Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

Thanks for the birthday wishes Yes! He most definitely did. I got one hell of discount on it too, lol. Once It heels were gonna do some editing to it. I usually never fall asleep in the chair and this time I did :weary:


Thank you so much! :blush:


Thank you so much. :blush:


:point_up_2: This one million percent! Grateful for the things that dragged me (back) to my recovery. Grateful that where I once ran from those things, they now in a sense “protect” me, from ever going back. Grateful for recovery itself.

Besides, life’s way better over here, hey? :wink: :orange_heart:


Thank you so much!:blush:


Thank you so much! :grinning:


Oh wow - they did goof? Good eye @Lisa07 ! Grateful you got a discount, Kenny! I bet they can edit it, touch it up somehow, just fine. :pray:


Late night gratitude at work
Grateful the admin stuff I’m filling in on at work is starting to come a little easier. Its relatively easy but I make it look hard. Will be grateful when my workmate that usually does it gets back
Grateful for family that can watch the kids when both my wife and I have overlapping shifts.
Grateful for catching up with old work colleagues, an old boss from the start of my career.
Grateful for the stability of my job. I’ve been doing it 17years and I’m still learning every week.
Grateful for slowly feeling more comfortable and engaged with others in this community.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for being humbled at training today, never judge a book by its cover
I’m grateful my partner finally used her 3 hour day spa birthday present
I’m grateful for going out on a kid free lunch date with my partner
I’m grateful that my kids got ready early this morning
I’m grateful for bonding with my kids through Muay Thai


Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, 675 days free from weed and alcohol
I got extra sleep last night
Pillows…boy do i love my pillows
Ibuprofen and cough syrup
Our lil family hubby boscoe and me
Protein shakes
Progress not perfection


Good morning CJ :coffee:
Grateful to see the ol Boscoe avatar this morning.

I’m grateful I got up at 5:30 to enjoy my coffee and quiet time before the lovely little Norma storm gets up. I’m grateful I don’t have children in my 60’s. I’m grateful for blankets. Lots of blankets. Apparently babies have to sleep at 66-67 :cold_face: degrees at night for optimal sleep. I’m grateful I have no idea what temperature it was when we put our children to bed and I didn’t care. I’m grateful to be the Pop Pop and she knows it and can say it. Or poppy. Or she could be calling me a puppy :dog: I’m grateful it’s just so much fun.

I’m grateful I got to a meeting last night. I’m grateful this was HUGE for me I’ve never had family over before to actually leave and go to a meeting to take care of myself. I’m grateful I was late and my home group was happy to see me.

I’m grateful when I got home the wife had had too much too drink and I was pretty good about that. I’m grateful she has this disease and it’s not personal or anything I did or the kids did. I’m grateful I wasn’t happy about it. But I’m ok. I’m grateful Charlie Brown didn’t fall on his back when Lucy pulled the football up. Because he didn’t have any expectations. I’m grateful no expectations = no resentments.

I’m grateful for my DIL. I’m grateful she wants to try a fancy Mexican restaurant that I’ve never heard of that doesn’t allow kids after 7 and although it wouldn’t be my choice to put us all in this situation I’m in!! :100: I’m grateful our reservation is at 5

I’m grateful my son and I had to take apart a couple of sides of the crib :scream: to move it out of the hot west facing room and I thoroughly enjoyed the bonding time with our little Allen wrenches together. I’m grateful my son with 10 and a half years sober is a fucking awesome dad! Ya he us. I’m grateful I told him that too. And I’ll probably tell him again! I’m grateful he told me where he must of got it from :face_holding_back_tears: I’m grateful here he is now. Going to get my Normie.

"In sobriety, find gratitude not just for the blessings, but for the battles you’ve fought and won.
Safe Haven Recovery


Please share that link or the name. It sounds as it would be helpful for me also.


Grateful for 7 weeks alcohol free
Grateful I see my son again today
Grateful for my morning coffee
Grateful for this app


Congrats on 7 weeks.


I am grateful to start another sober day.


Afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful for light traffic yesterday and today. It’s a lot less stressful when I have a multistop tour for appointsments and errands.

I’m grateful my psychiatrist insists that I put more work in letting go. More serenity prayer, less clinging to the past. I’m fucking tired of working on myself, I just wanna be.

I’m grateful an inspiration hit me when I put the paper bin back at my late mum’s house. I’m grateful my brain realized where the fuck I had put the beloved little bookshelf of my grandma! Realizing this I went to the next room and found the carpets I’ve been thinking of for years. I plain forgot where I had put them after cleaning :see_no_evil: 13 years ago. I’m grateful my brain doesn’t really forget, it just needs an unknown time to find the desired information. I’m grateful I packed all 3 in the car and will joyfully use them at the farmhouse.

I’m grateful I pimped up leftover soup (still smiling too @M-be-free49 :grin:) for delicious healthy late lunch.

I’m grateful I stocked up on catlitter and cans, drove to the carwash, complained on the postal service (every year the same bullshit around easter), filled up the car and I’m grateful I still can afford all of this. Prices for everything are ridiculously high.

I’m grateful I broke down the whole seeds & seedlings fumble into small tasks I can handle seperately. Much better and less overwhelming. I’m grateful I find happiness again in growing plants.

I’m grateful there was enough warm water left for a quick shower in the morning. I’m grateful I get used again to the routines on the farm. Slowly.
I’m grateful for the wood fired stove, I am a bit cold today.

I’m grateful it’s ok if I call it a day and snuggle up on the couch with the cats, a book and piano music in the background. ODAAT


My kids call my stepdad (who raised me) Pop. Love it, enjoy!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Grateful for 5 days of freedom from alcohol. Grateful I have absolutely no energy so I won’t have to worry about alcohol displays at the store yet. Grateful to have everything I need at home. Grateful to have a home to recover in. Grateful to have all the time I need. Grateful for all of you.


i am super grateful for my family and friends!

spent the last 2 days at the hospital getting tests done, and my family have been so supportive and checking in on me. my nan has spent both days with me there too.

Friends have been completely understanding in rearranging plans, and offering me lifts if i need them.

one little thing that feels really big is from my sister. she’s autistic so doesn’t do the usual forms of affection like saying i love you or giving hugs. but last night i fell asleep with my bedroom light on, and she came in to speak to me, noticed i was asleep and turned off the light for me. Such a sweet thing to do, and just made me super happy❤️


I’m having a really hard time right now and I hope some gratitude will make it a slight bit more tolerable.

I’m grateful for this day.
I’m grateful overall this day was better than yesterday.
I’m grateful I could get some work done.
I’m grateful I could go to the store in this fine weather.
I’m grateful I had enough energy to do some yoga.
I’m grateful I got to brush my daughter’s hair.
I’m grateful I’m done with the day and can hope for sleep soon.
I’m grateful I can come over here no matter what is going on in my life.