Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Hi Jasmine,

By the time you see this, you will done and home for your recovery and healing :pray:.

I’m sending you love and many hugs. You did it! :heart::hugs: :purple_heart: :hugs: :blue_heart: :hugs: :white_heart: :hugs: :green_heart: :hugs: :orange_heart:


I hope your operation went smoothly @JazzyS :heart::heart: sending lots of healing vibes your way :bouquet::kissing_heart:
I’m grateful for an easy work day.
I’m grateful there are training courses I can dip into when it is quiet.
I’m grateful for easy dinner options today.
I’m grateful for the sound of rhe rain on my window.


@Pattycake thanks Patricia- i am glad i didn’t wait any longer or attempt to shrink. Not sure how they got the measurements so wrong on MRI and ultrasound but it was waaay bigger than a softball :laughing:

@soberwalker Thanks Claudia. Did have the surgery today. It went smoothly and i am grateful to be home (well at my parents place) being pampered by my mom. liquid diet and very slight movement :pray:

@maxwell Thank you so much Maxine. Appreciate the well wishes and the hugs!

@Dilettante Thanks Kike -love the vibes and feeling them as well


Evening gratitude
Grateful for days spent with my wife when the kids are at school. Big plus of shift work.
Grateful for time spent with the kids individually, it’s a different dynamic than when it’s both of them.
Grateful for quick easy dinners. Pesto chicken pasta salad.
Grateful to see @JazzyS check-in post surgery
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Way too early morning gratitude.

I’m happy that @JazzyS is home and the surgery went well. Smooth recovery dear friend :people_hugging::four_leaf_clover:

I’m grateful 3 furballs, especially an old one, woke me up because they are up. I’m grateful they prepare me for the time change. I’m grateful this week contained only minor inconveniences like this, a bit of back pain, some emotionally hard spots. I’m deeply grateful for a week without major ups and downs, just living. I’m slightly anxious this phase is the calm before the storm. I’m grateful I work on letting go such thoughts. As long as I focus on me and take it ODAAT everything will be bearable.

I’m grateful for a chat with a friend yesterday. I’m grateful the chimney sweeper did his work. I’m grateful I find distraction and focus for my spinning mind in knitting. I’m grateful I picked up this long forgotten hobby before christmas. I like how I get better and quicker as the shawl grows.
I’m grateful I maybe fall asleep again as it is quiet and the cats went back to sleep.


As many know I’m entering my busiest time of year between work and the start of baseball season. I’m grateful for my third year as a head coach of a really promising team. I have high hopes and expectations for my team this year. They’re the hardest working team I have put on the field so far and they want to win a championship together. I’m grateful to be the person they count on and for some of them the only positive and safe influence they have in their lives. I’m grateful I can come in everyday and not be hungover and be 100% for them and for my family and for my job everyday. I’m grateful for coffee in the morning because God knows I enjoy my one cup a day! Also grateful for Diet Coke my drink of choice besides water and a fun joke for all my players to poke fun at me for. As always I’m grateful for this place and although I may be busy for a bit here I will try to check in and let you all know how the season is going. I would be lying if I said I don’t wake up and think about taking a team to win my first championship as a coach. But, no matter what happens I will always be grateful for the blessings in my life and another day sober at day number 414 today


Glad all went well Jasmine :pray:
Take your time to rest and heal. And moms like to pamper their kids (as I know as a mom :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) so I hope she doesn’t cover you with love too much :wink:
Enjoy your time together :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I’m grateful for attending my third SMART meeting
I’m grateful for sticking to my 7 day sober plan
I’m grateful for being more playful with my kids
I’m grateful for my partner saying “I don’t know what it is, but you look younger today”
I’m grateful for crying happy tears with my partner after her comment


Oh what a lovely morning to practise some gratitude. Grateful @JazzyS surgery went well and she is already back posting all over the forum! Grateful you have your family to support you through recovery. I am grateful for my guided healing meditation, that not only promotes healing within myself, but let’s me send healing thoughts to others. Sending those thoughts out to you. Get well soon my friend🧡


I’m grateful to have survived the week. Tomorrow I go back off caffeine. Its amazing how quickly all the other medications had to be stacked back on with its renewed use. I swear that caffeine will eventually be the death of me (either literally or indirectly);which, I mean, is kind of pathetic given the plethora of other things I’ve used in the past. That’s like a seasoned warrior dying from choaking on a fish bone after the hardest battles were won.

But thank god I still have a sense of humor. I’m grateful that I am easily amused by myself, and that I am my own light in the darkness of my life.

@JazzyS glad to hear the surgery went well! Wishing you a speedy recovery. :heart:


This is one of my biggest fears on my work days. I do it constantly and it scares me every night till the next morning when i actually get actually am at the tram stop on time for my tram to make it to work on time.

So , today i am grateful for my alarm because it woke me up and i got to work on time and didnt get fired :upside_down_face:


Grateful Jazzy is fine and recovering nicely.
I’m grateful for another lovely lovely sleep. I feel in such a good mood today.
Grateful I got in a little YT workout this morning.
Grateful for a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the blossom is blooming, the flowers are out, I just love spring.
I’m grateful my daughter is safe and happy on her travels, I’m grateful I often wake up to vids and pics from her :australia:
I’m always grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful

@Jwfletcher4792 checked in preseason already on fire and sober
@JazzyS is recovering after surgery
My sobriety
My favorite ladies aa meeting
Newcomers and oldtimers alike
Its friday payday
I get to work from home today
I can afford to take Boscoe to the vet when needed, just a checkup today
Getting back to the gym today
Hot coffee
Good coworkers


Good morning all! Today I am grateful for waking up sober! Getting a couple of my grandsons for the night!:raised_hands::kissing_heart: They are 7 & 9. Can’t wait!
Wishing you all a blessed Friday and weekend!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


Happy Friday, fellow walkers on the sober path!

I am grateful for @JazzyS continued recovery.

I am grateful @Dazercat told me about this thread

I am grateful that it is Friday and I have no plans this weekend! I’m sure something will come up to change that but for now it’s so nice to imagine actually relaxing for a couple of days.

I’m grateful for NetFlix and their show Love Is Blind because it gave my husband and I something to watch and laugh our azzes off about this week, together…which seems to be more and more rare the older we get (as in, we don’t watch/enjoy the same TV shows or movies as a couple much anymore)

Hope you all have a lovely, safe, sober, healthy weekend :people_hugging:


I’m grateful, always for @JazzyS and I’m so glad you’re doing well and healing.

I am grateful I left early for work this morning so I didn’t get stuck behind “drive your tractor to school day”…. Yes that’s a thing in a small country town if you didn’t know.

I am grateful the weekend is here and I get to relax and spend time with my family.

I’m grateful for my elderly clients today that talk my ear off and ask me way too many personal questions lol


Oh I love this too. Looking forward to seeing your amazing work once you complete. :heart:
@soberwalker Oh the joys of motherhood eh? I am grateful that my mom is taking care of me and at the same time not being too smothering (yes I am being mindful of not getting too much love :wink: ) [quote=“50ber, post:537, topic:178369”]
r my partner saying “I don’t know what it is, but you look younger today”
Love this! Oh the joys and benefits of sobriety :heart:
@holysquid thanks friend. Thank you so much – Yeah – I couldn’t stay away long :lauging:

Grateful to see you keep your sense of humor in tact. SO very important when dealing with life and health issues. Sorry to hear about the caffeine causing such problems. Not sure if it is feasible but could you enjoy 1 cup a week- I know that seems hard but maybe easier than giving it up completely. Hoping you get back to staying off of the medications very soon.
Thank you all for your lovely well wishes and healing vibes. I am so in love with this forum and all your beautiful souls. We really do show up for each other and that is a beautiful thing :hugs: Heart: :hugs:


True-er words were never spoken. :smile:


Fluctuating hormone levels are making my life difficult today. Nonetheless I have lots to be grateful for.

I am grateful I know this will pass, I know fluctuating means changing. I am grateful I have meds to help a bit, and a life where I can just take my time.

I am grateful for the nice time spend with a friend this morning, drinking tea, chatting, catching up. We haven‘t seen each other for quite a time and had a lot to talk about. I am very grateful I opened up about difficult stuff in my life and my friend did too. They usually are a person who does not share much of their personal troubles. So I am very grateful they did today.

I am grateful for my child‘s tale of the day, things happening at school, very important teenager stuff. I am grateful they share and talk.

I am grateful for anime, good books, and so much compassion here on the forum.

Have a good night‘s sleep sober friends :night_with_stars:


Thank you! :smile: