Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Good morning everyone! Today I am grateful for 143 days af. For the opportunity to go to a meeting today with my sponsor. For my nights rest, and for today. I am just grateful for everything I have the opportunity to do!I hope you all have a great day!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I would love to hear you play! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Today I am grateful that I do live in a country where access to healthcare is relatively easy. I am grateful I got to speak to a doctor within 24 hours of my symptoms flaring up. I am grateful the pharmacy is really close by and I was able to walk there myself. I am grateful prescription charges on the NHS are reasonably low. I am grateful I could start my course of medication pretty much immediately after talking to the doctor. I am grateful it’s not gotten any worse and I will be okay over the weekend with medication.

I am grateful I could stay in bed most of the day and conserve my energy. I am grateful for the meal that’s planned tonight with my fellow volunteers. I am grateful that I am still well enough to attend. I am grateful that it will be just a social meal and not booze oriented. Some people might have a drink with their meal, and that’s fine. Grateful that we are finally getting this get-together, as we had new volunteers joining throughout the last couple of months, but I was unable to attend most of the sessions. I am grateful I will get a chance to meet some of those people tonight, after all I will be working with them.

I am grateful for coffee&walnut cake


so grateful to see you back with us on the gratitude thread Patty! Gratitude will help you out of that donut hole my friend. :people_hugging: Love this “I’ve got the music in me” – play it loud :wink:


Grateful that you were able to see a doctor so quickly and get the meds needed in time to start the healing process. Grateful that it is not getting any worse.

Wishing you a relaxed weekend and a quick recovery :pray: :hugs:


Glad you managed to get the meds you needed hun. The NHS and GPs are pretty good most of the time. Hopefully once the meds kick in you’ll be heading back to normal. Enjoy your evening :v:


I’m grateful that I could look after Archie today, he’s suffering with his CFS. Grateful for my car, don’t know where I’d be without it. Grateful I got Archie’s meds yesterday. Grateful he’s had a chilled day. Grateful for a nice day today weather wise, apparently that’s meant to change next week :snowflake: :snowman: grateful as always for coffee and my new water bottle, it’s one of those big ones that holds the daily amount of water you should intake, grateful for bladder control :joy: grateful for another day sober :rose::v:


Grateful for:

My landlord looking for rental support through the community due to my accident and current unemployment.

My kiddo is not a football fan and didn’t participate in an area in KC. I did get a letter from his school with their willingness to support students.

My mother wasn’t sick. I thought she was but caught her on the phone.

My daughter is safe and I cannot make the demands my other parent set has made. This is an area where gratitude is a decision, despite my 1st thoughts.

I am alive, despite numerous things, these are the 1st time I’ve dealt with them. I will.


Today I’m grateful for a good day. I’m grateful for enough sleep with bearable nightmares. I’m grateful office work for the week is done and bills are paid. I’m grateful I packed my stuff into the car and brought it to the farm. I’m grateful for spring. The first bushes are already blooming. I’m grateful for nice neighbours. I’m grateful I heated the house. I’m grateful I took a car full of cardboard boxes to the recycling center on my way back. I’m grateful for light & late lunch. I’m grateful I fell asleep with the old boy on me so the cats will move tomorrow. I’m too dizzy & tired to even think about catching them.
I’m gratefulI go to bed early, it was an intense day. I’m grateful I stick to my boundaries. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself. ODAAT


What a funny way of putting it, lol :rofl::rofl:


Most of the day is done and it‘s time for my daily gratitude.

It was a slow day, with slow work and I am very grateful for today’s peace and quiet.

I went into the city to pick up some clothes for my kid and meds from the pharmacy. It was a good walk, sunshine. I saw some geese flying by. I am grateful for all of it.

I did a good, energising yoga practice in the afternoon. I am very grateful I have time for this kind of practice, that my body is up to it, and how it always leaves me centred and grounded.

I caught myself stress eating in the evening in midst of an intense argument. I am grateful I realised it on time, and put the food I was mindlessly shovelling away. Don‘t eat and argue.

My partner and I are still both hurting. But we are talking and sharing our pain. I am grateful for that.

I am grateful I know this will pass. I am grateful I have all kinds of support systems to give me strength. I am grateful this here is part of it.

Sleep tight my friends :sleeping:


Every once in a while (like every few months), I would notice a gas smell in my upstairs hall. I thought maybe it was my cat’s litter box (she had kidney issues), and since the smell would be gone by the next day, it never concerned me too much; however, several days ago the smell popped up and since my cat is no longer a factor, I decided there must be a leak somewhere.

Today I can say that it has been found and taken care of. I’m grateful it was a very small issue (which I figured it would have to be since it was so intermittent and the smell was not overwhelming. I’m also grateful that there were no major problems that arose from the leak.

I’m also grateful that we met up with some friends last night and that I went out for food with everyone instead of going home–which I’d considered doing.

@Hopeful32 congrats on your 30 days!
@HolySquid I’m glad you were able to get such fast and concise medical care! I hope you begin to feel better soon!


Today I am grateful for dry shampoo, ponytails, leggings and sweaters.

I am grateful for a slower work day.

I’m grateful for my best friend to vent to and laugh with.

I am grateful that my kids asked for sloppy joes for dinner bc it only takes a few minutes to make.

I’m grateful that I can open my windows when I get home bc it’s a beautiful day.

I’m grateful to find reasons to be grateful even when I’m in an ungrateful blah mood.

Love to all :black_heart:


so very grateful that you found it and were able to fix it. Gas leaks always freak me out.

PS- hope you got your chocolate fix today :wink: :chocolate_bar: :heart:


Sadly no time to make it to the store today to take advantage of the sales, but luckily I have some chocolate at home so I was able to properly celebrate this illustrious holiday. :wink:


That’s a bummer… glad you have a stash to celebrate…I’ll toast a chocolate with ya :blush:


I’d like to add that I’m grateful for good friends who make me laugh. I tell my friend about the gas leak, and her first response is, “So you’ve been huffing gas for the last couple years? All is explained”. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Very grateful to be back, humbled, ashamed of my ego, blessed for a community like this. Grateful for my family, my job, and that my health can and will recover. ODAAT


I’m grateful I’m not my neighbor who left his lift gate open on his Mercedes SUV overnight and the inside of the car was covered in frost. (Not sure if it involved alcohol)

I’m grateful tomorrow is Friday and payday. :moneybag:
I’m grateful I have hope. :pray:
I’m grateful for Buddy :dog2: and Alex :cat2:
I’m grateful I have enough.

I’m grateful for 45 Days sober. :partying_face:
Enjoy a safe & sober weekend. :hugs: :purple_heart:


Late night gratitudes .

Donut hole explanation for @soberwalker… some old saying, “look at the donut, and not the hole”…something my husband has often said when I’m being negative, kind of funny expression.
@jazzy , thanks for the uplift and @Doreen1 , you too!
I’m grateful my first dulcimer session went well today. We plan to meet weekly. My new partner plays melody on her dulcimer and I play chords so we fit well together. I’m so glad it went well and I have a new musical door open.:notes::notes:
I’m grateful for an afternoon visit with an older friend and her husband. They are suffering the loss of his sister and it was good to spend some time with them.

I’m so grateful for TS and all of the love and support that shines here every single day. :heart::heart::heart: