Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Congrats on 2 weeks @SKhan remain vigilant


Wooohee im greatful today

Im greatful for my folks. They help me with learning how to be a homeowner and teaching me what a lopper is.
They came over today, my mom trimmed my hedges and my dad cut down a dead tree. I was on lopper duty.
Im greatful after 3hrs i can tell myself to take a break
Im greatful i checked out a sale on patio umbrellas (mines broken) thought i found a deal for $40 dollars but it wouldnt last longer than a season
Greatful i didnt impulse buy anything at the hardware store
Greatful my mania is a bit much today but i dont have to mask it
Felt good in my bikini
I can slow my roll now


Monday evening gratitude.
Today I’m grateful I’m aware of some major deficits from my childhood. I’m grateful I can give myself a day doing nothing. I still can feel the little girl that wanted to be home quietly reading, sleeping, dreaming and playing with her pets. I’m grateful she gets her me time now and nobody can mess with it. Nobody. It’s freeing to spend half the day with chores and napping and the other half with bingewatching series in the most comfy position I ever found on the couch between a dozen pillows and a blankie. Add a pot of tea and purring cats and you get something very close to paradise for me.
I’m grateful healing feels like this too. I’m grateful I fell asleep every time I started to think about shit today.
I’m grateful every babystep counts. I’m grateful I can go back to basics as often as I need it. I’m grateful I appreciate being kind and loving to myself, I feel vulnerable. I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life. I pray the mojo to tackle life comes back soon, I liked it to be productive. I’m grateful I accept the ups and downs as they come and go. I’m grateful life is good. At least for today. ODAAT


I made the mistake of reading the news today. It’s really not good for me and what I’m grateful makes me sad. I am grateful for…

  1. Living in a free country. Yes, we have a ton of problems but none like those innocent people in these war torn countries.

  2. All the basics of life that I take for granted. Water, food, electricity and dignity.

  3. A safe place to rest my head with the people I love. Too many people who once had this luxury has had it taken away instantly. I couldn’t fathom that or know how I would survive it.

I hope tonight everyone is good and has everything they need. Have a good night!


Practicing gratefulness on this beautiful Monday
I am so grateful that I was awake (just barely) when I was texted for paperwork needed this morning – oops, I had moved all my stuff out of the way with my brothers friend visiting and forgot to print out the Monday stuff. Grateful that I was able to get it done in time and no harm done.
I am so grateful that for new life – congrats to your friend @bomdhil. Great work on your sobriety time friend – keep the days coming.
I am so grateful that CJ’s hard work with diet and working out is paying off – great bikini weather season ahead – good for you girl!
I am so grateful that @lighter is going on a vacation and is feeling ready for it in her sobriety. We will be right here with you friend. Grateful that with this community being so close and always available I find I’m always aware of my addictions and always have the support I need to get through
I am so grateful that @dazercat is sober and in Cali so that he can be there for his daughter and SIL – grateful for all the Gus time. Grateful for the reminder of how fleeting and precious our lives are. Grateful to hear that you are connecting with sister and mending your relationship
Thank you for the shoutout @skhan – grateful for your 2 weeks and counting. Doing amazing work!
I am so grateful for the lovely nap @erntedank had with the comfy blankie and dozen pillows :heart: Sounds heavenly
I am so grateful for getting some sleep today – seems that i am not sleeping at night but am able to get some hours in during the day. Hoping that this will change up soon but grateful that for now i not pressed for anything to keep me from napping.
I am so grateful for the shift in weather. The cooler temps are nice. The extra cotton and allergies can take a rest LOL
I am so grateful for comedy! Grateful for laughter. Grateful for the comforts of my home. Grateful for my family and their amazing support. Grateful for my HP. Grateful for all of you!

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for my super handsome son Jonah, my beautiful and amazing girlfriend Hannah, and my secret genius dog Lucy. Happy Memorial Day!


Day 15

This has been such an amazing day so far and I’ve only been up an hour! I am grateful…

  1. My son losing his tooth. As I was falling asleep last night he ran into my room and woke me up. He was super excited he lost a tooth. I got up right away and matched his energy. Way past his bed time, we packaged up his tooth and wrote a note to the tooth fairy. I love kids being kids :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

  2. Day 15! I’m here, I’m happy and I’m sober! I’m literally amazed that I am actually happy. When I made the decision to get sober I had it in my mind I would be miserable the rest of my life. I couldn’t fathom life without alcohol and weed… Life has been good to me after day 4 :sweat_smile:

  3. Gaining will. I’m actually debating if to walk to Starbucks at 6 am. There would be zero chance of this any day before today. My wife is sleeping so I can’t change (automatic lights in closet) and I’m self conscious to go out in pyjama pants… We’ll see what happens :joy:

Thank you everyone! This is the happiest I’ve been in a long time. I can’t stop laughing and making jokes to myself. Enjoy the day!


Tuesday lunchtime gratitude.
OMG, I’m grateful for today. I did it. My mojo was back this morning, I woke up well rested, did my morning routine, napped a bit while having tea with the old boy purring away on my chest. Then it felt good and natural to put on my heavy shoes and tackle the big task I was procrastinating for weeks: Mounting the rototiller to the tractor. Long story short: I did it. All on my own. I’m so fucking proud and grateful :muscle:

I’m grateful for my late friend who encouraged me for years to try, he always believed I can do all the stuff on my own too, he always said “You don’t need me to help or show you, you know how it works. Be brave, try it!” I’m sure he looked down from heaven and was proud of me :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m grateful I cleaned the roll from all the dry, hard soil still sticking on it from the last years. Turned out it was therapeutic, like I removed all the thick, old, crusty dirt from my soul hammering on the roll. I’m grateful soul and roll are free and clean now :pray:

I’m grateful nature rewarded me. As I passed the mulberry tree going back to the house I saw the first ripe mulberries. Got to pick them before the heavy rain started and they are delicious.
I’m grateful for the shower after the heavy work. I’m grateful for the comfy cloths I wear. I’m grateful I went upstairs to the office and did some urgent work. I’m grateful for funny cats company at the office. I’m grateful I call it a day and it doesn’t matter that it’s early afternoon. I’m happy, content, feel calm and free, and there is pizza waiting in the freezer. Today it feels like life is manageable, in a happy and joyful way. Deeply grateful for it.

Just for today, life is good. ODAAT


I struggle a lot with how our world is set up and the slog of everyday adult existence. I yearn for the days when I was a kid and I didn’t worry so much, when I woke up excited by the uncertainty of the day rather than dreading it.

Anyhow - I’m grateful I can at least remember what that feels like, just a little bit. It’s indicative that perhaps I can get back to that state again.


Grateful for good music and another day of work


@Collins how beautiful picture!!! Congratulations for Jonah :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


I’m grateful for such a good friend. I’m grateful for being able to be open, understood and listened to. I’m grateful for the fresh mountain air, a good hike and a really nice ride on the horse. I’m grateful for the yak we saw swimming it was so cute. I’m grateful for how tired I am tonight…it’s that nice sort of tired where I know I’ll fall asleep quickly and rest. I’m grateful for such beautiful nature and hot pots of cardomon tea.

I’m grateful to be in my happy place.


Woooohoooo! 14 back-to-back days is no small feat. Congratulations.

I was skimming through some old photos of myself and happened on selfies taken during the first month of my recovery. I could see it in my eyes, the struggle, and it pulled me right back into that moment. It helped me remember how hard those first 10 days were for me, the constant battling back and forth in my head. The constant need to literally fight for my life, because surrender was not in my vocabulary back then. It took me a long time to be able to be present in my body without having to pretend I was ok. I was a big fake it till i make it kinda girl.

I really commend you on getting to 2 weeks clean. Its a miracle, everyday clean is a fricken miracle for us.

I am grateful I got to be a part of your celebration. :sparkles:


I’m grateful for the internet.
I’m grateful when I see bad news I can text family.
I’m grateful for tornado sirens and the Dallas contingent is ok. I’m grateful that they have a good primary bathroom to shelter in.
I’m grateful they don’t mess around.

I’m grateful for good sleep.
I’m grateful for nice weather here. Cool Pacific breezes and a morning marine layer.

Grateful for another week of people working on the house. I’m grateful I’m happy that I know they will get done when they get done.
I’m grateful I’ll get to meet Anthony Hopkins today :scream: He’s my fireplace guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: seriously :flushed:

I’m grateful for Maverick on my lap purring away.
I’m grateful for my Moka pot.
I’m grateful I found a new way to get my grind on. Without making a mess.

I’m grateful I didn’t get as many plants at the store because they didn’t have good enough looking ones for me. I’m grateful that’s ok. I grateful I got less work and maintenance because of it.

Grateful for my cats and dog and wife and grandchildren and children and their beautiful wonderful spouses.

I’m grateful we chose California.
I’m grateful I love it here.
I’m grateful I miss the desert and had the opportunity to live there.

Grateful for you all.
“If you want to turn your life around try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.
Gerald Good


Ahhhh late to my gratitude practice due to car problems and work. Yet here i am. I wanted to document a few things i have to be greatful for…

My recovery
Got my ass up and to the gym this morning
A great workout
The ability to work from home
Praying my mania is better by tmrw when im back in the office
Greatful work was flexible this morning and i was able to figure out my next steps with by busted transmission. Got 2 quotes for lots of money but i also pled my case to subaru bc im only 215mi outside warranty. Idk if they cover this work under warranty they will have bought a loyal fricken customer. Otherwise ill use the small shop its sitting at.
Im only gonna be 2-4 days w/o a vehicle
Hubbys schedule works for half that so we’ll add carpool buddies to our resume
Greatful for perspective
Greatful for a greatful mindset


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I‘m grateful the day started shitty and got better and better.
I‘m grateful I even got to a point where I was able to finally start with my prototyping work. It was a blast. Every day that I can actually get deep into my work is a blessing. I never take this for granted, to be able to do what I love and get lost in it.
I am grateful I did a short yoga session with breathwork and meditation. This is always a good sign of improvement.
I am grateful meeting my ex is becoming easier, more peace, less drama.
I am grateful for the Brain over Binge book and podcast bringing a new perspective on my addiction and recovery.
I am grateful for my work at school, for the kids, their ideas, their energy. I gave up teaching when I realised I did not want to be a ‚proper’ teacher, but now I enjoy these afternoon classes where I can give kids the opportunity to be creative in a way I enjoy too.
I am grateful for the nice weather, a bike ride in the sun, simple grocery shopping, everything so close by. I am grateful the weather permitted to dry laundry outside. I love the smell of sun and wind dried laundry.
I am grateful I got to plant the last flowers for this summer and now can enjoy their pretty sight for the next months.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


@Collins congrats on your beautiful baby!!

@Dazercat so glad your contingent is safe from those horrible storms

@SKhan so wonderful that your mood is uplifted!! I truly believe remembering things to be grateful for helps a lot

I’m grateful for another day of employment. I’m grateful for beautiful weather and a new Simon Van Booy novel, he puts together words in beautiful ways 🫶🏻🫂 ODAAT


I am grateful for my son, the roof over my head, the food in my belly, and a healthy mindset.
Also for the music that keeps my head out of unhealthy thoughts


I definitely had a good day. It started with pure positivity and ended the same way… I am grateful for…

  1. Attending my youngest son’s karate class. It’s the first time I’ve been. He was excited to have me there and it was cool for me to see how he learns.

  2. Hanging out with my oldest son. I was in bed resting, he brought his Guinness World Record book. He was giving me a ton of facts about the Atlantic Ocean. I love when he talks to me about things he’s interested in. Then he watched the first half of this game with me.

  3. A relaxing day. Besides my active morning, I sat around most of the day watching tv and doing lazy man exercises. I cooked spaghetti for the kids dinner (one of their favs). It was a nice reset my body and mind needed.

Enjoy the night everyone!


Good morning!!
Today marks 30 days! Tomorrow will be the longest that I have been sober since a few months after my youngest was born almost 6 years ago! I’m super grateful to have hit this milestone, but the real milestone is tomorrow! It’s crazy to think that it’s been 5 in a half years having been sober this long!
I think about all of the failed attempts at being sober before, making it usually as most as a week (sometimes 2) and thinking I have some type of control over it and I can factor in drinks at dinner only to lost control again! I’m grateful to have the mind frame of knowing I don’t have control and to not give in to those false thoughts that it will be better this time.
I’m grateful that even though I still have some anxiety and some social triggers, that I have reframed from giving in this far! I’m hopeful and excited to continue this journey! I don’t want to see how far I can make it (because that tells me that there might be an end to this journey) but to just power on one day at a time!
Have a great day everyone!