Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Signing out tonight to bed. Moments like this forever make me grateful for choosing sobriety each day.


Hi Jasmine, I appreciate you and your kind words to everyone. Such a small thing can make the world to someone thatā€™s struggling. :hugs: :heart:

Hope you had a beautiful evening to match your soul. :hugs:


Thank you! His full name is Alexander the Great, aka Alex.

Hmm, might your name also be Alex? :thinking:


Thank you! :heart: :hugs:


Alexander the Great is a great name. :green_heart:


Grateful for clean clothes. Grateful that God is keeping my mind, heart and spirit strong amongst chaosā€” I feel like I shouldā€™ve been lost my shit. Grateful for sobriety. Grateful for temporary shelter :heart: keep your fingers crossed I find something long term soon!


Love that you didnā€™t lose your shit. Self control :raised_hands::100:


Grateful as always, for another day. Grateful I know not to be complacent in my recovery journey. Grateful for the serenity prayer. Grateful I was able to get booked in for a new ink next week, super excited for this. Grateful for the amazing cheesecake we had yesterday. Grateful I was only able to have one slice :yum: grateful for life :rose::v:


Iā€™m grateful I obviously fell asleep yesterday before the evening gratitude I wanted to do. So here is late morning gratitude.

Iā€™m grateful I got up again yesterday after I couldnā€™t fall asleep for an hour. Iā€™m grateful I watched part of an idiotic film, not my humor and went back to sleep.
Iā€™m grateful nightmares are not real and I fell asleep again and slept in after the alarm woke me up from another brainfuck horrortrip. Iā€™m grateful I let it out at the FRO thread.
Iā€™m grateful I felt rested when I finally got up.

Iā€™m grateful chores go easy today! Iā€™m already done and managed to make the never used coffeemachine I brought from my mumā€™s cellar working finally. What an extra bonus on monday! Iā€™m grateful for youtube, my brain and a well equiped household. Sometimes I feel like a smartass again :pray: Iā€™m grateful I feel happy and proud of such little victories in daily life. Iā€™m grateful for my tenacity.

Iā€™m grateful the cats enjoy spring-ish weather and birdwatching.
Iā€™m grateful it feels like I will pack today to move back to the farm. I feel a special sort of energy and I will follow whereever it takes me. Iā€™m grateful I allow myself to FEEL when itā€™s time, not making plans and sticking to them. I cried a lot this morning, donā€™t know why, it somehow feels like letting go, but I donā€™t know what so I just take it as it comes and goes. I donā€™t have to know & understand everything. Iā€™m grateful I can just be :pray: ODAAT


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for

The trip of a lifetime
A calm mind today
Sunrise swim on a secluded beach
Time with hubby
Sobriety still in tact
All the kind people we have crossed paths with
Safe travels


Iā€™m grateful that the sun is shining on a beautiful day and waking up feeling wonderful.

Grateful for 38 sober mornings.


I am grateful my son is safely back home. He and his girlfriend will get an apartment in August for half a year in another country for her student exchange minor. I will miss him dearly but I am so happy he is building up his life and expands his horizon. I am grateful for his gf and their stable relationship, I love them both very much. I am grateful for her family, as they are a wonderful family and always welcome my son in their home with open arms. I am also grateful my son has a good relationship with her father.

I am grateful for the long chat yesterday with my son, but I didnā€™t sleep until 1am and was wide awake at 7, so Iā€™m feeling half dead atm. I really need to call it a day, even when Iā€™m having a good time. I always wake up early and I need my 8h of quality sleep.

I am grateful for a day off work and having nothing on my ā€˜really-need-to-do-todayā€™ list, but I am pushing myself to do some chores and go for a long walk this afternoon, no excuses. Taking small steps out of my comfort zone.

Iā€™m grateful for motivational videos and podcasts. I started to work on my procrastination and Iā€™m looking forward to going back to the gym. My son will help me with my workout schedule and I promised to stick to it.
I keep reminding myself that if the marines can workout all day after only 2h of sleep, I sure can do a 1.5h workout after a normal nightā€™s sleep. This really stroke a chord with me, no excuses and no overthinking. I know when I set my mind to it I can do it.

Most important is a regular sleeping schedule, as I want to wake up at 6 everyday. I am a morning person, in the evening I never do anything useful but scrolling on my phone. Iā€™ll quit the daily check-in at night, so I can put my phone away after diner. TS is important for my sobriety and although I love to read all the threads, I spend to much time here. Iā€™ll stick to the daily gratitude thread and limit my TS time to max 1h a day. I can always check in more often when I feel my sobriety needs it.

Everyday I am grateful to be sober. Even when Iā€™m tired or not feeling well, it is nothing in comparison to having a hangover!

I am incredibly grateful for my dog. He is with us almost four months and every week we bond more and more. He is funny, eager to train and the biggest cuddler. I am grateful for the previous owners as they did a great job raising a stable dog.
I was told at the K9 club he is probably a German pincher mix. I googled the breed and it described his temperent to a tee! Intelligent, protective, fierce, loving, stable, but also testing authority :sweat_smile:
Our first dog Lola is running the eternal fields and she will always and forever be our no. 1, but she was a handful and often drove me crazy! But I am so grateful we had her in our lives for almost 15 years. Even after all these years me and my son still miss her.

I am grateful for being more at ease. I always had a feeling of restlessness and unforfilment, but the last months I have more appriciation for what I have. And every challenge in life has a silver lining. My parents are ill, but our connection became stronger. My son is leaving home, but he is building up his life and relationship. A short night sucks, but builts character. Irritation with friends makes me evaluate my boundaries. Quiting alcohol makes me getting to know myself better and discovering a sober life. Yin Yang :yin_yang:


So much to be grateful for :heart:
But before I forget Iā€™m grateful for @Soberbilly and his generations of love that he gets to have and shows us how grateful for it he is. And a HUGE Happy Birthday to Momma Billy. 94 amazing years :heart:

Iā€™m grateful to be back home after a quick unexpected trip to Cali.
Grateful for Zillow.
Grateful for being able to make quick plans on the internet to be in Cali at a moments notice. Airline. Hotel. Car rental. And GPS to get me through Friday night LA traffic in the dark. Grateful I donā€™t drink! You ever look back and wonder how the FUCK did we do that while drinking? :scream: How fucking dangerous it was! How inconsiderate it was!
Grateful I loved the house and hood.
Grateful I made it home safe to watch the Super Bowl with wifey.
Grateful we made an offer on the house.
Grateful I can now let go of it.
Grateful I thought of all the stuff I didnā€™t like about it so if we donā€™t get it :thinking: It wasnā€™t meant to be. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be sad if we donā€™t get it. And thatā€™s ok. Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t be a crazy resentful bitch if we donā€™t get it.

Iā€™m grateful I knew my wife wanted to drink when I got home. Iā€™m grateful I just knew it. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s what alcoholics do :cry: Iā€™m grateful I stuck to my plans of cooking and watching the Super Bowl together in the evening. And grateful she got to have wine at lunch and a first half nap :sleeping: Well I wasnā€™t really grateful, but Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t try to stop her or control her :joy: Like I could :joy:

What I am grateful for is I worked the steps in real time. Consciously step by step for the first time!
Iā€™m grateful I knew I was powerless over her drinking.
Iā€™m grateful I know there is a power greater than me that I can turn it over to.
Iā€™m grateful I did let my hp or god go first or talk to him for help and try my dangdest to hand it over.
Iā€™m grateful I took an inventory and realized I was taking it personally again. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not personal itā€™s what alcoholics do!
Iā€™m grateful I continue to ask god to let me feel my hurt feelings and take them away in time.
And then Iā€™m grateful I just kept faking it til I made it. Iā€™m grateful I only said one slightly snarky comment much later on in the day.
I didnā€™t think to make amends for it but caught myself and just gave myself a pass on a job otherwise well done.
Iā€™m grateful I continued to take and inventory on my feelings throughout the evening.

Iā€™m grateful if we get this house Benson is going to have grass again :blush:
Iā€™m grateful we wonā€™t have to pick up poop in pine needles or gravel. Iā€™m grateful The Ol Burner and I can have a new place to walk and explore and go on hiking trails that are in the new hood, god willing.

Iā€™m cautiously optimistic and scared shit of the huge life changes a head for me with this final move. Well until the kids stick me in memory care. Hopefully not too soon. Grateful I will be doing it sober and I got tools and a calm attitude and when the going gets tough. Iā€™m grateful I can always go back to step 1. I am powerless over people places and things. So fucking powerless. Iā€™m grateful I canā€™t make anyone do anything. Itā€™s exhausting trying to. Let that shit Gooooooo! Iā€™m grateful everyone is doing the best they can. I grateful I know I am.

Grateful to be back. Iā€™m grateful for yā€™all. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve had all 4 cats this morning for biscuits and The Burner :heart_eyes_cat:

Healing my pain couldnā€™t come from healing my sonā€™s alcoholism
Al-Anon org


Grateful I am half way through a family vacation vacation SOBER, and Iā€™ve not felt like I am missing out at all!
Grateful to not have to go to work today.
Grateful to spend time with my son.
Grateful for the good sleeps the last few days.
Grateful for this quiet moment of peace with a coffee in bed before the day begins.


@megan3 OMG that is a beautiful sight and I am grateful to feel like I am actually there when I look at the picture. :hugs:
@maxwell Oh thank you dear friend. You are so sweet to say so. Grateful to be here with you and have you here with me on my journey :people_hugging:
@tn2ky So grateful that you are safe and have found some temporary shelter. Fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers: :heart:
@Soberbilly So lovely to see you and your family get together to celebrate your Mom. :heart: Grateful that she had such a lovely birthday celebration!
@cocojanie13 that cheesecake looks soooo good! Hope you all enjoyed the celebration :partying_face:

I had a similar experience a few days ago and although I am not crying now I still hav ethe heavy sensation behind my eyes. I too donā€™t know where it is coming from exactly (wonder if something in the universe) and honestly am just going with the flow. Lets breathe and cry through this together and hopefully come out feeling free and cleansed :people_hugging:
@Dazercat Grateful that Dazer got to go and see this house in Cali with a moments noticeā€¦ so grateful that sobriety allows us to be so spontaneous. Grateful that he fell in love with the house and the hood. Fingers crossed that it all works out the way it is meant to :hugs: :crossed_fingers:

Happy Monday to all you beautiful souls!
I am so very grateful to be starting the day off with breath in my lungs and energy in my bones.
I am so very grateful for my piping hot cup of coffee to warm my insides on this beautiful morning.
I am so very grateful that i know i have a easy going day so i will be able to rest and work off this exhaustion.
I am so very grateful that i got to enjoy the Superbowl game with my dad last night. We had a good time together. Grateful for the lovely snacks my mom made (i havenā€™t had fried food in over 1.5 years so my stomach is not so happy today) Was still a very happy experience. It was a good game at the end. I did thoroughly enjoy the half time show and enjoyed all the surprise guests.
I am so very grateful for getting in a walk with my mom before the game. It was a short 20 min walk as the weather was changing and we were not dressed for the chill in the air.
I am so very grateful for the warm and cozy home we were able to come back to.
I am so very grateful that i did shower and use the anti dandruff shampoo today. My hair is still bleeding green and messing up my hands but i can tell that it is less of a mess - thank you Claudia for this recommendation @SoberWalker. Grateful for the rubbing alcohol to help clean off my hands.
I am so very grateful that my siblings brought back some Thai food for me the other night from my favorite spot - Looking forward to a yummy lunch! :yum:
I am so very grateful for my HP, grateful for my meditation / prayer practices, grateful for my Sangat.
I am so very grateful for my family. Grateful for my mom :heart: Grateful that i havenā€™t had the energy to be around friends or socialize but i donā€™t feel like iā€™m missing out as i have my mom to chat with.
I am so very grateful for my morning gratitudeā€™s - grateful that i start the day this way even when i donā€™t get it down in writing. This practice has really opened up my heart to a different way of feeling and living. Even when i am down it really helps keep me from sliding further into the abyss.
I am so very grateful for TS and how much i get from just being around all of you! So very grateful to have found this place and befriended all of you :people_hugging:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Afternoon everyone :heart:

Iā€™m grateful I took a personal day today just to do errands.

Iā€™ve been annoyed at a back handed compliment (or grateful ness) that someone felt they needed to write a few days ago. Maybe Iā€™m misinterpreting their meaning, but I donā€™t think so. :thinking:

Any who, old me would have definitely called them out, probably started a fight and I may have left again for awhile.
New me, accept it for what it was, it doesnā€™t hurt me, so I can let it go (yea, I get it, I still called it out, lol). Iā€™m a work in progress :construction:

Iā€™m having a good day, and I hope everyone else is as well. Iā€™m grateful for you and this community :hugs: :purple_heart:


Hi Bill,
This post gave me chills and touched my heart In a good way. Iā€™m so happy for you and your family to share this wonderful birthday :birthday:.


Iā€™m grateful I have carpet so that when I feel the need to spontaneously flop down on the floor for a nap like an over-dramatic two-year-old, that I at least have the veneer of padding. :laughing:


@maxwell Good for you in making progress! Communication is such a hard thing, especially in only text. We might all speak the same language, but we all have a different dialect of ā€œhumanā€. I can greatly sympathize as learning to properly communicate and understand what other people are trying to communicate has been one of the greatest ongoing challenges of my life. I love reading that youā€™re walking a new path on this one. It can make such a difference to realize that often people donā€™t actually mean what we think they do; and even if they do, we donā€™t have to let it affect us. Iā€™m glad youā€™re here and youā€™re not walking away. :green_heart:


I am grateful, even on my grumpiest days, the one thing that never changes is that my husband brings me down coffee every morning while I get ready for work. Weā€™ve been together 15 years and heā€™s only started doing it the last few months out of nowhereā€¦ but it means everything to me.


Today I am so grateful to be clear headed, and feeling great! I love getting tired watching tv on the couch, then crawling into bed! Such a wonderful feeling for me!
Compared to when I was drinking wine, I would wake up, with my heart racing a million miles an hour, and I would literally be out of breath. That was quite scary.
I hope everyone has had great day!:star2::star2::star2::star2: