Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

On this day last year I had my day 1. I am grateful I made it through those first 24h, those first few days and weeks. I am grateful I had the strength to live through those night sweats, the irritability, the mood swings, the cravings, the cravings, the cravings… oh and don’t forget the cravings!!!

I am grateful I avoided certain people, places, situations. I am grateful I stood up for my sobriety countless times in the first few months. I am grateful things got easier with everyday. I am grateful for all the tools I collected throughout this year. I am grateful that I am willing to keep collecting tools. I know I am nowhere near done or healed or un-addicted. I am grateful for this community, guiding me through.

I am grateful for my willingness to keep putting the work in each and every day!

One year done, a lifetime to work on.


Amen to this. I’m grateful for this place too. Sleep well!


Absolutely! I learn so much from this forum!:star2::star2::star2::star2:


I am grateful for this week spent with family. Our days are filled with food, board games, walks and talks.
I like being around people, but I also need downtime. Normally I would drink to cope with noise and people, but now I just go for a walk or use the sauna to get some me-time. I am grateful to have found a way to relax without alcohol. No need to resort to booze!


Grateful to read this Lam :pray: So lovely to have you back with us and glad to hear things are getting better at home.

@hopeful32 1 week is awesome work — keep going strong :muscle:

@aliennation Hoping all is well with you and the test results are clear :pray:

@acromouse Big hugs friend – I am so sorry that you are dealing with hardships right now – sending you hugs and love :heart:

@holysquid YEAH! You are crushing it – way to go with your amazing milestone :muscle: Keep stacking up the 24 hours :tada:

Practicing hump day gratefulness with you beautiful souls
I am so grateful that i am continuing to learn about myself. I am learning to practice patience and acceptance. Grateful to be seeing life from the other’s point of view and in their shoes so to speak. Grateful that this would not be possible for me had i still been in active drinking.
I am so grateful that i got sick enough to where i had to move in with my brother and now am having to stay with my parents during the surgery recovery. Grateful that i am ok with not having my own privacy and a place to hide away in. Grateful that i am not antsy and aggravated in trying to find my next fix Grateful that i am not trying to plot plans in my mind on how I can get away and where i would go to drink / smoke and how i was going to cover my tracks. NO MORE BULLSHIT - NO MORE LIES
I am so grateful that each day is a better day for us (my mom is doing much better today). I am grateful that i will be going to see my surgeon on Monday for my follow up.
I am so grateful that i am learning to live among others. I had been living alone for over 2 decades and thought that i would not be able to co-mingle with others LOL - grateful to be learning this art. Still working on compromise and patience but making great progress.
I am so grateful for my family. They are gems and i am grateful for each of them. Full of unconditional love and so very supportive.
I am so very grateful for my clear head and cool temper as i just had to deal with a cold and uncaring on
call center nurse. We were told to call this number at any time day/ night for help and now the woman was telling me to check the clock and everyone had gone home. WTF! She finally took down the information and paged the on call surgeon. I am grateful i kept my cool and did not cause any additional stress for my mom.
I am so grateful that i keep getting interrupted as i type this gratitude and now feel like i should call it good :laughing:
Grateful for love in my heart and healing in my body!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:

EDIT - SO DAMN GRATEFUL for the lovely on call surgeon who called and was so sweet and informative. Helped with our issues and put my anxiety at ease! Bless her heart!


Grateful for good health care. I’m’a gonna go in for an xray of my back tomorrow. I don’t think there’s anything they’ll be able to see on an xray, but it’s part of the process. I’ve never had a lumbar xray, so new adventure! Now that getting cervical spine imaging has gotten old, we have to move on to bigger and better things. I fully expect some MRI fun is in my future. I know anatomy well and where stuff radiates to when there are issues in certain areas, so I expect eventually to be told I have some disk issue, probably a herniation, in the L4/L5 and/or L5/S1 region. Buuuut you know you have to go through the process. :laughing:

I’m grateful I have the option to go to the place I want to go for imaging and that I’m not locked in to doing whatever my insurance (which can go fuck themselves) says that I have to do. I don’t have to do anything. Get bent, insurance. I’m also grateful I have the ability to tell my insurance to get bent.

I’m just grateful to finally be getting the imaging I’ve asked three different doctors to send me for. :roll_eyes: Apparently doctors are less interested in sending you for imaging if what you “plan to do about it” is slightly outside of the normal standard of care. Dude, I just want to know wtf is going on, and then yeah I’m interested in physical therapy, though I’m likely doing many of the exercises they will suggest, but I’m also going to take the info to a chiropractor, massage therapist, and likely an acupuncturist. Anything before drugs, injections, and surgery–but that goes in the thread about things that can FRO :rofl:

Lastly, remember, gratitude for a robust sense of humor. :wink:

@Its_me_Stella congrats on your new vehicle!


Way to go @HolySquid and extra credit! 365+1


Grateful for a good full day. 3 consecutive days of AA AND 3 consecutive gym/exercise days. Haven’t been sleeping all that great but still productive . Goals are being met daily.


Grateful for being able to sleep after nightshift. Last night was a rough one but Grateful to have good mates on our crew. Positivity and a calm demeanor are infectious.
Grateful when I woke up today and saw the clock read 2:00 I didn’t follow my initial instinct that I had 3-4hrs more till morning to sleep. Grateful
i realised “shit It’s daytime” and I had to get the kids from school :joy::joy::joy:
Grateful for family to look after the kids, Nana just took the kids to training.
Grateful for another nightshift tonight with the crew. Days off tomorrow, so I’ll be Grateful for that especially if tonight is no good too.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I’m grateful for hand feeding magpies so hopefully they won’t swoop me in Spring
I’m grateful for people noticing positive changes that I was oblivious to
I’m grateful for stepping out of my comfort zone by being more sociable
I’m grateful for making connections with people I didn’t know before today
I’m grateful for slowly but surely learning to love and be kind to myself


Not so much a Gratitude list but these are some notes I wrote that I read each day.

• I deserve to find my soulmate
• I am building up my inner strength every day
• I love myself and am open to recieve love from others
• I have the power to choose and create my happiness
• I am raising my vibration
• I am grateful for my life
• I fill my mind with positive thoughts
• I am happy
• I am worthy
• I am enough


Lunchtime gratitude.
Today I’m grateful for solid 7,5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It makes such a difference, I feel energized and work is going easy.

I’m grateful I accomplished a lot this morning. I’m grateful that I feel satisfied, it really pays off to break down tasks and work through the single steps.
I’m grateful I can stay at home today, after sunshine in the morning it turned grey and windy. I need a day at home, the last two days were so busy.

I’m heartfelt grateful that the old boy miowed aroar, I found him on the windowsill wanting down again. His old bones aren’t in jumping shape anymore for this height and he obviously did not want to take the same way down as up :grin: (there’s a rattan cat thingy next to it) Now his favourite pouf is under the windowsill as stair-surrogat and he is happy. I’m grateful my cats communicate clearly. I’m more than grateful the old boy is healthy for his age and still seeking a little adventure from time to time. I’m grateful we all enjoy living at the farm. We love it. Where my cat people? #3 - #1633 by erntedank

I’m grateful I see light at the end of the tunnel for some time-consuming, necessary (partly boring) tasks. I’m grateful I do procrastination-fast during Lent. Boy, I see proper results unfolding :dancer:

I’m grateful for the cozy warmth of the wood fired stove, for the comfy couch I’m resting on, for flowers blooming and seedlings growing, for a full fridge, for hot water, delicious tea, good reads, dear friends, reminders to keep going & doing, the kindness and smiles I give myself, the blessing of having a good, happy, productive, funny, chatty, homy day. ODAAT


What a good day to have a good day

Im greatful for…

My sobriety
AA ladies mtgs
12 steps
Spiritual healing
The benefits of sobriety
Realizing that just because an action is routine doesnt mean you have to keep that routine if it no longer serves you
Mental health is a bit better today, praying im trending in the right direction
Flexibility in body, mind, and spirit
Cough syrup, zinc, and ibuprofen
Spring weather


I’m grateful the spring birds have begun to show up, and on days when its not snowing or raining they can be heard tweeting before sunrise.

Spring is my favorite season, like a release after pressing on a painful muscle (winter), so Im also grateful it is just around the corner.


I’m grateful for the new life of the spring season too. My favorite as well.


I’m grateful for 6 days sober. I’m grateful to have just had the realization that my last job pushed alcohol on me. They couldn’t stand that I was sober. I was years sober when I started working there, and I was bullied about not drinking. Eventually, I felt I had to join in. I’m grateful to have finally quit. No job is worth my sobriety. It had a negative culture. I’m grateful to know I can do better, with better people.


So this will be a hard one today finding gratitude… my health problems came back with a bang last night. I haven’t slept, I have a temperature, I am in pain…
But I am grateful I got through to the doctors office in the morning. I am grateful the pharmacy is in walking distance and my prescription was ready early afternoon. I am grateful I have a medical excemption card, so I don’t have to pay prescription charges.

I am grateful I could spent most of the day on the sofa. I am grateful I only need to stay for one volunteering session tonight, so I can be home for my normal bedtime. I am grateful I have a good team there with me tonight and we will manage.

I am grateful for nutella toast for lunch!


Hoping you get some rest and feel better soon.


I am grateful for the long dog walk today in the forest. For doing some work this afternoon and that my webinar went well (eventually).
I am grateful for another day being nice to my mom. It’s not always easy for me to be patient and I feel like a jerk for that.

I am grateful for Chinese take away. Grateful for this last relaxed evening together with sis and mom. Grateful I can use the sauna one last time tonight and hopefully sleep like a baby. Grateful to see my son again tomorrow.

Grateful I didn’t have any cravings and stayed sober this week. Grateful I’m feeling really good sober.


@HolySquid Shoutout to Nutella :wink: And wishing you good sleep, no pain and suffering, and speedy recovery :mending_heart:

I have a lot to be grateful for today.

My hormonal situation has been slowly but consistently improving. I am very grateful for that. I managed to get out of bed quite early and after a slow start I even had enough energy to do my movement practice and to meditate. I am very grateful for that.
I burried myself in work - as I often do when everything else feels like shit - and although I am not very happy about this semi-addictive escapism behaviour I am grateful I could do something I enjoy to improve my mood and distract myself. I even realised at some point that I was hungry, tired and needed a break. I am grateful for my newfound capacity to listen to my needs.
My mood stayed fairly stable towards the afternoon and evening and I made the wise decision to do some yoga and meditation. I am grateful for this practice today. I really gave me some longed for peace.
I am grateful I can accept my imperfections and my failures today as I overate once again in the evening. I need to go through this apparently one more time. So I‘ll start again.
I am grateful I am tired. I hope for some sleep tonight.

Whatever the night might bring, have a good night everone :night_with_stars: