Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
Although I woke up with a rather low mood it did improve significantly throughout the day - as it always does - and I was spared the extreme mood swings I experienced yesterday. I am very grateful for a far gentler day today.
I am grateful for sunshine, many hours on my balcony, enough warmth to enjoy todayā€˜s thunderstorms there.
I am grateful for good food and almost no cravings today.
Grateful for relaxed reading.
I am grateful I got to do my weekly review, with interesting perspectives for the next week.
I am grateful todayā€˜s tarot card reminded me to accept the state of suspension I felt today.
I am grateful for the recovery meeting tonight.
Grateful there are meds that help with my childā€˜s migraines.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful for two legs and the capacity of walking


Grateful forā€¦

Morning conflict passed. Afternoon was enjoyable and peaceful.

I reminded husband to put boat license on boat right before boat police came by to check.

Beautiful not too hot sunny day.

Harvested first zucchini from garden

Groceries and the ability to create some amazing meals. Shrimp Alfredo, Steak Fajitas with homemade guacamole and Rock Fish with vegetable medley tonight.


Laundry help

For God staying close and answering prayers as I pray for husbandā€™s heart to soften.


The day is done and Iā€™m relaxing on the couch, watching NBA. Today I am grateful forā€¦

  1. Having enough energy in my body to work, enjoy the beach and to drive an hour there and back. Then after I made dinner for everyone.

  2. The massage my wife gave me. Inbetween my shoulder blades and neck was killing tonight. I must be getting old :joy:

  3. This moment with my son. We havenā€™t played catch in a long time. It was nice to just relax and throw around the ball.


Good evening.

I am grateful for challenges that arise during meditation. Sitting through a 50 min, silent, group meditation when you have to cough is interesting. I am grateful for the way my body responded when I wouldnā€™t allow it to cough. I am grateful for the gallons of saliva that filled my mouth almost instantly which allowed me to swallow away the tickle. I am grateful for my persevering nature.

I am grateful that G offered to pick me up. This last week has been a bit difficult for me with pain and exhaustion so we havent seen much of each other. I am grateful that he tries to get any bit of time with me he can. I am grateful he tries his hardest to understand my health issues.

I am grateful that tomorrow is a new week and I am looking forward to my energy healing session tomorrow.


Thank you Lord for a new day and for the good delivery of a child of my friend


Good morning!!
I am grateful to be able to say that I have a job that I absolutely enjoy! I am grateful to be able to even say I have a job! I know so many out there struggle to find employment!
Iā€™m grateful that I have the ability to fill my fridge with food to feed my family! Iā€™m grateful for pets and the unconditional love they feel for their owners!
Iā€™m grateful to have reliable transportation!
Iā€™m grateful for coffee and caffeine on these very early mornings when it took me forever to fall asleep last night!
Iā€™m grateful that although it took a little longer to get to sleep that I still feel rested and ready for another 10 hour work day!
Have a great day everyone!


Good morning all!
Today I am grateful for all that God has. Blessed me with!
A safe trip to and from the ocean, another sober day, and a beautiful day to get back to my home group for a meeting!
I wish all a peaceful day!:star2::sunny::tulip:


I am greatful.

This morning my list of gratitude includes

Waking without an alarm
My dra meeting yesterday
A morning walk with Boscoe, even when the lil fucker stood his ground and told me he didnt want to do another lap of the park and hes ready to go home
Greatful for our ability to communicate, Boscoe and I
Hes so smart
A day off of work
Sunshine and birdsong
Healthy food
Fit in my high waisted bikini and felt good about itā€¦thats a fricken miracle
My family get togethers
My husband
Time with hubby to have long tough convos and us both feel closer after getting thru em

Gotta get to the gym, more gratitude later

  • Sleep is improving slowly. Either I sleep
    through the night, or itā€™s broken and fitful, but Iā€™m getting back to sleep after waking up too early the past few days! Headed in a positive direction overall.
  • My skin is changing and is softer.
  • My hair is no longer falling out. Granted, I had tons to spare, but not shedding is a good surprise.
  • The further away I get from drinking, and that toxic job I had the more I see both were terrible for me. They went together as a little duo of despair. No! Iā€™m so glad I can start over. I will have a much better gig next time. Not an alcoholicā€™s kind of gig. Just good work.
  • Grateful to be taking my first sober road trip in 10 years next weekend/week. I love to travel but stuck around to get sober and steady before taking this on. I used to drink in hotels, airports, even on the road. But I also did all of those things sober. Iā€™m ready.
  • Having a bad ass air conditioner. Heat index is at all-time highs this weekend. Freak heat wave will end soon. Enjoying not having to go get beverages in this incredible heat. Iā€™ve got plenty of teas, coffee and sparking water
  • This group where I can learn and keep steady. When I have felt better in the past, I drifted away from recovery groups with disastrous results. I forget easily. Now I know and Iā€™m here to stay.
  • A Memorial Day weekend sober 87 days
  • All you guys! :heart:

Iā€™m grateful for good days and bad daysā€¦even though the bad days suck I know they are temporary.
Iā€™m grateful for making my own work hours and being my own boss which makes for an incredibly flexible job when I just need a day.
Iā€™m grateful for a good conversation with my friend this evening that made me see more that I have accomplished a lot already and am working hard and for now that is enough.
Iā€™m grateful for the hot springs being so close.
Iā€™m grateful for batirik and zhough for dinnerā€¦I felt good after having a healthy meal.
Iā€™m grateful for peaceful music.
Iā€™m grateful for all the lists of coping skills posted around my house that help me refocus and do what I need.
Iā€™m grateful to be sober, loved, alive and safe


Iā€™m grateful for another day sober and hangover free.

Iā€™m grateful we can be here in my daughter and son-in-lawā€™s time of need this week for a crisis they are dealing with.
Iā€™m grateful it doesnā€™t take much. All I have to do is show up and be there and not drink. Iā€™m grateful that means more time with Gus even if my daughter still has to be around us until he gets use to us itā€™s still a break for her.

Iā€™m grateful for the precious life we have.
Iā€™m grateful for my wife.
Iā€™m grateful for my son and DIL and Norma
Iā€™m grateful for my daughter SIL and Gus
Iā€™m grateful to get closer to my SIL and to be there to help him out in his time of need. Iā€™m grateful to see how he is so good and loyal and loving to his family and friends. Iā€™m grateful for his big heart.

Iā€™m grateful to be sober during this difficult period in ā€œTheir Lives.ā€ Iā€™m grateful they are ok. But a very close young friend of theirs is on life support unexpectedly and is not going to make it. :cry: Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not getting liquored up and then making it all about me and when can I get my next drink to kill ā€œtheirā€ pain. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not that selfish kind of drunk anymore where everything is/was about me and my next drink.

Iā€™m grateful for the new loving relationship my sister and I are forming during some difficult times with her. Iā€™m grateful this new relationship includes her husband too. Iā€™m certain this is only happening because Iā€™m sober and I can listen to her. Empathize with her and accept her for who she is. And not try to change her anymore to my way of thinking how she ā€œshould be.ā€ Iā€™m grateful it only took 60 years to realize this. Iā€™m grateful that means itā€™s not too late.

Be kind. Hug your friends and family. Forgive. Quit trying to change people. You canā€™t. Tomorrow could be too late.
Love you guys


Grateful to be alive and for the morning coffee that helped get me moving. Grateful for a chill day at home doing some remodeling. Grateful for the rain thats keeping the yard nice and green. Grateful Home Depot is nearby because I canā€™t remember shit and had to go back 3 times :smile: Hoping everyone enjoys the day.


I finally got sometime really sit in the fact that Iā€™m 14 days sober. 14 days ago when I was a mess this app and everyone in the community help get me through it. Iā€™ve tried before and it didnā€™t workā€¦ Why is it working this time? The answer is the people here.

With sincerity and gratitude, I say thank you. I wanted to mention so many more but it will only let me list 10 people. I read everyoneā€™s stuff and everyone has helped in their own way!

@JazzyS @Dazercat @acromouse @Soberbilly @Cjp @Steve14 @LeggaLyn @Button83 @MrsOdh @Mno


Grateful for another day of life and new adventures , everyone have a great day


Thanks for the shout out brother! Weā€™re all in this together :facepunch: Congrats on 14 dayā€™s!!! ODAAT.


We are here for you!!! :grin::grin::grin:


Thank you, glad I could help someone :smiling_face:


Hi, fellow grateful peeps!! I am grateful for this long weekend.I am grateful my son graduated. Iā€™m grateful we threw a nice party for him yesterday. I am grateful that today the house is clean and quiet. Iā€™m grateful that the soreness in my body is hard work related, and not alcohol related. Thank you all for your gratitudes. @Dazercat I grew up super close with my siblings, but my youngest brother up and moved to Texas with a rather cold goodbye note to me and my mom and my sister. I miss him all of the time. Iā€™m grateful for the time that I had him in my life. Iā€™m grateful to be here with open arms if he ever needs them. Iā€™m grateful that you have that with your sis now. @SKhan so glad you are here, this community really is wonderful. :people_hugging:


Congratulations on your 14 days SKhan
Iā€™m grateful this place is magical. Iā€™m grateful I just stick with it and all the fine people here.
Iā€™m so grateful you found us.
Thanks to the shout out.