Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for mowing the lawn and coping with the urge to drink afterwards
I’m grateful I’ve started a plan to tell close friends about my sobriety tomorrow
I’m grateful to remember last night’s dinner conversation
I’m grateful for completing day 2 of March for abs challenge
I’m grateful for my kids asking me to play with them (that didn’t happen much during addiction)


Ooooooo, that is a good one, and brings so many memories of drinking too much with that kind of thinking.

Lately I’m noticing that with more time off the bottle and more time on my hands, I’m not so much about getting “all the things” , but instead I am really treasuring moments of peace. It’s a day by day journey to get a few more moments of peace each day in place of pursuit of the “buzz” of booze and commercial purchasing.

I wish you the best today!


It’s that most wonderful time of the week! Saturday morning and my first cup of coffee.

I’m grateful to be here and be sober.
I’m grateful for coffee.
I’m grateful for having had a good week of teaching in the classroom.
I’m grateful for good health.
I’m grateful I got myself back in the swimming pool this week after about a month away from it.
I’m grateful I got the taxes done last night.
I’m grateful my husband’s s family is rallying to find a place for his sister and kids to live and I don’t have to feel the burden or responsibility to financially support that.
I’m grateful for my loving marriage and cozy home.
I’m grateful to have everything I need and not be worried about how to take care of myself.
I’m grateful for the public library and how much it provides me at home and for my classroom.
I’m grateful I have a vacation to look forward to in a few weeks.
I’m grateful my school year has shifted to the last third and that summer is only about 65 school days away!
I’m grateful for the mild winter.
I’m grateful for all that I have learned and continue to learn about how to take good care of myself.

I wish you all the best and most of all success in your daily journey away from addiction and toward peace and freedom.


Congratulations on a great big important 90 days Naomi
And now you got this new gratitude mind set that could be changing the way you look at things.

I love that part about your plants dancing and candles. That’s pretty cool.
Keep up the great work.
We got your back.


Congratulations on your 22 months and a day CJ
Grateful you’re here.
It’s always a pleasure to read you first thing in the morning. Or lately, whenever I get to you.
Grateful I have trouble keeping up with all the gratitude these days. There’s just so much :pray:t2::heart:


Grateful I got Mavy plugged in but I can’t reach my coffee :smirk_cat: I’m grateful from the right wrist down I can hunt and peck on my iPad.

I’m grateful I’m handling the stress of living with an alcoholic not in recovery, closing on a house that I’m not going to get out to for a couple of weeks; Norma and family coming for a visit pretty well. Much better than if I was drinking and waking up hungover. I’m grateful it’s so much easier. I’m grateful I know when to stop in the afternoon and do a meditation. I’m grateful I’m getting in my Benson walk for exercise. I’m grateful for beautiful days in the desert. I’m grateful for my Ember coffee cup and I can now have a hot sip of coffee.

I’m grateful I have no idea how or when we will get to move to Cali this time. I’m glad I can think about it. Write it here and actually let it go. It’s not going to be done today. I’m grateful this is going to be a monumental life changing move. And this thought is not helping :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I’m up for one more great big adventurous move in my life. I’m grateful I’m going to ask for help. More like pay for help. I’m grateful I’m not running around the house boxing shit like a mad man trying to make it easier and cheaper for when I do hire movers. I’m grateful the nickname White Tornado doesn’t apply to the new me anymore.

I’m grateful I’m at a point in my life where I’m not going to worry about people working or packing or moving or cleaning around me where I’m not doing a good bulk of the work too. I’m grateful I’m going to pull the old “I’m too old for that shit card.” I’m grateful there’s a shit ton of other things that I can do to facilitate this move in due time. I’m grateful we can get it all done when we get it all done.

I’m grateful today is a big housecleaning day for Norma and wifey is taking care of dinner. I’m grateful she made a reservation at a nice restaurant.

I’m grateful for this tool of gratitude and the mindset it gives me. And youz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“Thank God for the journey”
James Brown
Not that James Brown :notes:
The Author :writing_hand:


Greatful today for another opportunity at a new day
Greatful i had a chuckle reading about @Dazercat Ember coffee cup…i swear you mention that cup as much as i mention boscoe lol
Greatful i got my ass up and worked out
Greatful im working thru my anxiety ridden mania…lord i hope this episode doesnt last long
Greatful i get quality time with my mom today
Greatful im allowing myself time to chill and catch up on ts…taxes can wait til after the sun goes down
Greatful we’re gonna have a sunny warm day here
Greatful im going to knockout my 3rd day of couch25k
Greatful i got quality time with my nieces and nephews last night
Greatful for quality time with family
Greatful for shelter from the elements
Greatful for therapy
Greatful for Sober Sisters


@50BER Missed the 3 week celebration – way to go friend. Hope you keep stacking up the days with great positivity :muscle: Great work on resisting urges with familiar tasks. I had a hard time re-wiring my brain to do simple daily chores without my alcohol / cigarettes but now with time it feels so much easier.
@chiron Big hugs my friend. I am grateful that you shared your feeling with us and more grateful that you are feeling happy and alive again. Here for you if you should ever need to chat. :people_hugging:
@naomi OMG what a dream! :laughing: Do love the Yin Yang reminder! 3 months is amazing – no matter what you may have done before you are here now and with a new mindset. You are crushing it in every way! LOL – just read Dazer’s post to you and we both agree that your mindset has changed and you are on a new path this time around :hugs:
@dazercat 50 months of sobriety!! Keep paving the way Dazer – this is amazing.

@cjp Yeah 22 months sober :muscle: Grateful you are learning to navigate through the mental hurdles without substance abuse. Do hope you get some relief soon :pray:

Saturday morning gratitude’s with my favorite people
I am so grateful that i got to catch up on this thread. So very grateful for all the beautiful gratitude’s to read through and help me when i couldn’t write my own.
I am so grateful for my mom. We do have our moments but for the most part we are each other’s best friends and she has been a god send. I really could not be doing this recovery without her.
I am so grateful that i am moving around today after last nights episode. I stretched something inside rather harshly and am still in pain from it but much better to deal with now.
I am so grateful that i have the ability to rest and sleep and i know the work will get done. Grateful for my dad who has been stepping up and will be taking on more responsibility next week once my mom has her surgery. Grateful for my aunt and uncle who are ready to help out and eager to do so.
I am so grateful that i got most of my accounting work updated yesterday. I have a clear enough mind to work out some issues with taxes that my accountant may have incorrectly done. Grateful that i have time to figure this out and don’t need to lose sleep over it.
I am so grateful that the weather is again getting warmer and sunnier. I can’t believe that it will be 70 by Monday. Really not complaining… hoping to go sit outside and soak in some of this gorgeous sunshine.
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer. Grateful that my daily practice has provided me with the serenity and peace to keep pushing forward.
I am so grateful that i am healing!
I am so grateful for my coffee. Grateful that i am up and alert right now and will be enjoying a good cup of coffee with my mom. Been a while since we have enjoyed one together.
I am so grateful for you all - thank you for being such amazing souls and helping me in my sober journey.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful I woke up in a better mood! Thanks @JazzyS for the happy mojo it helped :blush: Grateful I got an early workout in and a good run.


I forgot :man_facepalming:t3:
Grateful for the reminder. Grateful I mentioned that yesterday. Seems like days ago though.
Grateful to see you posting. Get out there and enjoy that sunshine :sunny: it’ll be really good for ya.


Congratulations on 50 months Eric :partying_face:



Thanks Keeks :hugs:


A big congrats on 50 months! Awesome achievement :clap:


Thanks Steve.
Appreciate it.


so happy to hear that the mojo helped :smile: sounds like a lovely start to your day


"Everybody over there, get on up. Everybody out there, get into it. Everybody right there, get involved.”
James Brown
Not that James Brown :writing_hand:
The Singer🎶

Sunday morning motivation :sunglasses:


Good night gratitude.
Today I’m grateful for another relaxed day with naps galore. The multiple times changeing weather conditions make me fall asleep like a narcoleptic. I’m grateful my body’s reaction is sleep, not migraine :pray:
I’m grateful I proceeded with cleaning and preparing to fumble with seeds & seedlings. I’m grateful for pimped frozen pizza. I’m grateful for cat zoomies. I’m grateful I can sleep as much as I need. ODAAT


I’m grateful to be going home tomorrow after 11 nights house sitting. I love the peace and quiet here, I’ve hardly even put tv on.
Grateful I got the house sparkling clean today ready for when the owners come back tom.
I’m grateful to get out for a run between the downpours today.
I’m grateful my body is holding up (atm) and doing what I want it to.
I’m grateful for another sober day :sparkling_heart:


:grin::face_with_hand_over_mouth:I’m so grateful for your humor! Next time I buy frozen pizza I’m gonna pimp it out too.:kissing_heart:


Congrats on yer 50 months. Grateful you are here, grateful for your humor and your honesty and your guidance and shucks…. Just grateful for you!