Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends and TS. I’m grateful for pets, I still only have one and he’s awesome. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for sports to participate in and watch. I’m grateful for music… meditative, rock, country, Christian, live, radio, musicals, parodies, opera, etc. I’m grateful for the awareness that everything is connected. I’m grateful for driving lessons with my sponsor today who is letting me borrow his vehicle to take a driver’s test in a few weeks. I’m grateful for days off from work and that I have a job. I’m grateful that I don’t take days off from recovery. I’m grateful there is an in person meeting or two everyday within walking distance from my place. I’m grateful my newsest sponsee has been learning and doing the work and wants to (as far as I can tell) keep going. I’m grateful he is committing to meet one on one for an hour once a week to continue step work. I’m grateful my Sister came by my work yesterday since I hadn’t seen her since Church on Sunday. I’m grateful to be snuggled in bed with a new pillow nice and early tonight. I’m grateful I paid the rent today and still have money, that never gets old. I’m grateful that I just finished a meditation and followed it up by getting right sized, down on my knees to give thanks to God for another day.

May our higher powers grant us humility and patience.

p.s. Don’t quit before the miracle. Ya you!!


Very good share.
So well thought out the way you handled your sobriety, in what sounded like a difficult moment.
Stopping and checking in here was a terrific idea.
Proud of you.
Love the number 63.
Keep up the great work.


@soberwalker so excited for you intro to meditation course. Glad you are going to be able to do it this fall.
@50ber Smart to rest your foot until it heals. I do hope you and your partner enjoy your camping trip.

How flippin awesome is that to hear! Look at how far you’ve come :muscle: Yeah Tattoo day and time with madre – happy Friday CJ!
@lighter so grateful that you were able to catch that drifting thought and stop it in its tracks. 63 days is amazing work Marie and it is very easy to forget the early days struggles as we stack on sober days. I find that by coming here daily and helping those in their early days I am reminded of what I went through at that stage and it helps keep me from romanticizing drinking. Just keep working on your journey my friend – you are doing a great job with utilizing your tools :muscle:
@i.cant.we.can So good to see you posting Brian. Good luck with your upcoming drivers test.

Friday night gratitude’s
So very grateful for another day being alive!
I am so grateful for healing. Grateful that i am working on my at home PT exercises. Grateful that i am working out and getting in my daily walks (2 mile min).
I am so grateful for yummy fruits – love that mangos are back in season :yum:
I am so grateful for taking time to make my own vegan crumble from scratch. Grateful that i was able to find like 4 recipes that i merged together and tweaked to make it to my own taste and i was not disappointed LOL.
I am so grateful that it did not rain all day like the forecast had predicted. Grateful that the cloudy day allowed for a nice walk along a different path which is usually too sunny and hot on most days (no trees to offer shade).
I am so grateful for being able to set up backflow testing for the irrigation system at my house. Was able to set this up for my neighbors as well. Grateful that i received the letter in time to address this as the city is requesting the testing be done by the end of this month. Grateful that after 20 calls i was able to get a good rate and someone available to do the testing before the deadline.
I am so grateful that my body is healing from the recent bee sting. Still swollen thumb and forearm and very itchy but luckily no more redness or heat radiating off of my skin.
I am so grateful for my family, grateful for my HP, grateful for my daily practices, grateful for baby steps, grateful for laughter and comedy
I am so grateful for my morning coffee - grateful that i only needed 1 large cup today.
I am so grateful that i took time to do a pedicure and a manicure today. love my freshly pained nails
I am so grateful for this community - all the love and support offered here!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I dunno if I’m going to be able to catch up on here, but let me just say I’m grateful for this thread and all of your gratitude. A big pool we can all draw from.

I’m grateful it’s Friday. It’s been a super busy stretch. Lots good, some hard, some sad too. I’m grateful I mostly took good care of myself during said stretch. Sleep, good food, quiet walks with the dog girl, recovery dharma mtgs, other things too… staying present and not letting the winds of the day flit me about, at least not too much. I’m grateful for my recovery, the foundation of a life where peace can prevail, if I let it.

I’m grateful I have the week ahead off. Badly needed. I’m grateful I’m going to slow down a bit, putter on stuff here, fun creative stuff mostly, and then head out to my forest land. I’m grateful for the chuckle… maybe I will do some heavy work in my steel-toed boots and housedress :point_up_2: :smile:

I’m grateful for dear ones passed. I’m grateful for dear ones here. I’m grateful for solid connection to myself. I’m grateful for quiet. And to notice all the birdsong.

I’m grateful for all of you, your stories and shares and joys and tears and triumphs.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful that I get to be sober
I’m grateful that I get to work today in good health
I’m grateful that I get to be with this amazing group
I’m grateful that I get to enjoy this life :heart:


Good morning all

I’m grateful for another Saturday morning with you and my coffee. It was a hard week.

I’m grateful I had the gumption 6 years ago to adopt a one-eyed, raggedy old female chihuahua. I’m grateful she gave us 6 years of fun and companionship. I’m grateful that I got to hold her and comfort her last weekend as her health took a big turn and that I held her close in her last moments on Monday. We are missing her now and we are grateful she was in our lives. Her name was Minnie and she made my life better.

I’m grateful that my marriage is a comfort to me. I’m grateful that I made it to the point in my life where I could tackle the challenge of sobriety with a loving and supportive partner. This is really clear to me as I am close to several others who are working on their recovery while they struggle with loneliness and heartbreak.

I’m grateful for the work that I do and that I have a long break of summer vacation approaching. I love working in schools and I love being away from them to enjoy the rest of my life.

I’m grateful for good health. I’m grateful for the beauty that is spring in Wisconsin. I’m grateful to have the resources to care for myself well. I’m grateful for the love and support of my family. I’m grateful for good sleep and fresh coffee.

I wish you all peace and forward progress on your recovery journey.


Oh Lab :cry: I’m so sorry for the loss of your Minnie :cry: what a gorgeous girl and what a great life that I know you gave her.


I’m grateful to be 30 days sober! I’m grateful that it worked out for the elderly snow leopard to go to the wild life refuge. I’m grateful for a morning with my friend and being able to spend the day together. I’m grateful to have her to talk about things with and to have her support. I’m grateful for a sunny warm day sitting outside in the sun reading and chatting. I’m grateful for cardomon tea and tandoor naan. I’m grateful that it is starting to feel warmer here and that the sun is up longer.


Im so sorry @LAB for your loss of your fur baby. Sending hugs and comfort


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for

My recovery journey
I survived my 3.5hr tat session yesterday, fuck coloring hurts!
I found the tat artist that did my first one to do this one
She wont retire too soon so in a couple years i can have her do my 3rd
My mental strength
My self awareness
Its a saturday and i have no plans
I cleaned out half my kitchen cabinets
Reflection on all ive survived and a great sense of accomplishment
Identifying the addict thinking when reaching my goals is never good enough and wanting more more more


@M-be-free49 always great to see you pop in. Sorry for the hard and sad this week. I do hope you get to practice self care and enjoy your week off.

@lab so very sorry for your loss :broken_heart:. What a beautiful girl. I’m sure she felt all the love and kindness in her lifetime with you.

@laner congratulations on your 1 month milestone :muscle:t4: :confetti_ball::tada:grateful all worked out for the snow leopard.


I am grateful for the opportunity to spend the day with our sons family, for one of my grandsons birthday celebration! We are going bowling, then out for a meal!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I am grateful for morning meditation. I am grateful that I have my own working washer and dryer, as it decided to pour rain and I have a lot of laundry. I am grateful for the rain. We need it and it so rarely rains here in May. I am grateful that my 20 year old daughter spent some of her morning chatting to me. We live in the same house but rarely see each other. Grateful for ships passing in the night. 🫶🏻🙏


So sorry for your lose. Our furry friends hold such a hug place in our hearts. :people_hugging:


Not on this thread as much as I should be but get a lot out of all of your gratitude posts so thanks all. Today I’m grateful to be above ground and that I chose to participate in life :yellow_heart:


Thank you for this day :pray:
Today I once again am so grateful for this community here. This has become my community home. I remember when I was testing out different sobriety counters and then by curiosity tapped on the community icon. I created an account on a whim and posted for the first time with a cry for help. And it was heard. I felt a connection. I thought that this might be this thing of not doing it alone. All the good things in my sobriety started with this first cry for help and a human connection in this place. I will be grateful forever.
I am grateful for Buddhist teachings and dharma based recovery. Today was difficult for me. I usually find it very hard to deal with situations where I can not do things I want to due to physical limitations, like pain, exhaustion, mental fog, etc. I am good an confronting stuff with energy, determination and a clear mind. Today was the opposite: tired, brain fogged, exhausted, weak. Accepting these part of myself and my life is a substantial part of my journey. So I am very grateful for buddhist teachings helping me with that.
I am grateful I was able to walk to do the groceries today, grateful I could have a session on the rower in the afternoon and some relaxing yoga.
I am grateful for the Recovery Dharma meeting I am having now.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful you’re here! I had a wonderful Recovery Dharma meeting as well this morning. Started my day off with such a good vibe :pray:🫶🏻


My first grateful post! So here goes!
I am grateful to be heading into day 6 sober! I am grateful to have a job that I absolutely love and just got the news I was promoted! I am grateful for my 3 boys and just how wonderful and chill they are! I am grateful that I was able to buy groceries and especially grateful for my HR manager who gave me a gift card to buy groceries this week since my husband and I are no contact right now! Although I am bruised up and sore from what happened to me on Sunday, I am grateful that it wasn’t worse and that I walked away with my kids safe! I’m also grateful that I have the means to feed my children 3 meals a day and snacks! And even though I am feeling the anxiety of wanting to drink wine, I have found this community to remind myself to be grateful daily!
Thank you guys for your warm welcomes! I’m going to do my darnedest to get on here everyday to remind myself what is important in my life!


So grateful that you joined us and are now a part of our community. Always love reading your check in’s and gratitude’s :hugs:


Welcome to the community Sara. Gratitude thread is the best in my opinion – practicing gratitude has been a wonderful practice for my sober journey.

So very grateful that you are safe with your boys and here with us. Great work on your 6 days of sobriety and congrats on your promotion.

I wish you the best of luck on your sober journey - do hope to see you around :people_hugging: