Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

@Nomad620 thank you for your supportive words. I’m grateful to know that you and your loved ones were safe from a tornado :pray::heart:


I’m grateful for baby steps that have brought me to 22 days AF
I’m grateful for sticking to my Muay Thai plans despite aching all over
I’m grateful for my kids enjoying Muay Thai as much as me
I’m grateful for my partner joining me on the March for abs challenge
I’m grateful for learning from my mistakes


Im so very greatful for

Im trying new meetings this week
My sobriety, 669 days
Im off mentally and physically but im aware
Everything is temporary
I was able to fall asleep last night after racing thoughts
Boscoe cuddles
Our king size bed which has been a dream
I keep reacing for grace


I’m grateful I got a warm purring cat plugged in :kissing_cat: and my Luke warm coffee :crying_cat_face:
I’m grateful I can always microwave my coffee when Mavy gets up.

I’m grateful I woke up to a message that the sellers accepted our repair addendum and are subtracting the $$$ from the price of the house. I’m grateful there’s no looking back now :scream:

  • “California: bordering always on the Pacific and sometimes on the ridiculous. So, why do I live here? Because the sun goes down a block from my house.”

— George Carlin

I’m grateful I got that fucken crib together yesterday in only 3-4 interrupted hours :grimacing: my back is grateful for the little interruptions it got. I’m grateful my chiropractor straightened me out and I don’t have to deal with that again. I’m grateful I’ll be dealing with a baby car seat today. Hopefully that will be easier on my back.

I’m really grateful I don’t drink. With all that’s going on in my world I’d probably be a miserable hungover bastard this morning.
I’m grateful I had an uninterrupted great nights sleep instead and got up at 5 feeling pretty pretty pretty pretty good :blush:

I’m grateful I can go microwave my coffee. I’m grateful for indoor plumbing. And grateful I can come back here and finish this gratitude list……………
:coffee: I’m grateful for the 30 second button on my microwave. I’m grateful I got Alice now. I’m grateful one cat is never enough. I’m grateful I’m a multiple cat type of guy.

I’m grateful for Lou Redmond and his guided meditations on Learning to Stop Caring About What Other People Think. I’m grateful I get to work on my codependency issues with my loved ones. I’m grateful how freeing this work is. I’m grateful I’m learning it’s not my fault I’m this way or anyone else’s fault. I’m grateful that’s where I am now and I get to recognize it and improve my life and relationships with my loved ones.

I’m grateful for the lovely conversation with wifey about going to meetings while family is in town and it turned out to be a stress free conversation. I’m grateful that negative energy has been released from my body.

There is nowhere to go, no summit to get to, no future where we will “arrive” at happiness. The joy of the path is walking it. What we learn about ourselves and the person whom we become—they are the fruits. Living our purpose is The purpose

On Lou’s website. Not sure if it’s his quote or not

:face_with_monocle: The quote The Journey Is The Reward is from Steve Jobs :nerd_face: thanks Google. And it’s a book title about him. :thinking:


I’m grateful for this thread which is the main one I read but feel intimidated posting to. Grateful I had a good stretch of interrupted time to work on a project with a hot deadline. The sun is rising a little earlier these days and staying longer. I’m grateful for that.


I’m grateful to see you again my mysterious friendly lurker :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ve missed your :heart: I’m so happy you get so much from this thread. Post, read, :heart: don’t :heart:. Whatever works best for you.


Is Miss Marple a pet?? Absolutely love love love the name! My fave AC sleuth by a mile.


I am grateful for Sober Talk. I was having a rough one last night and being on here helped me through it. I am grateful I woke up hangover free this morning.

I am grateful that Pedro Pascal won the best actor for a TV series at the SAG awards. The guys at Succession have been (deservedly) sweeping all the awards so to see Pedro’s joyful self win one warmed the cockles of my heart.

I am grateful to have a day off of work to take care of 3 important appointments. One physical health. One mental health, and one DMV. I am grateful for health insurance.

Happy day, my fellow gratitude practitioners 🩵


You are so kind, I appreciate you. :hugs:


I am grateful:

To be alive, despite what is going on in this “new” life.
Day 62 AF, with very few desires to go back.
The beautiful people on this thread, this forum, and in my other online group.
My kids.
100% working on not blaming others for things I deal with (working on that!)
Taking my ownership of future me and how different those goals will be.
Tidbits of taste. 30% who regain it find it in month six-ish. March is number six - truly hopeful.


Grateful for peace and quiet once the kids are out the door to school.
Grateful to sit with a coffee and listen to the birds
Grateful for the freedom and ability to head out of town for the weekend to see family
Grateful my timer ticks over in the evenings, traditionally this would have been a big drinking weekend for me, hanging with the brother, going to the beach. going to make it through this afternoon and evening to end up with another day in the bank.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free

Congrats @50ber on 3 weeks bro. For me thats when I had really evened out, the withdrawls and headaches had disappeared and the cravings became a lot more manageable. As good as you feel keep going. It’ll get even better


Thanks for your kind support @MrFantastik! It’s people like yourself that make TS a key part of my sobriety🙏 I’m grateful to hear the headaches and cravings smooth out. I’m grateful to be up with sunrise, listening to the birds while exercising. I’m grateful for waking up feeling refreshed.


Time for evening gratitude.

I am grateful I could focus really well this morning and finish my monthly review. I am grateful I identified things I want to let go, things that I have established and things I‘d like to focus on next month.
I am grateful my daughter is old enough to keep herself busy enough through her cold and I had time for myself.
I am grateful for the good weather today and the nice walk I took.
I am grateful the sun rose high enough the first time this year to shine above the buildings and shine in my living room.
I am grateful I could observe my own behaviour and triggers with eating today and hope to be able to apply this knowledge next time.
I am grateful I know my bad mood is going to change and be gone soon.
I am grateful for tacky video games.
I am grateful I‘ll be to bed in a few.

Good night everyone :night_with_stars:


With me being really tired and ready to put my sober head on my pillow, I keep it short and sweet tonight:
I am grateful for all of you. My sober family. Pocket sized 24/7 support


Grateful for each trial and difficulty today


I’m grateful for a moonlit walk with the doggo, stars twinkling in the sky and quiet all around.
I’m grateful past me made and froze yummi vegetable and bean soup.
I’m grateful for my extra large doggo hot water bottle in bed…hechas been my shadow today since I got home from work :dog::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for every sober day.


I’m grateful I made it through the day without going backwards. :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful I repotted one of my cacti (is that right?) I hope I didn’t kill it in the process.:cactus:

I’m grateful I recognized I had an issue and even though I still do, I think checking in this morning helped me.

I’m grateful tomorrow is Friday and payday :moneybag:


Some days I write a gratitude post and really I’ve reworded what’s in my mind to be stated in terms of “gratitude” because some days I am glad or happy about certain things, or some wry feeling of "I’m grateful it’s not worse :laughing: ", but today I genuinely feel grateful that I was able to help someone else who was genuinely in need, to know that what I did actually mattered and made a difference in someone’s life.

I might have been helping someone else, but in the end I gained some unexpected personal insight into my current emotional situation and a great feeling of satisfaction for the day. I have honestly been feeling like nothing I did had purpose anymore. I have been feeling like I have died in some way. But I came home feeling happy and feeling like I was alive.

In this I have spontaneously felt overwhelmed with emotion and cried on and off. Thank god I didn’t have to go anywhere else because you know how splotchy a person’s face can get when crying! :laughing: Though I’m grateful my make up has stayed mostly in place through my strange emotional outbursts. :wink: :laughing:


I woke up this morning to a dream where Metallica was staying over at my house and I was flirting with James Hatfield :laughing:

Well, I’m grateful I was up early, so I have more time to spend here before my morning walk.

I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for what drinking took from me. Having seen myself in the worst way, makes me see how well I’m doing right now.
I am grateful for being able to work on myself, being a better person to others but especially to myself.
It can get pretty dark and I’m grateful for experiencing that. There’s no light without darkness somebody wrote here not so long ago. Yin Yang :yin_yang:


I’m grateful for starting the March for abs challenge
I’m grateful for cold showers to help recovery
I’m grateful for being more social today
I’m grateful for planning to tell my friends about my sobriety on Sunday
I’m grateful for learning from participants in SMART meetings