Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I’m grateful for early morning coffee with my son :face_holding_back_tears: I’m grateful to have a baby in the house. I’m grateful they made it in safe and sound. I’m grateful there was no meltdown. She was so good. I’m grateful instead of gods will it’s going to be Norma’s will the next few days and I’m good with that. I’m grateful I’m so good with that.

I’m grateful I got a few minutes to exercise my gratitude muscles.
I’m grateful Sonny is booking a tee time at 7 am Thursday and wants me to join him. Oh god I hate golf :golf: I’m grateful for the opportunity to bond with him. I’m grateful it could take 4 hours :scream: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful Norma is interrupting my gratitude.


Oh I’d be so grateful for another delightful pic of Norma and her sober pop pop! :pray:

No pressure, of course. You just go soak up every minute :wink: :orange_heart:


Grateful for Day 4. Grateful to be alive. Grateful for my peaceful home to get sober in safely. Grateful for all the food I have to get healthy. Grateful to be planning my first venture out tomorrow as a person in recovery on Day 5. Grateful for the life changes that sent me spiraling; they were actually very positive ones. Grateful for all of you. :heart:


Grateful to hear everyone made it safe and sound. No doubt, Norma will be running the show the next few days, but grateful you’re willing to go with the flow.

Golf?! :face_vomiting: i get it, it’s not about the game but coffee sounds better to me. :laughing: Grateful you’ll have that time to bond though.


Good morning. I am grateful for day 7 of renewed sobriety.

I am really grateful for a good day yesterday to start week off positively


I am grateful I got my mom a bathing suit and she joined us at the pool. She didn’t swim in years.
Grateful for our private sauna. I bet I’ll sleep well tonight. Grateful we will visit a palace tomorrow. I am grateful mom is having such a good time.

Grateful I don’t drink so I can experience everything sober and not be thinking what time I can open a bottle.


I’m grateful to see you back Lam. And with one week of ODAAT :hugs:
Great start!
Missed you around here.
And your little dog too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m grateful I left something for my son to put together. Pre hike adjustments.

And yes @Lisa07 Nana bought her her own golf clubs :joy:
In the background


@50ber thank you friend! This community has been my saving grace in my journey and i am grateful for all of you here as we help each other keep pushing forward.
its_me_stella what a beautiful get away experience. Love the new ride Stella – Raven is beautiful :wink:
@holysquid so lovely to see you pop in friend. Grateful to see you doing well and only dealing with self inflicted work out pain. Hope all goes well with your doctor review session.
@naomi Oh I love reading about your family vacation – glad you are all having a great time.
@tailee17 So lovely to see you checking in here my friend. Grateful to have you back with us on your sober path :pray: Congrats on your week milestone :muscle: :tada:
@dazercat OH I love that you and your son can enjoy morning coffee together. LOL – yuppers – it’s the Norma show now and im excited to hear of all the fun you all are going to have :wink: My heart is so happy seeing you enjoy your family time at home. Making lovely memories :heart:

Tuesday morning gratitude’s with all you lovely souls :hugs:
I am so grateful that all went well with my mom’s surgery. So grateful that the hospital called to follow up and make sure she was well this morning.
I am so grateful that she is doing well and moving around with ease today.
I am so grateful that I am awake and alert now. Was a horrid evening / night with pain and just being uncomfortable. Grateful i was still able to be there for my mom and probably good that i didn’t sleep as i could make sure her ice packs were always cold.
I am so grateful for laughs with family even when we get on each others nerves
I am so grateful for healthy lifestyle.
I am so grateful for music and books.
I am so grateful for a love for life- looking forward to regaining my energy and movements.
I am so grateful for this community! Grateful for my family! Grateful for connections :hugs:
Wishing everyone an amazing addiction free day - sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


Today I’m grateful for a busy day.
I’m grateful for therapy, it really helped me to talk through the things that bothered me these last days.
I’m grateful I ticked almost everything off my to do list for today. Finances, chores, errands, seed & seedlings fumbling.
I’m grateful the old boy gets to occupy the giant sofa by sleeping in the one spot where I can’t lay down left or right of him comfy :see_no_evil:
I’m grateful for the big red furball and his love.
I’m grateful Missi is curious about what I do. Always.
I love them to pieces.
I’m grateful for a nice chat on the phone and ending it when I felt I had enough and could not listen longer. Healthy boundaries.
I’m grateful for healthy food, a hot shower, clean cloths, enough toilet paper, drinking water from the tap, fresh air, a comfy bed, friends, sharing pictures, throwing away books I dislike, sleeping meds and so much more … :zzz:


@JazzyS Glad to hear your mum is doing ok.

Today I am grateful the day progressed from awful to quite alright. I have no idea what it is, I assume as most of the time hormones playing rollercoaster. I am grateful I managed to get out of bed and cancel my class. I am grateful for our modern tech that makes it so easy to get in touch with people.
I am grateful my husband took care of the groceries, so I could stay home.
I am grateful for a bus load of distractions, the meme threads, music, video games, youtube, naps.
I am grateful I knew it would pass and it finally did. I am grateful I can hope for a better day tomorrow.
I am grateful my daughter is doing better and getting out of bed.
I am grateful I managed to get some work done the quality of which we will see when my brain works properly again.
I am grateful I‘ll be off to bed soon and get some sleep.

Good night everyone :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for an awesome sober day today. Grateful for another hard but amazing gym class this morning, followed by an hour in the spa/sauna area. I am grateful I did the cold shower thing today. Grateful I didn’t scream :scream::rofl:
I am grateful I took myself for lunch. Grateful for the time on my own, just observing the other people around me. Grateful for the time I spent today, just being present.

Grateful I managed to find a lovely gift for someone’s birthday. Grateful for Lush bathbombs. Grateful for tea, book and chocolates while in the bathtub :bath:

I really had such a good day! I feel just right and content within myself. And tho I am not in AA, today I am grateful for the serenity prayer, it has played a part in my recovery. Today I can feel the power and benefits it has brought to me.


Late afternoon gratitude for…
Warm sunny weather
Bike rides , so early in spring to be able to do this, used to be cross country skiing or snow shoeing season, kind of scary but kinda of marvelous.
Running errands with my husband.
Good books to read, so many books, so little time.
Hot apple cider
Getting seeds for this years vegetable garden. Planning what we’ll plant this year.
Peace and quiet.


Thank you so much. As this was my first sobriety journey and relapsed after 5 months I am being more thoughtful about approach and attitude.

I was a bit arrogant thinking I got this…



I am grateful for reassurance today. I spoke with my therapist today for a few minutes before conferencing my husband into conversation. (Spouse wants to be involved as he thinks I do not share all info or tell the truth at times.) I shared with my therapist how great the last 7 days have been…AA meetings, gym and accomplishing daily goals. When my husband joined the conversation with out any prompting he shared with the therapist how great I have been last 7 days citing all my accomplishments.

Relationship has suffered much and today was a positive step forward to repairing the broken bond.


I’m grateful for hot showers.
I’m grateful for nicely scented moisturisers.
I’m grateful for an easy work day.
I’m grateful my first group therapy session went well.
I’m grateful for longer days.
I’m grateful for sobriety.


My before bed gratitude! I’m grateful for bedtime routines. I light a calming candle, do my skin care routine, spray my bedding with lavender linen spray, and then I read and read. So grateful I am able to do these things, I never did when I was drinking. Grateful for you all as always, your shares inspire. ODAAT!! :purple_heart:


That sounds like a lovely day!!!


I’m so grateful for music and books too!! Wonderful post, continued healing vibes for you and your Mum!!


I’m grateful for this day.

I’m grateful I handled some curve balls at work today and felt like I did okay. Lotsa people off sick and I stepped into a few roles I wouldn’t normally have to. I’m grateful when the day was done I was looking forward to a short nap. A walk in the fresh snow. My dinner (pimped up leftover soup - I cannot stop staying this! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Grateful for the giggle I have each time.) Some chill tunes. Going to bed with my book, which I’ll do after this.
Only now am I realizing how drastically different the day would have gone in the before times. I may well have been hungover this morning. I would have unquestionably dove into a bottle of wine tonight.
I’m grateful for my recovery and the rewiring of my mental circuitry :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

I’m grateful for all of you!

I’m grateful to see @tailee17! I can relate to having thought “I had this”. It becomes a gift to lean on, in recovery… knowing that in fact we did not. Onward, friend.

I’m grateful to see @Sunflower1’s table. You takin’ orders? :sweat_smile:

Hope you feel better tomorrow, @acromouse. :pray: