Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Happy 30th Birthday Kenny! Hope you are having a wonderful start to your special day :tada: :partying_face: :birthday: :cake:


Happy Birthday @K_S! :birthday: :partying_face:

Did the artist really spell accept wrong or my eyes playing tricks on me? Looks like 2 e’s to me.


I’m grateful for Day 3. Grateful to be in better spirits. Grateful I was well enough to do a load of laundry and take a shower. Grateful I can eat, rest and recover the rest of the day. Grateful I’m surrendering to how sick I am and being ok with not being ‘productive’ today.


@nowenbrace AAAh way to go on getting that monkey off your back! No way – not one puff as I’ve read here more than once. You are doing great. Glad to hear you are doing so well in your recovery and in life!
@davina_davis Thank you so much! Appreciate the vibes.
@pandita Love that you did cross country skiing and enjoyed it – that’s one on my list to learn (hoping it will help me appreciate the winter more).
@50ber sorry you were not feeling well during training – hope that has passed and you are doing much better now.
@cjp Grateful for DRA and that you were able to open up and feel safe there. Sending you happy positive vibes my friend – hope this mental episode is on its way out.
@dazercat Norma day! Yippee – I’m sure you are going to be on cloud nine soon enough as you will have a little ray of sunshine running through the house. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn’t matter how we get to our destination as long as we don’t lose sight of our goal (this is what I took from your share today and it helped me).

Good morning you beautiful sober souls - Sharing my Monday gratefulness
I am so grateful for my lovely hot cup of coffee this morning.
I am so grateful that the coffee helped me wake up. My mom was up super early (which is understandable) but then so was i as i am a light sleeper and in the middle of everything :laughing: All good - grateful i was up and able to be here for her.
I am grateful that my dad and brother got the day started smoothly for the restaurant and hospital cafe shift. My dad made it back in time to take my mom for her surgery. Grateful my aunt and uncle will meet him there - really wanted my aunt to be around when she wakes up.
I am so grateful that we meditated and chatted and relaxed together this morning. Trying to keep calm and relaxed. Grateful that she let me braid her hair.
I am so grateful for fennel tea. I had some heartburn earlier and this is really helping soothe that for me.
I am so grateful for getting back into reading.
I am so grateful that my pain has subsided this morning. It is weird that it gets intense at night and gives me trouble all night but in the morning it feels numb and manageable. Hey - i’ll take the good moments without complaint.
I am so grateful for a peaceful quiet house. I may attempt to sleep a bit now so i can be alert for when my mom gets home.
I am so grateful for my brother and my dad for stepping up and taking on so much more responsibility during these weeks.
I am so grateful for all of you! Grateful to be a part of this wonderful community.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning.

I am grateful to have taken a day off… absolutely off, like I am skipping town. The sky is blue and the sea is relatively calm, and I am on a boat; for this I am grateful.

I decided to head to the mainland for the day to visit my bestie. I am grateful that I have the means and the time to do this. I am grateful that the idea of heading to the city doesnt trigger me anymore. I can remember the first year of my recovery and when I had to make this trip every six weeks for kiddos ortho appointments. So grateful that I had this forum to get me through those crazy strong urges after I would drop her to her father. I am grateful I was able to stay hooked in here and keep my focus on the horizon.

I decided to walk on today instead of bringing my NEW TRUCK to the city. Mhm, I have a beautiful new vehicle which I am also so grateful for. I bought a little Ford Maverick, her name is Raven and she is a dream.

I am grateful that I got a seat outside the washroom on the ferry. Grateful that I didnt want this so that I could easily smoke drugs during my travels. Grateful for my morning coffees and my 50 yr old bladder.

Grateful for my full and amazing life.
Grateful for God.



It was self inflicted due to giving everything I had during training. I’m grateful for you making the effort to read gratitudes then connect with the community. :pray:


@Its_me_Stella You know. I live in a steep valley and there is no water to speak of, but the way you describe your trip makes me long for a boat ride. Sounds like you really had a nice day.
@JazzyS All good luck and speedy recovery for your mum!
@Lighter Yor’re rockin the laundry :wink:
@Dazercat That self love is really contagious.
@Cjp Shoud you feel comfortable sharing I’d really like to see your tattoo.

Time for gratitude today.

I am grateful I’ve had one more day in this life. Grateful how my moods changed through the day and how I have learned to get through the worst mood swings by just giving up. By giving up I stop trying to control them, control my feelings. I am grateful for this lesson. This is the only way.
I am grateful for the work done today. It’s not that interesting as game design studies but it gives me good routine, which I was especially grateful for today.
I am grateful I managed to get through the day food wise without losing control. It was very difficult to catch my hunger and satiety signals today, but I am grateful I’ve had more training now and am better attuned.
I am grateful for class today. It was exhausting to even get there, but there were only eight kids there today and most of them were the quiet kind. And today I am grateful for a boring class.
I am grateful for still being able to set boundaries and take care of my emotional health.
I am grateful for anime, yoga, and on a day like today for being able to actually surrender.

Sleep well sober folks :night_with_stars:


After skipping one or maybe even two days on the gratitude thread, I am grateful I took the time to read through all of your posts. I am grateful I can say happy birthday to @K_S today. I am grateful @JazzyS is healing from the surgery.

I am grateful for @MrFantastik reminding me that my sober family is from all over the world. While he sees the first changes to autumn, I admire the first spring blossoms. I am grateful for the Internet to make this possible. I am grateful I feel truly connected to my sober tribe, even when I am not posting or sharing, I am reading and all your posts give me strength and hope.

I am grateful for the pain in my legs. Two spin classes back to back tonight… definitely earned that pain :rofl:
I am grateful all my other pain and health problems haven’t made an appearance over the last week. Seems like this new medication is finally doing something noticeable. I am grateful I took it for 10 days now and have still enough left for at least 2-3 weeks. I am grateful I already have a review booked with my doctors.


Way too much to catch up.
Today I’m grateful for a book I bought 1,5 years ago about alcohol and codependency. It was hard to read, it hurts that alcohol can take away the person you once loved, as it was in my case. It didn’t help me with my codependent patterns but it was a clear reminder how alcohol messes up with people’s behaviour and all around are suffering. I should not have read it, I can physically feel the ups and downs, the anger, frustration, helplessness, fury, resentments. And I still hurt that drinking, stonewalls and treework were more important than our relationship. Yes I take this shit personal because it IS personal. I’m grateful I am where I am today, still a work in progress.

I’m grateful for catsnuggles in abundance today. I’m grateful I took it easy today, I was not in the mood for intense work after horrible nightmares again. I’m grateful I can tick off several points off my to do list today.
I’m grateful I’m comfy don’t leaving the house a few days in a row. And nobody nagging about fuck. I’m grateful I have to tomorrow, leaving the house, not nagging, because I have appointments in town.
I’m grateful for sleeping meds. I hope for a short but restful sleep. ODAAT


I am grateful for having vacation with the family. That we’re in this new cottage. That we will go swimming tomorrow. I feel like a kid.

Sis and mom were drinking red wine tonight. I am not bothered with others drinking and I’m grateful for that. I was happy on water and a coke, although that last one is keeping me up right now I think.

I am grateful for a couple of days off work. I am grateful to spend that time with the fam. I am grateful the dog is enjoying the woods here, where he can run.


I’m grateful for a sunny day.
I’m grateful my nails look nice after I painted them.
I’m grateful for my husband.
I’m grateful even on a bad day I don’t think of drinking it away.


Grateful to be back at work
Grateful my car started this morning.
Grateful for delicious and healthy lunches at work
Grateful I only have 3.5hrs left till shift ends
@HolySquid I’ve been grateful being in the midst of summer and seeing everyone else in bleak winter. Time for me to be envious of you northern hemisphere people while I’m in cold and rain. Although I do enjoy winter, and ours are mild compared to some place. No snow, just rain, wind and cooler temps
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


You are welcome! And thank you!


I am grateful to be home safe and sound.


I think one of them is an old school cursive c?
like how we (okay, some of “we”, lol) had to learn, back in the day? :pencil2::ledger::older_woman: :sweat_smile:

I dunno, these eyes are old, but happy birthday @K_S !
I’m grateful for your shares and posts. :orange_heart::pray:


Grateful this morning for the smell of spring and pastell coloured daylight. I never thought I would enjoy being up early so much. In my drinking years I tried to catch up on as much sleep as I could and always missed the sunrise. Drinking definately borrows the joy from the next day. Never again. I am grateful for my work from home day today and an upcoming hairdressing session. I am grateful for all the extra money I am not spending on booze anymore. I am grateful I can use it to treat myself in all the good ways. I am looking forward to soon be planting things on my balcony again and have my hands all covered in dirt. I am grateful for the circle of life.
Happy birthday @K_S, hope you had a great day.
And yesy @JazzyS do try cross country skiing - it absolutely makes winter feel like a miracle. Highly recommended.


Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing these pics. :star_struck:


I am grateful to be on my sobriety journey once again

I am grateful there is still hope for me to find success with my goals

I am grateful for my AA group

I am grateful for my dog.

I am grateful to still be grateful for spouse even through the tough days


I’m grateful for my son making his school lunch
I’m grateful for my daughter’s interest in reading
I’m grateful for overwhelming support from friends regarding sobriety
I’m grateful for receiving and starting pre-employment documentation today
I’m grateful for my partner, she is my rock❤️


Good morning sober fam,

Its bright and early and im trying to get pumped for the gym.

Im so very greatful for…

My hubby being an awesome husband yesterday and being present with me
My sobriety
A work from home day today
Zinc and vitamins
Boscoe cuddles
Youtube music
Hopeful i can run my c25k run today, week 2
Prayer and meditation when it does bring comfort

Peace and love my gratidudes