Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Quick gratitude check in: I’m grateful for a good meeting with my counsellor. I’m grateful for food delivery. I’m grateful I rest and nap. I need it. I’m grateful that I will have coffee in a few minutes. Today I christen the coffee maker. I’m still proud I made it work!


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety today
Boscoe cuddles
A day of naps yesterday
Gave myself grace and skipped my morning workout
A bit scared to open my work email but i can handle whatever is awaiting me
Costa rican coffee
Fresh water
Sweatshirts and pajama pants
Hubby survived his double shift yesterday and made good money
My folks
My family


:love_letter: ,:rose: Happy Valentine’s Day! :rose: :love_letter:

Is this an American faux holiday or do other countries celebrate it? :thinking:

I’m grateful for all of you! :pray::heartbeat:

Enjoy your sober day/evening :sparkles:

Cat Cute GIF16307255


Grateful to wake up fresh and rested.
Grateful for my dog who accompanied me on my run this morning.
Grateful to be able to run
Grateful for days off work and some time to myself.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Today felt eventful and it‘s time for some evening gratitude.

I used to have trouble finding the energy in the morning to get up. I‘m not the kind of person who wakes up and is alert. I need my time to get back to reality after the depths of the night. Now the first thing I do after waking up is checking in here on the forum, reading and sometimes replying. I remember someone writing how they start their day with coffee and a check-in here. I am grateful for this place, for the person sharing their habit, and me picking it up. Now posting every morning here brings my wheels into motion and then I can go on from there. It‘s the perfect way to gather momentum. I am very grateful for this new habit.

I was not sure how to proceed with my emotional turmoil. I pulled a tarot card and the answer came immediately to me: I am carrying to much. I am overburdened. I need to redistribute some of the weight onto other‘s shoulders, so that they might take up their responsibility in this mess. I am very grateful my subconscious mind made this connection with the symbolism of the card.

I contacted the person involved and set up a meeting for the afternoon. We met and I unburdened myself from all the anger and hurt and disappointment caused by their actions. I listened to their side of the story too. Now I feel free. Free of this weight in my heart and in my mind. Free to move on. I am very grateful for this freedom. Previously I would have kept all of this to myself, tried to hide my feelings, and avoided that person. It would have poisoned my heart day by day. I am so grateful I have changed.

I had a very relaxing yoga session, good time with my family, and now I am about to get to bed. Sleep tight my sober friends.


Good evening everyone. A little later then usual doing my gratitude today but better late then never.
Grateful my son had a lovely 16th birthday today. Grateful to see his face smiling so much when he opened his gifts. Very grateful he liked them. Grateful for Papa Johns takeaway tonight and the 2nd birthday cake that I picked up yesterday for him. Grateful for the cake lady, it looks insane. Grateful to you guys for reading my gratitude and sharing yours also. So grateful for being here, being present and being in recovery. ODAAT :rose::v:

Birthday cake no 2 :ok_hand::drooling_face:


Hello everyone.
What am I grateful for today, let’s see
Being sober another day.
My friend that let me stay at his place for a few days when I needed to get away from all of the memories.
Books to keep my mind busy today because I had huge plans for someone but that all went to shit.
My goddaughter for being the awesome young woman she is, I love her so much.
The music of Heilung. Their music touches my soul.
Ketchup potato chips. I shouldn’t eat as many as I do but they’re just too good.
My older brother for making me belly laugh when he knows I’m struggling.
@HolySquid for checking in on me, I appreciate you.
And everyone that reads this, thank you all for making me feel so welcome.
Even though it doesn’t seem it like everyday, I’m a lucky guy with a lot to be grateful for. Sometimes it’s hard to see that but I’m grateful for this thread so I can remember that.


I am grateful this thread is such a powerful tool in the healing of so many people.
I am grateful for all your gratitude shares.
I am grateful my other half will be coming home from his business trip tomorrow.
I am grateful for fluffy blankets and a purring cat.
I am grateful for leftovers.
I am grateful for kombucha.


Today I am thankful for:

IcyHot patches after sleeping like an acrobat

I am thankful for caffeine.

I am thankful for keeping my attitude in check, like the professional that I am lol

I am thankful for Snickers bars… even though it takes up most of my daily calorie count (“mostly” being a tad dramatic but that’s where I am at)

I’m thankful for group family texts, so when I tell the kids to do their chores, their dad can come in clutch as back up to make sure they are done before I get home.

I’m thankful for the most comfortable bed in the whole wide world waiting for me when I get home.

Thankful always for all of you :black_heart:


I’m grateful that “Half-Price Chocolate Day” is tomorrow. We are truly on the eve of the best holiday in February. Much love to you all and may your days be sweet.


I’m grateful I got to drive into Phoenix for a Al-Anon speaker meeting.
I don’t usually got to this meeting and I’m grateful I get to feel like I fit right in. Or not worry about fitting in.
Oh that reminds me. Last week I learned a new acronym I forgot to share. This lady’s husband is in the CIA

I’m grateful that the speaker this week wasn’t quite as eloquent but I saw her up there nervously knocking it out of the park. And I’m grateful I got something from her story. I’m grateful I almost always get a pearl or a nugget from my speaker meetings.

I’m grateful wifey went to the doctor on short notice today. Her knee is jacked up. I’m grateful she said since you’re not home and going to Al-Anon I got nothing else to do so she made an appointment to get her knee checked out. :thinking: Changed Behavior = Changed Attitudes :thinking: I’m grateful they had an opening. I’m not all that grateful they think it’s arthritis but there will be more tests and grateful I seriously do think she would not have gone if I was around. Grateful for Al-Anon.

I’m grateful I now go to Al-Anon because I enjoy it. And I’m grateful I get to share my story. I’m grateful I don’t cry as much anymore during my share. I’m grateful I do tear up like last night at others shares because like……Fuckaddiction!! Fuck this family disease!!

I’m grateful wifey made a dinner reservation for tonight. I’m grateful I offered to cook at home but if she wants to go out she can make a reservation. I’m grateful for step 1 because I know I cannot control whether she drinks or not tonight. She will. I’m grateful I can control the fact I won’t drink and grateful I have no desire or thoughts about drinking.

I’m grateful I get to go to 2 meetings tomorrow. My fave huge Al-Anon meeting in the morning. And my new AA meeting at night. I’m grateful I don’t feel like I fit in at the AA meeting. But like I told this lady at Al-Anon Monday when she didn’t feel like she fit in. Keep coming back until you feel like you fit in. I’m grateful she has. I’m grateful I will.

I’m grateful I get to do late afternoon gratitude. Unfortunately I’m grateful to be doing this and stalling around on my step 4 work. Maybe I should remove that defect of character for a while now and do some step work.

Grateful for y’all.

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.”
Ralph H. Blum


I am grateful to be sober and to have gotten a work out in before my overnight shift.

I am grateful my cat :cat: Will seems to be losing weight on his new diet. He isnt pleased but it will help his arthritis more than anything else since he is a big boy.

I am grateful for the natural endorphins that come from exercise.

I am extremely grateful for my family and for our tight bond.

Grateful to be here with all of you tonight :heart:


This is a powerful move and I am so very impressed that you were able to have this conversation and unburden your heart. Oh how freeing indeed my friend. – sending you loads of love and hugs :hugs: :heart:
@cocojanie13 Another masterpiece Janie – I am drooling yet again LOL. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating his birthday.
@j.thomson My goodness – ketchup potato chips :yum: Haven’t had those in forever. I actually forgot that they existed. May need to make a trip to Canada and stock up :laughing: oh- or possibly Amazon can help :wink:

I do love the way you think!!! Eve of the best holiday in Feb – now I’m excited too LOL :heart:
@dazercat Grateful that Kelly got her knee checked out today. Hoping that it is nothing serious and that she is not in any discomfort. “Changed behavior = Changed Attitudes” I love this!

Happy Valentines day you beautiful souls – :rose: :heart:
Here to share some late Wednesday gratitude’s with you all …
I am so grateful that i got to let my body sleep some more today as i do not have the energy to get moving yet.
I am so grateful that my nurse called this morning and went over what i need to do for surgery prep. It is next week but i have to stop taking all vitamins now. grateful that i do not take any meds that i will need to stop. I am a bit nervous of not getting my D, B and Melatonin. Luckily it won’t be forever - just for 1 week.
I am so grateful that i will be able to drink my black coffee morning of my surgery!!! Yippee - so thankful for that.
I am so grateful for dear friend who is looking out for me and offering such lovely support. Grateful that i know i can contact him when i need support and a shoulder to cry on. Grateful that he was understanding that i am unable to hold phone conversations right now.
I am so grateful for nerves. Grateful that i am not getting all twisted in having to follow up relentlessly with people to get their jobs done before deadlines. I am anxious but not as insane as i used to be.
I am so grateful that i checked the sites last night on a whim and realized my home was not listed anywhere. Grateful that i texted my realtor and seems a glitch in the system. She tells me its only one day that it was off - no way for me to know for sure. Grateful that it is fixed now and the house is back on the rental market and i am super pissed about the ordeal
I am so grateful that i got to see my mom for lunch today. Grateful that i was able to come back home and crawl back into bed. Grateful that she understood me not having the energy to walk.
I am so grateful for another gorgeous day. Grateful that it was a lovely sunny day and even with the temps dropping the weather feels amazing. I do love the longer days too
I am so very grateful for another day to be alive and living addiction free! Grateful that i know my addictions offer no relief!
SO much gratefulness for my family, my friends, for the support in my life, for my HP, for meditation and prayer for this wonderful community!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning fellow grateful, sober, beautiful people of the internet. It’s dark outside and I’m in bed with my coffee, dog and phone. The best place to be at this early time of day if you ask me.
@acromouse I used to pick up my phone first thing in the morning for the news, SM, mail etc. Now I don’t even think about checking that, I go straight to TS. I look forward to write here early mornings, I would in my drinking days never in a million years think I would and could be this person :pray:

I am grateful for my job. Although I could make more money elsewhere, I have a lot of freedom here. I can travel, I have supporting colleagues and I’m responsible for my own little department. There’s still this voice in my head that wants me to move on, but I feel now is not the time and that’s okay.

I have to go to a work meeting, but might be back for some more writing and reading here in the afternoon. Have a good day :v:


I’m grateful to have supportive people around me!
My sister, my boyfriend, and a close friend. They listen and provide helpful advice.


I’m grateful to got my hair out of the zipper it was stuck in :hugs:
Grateful to be present for my daughter during and after her surgery appointment.
Also grateful my hubby brought me to the train this morning so I did not have to bike trough the rain. Grateful to found a seat in the train :pray:
Simple things, but they made today start good!

Amsterdam here I come! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::confetti_ball:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Wide streets and street lights
A job to come back to
Fresh water and food
Showers whenever i want
Feels like early spring
Hubbys going to do the laundry
Boscoe cuddles
Went straight back to working out after vacation
Soon a trip to texas for the total solar eclipse apr 8th
Peace in my soul
My favorite ladies aa meeting tonight
Moments of serenity



I am going home today
I will get my 30 day chip tomorrow at my home group meeting
That I didn’t have a great sleep but still feel better than after any sleep when I had been drinking
That I have one day back at work tomorrow then it’s a long weekend
For this moment of peace with a coffee before the day begins.


I am grateful for pre fixe menus. I am an adventurous eater, but they force me to try things even I wouldn’t otherwise have tried. And I found more wonderful foods to enjoy at our dinner last night. It came with a bottle of champagne though, and I’m grateful that my huband said “We don’t drink, please don’t bring it out” because I really would have had a hard time doing that on my own.

I’m grateful for a break in the rain

Im grateful for this community



Gotta climb out of my donut hole and try this practice again.

I’m grateful for two inches of snow this morning. Makes the whole landscape look so beautiful.
I’m grateful it won’t stop me from going to a dulcimer jam session this morning, I gave her brand new strings and everything!
I’m grateful my dulcimer, piano, and ukuleles have always been there for me to explore. I’ve got the music in me, always have always will. Grateful for this gift that my mom gave me.
I’m grateful for a warm bed and cozy fires in the woodstove .
I’m grateful for my friends, IRL and TS. So grateful for everyone here.