Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Grateful for:

  • Day 45 and currently very few times of craving.

  • SoberTime saying, “The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too late to become what you might have been.”

  • To know that the thought of gratitude is necessary in a good life. Avoiding it causes more hectic.

  • My landlords. I love them.


long day.3525823


That is literally what I do! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have made more than one post from the floor.


I am grateful for another day sober. I am grateful I feel so tired now, I did a long walk today and a spin class. I feel exhausted in a healthy way. I am grateful that I feel the difference in my body between exhaustion from physical exercise and exhaustion from poisoning my body with alcohol every day. I am grateful I can go to bed early and do so with a healthy bedtime routine. I am grateful this thread is part of this routine already, even though I’ve not been here for very long.

I am grateful you all made me feel so welcome and continue to do so everyday


Gratitude halfway through the day

Grateful for days with my partner when the kids are at school.
Grateful to be healthy enough to try new activities.
Grateful to find new activities that im no good at that will give me a chance to improve
Grateful for sunny days.
Grateful to be sober and hangover free for another day


I’m grateful for the sun outside and having a whole day in front of me to fill in. It’s 9:30 in the morning here.

Grateful for rediscovered reading again. I always was a big bookworm :worm: and could easily read a book in one day if I had the time for it. Last 10 years I lost the ability to focus. I read a page and then saw something I wanna Google to know more about :hugs: And before I realize it I was on my phone for one hour instead of reading.
So I trained myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Shut down my phone and then start reading for a agreed time like one hour.
Grateful for having a library near by so I can all the books I need.


I’m grateful for 72 hangover free mornings.
Grateful for getting up early despite only a few hours of sleep again.
I’m white knuckling not to fall asleep during the day, so I can get into a normal circadian rhythm. These short night’s are killing me though.
Crazy how I’m able to fall asleep during the day, but at night my body and mind are racing as if Armageddon is coming. I’m grateful I resisted the urge to take a sleeping pill last night.

Grateful for heated blankets, morning coffee and gratitude in bed. Doggo who joins me is the cherry on the cake.
Grateful for doing things long enough they become habits, like keeping my kitchen clean and skin and teeth care.
Grateful winter is almost over, can’t wait for spring and summer :blossom:


I didn’t get to practicing my gratitude yesterday.

But today: I am grateful for this day.


I am grateful for my niece and her almost 4 month old baby. I lived with my niece and my sister when my niece was a baby, up to when she was 4 or 5 and we grew an exceptional bond. She has seen me go through my struggles with alcohol and has supported me the whole time. Unlike the rest of my family, she didn’t want to sweep it under the rug and pretend that everthing was OK. She asked real questions. And she has been the most supportive on this road to being AF. A year ago it probably wouldn’t have happened, but tonight I get to babysit her precious daughter while my niece and her husband go to dinner for Valentine’s. A year ago this wouldn’t have been possible because of my drinking. I am so grateful for my niece and great niece both, and the grace that has been extended to me. As always, grateful for you all here, sharing your lives with us. ODAAT :purple_heart:


Reading has been such a life saver for me!! :heart::books:


Good afternoon you amazing people! :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful for my morning walk with Rocky, was so nice bumping into a fellow dog walker, grateful for our lovely chat. Grateful it didn’t rain until we got home. Grateful for suki, even though she’s still waking me at night, she’s more settled now her meds have been increased. Grateful for the vets. Grateful she’s eating more. Super grateful my boys have done well with their school work today, 1 home schooling the other study day. Grateful my sis in law could speak to me about her worries at the moment. Grateful that I know when to listen and appreciate this so much. Grateful for all of you and for being here :rose::v:


I want a heated blanket so I can be grateful for that tooooooo lol …. I’ve never gotten one bc I have an irrational fear of catching on fire, but let me add it to my Amazon cart anyway :woman_shrugging:t2:


I have that same fear! So instead I put tons of blankets on my bed!!:grin:
I am grateful for my nights rest last night, the opportunity to wake up this morning, to get the laundry done, and make supper tonight! Plus I get to go to a meeting today! I always feel like I get thrown a life preserver, after the meeting. Makes the rest of the day go pretty darn well!


Today I’m grateful I finished the finances for my lawyer. geez the ex owes me lotsa money! hopefully my lawyer makes the claim work.

I’m grateful for therapy. I’m grateful I painted my nails. I’m grateful I don’t feel too exhausted.
I’m grateful an aquaitance and I made a call today, we’ve been trying to catch each other for weeks. I’m now waiting at her house for her, kind of weird, we said I come over and she’s away. If she doesn’t show up in 10 minutes I go home again, it’s chill outside. I called her and she seems to be confused. Never mind, I tried my best to meet.

I’m grateful for leftovers, had plenty to eat left for today.
I’m grateful for fresh linen, the cats love it too.
I’m grateful for this waiting time so I can write my gratitude and read around a bit.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Back home safely
Left some chicken and veggies in the fridge for way too long, while we were away, but its not a big problem
Safely got home at 1am
Folks picked us up with Boscoe
Boscoe my fuzzy overlord
I get to go grocery shopping
Past me planned a 50min treadmill workout…yay me lol
I get to make my favorite lunch
The weathers not too cold for the midwest
Fresh, cold water
Time to get my bearings


I’m grateful for coffee and Advil kicking butt on my 1am headache :face_with_head_bandage: that I woke up with. I’m grateful I was able to get back to some sleep in and out. I’m grateful that headache wasn’t from drinking. I’m grateful I was so tired last night I went to bed early thinking I’d get a great nights sleep. I’m grateful maybe this whole unexpected trip to my possible future Cali house and back and putting in an offer etc… etc…. Just possibly could have caught up with me.

I’m grateful for the steps. I’m grateful I’m learning and using the steps on the daily. I still don’t know what every step is but I’m doing Baby! I’m doing it!

I’m grateful I have no power over the owners decision to accept our offer. I’m grateful we did our best and made a great offer.
I’m grateful I have a creator I can turn to.
I’m grateful even though the sellers aren’t going to review offers until Thursday now :grimacing: fuckers! I’m grateful I can let god have it and stick to the facts.
I’m grateful I can take inventory on my feelings and I’m feeling confused and drawn into the drama my circle is creating that the sellers are dicking with us. I’m grateful I’m a double winner in recovery and I am going to stick to the facts. The sellers had to go out of town unexpectedly and they were going to review offers Wednesday and now it’s Thursday. Those are the only facts we have! I’m grateful we can add an addendum to our offer as it would have expired in 3 days. Fuckers :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful when I do business I feel like I’m doing my best to be ethical, it means a lot to me.

I’m grateful I’m not planning on moving or closing on a house today and I can sit in my chair with its gorgeous view, fireplace, cats and dog. Hot tea. Almost 50 degrees and I can walk my dog. Grateful for my wife. I’m grateful she’s still my great daily reminder that sober life is good.

I’m grateful for the saguaros :cactus: I can see out my window.
I’m grateful for my Mountain View.
I’m grateful I get to cook dinner at home tonight.
I’m grateful for this thread and that I don’t have to start a new gratitude thread every fourth day.

“I’ve found in my life that the easiest way to increase my joy is to religiously practice gratitude until I’m a gratitude machine!”
Rhonda Byrne


Today, specifically, I am grateful for the sunshine… I think it really impacts my mental state.

I am grateful my son asked me to watch a movie with him last night (his girlfriend had tryouts so he was bored but I’ll take it)

I am grateful for feeling so hydrated (I notice such a difference lately)

I am grateful to fall asleep listening to thunder and rain sounds in my AirPods without keeping my husband awake (he likes quiet)

I’m so grateful for every one of you here and reading your gratitude threads, to remind me of everything else there is to be grateful for :black_heart:




I’m grateful for this thread… I have gone a long time without keeping live in perspective with my gratitude!

I’m grateful for a warm sunny morning.

I’m grateful for a job that pays the bills and provides me ability to do what I want to do.

I’m grateful for a group of people from all walks of life all over the world who are sharing this path with me.

I’m grateful for the love of friends.

I could go on and on… this simple exercise really sets my head in a good place to keep moving forward with my head up…


I’m grateful for my bed. It is so much more comfortable than the floor. :laughing: