Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful I’m stuck here with Alice on my lap. Usually she just gives me a few moments of her time and goes back to her heated bed. And repeat. The old girl is, well, getting old and there are some small changes happening that we’ve noticed but nothing alarming. I’m just grateful she enjoys her daddy so much. I’m grateful to have Olympic strength bladder control in the morning after coffee. Grateful I used my ember cup so my coffee stays hot.

I’m grateful there was no way there was going to be time for me to share at the AA meeting last night and I just enjoyed listening.

I’m grateful for Insight Timer
I’m grateful I can get utilities turned on or put in my name on line. I always want to talk to someone. I’m grateful I’m just going to let that go. As long as I get a confirmation email.

I’m grateful my insurance guy found me some insurance and it’s not gonna hurt as much as I thought it was. Oh it’s going to hurt. But it could be so much worse.

I’m grateful wifey ordered a bed for the guest room in Cali so we’ll plan our first visit around that. I can’t wait for her to see the house. I’m grateful I have a fantastic real estate agent friend in Cali. I’m grateful there’s a Trader Joe’s right near the house. I’ve never shopped them before and I’m grateful for the excitement of using a new local grocery. Ya I’m this old :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful the Whole Foods that I’ll use is 2 minutes from the Gus Stop :crazy_face: I’m grateful for the fantasy of possibly bumping into my daughter at the grocery store. I’m grateful for the little things.

I’m grateful to be really grasping on to the idea to just enjoy my journey. Let go of trying to control. I’m grateful it’s less stressful this way.

I’m grateful Alice is still purring away on my lap.
I’m grateful I got the Burner asleep on the floor to my left. I’m grateful I got Daisy asleep on the floor to my right. Grateful wifey is finally up and maybe Alice will get up. I’m grateful I’m free to move about the cabin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grateful for Gratidudes.

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
Brené Brown


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful that

I found a sleep hypnosis video on youtube that helped me quiet my racing brain
Im 22 months sober today!
Im struggling with mental health but i have supports and will not resort to numbing myself with a substance
I get to work from home today…i have alot to catch up on
The cute fucker smiled and had the biggest, best greeting for me last night.
I realize im in a place of flux and its uncomfortable and im reminded to have patience with myself
Sober sisters
The twelve steps
All the blessings and joy in my life since getting sober
This forum and all the gratidudes


I’m greatful to be awake. I think. :laughing:


I am grateful i have all this gratitude to read about
I am grateful for recovery
I am grateful for my health
For another day of sobriety
I am grateful for NOT having TOXIC people around me


Congratulations on 22 months @Cjp …that’s nearly 2 freakin’ years of awesomeness!!! :partying_face::partying_face::heartpulse::heartpulse::partying_face::partying_face:


Friday evening gratitude.

I’m grateful it was a productive and busy week. I’m grateful today I gave myself a day off after looking out the window. I’m grateful a grey, rainy day is the best day to cuddle up on the couch and celebrate a lazy day! I’m grateful for the interesting book I read, for all the food in the fridge, that I stocked up on logs yesterday, for my wood- fired stove and cooking on it. I’m grateful for not doing chores or anything I don’t like today. I feel like a lady of leisure today.
I’m grateful that I enjoy myself and that I feel free today.
I’m grateful cat zoomies and friends make me laugh. ODAAT


Time for my evening gratitude roundup.

I woke up early today and I am grateful I had all that time this morning. I changed my morning schedule a bit today, I feel like I might not need all that much self care, I‘ll see about that, but I am grateful I am in a place in my life, where I feel the confidence to change up structures. This means that I‘ve grown. And I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for the freedom of 100 days no sugar. The whole misery of if and when and how to moderate and why is just gone. When I see something sweet I just have a preset answer in my mind: No, thank you. I am grateful for this peace and freedom.
I am grateful I got to channel my very exhausting energy surges into useful things today. I am grateful I got some work done on my game design studies. I am grateful I went with my partner to a demonstration today. The weather was great, the speakers interesting, I got to chat with lots of acquaintances and we got to march for things that we care for. It‘s good to see and feel you‘re not alone.
I am grateful I had a really good meal, I love salmon, and I am very grateful I was actually hungry and had not stuffed myself with food in order to numb feelings. Food only tastes good when I am hungry.
I am grateful I got to do the groceries later in the evening. This way the supermarket was not so full as in the afternoon and I really liked that. I might even change my usual schedule in the future.
I am grateful the situation at home is getting better. I am grateful for the cautious peace.
I am going to watch some anime and then off to bed. I am grateful for this day.

Sleep well friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful to wake up this morning after a good night.
Grateful for time spent with family
Grateful to have this resource
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful for a day off today even tho I spent it doing jobs although I met my daughter for lunch, that was nice.
Grateful I went swimming today, I love swimming but hate the thought of getting changed before and after and it always puts me off. I ignored that in my head and just went, it was so nice. Grateful to read about ‘shit quits’, where you make a rubbish excuse to get out of a training session. I’d not heard that term before but I like it… I’m not going to be a shitty quitter!!
Grateful to be a doing person, someone that does stuff, not a person who doesnt do stuff.
Grateful for challenges, physical and emotional. I need a focus, something to work towards.


I’m grateful it is Friday and the weekend lies ahead.
Im grateful it is Friday night and I’m going to bed sober with no thoughts of drinking.
I’m grateful I get to shop for birthday presents tomorrow for a special friend, my sister any my nephew.
I’m grateful I managed another short dog walk today (my doggo was too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::dog2:).
I’m grateful my husband fills in and walks the dog on the days I’m too exhausted, even though it was always my happy place, not his.
I’m grateful for all you soberistas :kissing_heart:


I watch those toooooo.

Today I am grateful that it’s Friday.

I’m grateful my boss sent us all home a few hours early.

I’m grateful my 16 year old son just got his first job as a busboy making 12.90 an hour. I should charge him rent making that much at his baby age cleaning off tables. He starts Wednesday.

I am grateful my daughter gets to have a sleepover with some of her friends (trustworthy vetted house).

I’m grateful I know exactly all 437 menu items I plan to order tomorrow on my cheat day at Applebees. Yes, Applebees, it’s a fan favorite for me lol nostalgia and all that.

I am so grateful for some quiet time to sit down and slowly read through each one of your gratitudes and really soak them in after this busy week. It’s lifted my spirits tremendously.


Thanks @Dilettante

22 months today and my sister trusted me ON A FRIDAY NIGHT to watch her 3 kids…her trust and being able to be present with my niece and nephews is an amazing way to celebrate

So very greatful


That sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope you have a lovely evening :heart:


Dogs Clap GIF201106028

22 Months!!! :partying_face:


Glad to have ya back @maxwell


Today I’m grateful I reached 60 days!

:hugs: :purple_heart: :dog2: :cat2: :heart:


That’s today.
Congrats on your 60 days Maxie :hugs:


I’m grateful for safe places


Waking up at day 90, time flies when your having fun :slight_smile: Three months doesn’t feel that special as I’ve been there before, but I’m grateful I made the decision three months ago to give sobriety another try. On we go.

I am grateful for a long comatose night’s rest.
I am grateful that the roses my dad bought me are still standing after three (!) weeks.
I am grateful for the plants in my house and in particular my bedroom, they give off such chill vibes. I love burning a candle and seeing the shadows of the Monstera and Strelitzia dance on the wall.

I am grateful for having a few days off for a mini holiday next week with the fam. Looking forward to the private sauna, forest walks and game nights together.

I am a bit tired and low in energy lately. I think work, taking care of my parents and my own stuff are a bit much atm, but I’m grateful I can handle it. I am grateful to be sober during this period with my sick parents, it would’ve been torture if I’d still drink.


Hi! It’s still special! :hugs: Congratulations! :clap:

Congratulations Emma GIF26559154