Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for my morning coffee
For having no hangover to spoil my early morning
For not having any guilt about yesterday
For remembering all I did ore said yesterday

I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent sanding my secondhand dinnertable
Also grateful that the blisters on both of my hands are not that painful anymore
And happy that the table is looking so much better already!

Grateful my mood is good and my energy is back to normal. Ready for a busy day at work!

Have a good day all :raising_hand_woman:


Nice Ink Kenny! :star_struck:


Congratulations that you asked and got a raise! It’s so important to step up for ourselfs and it’s a lot easier doing it sober :sunflower:

Mid morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I had enough sleep today and only weird dreams :pray: I feel so much better than the last days. I’m grateful I don’t feel anxious and exhausted from nightmares today.

I’m grateful I got a lot done already allthough I fell asleep on the couch for an hour when the cats wanted cuddles after breakfast.
I’m grateful for the wood burning stove, it’s so cozy when I fire it in the morning.
I’m grateful the cats are brushed for today and get all the pets, snughles, cuddles and play they want, they missed me as I was away nearly all day yesterday. I’m grateful I can spend as much time as I want with them, nobody nags or stresses about it. I’m grateful for living life at my pace and priorities.
I’m grateful yesterday’s therapy helped me a lot. I feel more centered and confident today. I’m grateful I’m working hard on myself to let go, settle and be kind & gentle. I’m grateful the kindness I give to myself makes me feel cared and valued. That’s huge because I really was struggling for days. I’m grateful today I like myself.
I’m grateful the intensions I chose for Lent this year are a perfect fit and I’m doing incredibly good. I’m grateful and proud for the many tiny, little steps and tasks I already took and tackled, I see results and it feels right.
I’m grateful the probiotics I ordered last week arrived. I’m grateful they were recommended by friends who have been using them for quite a while.
I’m grateful the seedlings grow and I proceed with testing germination capacity of some very old seed batches. I’m grateful I like this kind of work. Gardening In Recovery - #1764 by erntedank
I’m grateful I can come back later for more gratitude :pray:


I’m grateful for attending 5 out of 7 SMART meetings in 7 days
I’m grateful for getting up at 4:30am to get after my sobriety goals
I’m grateful for feeling exhausted from a busy sober day and not from alcohol
I’m grateful for asking “Is the salary negotiable” when verbally offered my new job
I’m grateful for the first response being a hesitant “No?”
I’m grateful for the next sentence being “Maybe we can start you on a higher pay level”
I’m grateful for backing myself like I would not have done prior to sobriety


Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, 668 hard fought days
And i wont drink or drug today
I resonate with Dazer on trying to inflict my will on others
Glad i stopped at a new meeting last night
Greatful hubby and i had some time together last night
Greatful he didnt want to watch the mind of a psychopath and we compromised on a nature documentary
Greatful we both love nature and learning
My mind doesnt race like this all the time
Still learning
Progress not perfection
Patience with self and others
I will let go today


I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful her knee pain is better. Still hurts but she can walk around and do things. Lots of things. I’m grateful I can hear Alice purring all the way over from the front door. I’m grateful I can hear the waterfall outside in the swimming pool. I’m grateful I can hear my wife stirring in bed and she will be up soon. I guess I’m grateful for my hearing. Grateful for my sight too.
I’m grateful how we help each other here. I’m grateful I processed some of my shit with a friend. Stepped 3’d it :pray:t2: and now I freed up 5 hours of my day.

I’m grateful today is the day there is no backing out of our contract on the house. I’m grateful we just have repair negotiations to work out and adjust the price. I’m grateful the adjusted price isn’t much and they accept it or not. We are grateful we are going to take the house anyway. I’m grateful and blessed I can just deal with this as a formality.

I’m grateful for first things first. I’m grateful I heard someone else share that First Thungs First must be the patron Saint of moving :pray:t2: she’s moving too.

I’m grateful after wifey hassled for weeks with her Pottery Barn crib mattress conversion set for Norma. She calmly got fed up and cancelled it. Grateful Amazon to the rescue :ring_buoy: I’m grateful Amazon delivered a nice crib toddler conversion bed and we picked up a mattress at PB Kids. I’m grateful the review on Amazon was a lady who said it was so easy even I could put it together. Not being sexist here but my wife told me that and said I “should” be able to put it together too. I’m grateful she knows I’m not Mr. Handy.

I’m grateful to be getting along much better with my wife because I’m working on me. I’m grateful I can still recognize when I’m still afraid of what she will think or do when I do things to take care of myself. Like go to meetings. I’m grateful I can put it out here that my therapist said I need to go to at least 2 meetings while the Dallas peeps are in town for 6 days. And yes. I’m afraid of how that will make her feel. I’m grateful to know I’m afraid I’ll upset her in front of family. I’m grateful my recovery is about me. Not her. I’m grateful I did get into Al-Anon recovery because of her. I’m grateful I know it’s about me, even if she thinks it’s about or because of her. I’m grateful I’ll figure it out.
I’m grateful for my sponsor.
I’m grateful to be able to share my gratitude hope and strength here with you all.

When I think about what other people think about me making decisions to take care of myself.
The world won’t end.
My sponsor


I am grateful for having everything under control. No more being hungover, no more dragging myself though the day. Even after a shorter night I still get through the day quite easily. What a difference! I am so grateful to be sober.
No more anxiety, no more cancelled appointments, no more feeling half dead.

I am also grateful for early morning walks, a clean house, family time and relaxed movie nights.


@erntedank grateful for therapy and tools to work through whatever needs working through. Grateful you are doing better today :pray:t4::people_hugging:

@K_S I love it! She’s excited to celebrate you :grin:. Thats great ink …thanks for sharing.

@Elyse grateful for the raise and for you backing yourself up.

@50ber congratulations on inquiring about a higher pay scale. Love the confidence and strength that comes from sobriety.


Grateful my partner cares for me.
Grateful I have a rest day at trade school because my muscles are aching.
Grateful to be meeting with friends for dinner.


I am grateful for yet another doctors appointment today. Grateful I got that appointment yesterday when I was seeing the nurse. Grateful I had four doctors appointments altogether in the past two weeks. After struggling with the same health issue repeatedly since July, I finally feel that my problem is taken seriously. I am grateful I finally feel heard and arrangements have been made to give me treatments and medication.

I am grateful I am definitely well enough to be back at the gym. Grateful I had time today to spend some time in the sauna after. Grateful for an amazing body-positivity dance class.

I am grateful @K_S for sharing that pic. I do love a good tattoo. I am grateful tattoos exist.

I am grateful for my bedtime routine. Spending time on here, reading through your posts. Grateful for calming cup of herbal tea. Grateful for this time of day, when I can reflect on my day, my life, my sobriety, my recovery.

Grateful for that friendship that seems to be developing… slowly. I am not very good in making new friends. I am friendly enough with people, but I struggle to open up to deeper, more meaningful connections. I am grateful I take some initiative here, to hopefully connect with that person for an honest friendship.
Grateful for that hug we shared today


I am grateful the work day is over.

I’m grateful for some time spent this afternoon with my daughter just the two of us.

I am grateful that tomorrow’s schedule seems to look a little slower ~ knock on virtual wood.

I’m grateful to come home and get in comfy clothes and take off my makeup.

I am grateful “cheat day Saturday” is getting closer.

I’m grateful for my family, friends and this crazy thing called life.


Grateful for some sleep today. Although a very tight schedule


I’m grateful for my family and for calm in our house after some stressful times recently.
I’m grateful for comedy.
I’m grateful for donuts and coffee today.


I am Grateful that it is EOD
I am grateful for the peace in my home.
I am Grateful that my son’s toothache pain is easing away.
I am Grateful I’m going to bed sober.
I am Grateful that I have no desire to drink.
I am Grateful that no matter what happens, it is not worth drinking.
I am grateful for the food my wife has placed in front us tonight.
I am grateful that everyone notices a different version of me.
I am Grateful that I have all I need,
I am Grateful I no longer have any dis-ease.:love_you_gesture:t4:🫶🏽


@50ber congrats on 20 days!!! I hope you are feeling proud of yourself! Keep it up💪. Also congrats on asking about more pay! Love the confidence and you advocating for yourself

@K_S happy birthday!!! Looks like it was a good day and love the tat! Thanks for sharing

@Elyse aw, congrats on the raise!!

@HolySquid that must have been so frustrating! However, I am glad and happy to hear that you are being heard and that they are addressing the health issue! I hope everything is ok :black_heart::pray:

@Dazercat glad to hear the update on the move/house. Praying everything continues to go smoothly! :pray:

@erntedank cat cuddles are the best!! :cat2: youll have to let me know your thoughts on the probotics, i have been looking for a good one. I have tried a few and my gut seems to not like them :sweat_smile:

I am grateful for you all and your gratitude posts! I am grateful for this quiet time to be able to read through them and respond.

I am grateful for my two children, I am grateful for my car that was able to take myself to where I need to go and to my son peditrician appointment. I am grateful for my family and all my loved ones. I am grateful for my husband and all that he did for us today, even though he had a rough day. I am grateful for my job even though it stressing me out. I am grateful that we remained safe during a tornado touch down. I am grateful nothing was damaged or destroyed. I am grateful, that my cat is alive and is healing ok. I am grateful for the vet who patched him ul. I am grateful for our finances and spending some money on myself to restock my beauty products. I am grateful that I am alive, for my health, my body, and my loved ones. I am truly grateful for this day. ODAAT :black_heart: Thank you God, I am blessed. :pray:


Morning gratitude.
I woke up way too early and wondered why I lay cross in bed. Weird dreams and Miss Marple obviously contributed to this strange position. I’m grateful for cats cuddling up to me.

I’m grateful I skipped dinner two days in a row. I feel better the next morning. I’m grateful for black tea to move from zombie to human, boy am I tired again.

I’m grateful for a nice chat with a friend yesterday. I’m grateful for encourageing words and smiles.
I’m grateful I got notice from my lawyer yesterday. The expert who does the market value expertise will come to the farm mid march. Finally a fixed date. I’m grateful my lawyer claimed the money the ex owes me. We will see how it will go.
I’m grateful I asked the ex and he will not be at the farm this weekend. I’m grateful I am looking forward to an undisturbed weekend without emotional turmoil.

I’m grateful I’ll get the TBE jab today. I’m grateful health insurance sends a letter with time & date, the only thing I have to do is show up.

I’m grateful I put out the plastic recycling bags for collection, last time I forgot.
I’m grateful I heated the furnace early, I want hot water to shower.
I’m grateful yesterday was a productive, good day.
I’m grateful I can close my eyes for 15 minutes now.


I am grateful for morning coffee in bed. I was up early, but I’m grateful I slept like a baby and feel not too bad.
I am grateful I can bring my dad to the hospital today. I am grateful for my car. I am grateful for my job and its flexibility.

I am grateful it is still dark outside but I’m wide awake.


Grateful for kid free days with my partner.
Grateful to be hanging with the kids in the evening
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Im grateful my elderly neighbor reached out and asked if I’d take her to the hospital tomorrow for an appointment and that I have the ability to be available to help. I’ve been worried about her since her husband died last year and her health is not well, but she is stubbornly independent. I’ve tried to walk the line of making sure she knows she really can call on me if she needs, at the same time not pushing into her business.


I’m grateful our probate application is in progress. I had an email from them yesterday requesting further info. I’m optimistic!! Grateful I don’t actually NEED the money at the moment, don’t get me wrong it would be very nice to have it in my bank but I can get along without it. But I wish it would hurry up.
Grateful I finally got back to sleep, I don’t know what’s going on, I go to sleep OK and wake up 1 or 2 hrs later and am awake for ages.
Grateful I’ll be finishing work at lunchtime today.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart: