Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning friends! I’m grateful for this :

I’m grateful for new adventures in life. I’m grateful my daughter made it through this year by the skin of her teeth, but she’s determined that she will make next year a better one. I’m grateful I didn’t drink to “deal with” all the feelings that came with this school year. I’m so grateful I don’t do that anymore. I’m grateful that I can recognize that I feel like I’m experiencing milestone malady ( not my milestone- maybe from the graduation :woman_shrugging:), and I know that getting out into the sunshine and doing something physical will help me feel better. I’m grateful I can count on the homethread when I need it.:heart:


I want to jot my gratitude down, ill have to catch up on this glorious thread later.

Im so very greatful for

My family, it beautiful and complicated but loving
My sobriety, up at sunrise on a saturday, that wouldnt happen in addiction unless i was still up from the night before not wanting to stop the party
Boscoe, like my mom says “he’s different, hes so smart and understands you” thats my dogson
Positive disposition
New sponsor
Hubbys working a budget
Not being overwhelmed at work, granted its a “ive met my max and now dont give a fuck” i will carry on and do my best mentality
Im greatful i will try to carry this feeling and sentiment for a few days lol


I’m grateful for a having a good sleep last night and feeling well rested and energiized today. I’m grateful for this morning being able to focus and work on my traumas and that it wasn’t too triggering today. I’m grateful for a beautiful morning hike and a even better soak in the hot spring. I’m grateful for a fun time with some neighbors working together on my shyrdak. I’m grateful for laughter and stories. I’m grateful for a good community around me. I’m grateful for my friends son who came to sing stories and riddles for us. He did a great job! And it was certainly entertaining. I’m grateful for my pots of tea and lemon lavender cookies. :yum: I’m grateful having a good day and for feeling at peace today. I’m grateful for cuddles with my dogs especially today after they both had a bath so is extra soft and clean :upside_down_face:


Wooohooooo, congrats!!! I get one of those this year too! We did it mumma!!! :heart:


Good morning

I am grateful for my emotions and that none of them are wrong. I can sit here, see that photo of Sunflower’s child beaming with pride and feel their mumma’s joy. I am grateful for my deep feeling spirit and that because of it I get to experience the feelings of so many others at the drop of a hat. I am blessed. I didn’t always feel blessed, I felt tortured. I am grateful that I have learned how to protect myself from negativity and how to embrace the feelings of joy, love, bliss and happiness that can sometimes overcome me with no warning. I am grateful I learned how to ground myself to Gaia. She keeps me safe, all day everyday. :heart:

I am grateful there are only a few more weeks for my kiddo in school and that it looks like she will finish right on time. I am grateful for her amazing teachers, especially the teacher her had her for Physics, Chemistry and Calculus this year. This particular teacher has been a cornerstone in my daughter’s highschool education, and her making it through to graduation on time. I am grateful that my daughter is a loving, thoughtful, caring being. Although I was in active addiction her whole childhood, I always instilled, manners, values in her and taught her to be grateful. I am grateful she is observant and knew exactly what to get her teachers as thank you/departing gifts. I am grateful she has her own money to buy them. :heart:

I am grateful that energy attracts energy, and that I am excited to start building a little project to attract my newest dream. I am grateful that I love doing crafty things, that being creative is meditative to me.

I am grateful that my female reproductive system worked very well for me during my lifetime and that I was able to have a beautiful baby. I am grateful that I don’t have endometriosis, only endometrial ovarian cysts. I am grateful that the week of nighttime pain seems to have ended, and that I was able to balanace my sleepless nights with deep meditation in pranayama and meditation classes. I am grateful for my yoga practice it keeps saving my ass in more ways than one. :heart:


Congratulations to you too!!


I’m enjoying the peace that today has brought to me and my household. I am grateful for…

  1. Speaking with my in-laws today. They live in the UK so we have weekly FaceTime with them. I haven’t spoken to them in a while. My father-in-law asked why I don’t have FB anymore. I told them I stopped drinking and smoking 12 days ago. I’ve never seen them so happy, there was a glow and excitement on their faces.

  2. My teammates (wife and kids). My wife is actively helping to keep me busy. A lot of the activities are bonding based so that’s really cool. The kids are oblivious to the change but I can feel our connections getting stronger. Maybe it’s just me being mentally present and just not physically.

  3. My headspace. I’m thinking clear, I have good energy. I can feel myself graduating into a new stage of life. I feel excited for this and no longer scared.

Now it’s time for a nap before our afternoon activities. Enjoy the day everyone!


Good morning!!!
I am grateful for Sodoku puzzles! I’m sitting here on this Saturday morning (last day off before I go back to work for another week of productivity) doing Sodoku puzzles.
I’m grateful for the Colin Firth version of pride and prejudice! This version is my absolute favorite and I have rewatched this soooo many times!
I’m grateful for little quirky iPhone games! I don’t know why I find it so relaxing to just play on my phone while doing Sodoku puzzles and watching my favorite movies!
I’m grateful for my boys! My youngest deals with severe constipation because of his heart problems from when he was a baby (and continued to today and he is 5 going on 6 soon) so he isn’t fully potty trained when it comes to pooping, but he was so proud of himself to have pooped on the potty this morning! I’m very proud of how far he’s come in the past few years!
I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!!


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I finally gave in to my hormonal crash, did only the really necessary stuff and cancelled everything else. No sense in fighting reality.
I am grateful I‘m home alone and nobody bothers me and I have nobody here to unload my awful mood onto.
I am grateful I found a nice and cozy book.
I am grateful for anime.
I am grateful I know this will pass.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Dude today im greatful, so fricken greatful for my sobriety journey and all ive learned.

A great morning
Compassion for rude strangers when my tow truck blocked them in at the grocery store…geez some folks are soooo in a rush oh well @Soberbilly learned that from you
Im greatful hubby was off this morning and could meet me at the grocery store and give me a ride
Im greatful for a very kind stranger lady who was so sweet and said thats unfortunate to happen today on a holiday weekend and asked if we needed a ride, love seeing human kindness
Im greatful for my positive disposition today.
Like, the weathers beautiful, imma chill with my coffee and chat with my tow guy
Im so greatful i was able to get a diagnostic today.
Im greatful i googled and this valve body may, just may be covered under warranty
Im greatful im only a hair over the 100k mile warranty period
Im greatful for amazing communication with hubby
Im greatful hubby shared some godwinks hes been experiencing
Overall a great day so far
What does getting my skivies in a knot when i cant control it
Idk everything just played out as good as possible for still being shitty


Day 148. Thankful that every day the last week I wanted alcohol, just to shut off my thoughts. I didn’t, made it to the store, made it away - all free of that choice. Onward I go, bigger day than in three decades.


Day 88 grateful today

Help with laundry.
Wake up happy no conflicts
Curbside grocery pickup (priceless)
Working in kitchen preparing meals


The day is done and I lay here in bed reflecting. I am grateful for…

  1. The feud with my neighbour is officially over. It’s been two years of awkwardness, and ill feelings. The lady said “Nice garden”, I said “Yours too”. Both smiled and the tension is now broken. Seems small but that’s a huge step for both of us.

  2. All the family time today. We sat out on the deck, had a little BBQ. Played “Snakes and Ladders”.

  3. Recognizing anything out of my control drives me nuts. We needed cash for firewood so went to Walmart to get cash back. My wife’s card kept saying wrong PIN because she didn’t set it. I was in a bad mood over this for like half hour. Just angry in my head but didn’t show it out. Other ticky-tac situations gave me the same result. I’ve got to figure this one out.

I’m going to bed in a good mood. Enjoy the night everyone!


What a lot I have to be grateful for today. I’m grateful my son graduated high school. I’m grateful that the food is prepped and ready to go for tomorrow’s party. I’m grateful that I’ll be able to remember every moment because I’m sober. Grateful to read and catch up on all of your gratitudes.

Grateful to be sitting here in a face mask and under eye masks and watch the Lady Gaga Chromatica Ball and be in AWE


I love the line about you being able to remember it. Thanks for the suggestion of doing a mask, I know what I’m doing tonight. Enjoy the party!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

756 days of freedom, even tho those early days didnt seem like a blessing in retrospect they were because the withdrawls and intense cravings reinforce i never want to be back at day one if i can help it
Im greatful for the newcomers sharing their experiences and getting to watch the joys of sobriety unravel
A decent night of rest
Sober friends
Intense mania and racing thoughts have seemed to subside from the last 2 days
I can hit a DRA meeting on a holiday weekend
Family get together later today to look forward to
A long weekend
Time with hubby
My gym membership
My trainer said im in optimal shape…just want to fine tune :slight_smile:
A good weighin
Nice tennis shoes
My hamstrings and glutes still hurt from fridays workout which tells me i did something right. Ya know that pain that feels so good bc it reminds you you did your best at the gym
Our veterans and service members and all they sacrifice
This fantastic community


I’m grateful for a rainy day in. I’m grateful for fun projects like felting with a friend. I’m grateful for the rain my garden was needing it! I’m grateful for having unexpected free time today where I could relax. I’m grateful for having a good day…I know now I shouldn’t take these for granted when I have been having more often harder days. I’m grateful for candles and the gas stove to cook on when the power is out. I’m grateful for omlets and fresh basil. I’m grateful that I am strong, sober, safe and alive.


Grateful for a decent 6 hours of solid sleep. Grateful for a couple days to to work on my house. Grateful I don’t have to deal with people till Tuesday :smile: Grateful that I no longer have the obsessive thoughts about drinking. Grateful to be alive and relatively healthy. Grateful for all of you and your gratitude shares which help me and especially on days I think life sucks ass!!!


@Sunflower1 congratulations on the :mortar_board: hoping the sunshine and the outdoors came through :heart:

I am so the same …relief heavily on the games early on in my sobriety.
@earnit sorry for the intense urges… Way to beat them and keep your sobriety in tact :people_hugging:

Happy Sunday all you beautiful souls!
I am so grateful that i did manage some sleep after 5 am this morning. Grateful that i am not getting down on myself for not having made my walk this morning. Hopefully the humidity will lift so i can still do so later.
I am so grateful that my stomach feels better today. Body and head are still recovering and that is ok.
I am so grateful that my brother had the chance to hang with his friends and have a mini vacation this week. He needed it and i think its been a decade since they have seen this one friend.
I am so grateful that the early morning drinking and the late nights are not my thing any more. Grateful that i was not triggered with seeing booze over breakfast. Grateful i had my hot strong cup of coffee and that was WAY more appealing.
I am so grateful that i spent some time on my puzzle yesterday. Grateful that it has been started and i am not pushing myself to finish it right away and not forcing myself to work on it at all times. Grateful that i can accept that some days i just don’t wanna do it.
I am so grateful for the peace and quiet this morning.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that we do get along so well and I know we are there for each other no matter what.
I am so grateful that i am working on myself and going to work a festival next week. It is a huge festival and unfortunately my sis and our one good employee can’t do it so it not a good time to try and train someone else. I am grateful that my BIL will come to help with the heavy lifting as i am having trouble with anything over 50 lbs. Going to try not to think about it too much or psych myself out over it. It is one day and i know with my TENS unit i will be able to handle it.
I am so grateful that i have been getting my walks and exercise in lately. So grateful for movement and maintained swelling :laughing: Grateful that i can remember not to push myself and how far i’ve come.
I am so grateful that i am enjoying my lovely cup of coffee and enjoying all the greenery around me. Grateful for the AC and that i can enjoy the comforts of my home.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices. Grateful that i can do these at any time to find my center and feel connected.
I am so grateful for this community and knowing that being here is what is keeping me motivated to stay on my sober path. Being here with all this support helps me stay focused and alert of my triggers and surroundings. Grateful for you ALL!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Sunday evening gratitude.

Today I’m grateful for relax sunday.
I’m grateful I started watching “Bosch”. I like the series, perfect for binge watching on rainy days. I’m grateful I napped for hours yesterday and today. I’m grateful for grocery shopping. I’m grateful I made delicious food and have leftovers for tomorrow. I’m grateful I did a little bit of cleaning today, this week procrastination hit me hard. I’m grateful the cats are brushed, hairy little fuckers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful I’m in a kind of flow of relaxing, sleeping a lot, feeling deeply relaxed and calm, falling asleep without meds. I’m grateful I focus on me and indoor activities these days. It’s ok to ignore everything outdoor as it constantly rains every day for hours. Beautiful atmosphere to look out the window, horrible perspective concerning mowing and working outside. I’m grateful for the blinds on the windows, they keep out the depressing sunshine late afternoon after rain ended. Like the weather is kidding me.

I’m grateful I feel peaceful these days, humble and grateful. I’m grateful I can spend my days as I decide to spend them, only me and my decisions. I’m grateful I don’t think too much today, it’s freeing to just BE.

I’m grateful for all the comfort in my life, I need it to feel safe, cared and free. I’m grateful this comfort comes from inside me a lot. I’m grateful my home is my castle where I feel safe, secure, confident and can let go and let loose to deeply relax and relieve all the tension that built up in the last months? weeks? I didn’t even notice it until I started to unwind and decompress. I’m grateful for the flow of life :pray: ODAAT