to a Recovery Dharma meeting. Love when gratitude is overwhelming and it can’t be put into words. Keep looking after yourself my friend :people_hugging:

@Dilettante have a wonderful trip to London Kiki. Safe travels.

@Dazercat Grateful today was a better day. Grateful you can see Norma prior to your move. Love shopping for new kid clothes…mai much fun. Hope you get a fashion show :wink:

Thursday evening gratefulness
I am so grateful for my lovely morning coffee that helped awaken the senses after a not so good night’s sleep
I am so grateful that I was able to dye my hair today. Was getting tired of seeing grey.
I am so grateful that I was able to see my accountant this morning and run some errands in one trip. Grateful to get some good mom time in afterwards.
I am so grateful to have had energy for a lovely walk and a 25 min workout session.
I am so grateful that I was able to finally find the stinger (a bee flew into the car while I was driving and stung my thumb). Grateful that the ice is providing relief, unfortunately antihistamines do not work on me anymore.
Grateful for a lovely healthy meal. I am grateful to be igniting my love for cooking again.
I am so grateful aged garlic. It is easier to eat raw as it doesn’t have the sharpness.
I am so grateful for family. Grateful for my HP. Grateful for my daily practices. Grateful for energy.
I am so grateful for music, laughter, memes!
I am so grateful for you ALL!

Wishing everyone a wonderfu day / evening… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Not here much, but making my daily gratitutes anyhow :wink:
Today I’m grateful for finally took the decision for registration into an introduction course meditation. It starts in september, so I have to wait for a while.
I’m also grateful for having the money to being able to affort this. That’s also why I waited this long to decide…
Have a beautiful day all!!


I’m grateful for deciding to rest my foot and unwell partner today and going camping tomorrow instead
I’m grateful for making the most of today with the kids home from school
I’m grateful for my kids turning our house into a blanket fort
I’m grateful for dinner and a fun family movie
I’m grateful for spending our evening by a cosy fire


I’m grateful for being 29 days sober. I’m grateful for being able to see the snow leopard today and be able to pat him. He was purring like a happy old man all filled up on my sheep🤣 I’m grateful for leftovers for dinner and a lazy relaxing evening in. I’m grateful for ice cream and another sunny day. I’m grateful for the mountains and beautiful nature. I’m grateful for having such a flexible job. I’m grateful that even though I had low energy I could push through the day and be okay. I’m grateful for goodnfriends and neighbors. I’m grateful for all my animals and for my dogs.


I’m grateful we made it safely to Dallas.
I’m grateful I had a nice dinner last night.
I’m grateful for the banana butterscotch trifle I had. I can reset my timer again. I’m grateful I didn’t binge on other sweets and snacks after, especially since I was in a very emotional angry hopeless resentful mood.
I’m grateful I was able to express my anger this morning and let it go.
I’m grateful I’m learning to do anger. It’s not that bad. Grateful I’m sitting here wondering if I did it right :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful it’s a tool I can continue to use. I’m grateful it feels better than drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
I’m grateful I get to see Normie Normie Normie
I’m grateful when she says Pop Pop and I hear she’s saying it and excited.
I’m grateful for y’all.


Grateful for:

Day 126.
Knowing that wishing for things is a choice that shortens good moods.
Seeing my son tomorrow.
Seeing art, in a live setting, tomorrow.
Loving and servicing people, even if my service is far shorter than it used to be.
Reading interesting things. Knowing that doing what it says will help and decrease severe depression.
Knowing answers about depression - telling myself to do those things.
Knowing that when other people are not kind, I do not control it. I.DO.NOT. and can’t allow it to hit my already too deep depression status. I need to write this down, read it, meditate on it, KNOW it like I do know it.


Thank you. I am so very grateful for talking sober folks who keep me in their thoughts.


Today im greatful for…

My recovery journey thus far
Reminders that progress will be lost even with one drink
Got my ass up and worked out
Had my training session and coach said she wouldnt change a thing. Im optimal.
Greatful i am selfaware and realize my unhealthy-ish obsession with a number on the scale. I just want to lose 5 more lbs of fat but maintain or grow muscle
Off work today
Pay day
Tattoo day, so flippin nervous
Protein powder
Healthier lifestyle
Get some time with madre


I’m grateful for:

the compulsion to work on my recovery this afternoon! At 63 days, the memories have begun to fade. This is the most dangerous part for me.

I was working on one of many house projects, this one in my kitchen. It was coming along, cool. Then I start getting impatient. There’s so much to do, why am I so far behind? I wanted to be normal, I wanted to fix everything now, I wanted to be like other people and stop spending so much time on recovery. Then something hit me. I just stopped. I put all my stuff away, went to another room and came on here. Hard stop. For a moment, it was like nothing ever was wrong, I just needed to get caught up. Nothing happened with drinking, I just needed to work more! My head is clearer and I sleep better now, all is well. It wasn’t so bad… :stop_sign: :raised_hand: :stop_sign:

A cup of tea and some quit lit. There are some stories here that I’d like to read now. Grateful to catch that first drifting thought. It was that bad. Recovery comes first.

Grateful for you


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful my daughter finally went back to school today and came back excited and happy.
I am grateful for friends visiting. My friend and I met at a Café for mothers with infants and have been friends since then. Our daughters too. They still know how to have fun together and I am grateful we are still friends.
I am grateful for quiet at home. I am grateful for a beautiful sunset and the day ending slowly. I am grateful that although I feel like I have not done anything useful today, I know that that is not true. I have been alive for one more day. This is the most useful thing to do.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: