Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for this day and being able to celebrate with my friends. I’m grateful for all the songs, kumuz playing and the many laughs we had. I’m grateful for all the hard work put in for an unexpected unplanned last minute party. I’m grateful that they all went against cultural norms and didn’t slaughter a horse in honor of me knowing I wouldn’t want it this really touched me.:rofl: I’m grateful for everyone being respectful of me when I said not to bring any alcohol and that when everyone stood to say their blessings they all encouraged me to keep strong. I’m grateful that someone found enough coffee to make me a cup I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m so grateful for everyone who came. I’m grateful to be 25 days sober. And I’m grateful to have another goodnl day…I’ll have good days and bad days and I know I can get through both.


I am so grateful :pray:

For :

°Not giving in to the bad urge to drink Grateful for right now, in this moment. I am so grateful I did not buy a drink and drink it because right now I am so grateful for being able to have my normal evening ahead. I’m grateful to feel scared when I imagine if had drank and what right now in this moment could have been.

  • I’m grateful for learning what I am capable of.
  • I’m grateful I recognise I need to be doing more for myself and my sobriety.
  • I’m grateful for 42 days.
  • Grateful I have this chance.

I’m grateful for my new morning routine.
I’m grateful the only routine is feeding the gang whizzing the dog and having coffee.
I’m grateful I can then pick and choose as I feel what recovery tools I want to use after coffee for my morning time. I’m grateful memes can be one of those tools.

I’m grateful the landscape guys are here blowing away all the pollen that fell from the trees.

I’m grateful I remembered all my appointments and meetings yesterday. I’m grateful I got a tight schedule today with therapy and agents and the dermatologist wants to slice a mole off my back. Or he said I could keep an eye on it. How the fuck I’m going to keep an eye on it on my back? :grimacing: I’m grateful he agreed to cut it out and squeezed me in today.

I’m grateful I get to have waaayyyy too much going on. And when I’m not doing shit around the house that’s fine.

I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for meditation.
I’m grateful for recovery speaker podcasts.

I’m grateful for all the good bye hugs and the lovely people that said I will be missed at the 4 pm Al-Anon meeting. I’m grateful I didn’t plan or worry about a good bye share because I knew I’d just be crying and blow it anyway. I’m grateful I just went with my heart. Can’t remember a thing I said. I’m grateful I stuck with that group. It was a big group. I don’t like big groups. I’m grateful I feel one of my strongest tools for recovery is to get out of my comfort zone. I’m grateful I did just that by “keep coming back.” I’m grateful 2 years later I did know everyone’s name.
ODAAT my friends.
I’m grateful for OFAAFT :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Edit OFDAAT :grimacing:

“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”
William Faulkner


Grateful for 124 days of sobriety! Grateful for an evening spent with my niece and great niece, 6 month old babies are so cute. Grateful for coffee! Grateful for you all, as always🫶🏻✌️


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I can come to this place no matter what. I am grateful I do feel safe here. I am grateful I don‘t feel ashamed to share my pain, moods, despair or just plain human suffering here. I am grateful this is my place.
I am grateful my depressive mood lifted through out the day.
I am grateful for design work, for my class, for nice weather.
I am grateful I ran into a friend and we had a nice chat.
I am grateful I can do my groceries with my bike.
I am grateful for relaxing yoga.
I am grateful I once again forced the issue and finally got a clear answer from my husband. As painful as this is and will continue to be for a long time, now I know that there is nothing and nobody to wait for. He is not coming back, and my marriage is definitely over. But I really am grateful for clarity now. I am grateful this is the place I can move on from.
I am grateful for a long walk and all my tears.
I am grateful I know I will get through this. I am grateful I know I will keep trusting life to be good and my greater power to take care of me.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


@Cjp rainy nature walks rock!
@Laner well done on 25 days, keep it up :pray:
@Twizzlers 42 days strong ODAAT :muscle:
@Dazercat what’s OFAAFT?
@Davina_Davis way to smash 124 ODAATs :metal:
@acromouse it’s great you’ve found positives in a tough situation. You’ve got this! :pray::heart:


OFDAAT :blush:


Oh boy full of gratitude on this day, may 1st, my true 2yr soberversary

Im greatful for my growth mentally, physically, and especially spiritually
Im greatful for some crazy reason i ran/walked a 5k this morning…who does that?! Apparently this girl
Im greatful for this reminder of blessings, perspective, and remaining humble

Im greatful for my recovery journey thus far
Im greatful for AA, the 12 steps, and fellowship
Im greatful for technology allowing me to join online AA mtgs when i wasnt ready to “come out” as an alcoholic
And this fantastic community i stumbled upon.
Im greatful for community and how uplifting this place is
Im greatful i get a celebratory tattoo friday bc im an adult and i can handle some pain, nothing like the pain of addiction
Im greatful for my little family, hubby, boscoe, and me
Im greatful for family
Im greatful for my sober tribe
Im greatful for my curiosity
Im greatful for taking things one day at a time
Progress rather than perfection


I’m grateful for my Cartapani coffee beans.
I’m grateful for my Moka.
I’m grateful to surrender each morning with my coffee and practice mindfulness and surrender to active addiction.

Great big beautiful Al-Anon speakers meeting last night I’m grateful for.
I’m grateful for her share on fear, gratitude and surrender. I’m grateful to bring that home, the daily surrender part, and have my daily coffee surrendering time each morning.

I’m grateful for my Cartapani coffee beans. Again. I’m grateful it’s not an Alzheimer’s moment. I got to learn the brand of that coffee. I’m grateful someone asked me about my Moka and what grind do I use. I’m grateful I didn’t beat myself up for forgetting. Again.

I’m grateful for the card that lots of Al-Anoners signed for me last night with some beautiful thoughts and well wishes. I’m grateful for this recovery bond I have :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

I’m grateful it’s a beautiful morning to get Benson out and get my day going.

I’m grateful I get to read @Cjp post later when I have time and not rush it. Happy 2’s :boom::boom::heart::heart:

”Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”
Lionel Hampton


I’m grateful for pots of cardamom tea and warm naan. I’m grateful for my a good morning hike despite the rain and mud. I’m grateful for a relaxing morning followed by a very productive afternoon. I’m grateful for my friend S. I’m grateful that I am alive, sober and healthy. I’m grateful that camel milk is back in season and for my first batch of yogurt which will be ready in the morning! I’m grateful that I’ve not been having panic attacks the past few days and for having a relativly low level of anxiety.


I had that done less than a year ago. Trust me, the shit I worry about now is bigger than that! It went quite well. XXOO

  1. Beginning today I am looking up angel numbers, so I can carry the importance all day. Gratitude. I need to give it weight.

Gratitude for my son’s art show in college, which I have missed ONCE against my desire. I am having my mother’s car and my mother - grateful for my car, tidbit that I cannot get it registered.

Gratitude for KNOWING that entrepreneurship is knocking hard on the door. If you saw my books, courses, internet history, you’d know why, It’s been a long time knocking.

Take this - grateful for that too.

And grateful for you (and the word gratitude, as my “F” doesn’t work on the laptop, only an attached keyboard.)


I want to echo this :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: :pray::pray::pray:
It feels good not being alone with this pattern. I need constant reminders that I CAN DO/THINK THINGS in other than usual/routine ways. There are no rules.
Today I’m again grateful for it, as I walked around on the farm in a housedress and a dressing gown to sort my thoughts. Suddenly it bite me that I the fuck have to wear work cloths to mow, I can just grab the mower and mow. Maybe this sounds weird but it’s these moments when I can literally FEEL myself evolving, growing out of my old life, habits and thinking patterns. And I’m grateful I put the grassy cloths in the laundry bin, not thinking “oh the dressing gown was freshly washed”. Yes it was and now it’s in the bin again after wearing it for 3 comfy, busy hours. So what? Thanks again to @Alisa who shared this inspiring story on the mental health thread Mental health memes and discussion (Part 3) - #650 by Alisa

It’s a holiday here today. I’m grateful for yummi brunch with fresh veggies and mushrooms and a delicious salad bowl for dinner. I’m grateful it was cloudy today, best weather for me to be outside. I’m grateful I strictly throw away seedlings that don’t grow well, things I don’t need anymore and broken stuff I will never repair. It’s a good feeling to not bother with things that don’t function or serve me.

I’m grateful I like my short, decent coloured nails. Garden work and looking neat does go along together when I put in some care . I’m grateful I have rest and time to take good care of me.

I’m grateful the old boy is nosy today, he hopped on and off my chest, nibbled on cloth and body, demands snuggles, he is so sweet :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m grateful I brushed the youngsters, Missi needed it badly.

I’m grateful I feel stable, content, serene and grateful today.
I’m grateful the wood stove makes the living room cozy and warm.
I’m grateful I abstained from codependent behaviour today.
I’m grateful for lovely calls and texts with friends and chosen family.
ODAAT :pray:


2 years!!! Incredibly inspiring!!! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::tada::tada::tada:


I am grateful for guided meditations. I am thankful for 75 degree spring days. I am grateful for this community, I check in every day for inspiration. I am grateful that my son is about to graduate high school. I’m also grateful that he used to be 2 and a half. Grateful to be employed. Grateful for Lindt. ODAAT :v::purple_heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:
I am so very grateful for all the wonderful people here who offered kind words and emotional support for my situation with my ex, especially @CATMANCAM always looking out for me, @MrFantastik my friend from the other side of this globe, @Chevy55 whose words about doors closing and opening brought me some peace, @Danwood85 bringing light to me, and the wonderful @JazzyS who takes care of all of us here on a daily basis.
I am very grateful I woke up today with the attitude that life will be good. I‘ve got statistically speaking about 40 years left. And dude, everything can happen in 40 years :grin:, and the important stuff happens within a breath anyways.
I am grateful for my mother and her friends, always having a nice chat with the ladies. Grateful for my mom always, really always without even a moment’s break, being there for me, having been there for me now for almost 50years. What a streak :grin: that lady has going.
I am grateful for my Higher Power giving me today a calmer timer after yesterday’s storm.
I am grateful for my wonderful daughter helping me.
I am grateful I was able to work through my anger today by pushing my bike harder instead of trying to eat through it. This is so much better.
I am grateful I‘ve learned about a food journal. This is has been one of the most important tools in my recovery. I am very grateful I started my recovery journey before all hell broke loose at home. I really do not want to imagine how things would be, if I was still eating my trigger foods or trying to manage my life with food or other compulsive behaviours :roll_eyes:
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep thight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Congratulations on 2 years @Cjp! What an inspirational milestone :muscle::pray::heart:


@cjp Can’t celebrate this enough – a huge congrats on your 2 years – 24 months of sobriety! You are an inspiration friend – keep up the amazing work :muscle: :tada:

Totally get this and it is refreshing to think outside of this – no certain way to do anything… do what your heart desires.

@acromouse Awe – thank you Aga for the sweet shout out. So grateful that today was a easier calmer day for you :heart: :hugs:

Practicing gratitude on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon

I am so grateful for another day of breathing clean fresh air… Another day of being alive
I am so grateful for my GP. Grateful for my connection to Him through meditation and prayer🙏🏽
I am so grateful for the lovely walk I did this morning with my mom while enjoying my rich dark hot coffee :coffee:
I am so grateful we were able to complete the walk before it got too hot
I am so grateful that I was able to do a 21 min workout session with my mom. Grateful that I joined May challenge (will need to tweak it to fit my body A’s capabilities) but so grateful to be moving again. I am not going to let the inflammation and pain stop me. ODAAT
I am so grateful that we got to do a lovely video chat with my cousin. I hate video phone calls but allow her to get away with it from time to time.
I am grateful that I was able to get some groceries done and am going to attempt a lovely garlic tofu stir fry for dinner
I am so grateful that my eye is feeling better today. Showing improvement so I was able to cancel the doctor appointment. I will continue to do my warm compress and triphala wash.
I am so grateful for my beautiful supportive family. Grateful my sister is home safely from her trip to Asia. Got to visit so many places in 10 days. Grateful we got many pics / videos and now the travel bug is alive and well in me
I am so grateful for spring. Grateful for new blooms and perfect weather. Hope we get this for a while before the summer heat kicks in

Ok…I could go on today… So much love and gratitude but need to start dinner

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day…
Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful that despite my achilles pain I’m still going camping with friends.
I’m grateful for an amazing healthcare system where I live
I’m grateful to have comfy cushions and an ice pack to elevate and soothe my foot
I’m grateful for food in my belly
I’m grateful to finally lay down in a comfy bed


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for …

My recovery
I get to pick up my 2 year chip at my ladies meeting tonight
I went to dinner with sober sisters last night and my sponsor bought me a cupcake and they sang happy birthday to me, got me all teary eyed
I dont get hung up on the day count much, i just know i dont want to go back to the dark,before days
Milestones offer me a time to reflect and remember
Yr 1 was a year of firsts
Yr2 was a year of health
Yr3 will be a year of finding balance
All my sober buddies here
This amazing community
Slept in
Boscoe cuddles
I dont have to work tomorrow and getting my tat!
Rain, so i dont have to water my lawn
A great day and attitude yesterday
I dont care if i cant decifer mania and happiness, i just rolled with it
Time with hubby
A new day