Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Hi @I.cant.We.can , happy to see you today!


Thanks dear @maxwell, @M-be-free49, @JazzyS and @Dazercat :two_hearts:
Iā€™m terrible at keeping track here, but I noticed some more milestones. You all are so inspiring and I love to read about your lives in this thread. If itā€™s 10 days or 10 years, every day is a win and you all are smashing it :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:
Althoughā€¦ 50 months is a very nice number @Dazercat! :star_struck: Btw, White Tornado sounds like a name from Dances with Wolves. I can totally imagine you sitting with Kevin Costner at the camp site, smoking the peace pipe. Iā€™ll be Dancing Flame then :laughing:

On a more serious note, I do have a different view on my sobriety and how I take care of myself. Daily gratitude, and especially writing here and reading, has been a life changer. I never thought I would keep it up tbh :smirk:
There are three things that make me smile every. single. day: my son, my dog and this thread. I am so grateful to have found this gem!

I am grateful for a productive day. I got rid of a ton of clothes that were worn out or didnā€™t fit anymore. I am grateful for having a half empty closet, itā€™s so tidy. (The question is for how long it will stay empty though. I already ordered some new stuff, looking forward to fresh new apparel :sunglasses:)

Everyday Iā€™m grateful yesterday me didnā€™t drink.

I am grateful for doing all the chores I planned today. Meal prepping, grocery shopping, packing for the holiday, cleaning, laundry, self care and then some more. It feels so good to check off those boxes :white_check_mark:

I am grateful for dog training, itā€™s so cool to see how fast we learn (both of us). Grateful for the sunshine yesterday morning during training :sunny:

@Lighter I can remember the post hangover showers, feeling brand new! Grateful to have you here :raised_hands:

@erntedank Your picture is like a scene from a fantasy movie, beautiful :heart_eyes:

@JazzyS Iā€™m so happy to read youā€™re healing from the surgery, sorry to hear about your painful stretch though! That soaking up the sun will do you good. Here the weather is also getting better. I walked outside in a sweater yesterday and felt the sun on my face. The best feeling ever, it made my day :sunny:
Hope your mom will be okay too! Wishing you and your mom well :people_hugging:


Hey yall,

Holy sheesh i started my gratitude this morning but got distractedā€¦here it goes

I gotta catch up here but wanted to post before my forgetfulness gets the best of me.

Im so very greatful forā€¦
My sobriety
My champions
Sober sisters
Hatha yoga
Self awareness
Only 2 more errands before i can chill for the day
Lost some weight, feeling good in my bodyā€¦just need to get my mind right
Getting rid of the stigma around talking about mental health
Fresh air
Being done with errands and having a moment where i dont have to adult
Its ok to not be ok
I got to spend spend spend at the grocery store and still was under budget


@pinkyp hope you are home and enjoying your own space.
@lighter so lovely to see you on the Gratitude thread with us Marie ā€“ the practice of finding gratitude daily has been a blessing in my sobriety. Way to go with your day 2!
@sunflower1 I love your kitchen table makeover. Absolutely love the rug too :heart: you and your sister did a wonderful job!
@pattycake I do love your Gifā€™s :laughing:
@dazercat oh how lovely it will be to experience the firsts with Norma and fam. I do hope you all have a wonderful visit and I am so very happy to hear that you will go to at least 2 meetings during that timeā€¦ you definitely come first!
@naomi Thank you friend :hugs: I didnā€™t make it outside but did let the sun beam on me.
@Nowenbrace just saw Owenā€™s name pop up and that brought a smile to my face - hope you are doing well friend :hugs:

Sunday gratitudeā€™s with all you lovely souls
I am so grateful for waking up today to a new day. A new day full of possibilities and healing. I had some issues last night and most of the day with pain but i think im still on the right course for healing.
I am so grateful that we did get everything ready and set for my momā€™s surgery tomorrow. Grateful that i decided that i will not move upstairs just yet. She will need me as much as i will need her.
I am so grateful that i did have my mom call her sister to make sure she would meet her at the hospital and be there when she awoke.
I am so grateful that i am able to eat more hearty stuff and no longer have issues with my throat. Still some random coughing fits that cause pain for the stiches but not as often as before.
I am so grateful for lovely sunny weather that is just getting warmer by the day.
I am so grateful that my dad and brother will be handling the restaurant and all the work by themselves. Grateful that we have gotten a lot of stuff set for meal prep at home.
I am so grateful that I took time to chill and read today. Its been awhile since i have been able to read and actually absorb the pages.
I am so grateful for my hot coffee in the morning. Grateful that i did grind my various beans and had enough of my blend to last me for my recovery. Grateful for seal tight containers to keep the coffee fresh. Grateful that i have started to enjoy different types of teas as my afternoon treat.
I am so grateful for healthy foods and drinks that promote healing and recovery.
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful that i am able to maintain my practice and find peace in it. Grateful for deep breathing and mindfulness for all my movements and thoughts.
I am so grateful for sleep. Grateful when i can totally shut down (it only lasts for a hour or so at a time but it is heavenly and so welcomed).
I am so grateful for this community and all the love and support i receive here.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful itā€™s 70Ā° today. :sun_with_face:
Iā€™m grateful I have more than enough food. :hamburger: :taco:
Iā€™m grateful for Buddy, my velcro dog. :dog2:
Iā€™m grateful Alex feels completely at home. :cat2:
Iā€™m grateful I repotted a couple plants today. :cactus:
Iā€™m grateful for my home. :house_with_garden:
Iā€™m grateful I now have plants as a hobby. :potted_plant:
Iā€™m grateful for plant books and Google. :open_book:

I have NO idea how I grew up without Google, or smart phones, GPS, curbside pickupā€¦ :person_shrugging:

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober. :hugs:


Thx for saying hello Jasmine :wave:. I have a warm feeling checking out so many posts here, loving community. I have gratitude for recovery and loving supportive wife, soon lucky here!!
Thought of nicotine today and remembered what Noah Levine said in Refuge Recovery, . We all crave but the addict is the ones that must satisfy our cravings . So no to nicotine, no monkey pounding on my back again.
Love to you all with my coffee cup raised to you, God speed friends!!!


@JazzyS , @Soberbilly thanks guys! I love the rug too!


I am grateful that I can come to this group and feel part of a family! Also for the meetings I go to, that as I said before, are like daily life preservers if things seem tough.
I can come here and read, and learn from all of you! Cheers to a nice nights sleep for all!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I am grateful for the rain. We donā€™t get enough of it, and too soon it will be 100 degrees for 5 months straight, so I am so so grateful for the rain and chilly wind today. Iā€™m grateful for my psychologist. I am grateful for salami and sharp cheddar. I am grateful for TS, as always :pray:


Sending so many healing vibes!!! :sparkling_heart:


Iā€™m grateful for the end of Day 2. Grateful for this place. Grateful that Iā€™ll be able to handle the massive recent changes in my life, sober. Itā€™s the way. Grateful my appetite returned and Iā€™ll start to bounce back soon. :slight_smile:


Glad youā€™re feeling better. :pray:


Today I am grateful for a perfect weather day.

Iā€™m grateful for a two mile walk with my husband, kids and dogs.

I am grateful my kids still enjoy family time.

Iā€™m grateful that I made it out of taking my son driving on his permit safely. He really does so well my anxiety just doesnā€™t enjoy the ride. 3 more months and heā€™s on his ownā€¦ Iā€™m going to need stronger meds.

I am grateful for my 3rd day of journaling. I went from like one page the first two days, to four today. Not me over here just nailing it, call me an expert writer at this point :muscle:

Iā€™m grateful that the rest of this lovely Sunday, I get to relax and throw on a movie before the work week starts up tomorrow.


Grateful for plenty of leave days, had to take one when my car wouldnā€™t start this a.m
Grateful that we have two cars so was able to hopefully sort the issue
Grateful that I also have my bike and am capable of riding if I really need to, although tomorrow will be raining with thunderstorms forecast for the afternoon.
Grateful I was able to go to the gym with my wife and get some training in together.
Grateful the temperature is a bit cooler today than it has been, definitely an autumn change.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Iā€™m grateful for my family.
Iā€™m grateful for celebrating my nephewā€™s birthday today at laser tag and crazy golf.
Iā€™m grateful my daughter is past all that now, boy oh boy it was noisy and busy there.
Iā€™m grateful for hot chocolate and a comfy bed.


Thanks very much my friend, grateful for you


I am grateful for sunshine and new experiences. Took a cross country skiing class and feeling every muscle today. But I really enjoyed it. I just love how it combines being outdoors in beautiful landscape with being active. I am grateful for my job and the financial security it provides. I am grateful for friends and laughter. Grateful to be home and be sleeping in my own bed after a few weeks being away for work. I am grateful for my life.


Iā€™m grateful for 5:30am training this morning
Iā€™m grateful for not puking at training, though I wanted to
Iā€™m grateful for helping a stranger and sharing our sober stories
Iā€™m grateful for crushing day 4 of March challenge
Iā€™m grateful to be going to bed, because Iā€™m tired and not passout drunk


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

DRA Dual Recovery Anonymous for people with mental health issues and addiction. Its an amazing support to my sobriety. I felt safe to talk about my mental health struggles, felt seen, understood, and comforted.

My sobriety, soon 2 fricken years

Excited for my 2nd tattoo! Im very deliberate with my ink. I only have 1 other from 15 years ago. Its a beautiful tribute to my sobriety journey and me growing into my latest version

Time with hubby and Boscoe yesterday
A long walk and talk with hubby
Underbudget for groceries and still felt like i splurged
My mind feels somewhat tamed after a week of maniaā€¦heres to hoping work stress doesnt aggravate my condition
AA and the 12 steps for creating an amazing foundation for my recovery
Sober sisters
Yogaā€¦damn am i sore
Glad im sore bc that tells me im workin it
Weather in the 50sā€¦better than freezing
Almost spring
My mom
My family
Progress rather than perfection


Iā€™m grateful for my legs and my microwave so I can get up and blast my coffee so itā€™s hot again. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not codependency that Iā€™m sacrificing my Ember coffee cup for my wife because she forgot to plug hers in last night. Iā€™m grateful thatā€™s just the kind of sweet guy that I am :heart:

Iā€™m grateful we are as ready as can be for Norma and fam to visit. Iā€™m grateful my back doesnā€™t hurt. Iā€™m grateful I finally got that fucking car seat install yesterday. Iā€™m grateful for YouTube videos on anything and everything.

Iā€™m grateful once again, I did not try to force my will on my wife at the store last night.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m learning about all the things that rob me of my serenity. Iā€™m grateful most of that shit has nothing to do with living with an active alcoholic. SPOILER ALERT, ITS ME!! Iā€™m grateful my changed attitudes aid in my recovery :mending_heart:

Iā€™m grateful for Lou Redmondā€™s 10 day course Learn To Stop Caring What Other People Think on Insight Timer. Iā€™m grateful for his Stop Caring What Others Think meditation and especially the positive affirmations at the end. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m saying these positive affirmations at the end out loud while Iā€™m walking Benson.
Iā€™m grateful my presence is enough :heart:
Iā€™m grateful my light shines brighter than Iā€™ll ever know :heart:
Iā€™m grateful I am appreciated :heart:
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m finally ready for this kind of bullshit :rofl: ok itā€™s not bullshit but Iā€™ve fought this for so long and always cringed at the thought of loving myself and saying positive affirmations about myself. Iā€™m grateful maybe it just took 4 years of sobriety 2 years of Al-Anon, a therapist and a sponsor to get here. Iā€™m grateful it doesnā€™t matter how I got here. Iā€™m grateful maybe itā€™s a huge surrender or some kind of lightning bolt spiritual awaking. Iā€™m just pretty grateful about it now. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery journeys.

Iā€™m grateful we are going to get the fuck out of here before the summer inferno and I wonā€™t have to get up at 4 to walk The Ol Burner before sunup.

Iā€™m grateful to share my experience strength and hope here with you all.

An oldie but a goody and fave of mine:
But, itā€™s the sharing that heals. Not the person that listens.
Believing In Myself