Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Sending you love and hugs friend. Here if you need to talk. Hope your day gets easier and brighter :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:


Today was been really good for me physically, mentally and spiritually. I am grateful forā€¦

  1. Automatically waking up on time for morning prayers. I performed Wudu (a cleansing ritual) and then had some time with my maker.

  2. Breakfast with my kids. I made free range scrambled eggs with processed hash browns :joy: They had their almond chocolate milk and I had my 5th coffee. We watched old shows and hung out as a family before school.

  3. My workout. I havenā€™t exercised in months, Iā€™ve been so lazy. This was a simple body weight workout, 10 reps each. My arms and legs got tired fast, Iā€™m looking forward to building stamina again. This is now officially my Wednesday workout routine.

Time for a mid-day nap and then off to lunch. Enjoy everyone!


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
The remaining symptoms of my tummy bug adventure receded today significantly. I am grateful for a day without nausea and only occasional pains, grateful for my body healing day by day.
The whole morning my phone kept ringing and I had a hard time getting to the design work I had planned for this morning. I am grateful I managed to keep a somewhat even keel and did not get myself in any headspace that would have resulted in a stupid behaviour.
I am grateful I moved forward on my game design eventually even if it was not too much and I had a hard time concentrating.
I am grateful for a clean flat, for my in-laws picking up my daughter for the afternoon and a nice walk. I felt very brain fogged and moody in the afternoon but walking at least does not require me to think.
Iā€˜m grateful for some nice weight lifting later, and a yoga session following that. Both outdoors in the nice may weather.
Grateful for a quiet evening, some reading, graphic novels, an interesting pod.
I am looking forward to my recovery dharma meeting.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


So grateful for this ā€¦ very happy you are starting to feel better.:people_hugging:


Grateful to have a solid home to live in, with severe weather rolling in later. Iā€™ve weathered some big storms in this house- tornado warnings, high winds, snow, large hail and ice storms. Only one roof lost so far.

Grateful to be feeling more accepting of my situation today. My health isnā€™t good yet. Going to focus only on making it better.

Grateful my brother made it to his new home in a new state. Iā€™ll be coming to visit soon. Iā€™ll have a new state of my own one day. If things get too crazy Iā€™ll just go soon.

Grateful to be sober 82 days today. Itā€™s not easy but soon Iā€™ll be much better.

Grateful for people on this site


First gratitude entry:

Today, I am greatful forā€¦

  1. the ability of my body to heal itself :lungs:
  2. my daughter side kick who keeps me on my toes :footprints:
  3. cold macaroni salad on a scorching hot day! :green_salad:
  4. friends who call you out on your bad behavior (takes a real friend to do that!)
  5. finding this app and the positivity that has entered my life since discovering it.

Really grateful for the help of the Rosary prayer in my recovery and the amazing support of a Giant: @JazzyS


Grateful so much today.

Nails done (self care)
AA meeting - just for me
Daughter came and helped with house chores
Chinese food drive through
Self talk with God who is responding.
Grocery store curbside pickup


A very positive day 9 that was fuelled by my desire to achieve different realms of activity and entertainment. Iā€™m grateful forā€¦

  1. The NBA playoffs. Iā€™ve been watching a game every night with my oldest. Itā€™s nice to have bonding time with him with something we both enjoy.

  2. The joint effort my wife and I are putting into our relationship. We went shopping for the plants together and did the gardening as a team.

  3. Getting to pick up my kids from school everyday. Iā€™ve been doing it so long its became routine and some days a chore. I appreciate it in a different light, it never gets old seeing them smile when they see me.

  4. The ability to push myself to accomplish all the activities that I did today. The constant entertainment kept my mind busy in a good way.

Enjoy living in the moment and appreciate the time you have with the ones you care about. Good night everyone!


@lighter Hope the storms were not to harsh and you were able to enjoy the day
@natnatnat Great to see you here practicing gratitudeā€™s with us Natalie.
@bomdhil Thank you friend :pray: So amazing to see you stacking up the days and celebrating your 1 month milestone :muscle:

Wednesday night gratefulness
I am so grateful for getting wrapped up in life and forgetting my 17 month milestone yesterday ā€“ damn these days are stacking up and i am so very proud of living a healthier addiction free life.
I am so grateful that i was able to do a 2 mile walk with mom this morning ā€“ it was a slow pace in the heat so we had to cut it short but was nice to get out. Grateful to get things done today and prepare the home for my brothers friends visit. He is staying with us for a few days. Grateful that i made some desserts for the boys that were so graciously received.
I am so grateful for catching up on work and relaxing now.
I am so grateful that i will be capable of doing deliveries this week so that my brother can spend time with his friend.
I am so grateful finding positivity and keeping my mentality from going into a dark spiral. Grateful for my HP and grateful for my faith. Grateful for having this time and space to heal in all aspects of my life.
I am so grateful for my family, grateful for comedy and laughter. Grateful for my coffee and memes.
I am so grateful to see new buds on my plants. Grateful that my house plants are growing and thriving. Love all the greenery.
I am so grateful for you all - grateful to be a part of this awesome community.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening ā€“ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks for the sweet words! @JazzyS :heartbeat::people_hugging::grinning:


Good morning!! :sun_with_face:
Iā€™m grateful for 24 days sober!! 6 more days till my next goal! :pray:
Iā€™m grateful today is my last day this week and that Iā€™m off the next 2 days! Iā€™m ready for some much needed sleep in time! I havenā€™t been able to sleep in past 7 since the even happened 24 days ago because I had to get up with my kids to get them off to school on my days off because my husband was not allowed to be home yet.
Iā€™m grateful for tomorrow being off so that I can get some grocery shopping done!! The house is looking super bare at this point and definitely ready for a the pantry to be full again!
Iā€™m grateful to have been able to finish all of my computer training at work finally so that I can just be on the floor learning! Iā€™m definitely not meant to have an office job lol
Have a great day everyone!!


Morning sober tribe,

Trying my best to get motivated this morning

Greatful for my sobriety journey
753 days free from weed and alcohol
0.81 yr free from nicotine monster
My hubby and our better communication
Boscoes cuteness
Our family walks
The pause
My higher power which i will lean on today
Breathing techniques
One fricken day at a time


Gratitude entry # 2:

Today, I am grateful forā€¦

  1. getting my work done this week not hungover :muscle:
  2. falling asleep to the sound of rain last night :cloud_with_rain:
  3. my home which has been my sanctuary for the last four years since I left my ex :house_with_garden:
  4. Hummingbirds that visit my garden :hibiscus:
  5. Chocolate! Lol :yum: :chocolate_bar:

~Nat :peace_symbol:


And you deserve all of it, mama! Enjoy :heartbeat::v:


Iā€™m grateful for quinoa salad, zhough and cucumbers. Iā€™m grateful that I got through this morning funk and ended up having a good day. Iā€™m grateful for fresh mint and lemon water. Iā€™m grateful for meeting new people and good conversations. Iā€™m grateful for my neighbor who will help me milk my horses tomorrow morning so I can sleep just a little bit longer. Iā€™m grateful that soon the water pump closest to my house will be fixed so I wonā€™t have to carry my buckets of water so far! Iā€™m grateful that today was sunny and bright. Iā€™m grateful for Mop who is super cute right now having a dog dreamā€¦legs are moving like sheā€™s running and for Leila who is sleeping next to me.


Iā€™m grateful I can come here to post without reading, it would be overwhelming.

Today Iā€™m grateful for falling asleep constantly. The seasonal weather makes me dizzy and tired. Adding a purring cat on my chest and I fall asleep no matter what time it is. Iā€™m grateful I can do this. Iā€™m grateful nobody and nothing messes with this physical need. Iā€™m grateful I know this will pass and return in autumn. Iā€™m grateful I listen to my body.

Iā€™m grateful for self-care today: therapy, waxed legs, fruit salad, fresh cooked dinner.

Iā€™m grateful tomorrow is another day. Iā€™ll be in bed soon :pray: ODAAT


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
This morning the stoic practice of thinking how things could go wrong in order to be better prepared came to my mind. I was mostly thinking of all the stuff that distracts me from work. And I am very grateful for these thoughts as it of course happened exactly this way: phone calls, social calls and some such through my morning. I managed to get some work done, but I had different plans. I know previously I would have been very upset, and would have tried to put up some kinds of systems to prevent this from happening again. Today I just relaxed into it. I am grateful my journey of recovery has brought me so much peace.
I am grateful for a nice nap after lunch on my balcony, grateful for the great weather.
I am grateful I got all my errands done and got a new hair cut. I like my hair nicely short in the summer. Grateful for the bike ride. I also am every day grateful I live in a place where I can do all my trips walking, cycling or via public transport and donā€˜t have to sit in a loud and smelly car. I love this freedom.
I am grateful for my new flower pots on both balconies, grateful for relaxing yoga and meditation.
I am grateful I know my food cravings are triggered by hormones and Iā€˜m grateful I am at a point in my recovery I can give myself some leeway and donā€˜t have to panic every time I eat a bit more.
I am grateful the day is done and I can relax into the evening.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Thanks for friends and communion


Iā€™m grateful for this app, for the wise words, the words of encouragement and the sober tracker.
Almost through day 47 sober, and so grateful I will be able to drive my kids to and from their activities this evening because Iā€™m sober.
Iā€™m not counting down the hours or seconds until I can get home and start drinking.
Grateful Iā€™m not as cranky as I used to be when theyā€™d ā€œinconvenienceā€ me with their night time driving needs and I would have to put my drinking on hold.
Man, I was an a$$h0le.