Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

It was a slow paced day, lots of rest. I’m grateful for…

  1. Finding a morning routine for the days that I’m off. I want to continue the activities with consistency.

  2. My time on the couch that was full of laughs. I don’t remember the last time I just sat around and binge watched a show. I watched maybe 10 episodes of “Kenny vs. Spenny”.

  3. Nap in the hammock. I take at least a 20 minute nap everyday. It’s now my favourite place… The warmth of the sun, chill of the breeze and ease of the rock was perfect.

  4. Chiropractor appointment. I’ve had shoulder and neck pain for a week. Finally got all that pressure released, it feels good.

  5. My wife doing the groceries. Since my appetite opened up, I’ve been eating like a horse. We are now stocked up with all my favourites.

  6. Watching my oldest son spar. I love watching him fight, he’s come a long way since we changed his classes to the older kids. I’m very proud of him.

Now it’s time to hang out with my son and watch this basketball game. Indiana vs. Boston. Have a good night everyone!


Been slacking on this thread! :worried: Today I’m grateful for another day. Grateful for the beautiful weather here in Minnesota. Grateful the mosquitoes aren’t out in full force yet. Grateful I was able to get home before dark so I could mow the yard. Grateful for a couple hours of downtime b4 bed.


I’m grateful that I don’t have to go to bed early tonight because I’m off tomorrow! I’m grateful for the day off tomorrow so that I can get the grocery shopping done and some much needed yard work done in the backyard tomorrow.
I’m extremely grateful for my sobriety tonight because my husband and I got into an argument. If I were drinking it would have been an explosive and toxic argument. I’m grateful that he is also sober because he would have called me every nasty name under the sun because I was mad at him and he would get defensive. I haven’t been ready to talk to my husband about what I dealt with when it came to the event that happened now 25 days ago and my emotions behind it. He has made it clear that it would be a safe space whenever I was ready to talk about it and then almost immediately he got defensive. Then he honed in on the fact that I was not clearly communicating (because he started to get hyped and angry and I got flustered) and now we are at a standstill.
I’m grateful that although this argument happened, although I’m not happy at the moment, although I have anxiety and have clammed back up about talking about the event that I did not turn to alcohol.
I’m grateful that with all that is going on legally, that the military is making my husband do an intensive outpatient treatment (last resort since he’s been to rehab twice and has relapsed terribly both times) but that he also has to attend 26 domestic violence classes. I’m grateful to have gotten my own referral in so that I can attend my own outpatient intensive treatment and get the opportunity to connect with those locally dealing with similar problems as myself. I’m grateful my insurance will cover a program like that for myself so that I can take the next step in my recovery.
One day at a time!!! Good night!


Im so proud of you @Saraboobear23 i see you taking the next right step for you and your family thru this difficult time. I wish both you and your husband strength on this journey of healing


I’m grateful to be sober and that I could get past the cravings I was having today. I’m grateful for a good conversation with my friend. I’m grateful for laughter and jokes. I’m grateful for getting some good work done today on the translation project. I’m grateful today is Friday and looking forward to the weekend! Am grateful that I feel content tonight and relaxed.


Today i am greatful

I am so very greatful for…

A positive disposition, ive been a debbydowner for about a week
Delicious hot coffee
Making the most of being up since 3am
Got a quality leg workout in. I know bc my legs feel like jello
My recovery
This place
A long weekend
Not feeling overwhelmed at the moment
Family dinner tonight for my niece’s high school graduation celebration :mortar_board:
Sober buddies
My mom passed her echogram, wait another 6mo
We didnt get damage from the storm last night. Others did.
Got a compliment at the gym :slight_smile:
All of you, my sober tribe


Very grateful I slept a full night last night and broke a string of mostly sleepless nights.
Grateful for the knowledge that I have to pace myself! I want to
enjoy feeling good.
Grateful for hope today, and a good mood.
Grateful for 84 days. Soon I’ll have lots of good days.
Grateful for everyone that reached out and helped support me when I had lost hope of feeling better.


I am grateful!! My youngest graduates high school tonight, so many things to be grateful for around that. Grateful it will only be in the 80s and not the sweltering heat we usually sit through this time of year. Grateful for all of the friends and family coming to celebrate with us this weekend. Grateful for a three day weekend so I’ll have Monday tonrelax and clean after the party. Grateful I have a sober plan for the weekend. :man_student:Grateful to have both kids graduated now, college is still on the horizon but they have to get themselves through that more than I do. Grateful for meditation and a new Ruth Ware novel. Grateful for you. Be careful @Saraboobear23 !! Sending you strength :heart:


I’m grateful I found my grind :coffee: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m grateful Benson loves his back yard and his philodendron :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’m grateful one of our heaters work.
I’m grateful the HVAC job is of course bigger than they thought and at least they won’t be working the weekend. I’m grateful they’ll finish it all when they finish it all.
I’m grateful wifey’s car is fixed and will be delivered today.
I’m grateful I’m not in Scottsdale where the temps are breaking 100 this week.

I’m grateful to welcome Natalie to our home thread. I’m so grateful I got to live 2 years in the Sonoran desert :cactus: it is so gorgeous.
I’m grateful I received some great healing living In Scottsdale, mind, body and both my recoveries.
I’m grateful to read all the newcomers @Saraboobear23 @SKhan @Vanessa8
And some of the not so new comers @Laner @Lighter I’m grateful you all add a bright new spark to this thread and help keep me sober by reading your gratitudes. It’s such a powerful tool. I’m grateful for all the old timers on here and the not so old timers keeping the lights on.

I’m grateful I finally got to an Al-Anon meeting yesterday. It was online. Kinda just what I needed. I’m grateful I been doing very well but when I caught myself taking my wife’s inventory 2 nights ago I knew it was time for a meeting. I’m grateful I can recognize that and do something about it.
I’m grateful when I woke up in the middle of the night I did some breathing I learned on Insight Timer.
I’m grateful I didn’t step in cat puke this morning. Wifey? Not so much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful for @erntedank garden knowledge and I believe I read @Its_me_Stella is going to be a yogini of some sort :thinking: :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
Before I forget I want to say thank you and congratulations to you two :pray:t2: :hibiscus: :heart:

I’m grateful maybe I’ll wrap this up as wifey’s car is on the way. I’m just so grateful for my new life adventure clean and sober and AFAF

Today’s Reminder
Whatever may happen today, I will think of it as a challenge which I am well able to meet. If it is good, I will receive it gratefully as a special gift. If it is not good, I will deal with it as well as I can, knowing it will pass if I do not let it overwhelm me. I will not let the good make me complacent, nor will I allow the not-good to drown me in despair.


Today I’m grateful I woke up well rested and full of energy :pray:

I’m grateful I used this good mood and energy to accomplish a lot of work: clean and put away tools, rearrange cupboards, do laundry, fill up the catfood storage, drag the big pot out on the balcony, tighten the catnet, colour my eyebrows, bring a big box of binders up to the office and store them (why is the box with 8 binders heavy like hell and when you store them away in the bookshelfs you barely see a difference in the shelf-load :see_no_evil:)

I’m grateful for smiles, cat cuddles, plants, tea, fresh strawberry milkshake, leftovers, sprouting beans, comfy cloths, a soft couch to fall asleep on, weather, texting with nice people, mutual understanding.
I’m grateful today I feel good. Simply good. ODAAT


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:t2:
I’m grateful for the surprise visit from my friend and the nice chat we had. Grateful I did not expect the day to go as planned and was not upset for said friend’s visit changing my schedule.
I’m grateful I’ve moved into the prototyping phase of my project. I already started pulling all kinds of crafts supplies out of my drawers. This is going to be fun.
I’m grateful for a nice workout and a short yoga session today. Exactly what I needed.
Grateful for a nap during my afternoon slump.
I’m grateful my daughter is off to my mum’s, tomorrow to a party and then to her dad. Meaning a long child free weekend for me.
Grateful for books, graphic novels and anime.
Grateful my tools of mindfulness and kindness are working even in times of cravings and hormonal hunger pangs.
Grateful for DJs and music.
Grateful I decided on a trip to Rotterdam next month, found a place to stay with a kitchenette for a reasonable price and already booked it. Now I only need to buy train tickets and off I go.
I’m grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


It’s a sunny Friday afternoon here in Canada. Today I am grateful for…

  1. Having jobs that I truly enjoy. I work 2 part-time jobs plus my barbering. After seeing the struggle of the new girl that’s a doctor in India and dishwasher here, whiles she finishes her equivalence. I don’t ever want to be in that position.

  2. Picking up my kids from school. My little one had his shoes on the wrong feet. When I told him and made him change it, another kid did the same. Kids that age make me laugh, they are so innocent and funny.

  3. Repeat clients. It was nice to have clients reach out today for haircuts. I had nothing planned and it really is my stress reliever.

Time to enjoy the rest of the day, evening and night. Have fun everyone!


Grateful for more energy in my body today


So very grateful

Thank God for being here with me.

Husband came home to spend weekend with me
Dog Yunna who brings so much joy into my life
Divorce proceedings more of a memory than current crisis


Grateful I was able to relax, like really get myself into a relaxed state, where I could be still and content for a good hour.
I used alcohol to get a fake relaxed feeling for years.
I got there without any substance today. Just good music and a jacuzzi.
It was so therapeutic. :relieved:


@saraboobear23 Grateful thatyou and your hubby will be able to take advantage of this program – Grateful for healing and recovery :pray: :hugs:

So very grateful for this – hope for continued good results. Happy graduation celebrating tonight :tada:
@lighter Yeah to sleep! SO grateful that you managed a good nights sleep and are enjoying a feel good mood this Friday :hugs:
@davina_davis Happy celebrating to you too – another graduation… enjoy sober celebrating

Grateful for this LAM :hugs: Grateful you two are in a better place now. :hugs:
@vanessa8 Oh I love a true relaxed state without the help of any substances. Grateful you were able to enjoy such a lovely state of mind and body!

A wonderful Friday to all of you beautiful souls – practicing some gratefulness here today :pray:
I am so grateful that i was able to go for a walk with mom this morning and my hot coffee.
I am so grateful for being able to do a morning delivery to the coop. Grateful for a lovely chat with the gals at the coop.
I am so grateful that i was feeling energized and decided to do another walk when i got home. Grateful that i got to use my new micro fiber cloth scarf to help cool me on my walk. Grateful that they did a good job. Grateful that the new walking shoes i ordered yesterday arrived today - unfortunately they did not feel so great so i will have to keep hunting.
I am so grateful for my nap today. Grateful that i let myself take the nap without guilt. Grateful that i at least got some sleep - hopefully more to follow this evening.
I am so grateful for leftovers.
I am so grateful for my family, my HP, my meditation / prayer practices, comedy
I am so grateful for a good sense of self. Grateful that i am listening to my body and pushing just the right amount (hopefully wont get over zealous and go backwards this time) – ODAAT!
I am so grateful for all of you - grateful to have this community to check in with and all of you are so close. Appreciate the love and support.
I am so grateful that the weather is going to cool off some tomorrow. Hopefully i will be able to get in my walk before the storms come through
I am grateful for finding healthier ways to deal with my emotions rather than hiding behind substances.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good evening.

I am grateful for a clear vision, for purpose and for service.

I am grateful that when I ask for guidance I always get it, I just need to listen for it, look for it, be open.

I am grateful that I believe with every cell in my being that what is meant for me is already in fruition.

I am grateful that I believe that people do not come into my life with no purpose, we are always helping, guiding, supporting each other to reach our highest good.

I am grateful that I am not afraid to dream anymore, and that no dream seems too big.

I am grateful that my faith crushes my fears.

I am grateful that I have found my voice and that my voice can heal myself and others.

I am grateful for my breath, and I am grateful that I get the opportunity to learn an anciet practice that will help me guide men and women in recovery on their spiritual journey.

I am grateful that I know where I am going…I am going far, and I am going fast.

I am grateful I dont have to wait for anyone, but whoever can keep up with me is welcome.

I am grateful I finally remember who I am.



Good morning all! It’s Saturday morning of a 3 day weekend! I’m grateful to be here and be sober!

Today I am grateful to get to celebrate the one year soberversary of my brother! I am so proud of him and so grateful to have been part of his journey. We can get better and do better!

I’m grateful that I took off Friday from work as I was becoming very frustrated. Time out for me will help me do better next week.

I’m grateful for my cozy home and my loving husband and my pets.

I’m grateful to have the resources to care for myself and my family. I’m grateful to not have many plans for this weekend so I can keep working on my home and learning projects and get ready for summer break to start in two weeks!

I’m grateful to see sunny blue skies this morning.

I’m grateful for good food and this excellent coffee.

I hope you all find ways to enjoy the weekend in safe and healthy ways. You deserve to have fun and be happy healthy and you can do this without drugs or alcohol. Be free!!!


Wow…so awesome that your brother is celebrating his 1 year soberversary… congratulations :tada::tada:
Glad you took some time for yourself in Friday…hope you are able to soak in rest and relaxation this weekend :people_hugging:


So grateful for 2 consecutive nights of sleep! It absolutely changes everything.
Grateful I just completed 12 weeks of sobriety.

Grateful to be taking my first sober trip next Saturday to see a sober friend in another state! Trying to remember the sober trips I took when I was sober 6 years a while back. I did it then, I can do it now. Fell back into binge drinking and then couldn’t take a trip without drinking. I’m ready.

Grateful for hope today. Things are going to open up for me very soon. Just need to keep putting in the work.

Grateful for you guys.! :heart: