Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

45 days is awesome! Keep rocking it!!:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy:


Ahaaa! Thank you! Never heard of it!
A bit like the glass halffull ore half empty, we use that saying here in the Netherlands.


I am grateful for waking up at 7 without an alarm. I get sleepier at night, it seems my circadian rhythm :drum: is getting back to default mode. I am so grateful for AF nights and HO free mornings!

I am grateful I found the normal eating switch back. No more HPF and overeating. If I’m getting hangry I eat some full-fat soft cheese or yoghurt, that fills me up good.

I am grateful my son’s DOC is fitness. I can see he is happy his mom is back on the healthy track too, he was quite frustrated with me hanging on the couch with a glass of wine and a bag of chips. It must have been a miserable sight. Ugh, I am so, so grateful he hasn’t seen me drinking for 75 days straight.

I am grateful for the marine lessons. Everyday there’s at least one situation where I think about it and apply it. My house is tidy, my work is done, I cook even when I’m tired and there’s no crappy food in my pantry. If recruits can do such heavy duty, I surely can do x/y/z. Daily tasks seem so futile in comparison to navy training!
I find it fascinating how some motivational videos or books just don’t click, but some will be life changing.

I am grateful for finding this community and in particular this thread. Reading your posts make me smile. I’m grateful for the insight in my own growth by writing here, it’s so helpful.
I’m grateful for @Dazercat persisting the practice of daily gratidute here on TS. I am grateful to see people joining this thread.
I wish you all a fab sober day :sunny:


I am grateful to wake up to all your gratitudes. Reading through it sets me up for the day with hope in my heart.


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful…

I choose to be sober today
199 days vape free…this shit is hard!
My vacation has gave me a deeper connection to nature and a deeper appreciation
Kinda greatful for the snow we got last night
Almost spring
Back in the swing of things at work
My coworkers missed me
I showed up for myself at the gym this am
Hubbys working his ass off to make bills
Our rekindled flame
Boscoe cuddles and greetings
Our home


Yes, glass half empty or half full is also used here. But everybody loves donuts !


I’m grateful for y’all’s gratitude. I just can’t keep up when I miss a day reading. I’m grateful I might just have to surrender to keeping up here. I’m grateful I recognize the addict in me wants, MUST, read and :heart: all your gratitude but I just can’t. I’m grateful I will try. And if I don’t? It’s not a fail.

I’m grateful for the shout out @Naomi I’m grateful to see so many others carry this gorgeous load of gratitude we get to share.

I’m so grateful the first thing I saw this morning is Emilee’s 2 year soberversary @TrustyBird and I’m just so excited for her I’m spreading the word. Milestones just bring so much Joy to my heart.

I’m grateful I finally got off the meme thread with my coffee buddy to express my gratitude. I’m grateful I’ve been surrounding myself with so much recovery these days I don’t have a morning routine anymore. It’s kinda cool. I’m grateful I keep my gratitude practice going throughout the day whether I read it or write it.

I’m grateful last nights meeting celebrated a 1 year and a 15 year soberversary. I’m grateful I haven’t got a clue who these people are and they don’t know shit about me but I got to share my excitement for them.

I’m grateful for the steps.
I’m grateful my sponsor is bugging me to have coffee with him.
I’m grateful I’m busy and doing great I’m telling him and he’s saying that’s so good. Let’s have coffee :coffee: ALLRIGHT!! I’m grateful he’s such a good guy. I’m grateful he’s persistent. I’m grateful for his shares at both my meetings he goes to. I’m grateful he’s a double winner too. I’m grateful I finally took up his invitation to join him at his Thursday night AA meeting.

I’m grateful I’ve never not learned something at a meeting :nerd_face:

I’m grateful 4 ladies loved my share at my Al-Anon meeting yesterday and came over to me after. All I said was I drove across town into Phoenix for the Wednesday speaker meeting and I loved it! Pass. And they all wanted to know where it was and want to go if they can.

Not that I’m trying to get likes. But…. Sometimes. Most times. The most well thought out shares go unnoticed. And that’s ok. And the shares where you just blurt something out really makes an impact. KISS
Sexy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @Lisa07

Grateful for another new acronym.

Grateful for you all.
Grateful Normie has hair :blush:

Small Business Moms


Good morning all. I’m grateful I’m here among you wonderful people. I’m so grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful for some sunshine to start the day.
I’m grateful for my morning coffee ritual.
I’m grateful for racking up some sleep. Multiple wakings but also multiple dreams. I’ll take the total hours I did sleep as a gift.
I’m grateful both cats slept with me, even though they sorta pin me down and then wake me up for food at dawn.
I’m grateful husband and I plan on going to town for a little outing. First time in over a year he has wanted to do that. I see he struggles so. It breaks my heart, but he is trying and I’ll take that as a gift too.
Life is a gift. :gift_heart:


Congratulations on your 75 days drink and smoke free Naomi


Grateful to have a little weekend away
Grateful for family help to look after the kids
Grateful for the opportunity to build new habits, going away for the weekend does not have to mean drinking.
Grateful to live somewhere that I can enjoy the outdoors so easily.
Grateful to have a partner that likes to be active, we’re away for the weekend so she can do a trail running event. Im proud of her.
Grateful for my bike and trails to ride it on.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free

Edit: not grateful for my bike, its a piece of shit thats giving me too much grief haha
Grateful I have the means to get a new bike, or fix this piece of shit i have :rofl:


I’ll be off to my fantasy game night in a few, and want to get out my gratitude before the space pirates get me :space_invader: :pirate_flag:

I am grateful for a day of slow patience, determination and healing. I’m almost done with my current game project. Almost no bugs. Grateful I’m working on something more boring than taxing.

I am grateful for good food today, my child sharing their day, a nice bike trip to the grocery stores.

I am grateful for a stress free day.

I am grateful I’ll be spending the evening with nice people, idle chatter and relaxing fun. Exactly what I need. There will even be a car ride involved :oncoming_automobile:

I am grateful for yoga and movement. I am grateful for you all wonderful people here.

Have a goooood night :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful for Daze pulling me over here today with his shoutout. I’m grateful that two years and a week or so ago I was googling sober apps. I’m grateful I found this one.
I’m grateful that every time I reached out on here someone reached right back.
I’m grateful for two but I’ll go for three just to be sure.

I am grateful that I choose sobriety every day.


Thank you!! :hugs: :heart:


Today I’m grateful I did chores, office work, had breakfast, napped, put the cats in the boxes and now we are here at the farm. I’m grateful no stress was envolved. I’m grateful they were running around the house all afternoon. Now we all are tired. I’m grateful for a full freezer, plenty of food for dinner. I’m grateful I could stay at home, tomorrow will be busy. I’m grateful for the woodstove, it’s slowly getting cozy and warm.
I’m grateful for a nice chat with a neighbour.
I’m grateful I do what I can and that’s enough. Tomorrow I will also do what I can. I’m grateful being here at the farm again makes me & cats happy. I’m grateful for ODAAT. I’m grateful I can give my heavy heart to God and the universe. They will show me how my life goes on and if the farm is involved. I’m grateful waiting patiently for the new value expertise is doable taking it ODAAT. With some help from the serenity prayer. Good night dear fellows, I’m deadbeat :zzz:


I’m grateful I found the hole in my leggings BEFORE going to work this morning.

I’m thankful that the clogged up hand sanitizer I used first thing at work this morning shot past my face and not into it.

I’m thankful the drink I spilled on my shirt this morning was clear.

I’m thankful that I woke up on the right side of the bed so all the above things didn’t send me on a spiral of self pity.

I’m thankful that even though some days I’m a hot mess that I can laugh it off…

Thankful… so beyond thankful it’s Friday.

@TrustyBird thankful you made two years. Congratulations!!:black_heart:


Congratulations on 2 years Emilie! :tada: :partying_face:
I’m grateful for all your contributions to our community.


Thank you and right back at you. :potted_plant::blush:


I’m grateful for a laugh this morning. This is funny and a true bright side moment. Thanks for the shout out and thanks for being here. :star_struck::partying_face:


@TrustyBird , I’m late to the celebration, but wow! You are such an inspiration!!


I’m grateful for the conversation I had with the cashier at the hardware store. This lovely lady came to the US from Afghanistan in 2003 with her children after losing everything in the war, including her husband. I’m grateful for the pockets of peace that exist in a chaotic world.