Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Aww. Thanks Patty :blush:


I’m grateful I found some lovely gifts today and can get them posted in good time.
I’m grateful for an energy day when I needed it. I mean, it’s not like the energy I used to have, but my body got me round a few shops and I’m grateful for it.
I’m grateful I could treat said body to a chilled out evening, painting my nails and watching a movie.
I’m so grateful I don’t poison my body anymore.
I’m grateful I found this site and that it led me to the wonderfulness that is you guys :kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful for a restful weekend. Last week was a bit much for me too, here and there, and I don’t overload myself like I used to - at least, I try not to. Grateful for that.

Grateful for this place to tap into, for my Sangha. For dear pals IRL. Grateful I also know when to unplug healthily.

Grateful I had therapy thursday. It was a gooder. :sweat_smile:

Grateful for good books. The soup I’m about to make - one of my faves. Clean laundry. The ability to notice and be grateful for it all. Grateful I’m not focused on when my next drink is…

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

22 months @Cjp! You never don’t inspire me. I’m grateful for all your words.
60 days @maxwell! Look at you go…! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
90 days @Naomi. Every darn day is special when you compare it to the alternative, hey? Well done!

EDIT: 50 months @Dazercat! Legend. :wink: :pray:


I am grateful to be just a couple hours from Day 2 after a painful relapse yesterday. I’m grateful that I have found this site, and that no one shamed me knowing the shame I was already experiencing. I’m grateful to be feeling better after being too sick to get out of bed today. I’m grateful that I’m starting to feel hopeful. I’m grateful that I have a home and food and the perfect opportunity to get sober for life. I’m very grateful for all of you.



Grateful I held strong yesterday. Was a chance to break some old habits
Grateful I was clearheaded this morning, as I had a bit of car trouble before our roadtrip home, didn’t stress me out as much as if I was hungover.
Grateful to get home in time to see the opening game of the NRL season, and grateful it didn’t even cross my mind to get some drinks.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for getting the guts to tell my friends about my sobriety
I’m grateful for their positive response, especially finding one of them is 4 months sober
I’m grateful for completing day 3 of March for abs challenge
I’m grateful for inspiring my partner to consider sobriety, simply by my actions, not words
I’m grateful for feeling madly in love with my new self❤️


:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth: I had to look up what’s funny about the term. Well, the original meaning obviously is not making someone or something more fancy / delicious by adding something, e.g. ham, herbs, mushrooms to my ordinary frozen pizza :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Oh the unintended fun when English is not your native language :grin:
I’ll laugh all day with a weird, funny picture in my head!
I’m grateful to learn so much here :blush::blush::blush:


Lunchtime gratitude.

Happy soberversaries to all who reached milestones :sunflower::birthday:

Today I’m grateful for solid sleep. Still not grateful for nightmares but grateful they were bearable last night and I did not wake up completely wrecked.
I’m grateful I set the alarm at 6 a.m. and cought the beautiful 5 minutes when the fog lifts and the sun comes through. Those are mystic moments for me.

I’m grateful I accomplished some unloved tasks before service on TV. I’m grateful for service on TV, I like it to visit different churches across the country this way without travelling.
I’m grateful for the cozy, comfy, beautiful farmhouse we live at. I’m grateful I see progress from the daily process of cleaning one spot after another. I’m grateful working on deep cleaning the house after 2+ months of absence makes me feel at peace. I’m grateful me & cats are back and enjoy every.single.day!

I’m grateful there is no need to hurry, stress or rush. I’m grateful I hold myself back when I feel the urge to push forward. First things first and no, we don’t start doing something we have not the capacity to finish within sight.

I’m grateful I ordered a bunch of plants to be delivered around my birthday in april. It’s my b-day gift to me. I don’t know where I’ll plant them. It depends on the outcome of the value expertise on the farm if I’ll be able to pay out the ex. Anyway, this plants will either lift my spirits in the city or on the farm. I’m excited that I decided to order what I’ve been dreaming of for years.

I’m grateful I’ve been reading a lot the last days. I’m grateful the old boy sleeps on me. I’m grateful for catlove and cat zoomies.
I’m grateful today I’m gentle and kind to myself, I feel vulnerable and needy. I’m grateful HALT always helps me. I’ll feel better after lunch and a nap. ODAAT


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for quiet mornings with coffee and the sunrise. I’m grateful for a busy, productive day yesterday, and some fun stuff planned for today ( planting tomato and strawberry plants). I’m grateful for all the milestones I see- congratulations to all! I’m grateful the homethread is busy- lots of gratidudes/dudettes! Makes me happy :blush:. I’m grateful for my home, my family, our lives. I’m grateful I never have to go back to the way it was during my drinking days. I’m grateful for hope, and for love and forgiveness.:heart:

*edit to include a picture of my kitchen table makeover complete- I’m grateful I love it, and had so much fun working on it with my sister.


Grateful for Day 2

Grateful for my first post-relapse shower! I was too weak to do it yesterday, and it was amazing to wash away all the toxic sweat! It’s these basic things at first, isn’t it? I smell like fresh flowers! Well, maybe that’s a stretch but soon.

I’m grateful that I was able to eat breakfast without being sick. Coffee. Water. Vitamins.

I’m grateful the sun is peeking out.

I’m so grateful I can get out of bed some.

So grateful to have another chance.


On the contrary, I thought your command of English is so good,you can play with it so well!!!
And now I must compose my next gratitude list…


I’m grateful for TS.
I’m grateful for all the support, love, compassion, and humor here.
I’m grateful for my cats who taught me to wake up at dawn to feed them and then go back to sleep.
I’m grateful for the bike ride I fit in yesterday when the unseasonably warm sunny day hit again.
I’m grateful I got the laundry done yesterday.
I’m grateful for a nice visit yesterday with long time friends.
I’m grateful I’m sober.


I’m grateful to see you made it here Marie on day 2 @Lighter I love the smell of flowers :hibiscus:
I’m grateful for the bar soap section at the Whole Foods. I’m grateful my wife likes the different bar soaps I pick. And I’m grateful I’m always comfortable with the feminine side of me.

I’m grateful I went outside with my coffee in hand and appreciated my house surrounded by :cactus: saguaros :cactus: I’m grateful for the covey of Gamble quail out on the tee box. I’m grateful for my desert :desert: mountain view. I’m grateful I don’t know exactly what I’ll be waking up to in Cali. But I’m grateful it will be different with palm trees, hills, and a swimming pool. I’m grateful there will only be one neighbor on one side of my new home. I’m grateful for open spaces on the other side of my home. I’m grateful I don’t have to move today. So stop fucking thinking about it :grimacing:

I’m grateful we got a clean house for our guest tomorrow. I wish we didn’t live like slobs all the time. I’m grateful having 4 cats and a dog and a wife that doesn’t kill herself keeping the house obsessively clean is more important to me than a clean house. I’m grateful it sure cleans up nice around here. And I’m grateful just maybe we got a whole hella lot going on in this thing called life and it’s all ok.

I’m grateful I still think the wife wants to go out again for dinner tonight is just because she can have wine. And not because we can keep the house clean by freezing the salmon I bought and not stink up the house for guests tomorrow. I’m grateful that means I need more work. I’m grateful even though an alcoholic will find a way to drink I still need to let that shit go.

I’m grateful for all the little Norma clothes wifey has bought. I’m grateful we could open a baby clothing store if we needed to. I’m grateful we are as ready as we can be for a family visit with a baby. I’m grateful I’m sober. I’m grateful this is kind of a big deal because we haven’t had family visit us since pre COVID and we weren’t grandparents then. Gosh I don’t even know if I was sober. Nope. It was 2019. I’m grateful for another first. First family visit with a sober Dad. Sober father in-law and sober pop pop at my home. I’m grateful for sober firsts milestones that aren’t just a number. I’m grateful I have meetings to go to when they are here. Just 2. Therapists orders :grimacing: Unless I want more. I’m grateful my serenity needs to come first or I’m no good to anyone.

I’m grateful to share a bit of my life here with y’all.

I’m grateful 45 minutes later guess whose coffee is still hot :hot_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: THIS GUY’S :coffee::laughing:

With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more gratitude into my life.
Gratitude Life Blog


Wow :star_struck:
That came out really nice.
Thanks for the share.
How much you want for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m greatful the storm we had yesterday didn’t leave very much snow for me to shovel. I think maybe I can estimate it will take about 30 minutes. :thinking:

@Dazercat of course you made 50 months. You’re just awesome like that!
@Sunflower1 your table looks lovely.
@Lighter good job on your 2 days!


I’m grateful to God for guiding me and pray for help to abstain from my addictions, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for my cat and all his fur, his meow, his cuddles, his biting and scratching, his attention, playfulness, attitude, and love. I’m grateful that I got the dishes done, that I have dishes and give a crap about cleaning them. I’m grateful that after Church there is fellowship time. I’m grateful that I help facilitate a step workgroup every Sunday in the basement lounge of my building as its very helpful to me in a few different ways. I’m grateful that spring is near. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for sports to watch and play, that I got out ice skating last night and have volleyball tomorrow and will hop on my bicycle today.
I’m grateful for my sponsor and the twelve steps and traditions. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


Before I forget it on busy monday, here is my :yellow_heart: gratitude for today: I’m grateful I tackled dusting and it went really quick. Next part tomorrow on the first floor. Good night for now :pray:


I absolutely love this right here! :heart_hands:


The day is almost done and I have a lot to be grateful for.

I reset two of my counters yesterday. One for UltraProcessedFood and the other one for Overeating. I am grateful I am on this path of recovery together with all of you here. Before joining TS it would have just destroyed me, hurled me in a ‚don‘t give a fuck‘ mood and in a downward spiral. Instead I shared the event here, picked myself up, regrouped, and went on with life having learned something valuable. I am so grateful I found this community and for every single person posting here. Thanks!

I am grateful for sun, meditation, insights in my behaviour. For getting my weekly review done. For the smart words the lady in the food podcast said today. For a nice walk, for connecting with my pain and my feelings. For finally being able to get on the mat and do Yoga. For patience and the spring flowers.

I am grateful for a day well lived. Sleep tight everyone :night_with_stars:


After all the work I put into it, I’m using it till I die :joy:!