Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

:hugs: Thanks @JazzyS !! Appreciate your support, always


Thank you @Chiron Your post is pure gold :pray: Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6 - #232 by Chiron Having my head and heart clear on how and whom to help and when to refrain and step back is really important to me. Iā€™m grateful for my inner boundaries and work on this matter. Iā€™m grateful for your powerful share, a reminder for me to put work again in :pray:

Morning gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful for Missi purring on my hungry tummy. Iā€™m grateful when she leaves I make breakfast. Iā€™m grateful I start sunday in this lovely, peaceful way.

Iā€™m again grateful nightmares are not real. Still trying to shake it off as it felt reality real.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a rainy day, I hear the rain. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m still at my comfy townhouse and donā€™t have to bring logs in the rain to fire the furnace. Iā€™m grateful I ask myself why I feel so easily overwhelmed these days. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s sunday and I have time to do some writing. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m concerned because I notice avoiding things that are helpful, necessary and good for me. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m aware that I slipped into couching as avoiding mode and labeled it as resting. Noticing the pattern is awareness, choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth. Today I work on latter. Progress, not perfection.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s ok when I fall asleep again with purring Missi on me ā€¦


Grateful for such wise words at the right time @Chiron. It felt like I was reading about my mother there for a moment. I also learned that stepping into their mess and trying to help not only robs me of positive energy I have to restore from somewhere else, but also robs her of taking responsibility of her own actions. Essentially that meant I started to keep my distance. I got to hear a lot of hurtful stuff, once I disengaged. But knowing it is the right thing to do for me, makes up for it.
Grateful for well earned milestones @M-be-free49 @I.cant.We.can @maxwell.I love how numbers just keep adding up for all of us.
Grateful for my temporary furry house mate Lilith :smirk_cat: My cousin just dropped her off for the next few days.
Grateful for a day at the day spa coming up and taking care of my precious body and soul. Gonna bring a pile of books, just in case.
Greatful for you @HolySquid. Your avatar makes me laugh everytime I see it. Wobble on, everyone and make the best of today :orange_heart:


I am grateful my mood took a 180. Itā€™s weird how fast that can go. I read into PAWS and I donā€™t want to be too hard on myself, but I also donā€™t want to get stuck in inactivity.

I am grateful for the video I posted earlier about motivation and a tv show about the marines. They taught me roughly two things: no excuses and no overthinking. Just freaking do what is necessary. Itā€™s called a regiment for a reason.

I shy away from discomfort, make up excuses and give up when things get hard or when Iā€™m insecure, which ends up in anxiety and disappointment. I feel like a ostrich and Iā€™m sick of it. I really, deeply want to change my thought patterns and behaviour. Being sober is a good start, a necessity even, but not enough for a fulfilling life.
So, back to the gym, do the freaking paint work that Iā€™ve been postponing for two years and start trading again. Work on getting better, no excuses.
If those marines can dig through mud all day with only 2 hours of sleep, I sure can do a work-out for 1.5 hours.
I am grateful for this insight.

Second, I am grateful for my parents and being able to help them.
My mom has always been a paper hoarder. In the 25 years since I moved out she filled my old childhood bedroom with notes, letters and newspaper and magazine clippings. Itā€™s like an analogue Pinterest room. I was amazed she let me throw away about 90% of the stuff.
Next week Iā€™ll put in new flooring. One room at a time.
I am grateful my dad learned me basic repairs.
My dad bought me the sweetest fragrent roses ever. I am so grateful my relationship with my dad improved, heā€™s soften up over the years.


Good morning my sober family,

Im so very greatful for my sobriety, one day at a time
The AA meeting i found yesterday, i almost cried from joy and gratitude at a group of alcoholics being honest and real
Being immersed in nature for the last couple weeks
Mother nature and her strength and beauty
I speak a little spanish and understand more
My husband and his spanish abilities
Caught an awesome sunset at the beach last night
The lovely ticos y ticas we have met along our journey
Back to the cold usa tomorrow
Time to enjoy one last day in paradise
Pura vida


I havent been here in far too longā€¦ but today i am super grateful for the little things that remain consistant in my life like the cat and dog cuddles :heart: watching my Mom get sicker and weaker by the day has been brutal, but i am so grateful to have my sister and my dad through this. I am also extremely grateful to have a solid career and to work with some nice peeps. Thankful for this thread and for all of u :heart:


Congratulations on 40 days!!


Love the new look :eyes:
Grateful youā€™re here.
:sunflower: :elephant:


Good morning friends! Iā€™m grateful for all the rain weā€™ve been getting here in the desert. Iā€™m grateful it has felt like winter for the last couple days. Iā€™m grateful for the beautiful image sent from a friend, and that I changed my profile picture to it. Iā€™m grateful for the fun furniture makeover project Iā€™m working on with my sister. Iā€™m grateful to be able to do projects like this. Iā€™m grateful for the homethread and all the gratidudes and dudettes. Iā€™m grateful for my gratitude journal also, thereā€™s something special about writing my gratitude with a fancy pen, but itā€™s even better to share on here.:heart:


Morning :sunrise_over_mountains:

Hereā€™s how I honestly feel this morning.

Sucks that Iā€™ve had rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years and I donā€™t remember a day without pain.

Sucks that I turned 60 in October by myself, with no one to celebrate with. (I think thatā€™s the 1st time I admitted my age).

Sucks that Iā€™m always alone.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m alive, I must still have a purpose. :innocent:

Iā€™m grateful I paid off my home this year, my ex did everything to ruin me financially, but I came back stronger.

Iā€™m grateful I can adopt animals. It was something my vet said to me after I adopted Max (my 1st senior) that I continue to do this. (Sucks just as bad to lose them tho)

Iā€™m grateful for Buddy :dog2: Heā€™s 11 and healthy. He sleeps by my shoulders every night. He always moves over to make sure heā€™s touching me (usually with his butt)

Iā€™m grateful for Alex, my newest senior :cat2:Heā€™s fit right in to the family. And this morning he jumped on the couch by himself (maybe his diet is working)

Iā€™m grateful that I like to live alone.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you. I havenā€™t been perfect (not even close) but without this community, I wouldnā€™t have a current string of 41 Days

Love to all :hugs:


Pure gold! Thanks for this reminder.:pray:


I am grateful that I wonā€™t have a hangover tomorrow, the day after the Super Bowl used to be rough.

Iā€™m grateful for my Sunday online SMART meetings. I get anxiety for Monday starting the second that I wake up on Sunday, and the SMART meeting has really helped when my anxiety is begging for a drink.

Iā€™m grateful for the lovely food I will be preparing for my family to enjoy while they root for their team today, and the fact that we already went out and got all of the items needed so I donā€™t have to venture out today!

Happy Sunday my fellow grateful peeps :purple_heart::heart:


@naomi The 180 degree mood changes were new to me and took me by surprise. Grateful to be handling them sober and reading up on PAWS has helped understand them when they come about. Grateful that you are on the better side of t he mood swing. Just remember that during the blah moments that they do not last. Keep working on getting better but do remember to be gentle with yourself in the process. :people_hugging:
@peace Sorry to hear about your momā€™s declining health. Grateful that you and your family can be there for her and eachother. :heart: :hugs:
@sunflower1 Ooh I too love your new image! Furniture makeover ā€“ so fun! Hope you will share before and after pics. I love seeing such talent!
@maxwell UGH I am so sorry love for the RA you have been dealing with for so long. Grateful for your strength and perseverance. Grateful to have you here with us Maxine :people_hugging: Iā€™ve spent many birthdays alone and always try to make them as special as possible. Itā€™s a little late but Iā€™m sending you many happy belated 60th birthday wishes my friend. :birthday: :tada: Never too late to celebrate YOU!

Sunday gratefulness shared today with all you beautiful souls :heart: :hugs:
I am so grateful that i got some sound sleep last night. Grateful that i slept in this morning. Grateful that my sister took my mom out for coffee and a walk so it allowed me more time in bed. Grateful that i did get to spend time with my parents and sister.
I am so grateful that i did finally dye my hair green. Grateful that i have been able to clean most of the stained surfaces. Grateful that i did not ruin my sheets last night. I am so grateful for a tip to use rubbing alcohol to remove the stain on my skin.
I am so grateful that i will get to enjoy the Superbowl at my parents house with my dad. Grateful that i will take my knitting with me so that i will have a productive evening with my entertainment.
I am so grateful for a decent weather day. The temp is due to drop this week - grateful that snow is not in the forecast.
I am so grateful for feeling exhausted today. I was overwhelmed with emotions yesterday. Could not control my crying and gratefully allowed the tears to flow. Grateful that i am not feeling so fragile today. Grateful that i do not suppress emotions anymore even though sometimes they come at me from left field.
I am so grateful for coffee. Grateful that i just canā€™t seem to get enough of this comforting nectar today. :coffee:
I am so grateful humorous tv. Grateful for stand up comedy, Grateful for jokes and memes ā€“ laughter in any form i can get it ā€“ so very grateful for the healing powers of laughter.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful that they all know how deeply i love them and i am just as honored to feel the unconditional love they have for me.
I am so grateful for gratitudeā€™s - for this thread - for this site and all you wonderful folks :hugs:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I went out yesterday and spent some time with a group of casual acquaintances. There was food and some fun board games.


Thank you for saying so, @SassyRocks. I think that TS gives a unique opportunity to learn how to better understand others and our own limits in what we are able to do for others.
@TrustyBird Thatā€™s a good way to look at it for sure. You are spending time with a person. That person is you. You are visiting with a good friend :wink:
@maxwell Congrats on your 40 days! Also loves and pets for Alex. What a great name. Clearly you have good taste.
@erntedank I appreciate you saying so. I think you are in a powerful period of personal growth with all that is going on in your life right now. When itā€™s all over, youā€™re going to look back at how far youā€™ve come and think, ā€œWow, Iā€™m a rock star!ā€ :heart:

This is 100% true. Very wise. Good on you for creating a healthy distance. It is hard when you first step back because other people come to rely on you always being there to emotionally rescue them. It can definitely feel mean and harsh to such individuals, and I have sympathy for that; though not enough to not protect, respect, and care for myself.
@Naomi I have dealt with PAWS and it is not great, but time is your friend. Hang in there.


Iā€™m soooo grateful Iā€™ve had another 24hrs sober. Grateful my sonā€™s 16th celebrations with family went well grateful I kept my cool. Grateful for cheesecake :yum: grateful for another day. Grateful Archie coped well with a house full of people, this can sometimes trigger him with autism, though he was quiet Iā€™m grateful I could keep an eye on him. Grateful he ate some pizza, he super fussy with food. Grateful for the support Iā€™ve had getting through today. Grateful to pause and reflect and for not giving in. Grateful to here :rose::v:


Iā€™m grateful to God for guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. Iā€™m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful the cat is getting big and has agreed to start laying beside me instead of trying to be close to my face allllll the time. Iā€™m grateful for milestones, mine and others, ya yours :wink:. Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t need attention or approval all the time and instead I can appreciate recognition when or ifI get it. Iā€™m grateful for the twelve steps and traditions, my sponsor and sponsees who help me through them and to apply them. Iā€™m grateful to stop worrying about catching up and replying to posts and to start working on my gratitude for me, knowing it helps and that Iā€™ve been missing it. Iā€™m grateful my cold has gotten better and that I can return to work tomorrow after missing the last five days, three ofwhich I was scheduled to work.

May our higher powers grant us patience.

p.s. Youā€™re doing awesome. Ya you!!


Grateful to be going home tomorrow after a few days house sitting.
Grateful for a long (over 2 hrs) chat with my daughter overseas, so grateful she was able to chat about a couple of things that were on her mind. So happy to hear she is embracing all the opportunities that come her way. I just wish I could send her a decent amount of money so she doesnā€™t need to worry.
Iā€™ve got a busy week this week so I am very grateful to be going through it sober :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful for quit-lit.
I am grateful for audiobooks being included in my Spotify.
I am grateful to be sober today.
I am grateful for the hard days in recovery, as they are the reason and the reminder why I put in the daily work.

I am grateful for the growth through active recovery work


Itā€˜s been a long day and I want to close it with some gratitude.

I am grateful for the fun we had ice skating. Felt really wobbly at first and very tired at the end. But had a blast.
I am grateful for having had the time to do my weekly review, closing up last week and looking forward to the next one.
I am grateful for insights into my own behaviour and the choices I have and make.
I am grateful my partner opened up today about some emotionally difficult things.
I am grateful for bed time, and the hope of good sleep.

Good night everyone.


Grateful I get to spend the day with my eldest as shes home sick from school

Grateful for my own health

Grateful to be sober and hangover free