Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I am grateful that I woke up this morning, and the fact that I’m able to show, tell, and express my gratitude.
I am grateful for being sober today.
I am grateful that I no desire to drink.
I am grateful that I am no longer restless, irritable and discontent.
I am grateful that bad days don’t last forever.
I am grateful that I have a supportive wife and family, even after I gave them every reason to not be here.
I am grateful for AA and the 12-step program.


This just made my morning ! As i sit on my tram on my way to work, im grateful i have a comfortable quick tram to take me to work :pray:

So today i am grateful for trams and also grateful for my body clock getting my snoozing butt outta bed after only 15 mins of snoozing the alarm…i got showered , dresses , had time to curly hair and do make up, make coffee, take the floof out for potty walk, and make my tram on time with 2 minutes to spare ! Grateful for today it is going to be a fantastic day i know it :pray:


For your viewing pleasure :heart_hands::rofl:


Mid morning gratitude
Grateful to be up early and able to exercise
Grateful for sunny days at work

Grateful for coffee runs in a great location
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for loving and caring friends.
For waking up and feeling functional.
For this beautiful music festival I’m at where i feel no pressure to drink!!!
The energy (physical and spiritual) that i feel now


Oh and grateful i didn’t fall into temptations of nose beers last night. I know i wouldn’t have felt any better for it this morning. Phew!


I am grateful that today was an almost free day, just one appointment.

The chaos outside of me seems to be simmering, I am grateful to be a witness.

I am grateful to have learned that another of my cousins found recovery and that he will be coming out west next year for a conference. There is no doubt this is a family disease, and I am grateful it seems like my generation is the one making the change. Well, starting the change anyways. We are giving our kids more of a choice and I am grateful for that.

I feel so present in my body and its not very comfortable, but I am grateful. Instead of focusing on the discomfort of my physical body I am trying to focus on the fact that Nugget is my shadow. I can be present and distracted at the same time as I wait for her to come around every corner. :heart:

I am grateful for the skills I have learned to get me through my days.
I am grateful for the books that I read that teach me so much.
I am grateful for the people in my life who make me curious about things I never would have taken notice of before.



I’m grateful for @MrFantastik’s photo taking me on a mini vacation :heart:


I had such a busy but nice day I totally forgot my daily gratitude.
I am grateful for spending the day with family. Grateful for the lovely chili con carne my sis made us and for having the time to do some odd chores for my parents. Grateful for my sweet nephew and seeing him and my son having fun.
I am grateful for the nice walk with the family this afternoon.
I am grateful sis is not drinking on weekdays anymore and my dad quit all together. He puts a hold on my mom’s glasses of wine too. Due to her dementia so has no clue how much she drinks. I am grateful I had no cravings and could just enjoyy my tea and NA beer.

I am grateful for my new sit/stand/soon to be walking desk. Also grateful I didn’t remove the package of the table top so I can return it for a bigger one.

I am grateful for just being busy and feeling no stress, looking back on a lovely day.


I’m grateful for it still being light after I leave work now :heart::sun_with_face:
I’m grateful for the full moon and sitting out to enjoy the sky for a while this evening.
I’m grateful for my herbal teas.
I’m grateful I have freedom and choice in my life.


Girl you have gone and made my day again lmao that is the funniest thing ever :rofl: love it !!


Today i am grateful for cheese…

And grateful to the first human who made it lol :laughing:

Also grateful for my monkey trigger brain behaving and letting me eat cheese withour having an uncontrollable craving for Red wine to go with my cheese.

Successful day!

Grateful :pray:


I’m grateful for so much but it’s kind of a shit day and I just could not muster up the act of writing down my gratitude. I’m grateful all is well. I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed and down.

But I am grateful for all the gratitude on this thread and there are just some many people here and I can glom on to each and every one of your post and fill my tank with gratitude to keep me going. I’m grateful I’m caught up here. I’m grateful it takes work to get caught up here.

I’m grateful I got a little Alice purr machine on my chest.

I’m grateful I got to my AA speaker meeting tonight. It filled my spiritual tank. Again. As usual.

I’m grateful I can step back and see that moving is a huge stressor for anyone. Not to mention someone living with active alcoholic and all else going on in my world.

I’m grateful tomorrow will be a better day.
But thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the gratitude you all share. Keeps me going.


Today, I am willing to work through my sadness and guilt. I will let myself be healthy and happy, even though someone I love has not chosen the same path.


Chin up e, tomorrow you will feel better i promise :heart:

How is the a.z backyard epic view today?? And crazy wildlife knocking on your door lol?!


Lol thank you for sharing! Got a good laugh and there no doubt that you live in a small town :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Wow! Beautiful photo. Wish I was there soaking up some sun :sunglasses:


@Dazercat aw I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

I am grateful for my hectic day. I am grateful that my cat who was missing came back and is ok even though he’s injured. We have a vet appointment first thing in the morning. I am grateful that I finally set aside time for me to cross stitch! It been taking me awhile to work on this pattern but it coming along. I am grateful for warm weather and was able to enjoy it. I am grateful for having the finances to order take out for everyone. I am grateful my niece spent the night, it always nice to see her. I am grateful for playtime with the kiddos and lastly I am grateful for finding icecream in the back of the freezer and having a late night dessert/ snack!! (I had been craving something sweet all day)

I am grateful for my sobriety, I am blessed. Thank you God :pray: ODAAT :black_heart:


@50ber and @Nomad620 I’m grateful I have a job thats not an office job. We go out and get coffee most mornings and try find a nice spot to drink them. This spot is a favorite for sure.


Hope you will feel better tomorrow @Dazercat Eric :heavy_heart_exclamation:

I’m grateful for the steps I make in my personal growth. For the rest and calmness I acieve with it and the insights I’ve got.
Grateful for the book recommendations I got and have the money to buy two of them.
For the flowers I’ve got from the manager because I’ve worked extra because of a sick co worker.
Also grateful for going to an awesome concert of “Nothing but Thieves” tonight!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Today I am grateful for my 12 days of sobriety.
I am grateful for my family and friends.
I am grateful to be able to sit in Nature.
I am grateful for the fact I can utilise all my senses.

Looking forward to a Full Moon Ceremony tonight