Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful to have started training for my new position. Although they are longer days at a store that I haven’t worked at very much I am excited to get started and ready to get into my actual store!
I’m grateful that my family understands when I need some space and let me get some me time. With me training at a new store I’m talking and getting to know a lot of people that I have never met before so it’s a little draining after doing that for 10 hours.
I’m grateful that I have a reliable vehicle to allow me to make the commute to be able to get this promotion. I’m grateful that Target gave me a chance!!


I’m grateful for having a good birthday today. I’m grateful to be sober today and healthy. I’m grateful for a wonderful sunny day spent outside. I’m grateful for a good hike, a wonderful soak in the hot spring and a great picnic! I’m grateful for Mop and Leila who also had a wonderful picnic time with us. I’m grateful for the lemon pie my friend made for me (my favorite!) and for being able to just relax today and enjoy myself. I’m grateful for good conversations and laugher I’m grateful for my neighbors and the neighbor kids who came tonight to sing me and gave me some chocolate. I’m grateful for that tired feeling you get after being in the sun all day and now sitting here feeling content with a hot pot of cardomon tea with a dog on both side of me.


Happy Birthday @Laner :birthday:

I’m grateful you guys are all still here.
I’m grateful I’ve missed you all so much.
I’m grateful to get my kitchen almost all out of boxes and trying to set it up.
I’m grateful I’m not over doing it and I am getting a little bit done each day.
I’m grateful the Gus Bus stopped here yesterday. I’m grateful that joyfully forces me to take a break and play with my grandson.
I’m grateful it looks like a sunny day.
I’m grateful for my wife’s on line furniture shopping skills.
I’m grateful for the lady cardinal that stops by each morning for a song for me a Benson.
I’m grateful for my garden.
I’m grateful I’m happy.
I’m grateful my wife and I are the “A,” team when it comes to moving. I’m grateful we are both so fried and exhausted in a good healthy stress way that we haven’t got the energy desire or time to argue. I’m grateful we both laugh at each other when we tell stories about going the wrong way in the new house. Especially when we head the wrong direction to go to the bathroom. Or the thousands of other stupid little things we do during the day time.
I’m grateful Maverick only turns on the water at the kitchen sink during feeding time in the morning, so far. I’m grateful the cats reminded us the hard way why we drink water out of bottles with tops instead of glasses.
I’m grateful we love our new neighborhood.
I’m grateful for the California mountains beach and flora.
I’m grateful I get to check in here today and not worry about catching up. I’m grateful catching up here would be impossible. I’m grateful for all the milestones I’ve missed.
I’m grateful I missed one too.
I’m grateful for my 1601 days of being AFAF!!
I’m grateful I’m loving it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
”Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it."

William Feathe


Love the gratefulness and hells yeah friend 1600+ days…keep on rocking this journey :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:




Day 8 has been challenging so far but I’ve managed to get through it. Most of the challenges I created for myself in my head. I am grateful for…

@SussexGuy helping me plan my anniversary. My wife is on board and we are both looking forward to it. The spa and activities are booked! This is a huge weight off my head.

Paying all my bills off. I kept putting it off and before I knew it I was behind 2 and 3 months on them. Moving forward paying them on time is part of my sobriety plan.

Doing what I said I was going to do. I wanted to organize my life and I did. I’ve got both of my jobs work schedules in for the next 3 weeks. Another weight off my head.

I feel tired and drained but I know it’s from the work I put into today and I’ve set myself up for future success.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful for a good day today. Grateful to be able to exercise again, able to experience myself like that, focused and active.
Grateful that my ex is still the reliable and competent person professionally and that he could help me access my health situation.
Grateful he took your daughter for the day and I had a day without a moody teenager.
Grateful for my work and the way my project develops.
Grateful there was a break in the heavy rain we are experiencing today, so I could go and do the groceries without getting soaked.
Grateful for the Refuge Recovery meeting I attended a moment ago. I‘m getting hooked on those buddhist based meetings and it‘s all @Soberbilly‘s fault :wink:
Grateful for all the communities of people in recovery. Grateful we don‘t have to do it all alone.
Grateful I‘ve felt at peace with food today. Grateful I realised my own distractions.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for another restful day. I’m grateful for a calm night. I’m grateful for a safe roof over my head and a house protecting us from weather. It can be frightening to be in the middle of rainclouds and growling thunder makes your house quake.

I’m grateful for a massage. I’m grateful I napped away the afternoon. Maybe I need more rest and meditation. I’ve rarely meditaded the last weeks. I’m grateful I realize that parts of my self-care focus became sloppy. I’m grateful I always can start again and start over. I’m grateful today I listened to my needs and rested. I’m grateful I snuggled the cats. Lots of snuggles. I’m grateful the nervous outbursts are gone. I’m grateful for meds. I’m not happy that the meds make me less vivid. I’m grateful I sense the difference and that I got to have two weeks of my body living clear of the meds. I will keep learning. Maybe one day I’m able to live my vivid self without the emotional turmoil that needs chemical intervention. I’m grateful for this experiment.

I’m gratefully watching series on my comfy couch with Missi on me and the old boy beside me. I’m content, feel calm, life feels good. ODAAT


Just For Today…

Grateful to have a chill, relaxing day off after working a brutal 10.05 hour day yesterday.
Grateful for another day off tomorrow. Two days off back-to-back is very rare for me.
Grateful I just got a $300 bonus at work for my safe driving record.
Grateful for the quiet at our apartment right now.
Grateful I seem to be losing some weight now.
Grateful for green smoothies and healthier food alternatives.
Grateful for the afternoon nap I’m about to take. :yawning_face::sleeping:


Grateful for the day. Another day God has blessed me with!
Grateful for being able to walk into the ocean today.
Grateful for all of my family!:heart:


Grateful for this new hope that had been born inside of me


This is my 2nd gratitude post for the day. I need to say it to have it driven into me. I’m grateful for…

  1. “It’s Okay”. I’m not use to all these different feelings that I’ve been experiencing because I would always suppress any negative feelings with using. Sitting in my feelings is difficult but necessary. Thank you @Mira_D for your share.

  2. Recognizing that cigars are my gateway back to weed before going to the store. I stopped smoking cigars back in November, simply because my family hated me stinking. Now, I know that I can’t enjoy one because of what it will lead to. This was really powerful for me and the thought won’t leave my head.

  3. Recognizing that some of the cooking shows I watch are a trigger for me. I love Anthony Bourdain shows but it started the itch. I know I can’t watch these for the time being and I need to be diligent in the content I do watch.

  4. Getting rid of FB, X and all my news apps is beneficial for my wellbeing. It’s been 8 days without either. I’m enjoying not knowing what’s going on in Canada and the world, especially the politics. This is now part of my sobriety plan until I get a good footing.

Thanks :pray:t5:


Congrats on 1600 plus days @Dazercat !! What an accomplishment, and inspiration. Grateful you share your journey(s) with us!!

I’m grateful that an old friend from high school reached out to me today, because she heard through the grapevine that I’m sober. She started her sober journey in January. So we’re on similar sober paths. Grateful that she remembers how young I was when I started drinking, as she was right there with me. Grateful that we have second chances in this life.

Happy Birthday @Laner !! I love lemon desserts tooooo!! :lemon::birthday:


Too long, G-dudes.
I’m grateful to be home. I’m grateful I have a home. I’m grateful for really simple things tonight, like home, my home-cooked meal, doing laundry.
I’m grateful for the dog girl’s fine company. She has stitches from removal of a few little lumps. I’m grateful she doesn’t mind the soft cone (with, get this, insertable soothing lavender discs :face_with_peeking_eye:) as much as the real thing.
I’m grateful I had time with my Mom.
I’m grateful I know I can face loss of loved ones, of things, of impermanence - actually face it and not numb it.
I’m grateful for friends, for all of you, and for the support of this place. I know I won’t be able to catch up on the last few weeks of posts, but knowing you were all here, posting your gratitude, helps me see things through grateful eyes even when I don’t post.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


sounds like pure bliss! :relieved: :orange_heart:


@WILLIAMbloke Congrats on your bonus- cool that your place does that to encourage safe driving.
@doreen1 Walked right into the ocean :heart: oh my that sounds lovely!
@bomdhil Love the new hope – you are amazing Thomas – great to see you here with us and crushing it on this sober journey! :muscle:
@skhan Yeah to all the learning and growth you are doing in your sober journey – way to go friend. Sobriety isn’t just about abstaining from our DOC but learning to live life again without a crutch and becoming aware of our triggers – learning healthier ways of how to handle our triggers. You are doing amazing work – keep it going strong :muscle:
@m-be-free49 Grateful you are able to come back home safely. Hope your dog girl has a smooth painless recovery. :hugs: A lavender scented cone sounds awesome – hope she finds it soothing.

Practicing my gratefulness with all you beautiful souls
I am so grateful for another day of being alive and healing
I am so grateful for my fun time in the kitchen. Learning new recipes - -my soul and my tummy are very happy :yum:
I am so grateful for the hazelnut coffee my sis brought me – adding this to my coffee blend has been a game changer. I did not think i would enjoy it as much as i am
I am so grateful for being able to bring the large table with my puzzle into my bedroom without messing up too much of my progress LOL. My brothers friend is coming to visit for a few days and i didn’t want to have overtaken the tv room
I am so grateful for the nap i took today. Grateful i was able to warm up and regain some energy. Grateful for the black out curtains that allowed me to sleep in peace and darkness.
I am so grateful for being able to workout today. Grateful that i made up for my lost time yesterday. Unfortunately i was not able to get in my walk due to the heat and humidity. Grateful i didn’t push myself and feel bad about it. Grateful that i am mentally accepting my body’s symptoms and able to keep my legs up to help with swelling.
I am so grateful that my mom came over and spent some time with me while i was cooking.
I am so grateful for family and their unconditional love.
I am so grateful for my HP and His support and guidance
I am so grateful that i took my car into the mechanic today (finally looking into fixing the back hatch - getting tired of having to climb through the back seat :laughing: Grateful he was able to get the part numbers i need so that i can order them myself online and save $300 - Hopefully i will be able to get these in this week. Mechanic says its about an hours worth of work.
I am so grateful for this amazing community! Grateful for all your love and support.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


It’s been harder to jump on at night before bed like I was before I went back to work and my husband has been able to return home, but I’m determined to make sure I get on here and say at least what I was grateful for the day prior!
I’m grateful for my husband who has been supportive and very nice and sweet since returning home. I’m grateful for him being sober as well since the incident! I’m grateful that since he has come home he has been doing more around the house so far to alleviate some things on my shoulders since starting my new position!
I’m grateful for my cats for always been sweet and loving and a great comfort when I’m stressed or nervous!
I’m grateful for my kids and their sweet but goofy personalities! I’m grateful that my boys don’t fight each other and instead love each other so much and are so sweet to each other even though they do get annoyed with one another!
I’m grateful to have a job and be able to make my own money! This definitely provides comfort to our situation! I can’t wait to see what my first check looks like after getting my raise!


Morning sober tribe,

Ive been kinda lazy and glum but i want to get back into my gratitude practice

Im greatful for my recovery
752 days free
One day at a time
Peaceful moments
Electricity! Power was out yesterday for like 8hrs due to storms
Boscoes companionship
My parents
Our safety
A job i enjoy for the most part


I’m grateful for another big day ahead.
I’m grateful the HVAC people texted me yesterday that they are coming today :scream: it’s a big big job a little notice would have been nice, but I’m grateful to “git er done!” I’m grateful we only had a couple of other things scheduled today. I’m grateful I’m trying really hard not to over schedule myself each day but sometimes it can’t be helped.

I’m grateful we finally had a sunny day yesterday.
I’m grateful to be socked in with the marine layer again this morning.

I’m grateful I basically have my kitchen set up.
Anyone want to come cook for me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful I’m too exhausted at the end of the day and I sleep like a boulder and my body doesn’t hurt.

I’m grateful I just gotta get things done and I’m doing my best to take it easy.

I’m grateful I got my closet organized.

I’m grateful I got to get going.
I’m grateful you guys are here.

“Gratitude paints little smiley faces on everything it touches.”
-Richelle Goodrich


I’m grateful for having so many online resources available. I’m grateful for this trauma workbook. I’m grateful for todays hike and for FINALLY being able to succeed at tipin enemie! I’ve been training with a bigger horse for a while now and today was the first time I could do it successfully! I’ll move onto a smaller coin now and to see if I can get better. So grateful for that win! I’m grateful that for this translation project and that I can do it on my own time line. I’m grateful for different languages and cultures. I’m grateful for the mountains and an extra beautiful sunset tonight. I’m grateful for audio books and music. I’m grateful for a relaxing evening and that my friend is still staying with me.