Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful I’m not on social media and in general am a very private person. Maybe I could learn to be less private, but for today I’m grateful for it. Apparently some acquaintances of mine got into a spat that made its way online and dragged out for all to see. I’m grateful that I am old fashioned in that if I have an issue with someone, I go to them directly and discuss rather than gossip or make a scene.

This situation reminds me that I’m also grateful I have cultivated my close friend group as such that if they have an issue with me, they feel comfortable talking to me about it rather than letting it fester or making a public spectacle on or offline.

I’m also grateful my youth is not forever memorialized on the Internet and that I have kept most of my ever shifting and ever growing life off the internet. I know I am not very “open” or that I may not share much about myself on TS, but in truth I have probably shared more about myself on TS than all my other internet experiences combined. I’m grateful that a place exists where I can constantly challenge those old demons that would make me into a hermit. :laughing:

@Dazercat congrats on the house stuff! Also I never saw My Three Sons in color either.
@Naomi it is so great that you keep journals and also reread them. I have tried to journal many times in my life, but I always ended up destroying them. I grew up in an environment where it wasn’t safe to have a written record of my thoughts and feelings. The need for privacy runs hella deep in me :sweat_smile:
@50ber welcome to the gratitude thread!
@maxwell congrats on your 50 days!
@acromouse congrats on your 90 days no sugar!


After a day at the sauna I‘m really tired, but in a good way. I am grateful everything worked out and I could enjoy my time.
I am grateful for the inspiration I had, the ideas how to move forward on my projects. I really love the downtime I get there. No interruptions, no busy work, nothing. Just sweating and relaxing.
I am grateful my relaxed state made it really possible to enjoy my book. I sometimes wonder why I don‘t enjoy books any more like I did when I was younger. Well, here is the answer. I don‘t give the reading the time and attention.
I am grateful we have a city sauna and a several community pools. The prices are reasonable and the locations accessible. A lot of people can this way enjoy swimming, bathing and sauna. We all deserve some r&r from time to time.
I am grateful my partner is doing better and even had some chicken and rice for lunch.
I am grateful my headache feels like it is subsiding.
I am grateful the day is almost done and I can go to bed in a few.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for

  • waking up early
  • cat shennenigans
  • doing a procrastination fast during Lent, successfully up to now
  • proceeding with chores
  • yummi food at home
  • a restful day
  • knitting
  • beautiful weather
  • dealing with spinning thoughts ok-ish
  • having a relaxed evening watching TV
  • allowing myself to dream a little bit



I am grateful that you all are still here doing the gratitude thing, even though I missed a couple of days. Grateful the world keeps on turning, even without me taking part in it.

I am grateful my volunteer job tonight got cancelled last minute, so we had a family cinema evening. I am grateful my other half suggested that, and to pick up food on the way. I am grateful I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I am grateful my health problems will be seen to and further investigated. I am grateful, even if it’s an uncomfortable situation to go through. I am grateful healthcare is paid for through the NHS. I am grateful I can take time tomorrow for my health, not just with the appointment, but also lots of time for selfcare and meditation. I am grateful the only other thing I need to take care of tomorrow is a little shop for basic groceries.

I am grateful for the love the universe gives to me


Grateful for another day and opportunity to do something worth while. 61 days isnt much to write home about but its the longest time ive had in some years. Luckily i was able to get treatment and make it work. And I put in the work, and will continue to, every single day. Im so grateful for my sobriety and for my children. What are you grateful for today?


61 days is awesome! Congrats to you on this big accomplishment. ODAAT they add up. :facepunch:


Yes sir, one at a time. Appreciate you man.


I am so grateful for another sunny, sober day. I’m in Alberta, Canada and our winter has been fantastic … so far. Not good for the land so much but it sure is making my life more comfortable. :sunny::grin:


I’m grateful today to have the chance to put the work in! Air in my lungs hope in my heart one foot in front the other days it feels like walking on a tightrope but I know from past experience it will get easier and that tightrope walk becomes a walk with our feet firmly on the ground. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Awesome bro. I catch myself thinking ‘only xdays’ but at the same time anytime is something to be immensely proud of. And 61 is huge. Just keep stacking days is the plan


Mid morning gratitude
Grateful to be able to train at the gym in the mornings after taking the kids to school.
Grateful for training partners no matter where they are in their journey.
Grateful for hot sunny summer days
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I received my 2 month chip on Monday night at AA with my home group. It feels amazing. I never thought I would be in the space I am now. :muscle:t4:


Congrats on 2 months and welcome to the community! :raised_hands:


I’m grateful for goofy time with my daughter this evening just making each other laugh.
I’m grateful I did some self care and had a shower.
I’m grateful for showers and hot running water.
I’m grateful for my Doctor and for feeling heard and validated.
I’m grateful for ginger biscuits dunked in tea :tea:


Great to have you on the gratitude thread Thomas - way to go with your 61 days! I’d be writing home about it for sure – each day sober is a day won and a day worth celebrating. Sobriety has been by far the hardest thing i’ve had to do in my life and also the most rewarding.

Keeping going strong :muscle: Grateful to have you on this journey with us :hugs:


Welcome to the community Kenny!
Great work on your 2 months + of sobriety! Grateful to share this journey and gratitude’s with you :hugs:


Grateful for:

  • 54 Days. Tomorrow I will hit 55, which is the age I turn on Saturday. Whoop!
  • A dedicated scholarship to a lasting sober course! Whoop!
  • Today my landlord informed me a trip to AA, because alcohol is no longer suiting her! Whoop!
  • I cleaned two high cupboards on a stepping stool. It’s the first time since my hospital say. Slight fear was there AND I did it! Landlords had a kitchen refab before I moved in and the cupboards stayed in need. I have things on the center island, which I would like to properly store.
  • I am hungry more often over the last two days than I have been in 5 months! I am hungry now!

Thank you, sir.


Thank you, ma’am. :pray:


I’m grateful for:
attending my second ever SMART meeting
feeling supported among like minded people
having a good start to the day
my supportive family
my decision to get sober